An effective DETOX program: cleanse the body of toxins within 14 days
Following two weeks of these simple guidelines, you'll be able to spend cleansing the body of toxins that harm your health.
We will develop a plan that will bring toxins out of your body. How exactly to cleanse the body of harmful substances in two weeks?
Why the need to cleanse the body of toxinsForty million eight hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred seventy four
The excretion of these harmful substances brings much benefit to our health. Do not forget that the human body is daily exposed to toxic substances. Poor diet, negative emotions, bad habits, environmental pollution — all this has an impact on our health.
Because of this, over time our body accumulates large amounts of toxins. It was then that the problem starts with health.
A cleansing diet will allow you to rid the body of free radicals that cause the development of various diseases, and to normalize the work of all organs and systems of your body.
Begin the cleansing of toxins
Before you start talking about a detox diet, it is necessary to note a few other important keys to good health. So, do not forget that your the body needs to stay healthy. It is also very important to include in your daily diet foods rich in proteins and various vitamins.
During a two-week cleansing of the body to avoid food containing gluten, sugar and dairy products. On the other hand, you need to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain rice, nuts, sea salt and olive oil.
Try to include fantasy and to make meals varied and interesting, do not let boring and monotonous food. To help you come to a variety of recipes for delicious and healthy meals.
As for drinks, try to avoid during those fourteen days, coffee, milk, soda, and alcohol. The same goes for sports drinks and unnatural juices from supermarkets. Invaluable benefits to your health will bring green tea, fresh smoothies and homemade juices.
Special attention should be paid to water — the main source of moisture in our body. Many of us tend to underestimate the importance of drinking water and drink it properly.
During the two-week diet aimed at cleansing of toxins, you need to increase your daily intake of water up to three liters. It is also recommended to drink on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with juice of half a lemon. This will clean the liver and kidneys of toxins and fats.
Another key moment of the cleansing of toxins is detoxification of the intestines. So you'll need to increase the amount of fiber consumed.Include in the diet of the following products:
It is possible that in the early days you would be bothered by headaches, diarrhoea, pain in muscles and joints, discomfort in the stomach and skin rash. Can feel weakness and fatigue.
Don't be alarmed, this reaction of your body is normal and natural. This is because your body begins to get rid of toxins. Hang in there, because in a day or two you will feel refreshed and renewed.
Ninety nine million three hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred eighty eight
During the purification of toxins allowable weight loss of 2-3 pounds. Weight loss in this case is due to the excretion of excess fluids and toxins accumulated in the colon for the last time.
The products that you want to include in the detox diet
In addition to the recommendations, which we have said above, pay attention to the following products that contribute to the effective cleansing of our body of toxins. They should always be at your fingertips.
Water cressWatercress is a rich source of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and various minerals. It is very useful for the liver and kidneys.
Whole wheat breadThis bread is like a sponge, absorbs toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate on the walls of the intestine and then removes them from our body. Whole wheat bread will cleanse your body of toxins and allow you to have more beautiful and healthy skin.
ApplesContained in these fruits fiber improves the health of our intestines. One Cup of fresh Apple juice a day will help cleanse the body from toxins and to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. Equally useful to eat apples whole.
GrapeGrape has high content of antioxidants, mainly bioflavonoids. These substances protect the cells of our body and stimulate the cleansing processes in our body.
PunchParsley is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, iron and antioxidants. This herb has beneficial effects on the health of our kidneys, causing these organs to effectively purify the blood of toxins.
CeleryThis vegetable can reduce the level of uric acid in our body and helps to eliminate wastes that result from metabolism. Celery helps to clean the liver and urinary tract.
LimonPromotes the excretion of uric acid, lowers the amount of fat and restores the acid-alkaline balance of blood. This reduces the risk of various diseases.
PeachDue to the high content of vitamin C and potassium, these tasty fruits cleanse the gall bladder, normalize blood pressure and prevent fluid retention.
Wholegrain riceWholegrain rice contains a substance called phytin, which stimulates the removal of toxins from the body.
Ninety two million seven hundred thirty two thousand three hundred ten
Fruit and vegetable combinations for cleansing the bodyFor the respiratory system
Prepare a natural juice from the following ingredients:
Recipe for a healthier cocktail:
Prepare juice-a cocktail of the following ingredients:
Mix in a blender:
Prepare a cocktail of the following ingredients:
Try the following recipe:
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: steptohealth.ru/ochishhenie-ot-toksinov-za-14-dnej/
We will develop a plan that will bring toxins out of your body. How exactly to cleanse the body of harmful substances in two weeks?
Why the need to cleanse the body of toxinsForty million eight hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred seventy four
The excretion of these harmful substances brings much benefit to our health. Do not forget that the human body is daily exposed to toxic substances. Poor diet, negative emotions, bad habits, environmental pollution — all this has an impact on our health.
Because of this, over time our body accumulates large amounts of toxins. It was then that the problem starts with health.
A cleansing diet will allow you to rid the body of free radicals that cause the development of various diseases, and to normalize the work of all organs and systems of your body.
Begin the cleansing of toxins
Before you start talking about a detox diet, it is necessary to note a few other important keys to good health. So, do not forget that your the body needs to stay healthy. It is also very important to include in your daily diet foods rich in proteins and various vitamins.
During a two-week cleansing of the body to avoid food containing gluten, sugar and dairy products. On the other hand, you need to increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain rice, nuts, sea salt and olive oil.
Try to include fantasy and to make meals varied and interesting, do not let boring and monotonous food. To help you come to a variety of recipes for delicious and healthy meals.
As for drinks, try to avoid during those fourteen days, coffee, milk, soda, and alcohol. The same goes for sports drinks and unnatural juices from supermarkets. Invaluable benefits to your health will bring green tea, fresh smoothies and homemade juices.
Special attention should be paid to water — the main source of moisture in our body. Many of us tend to underestimate the importance of drinking water and drink it properly.
During the two-week diet aimed at cleansing of toxins, you need to increase your daily intake of water up to three liters. It is also recommended to drink on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with juice of half a lemon. This will clean the liver and kidneys of toxins and fats.
Another key moment of the cleansing of toxins is detoxification of the intestines. So you'll need to increase the amount of fiber consumed.Include in the diet of the following products:
- whole wheat bread,
- bran,
- oat,
- nuts,
- whole grain rice and other whole grains.
It is possible that in the early days you would be bothered by headaches, diarrhoea, pain in muscles and joints, discomfort in the stomach and skin rash. Can feel weakness and fatigue.
Don't be alarmed, this reaction of your body is normal and natural. This is because your body begins to get rid of toxins. Hang in there, because in a day or two you will feel refreshed and renewed.
Ninety nine million three hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred eighty eight
During the purification of toxins allowable weight loss of 2-3 pounds. Weight loss in this case is due to the excretion of excess fluids and toxins accumulated in the colon for the last time.
The products that you want to include in the detox diet
In addition to the recommendations, which we have said above, pay attention to the following products that contribute to the effective cleansing of our body of toxins. They should always be at your fingertips.
Water cressWatercress is a rich source of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene and various minerals. It is very useful for the liver and kidneys.
Whole wheat breadThis bread is like a sponge, absorbs toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate on the walls of the intestine and then removes them from our body. Whole wheat bread will cleanse your body of toxins and allow you to have more beautiful and healthy skin.
ApplesContained in these fruits fiber improves the health of our intestines. One Cup of fresh Apple juice a day will help cleanse the body from toxins and to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. Equally useful to eat apples whole.
GrapeGrape has high content of antioxidants, mainly bioflavonoids. These substances protect the cells of our body and stimulate the cleansing processes in our body.
PunchParsley is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, iron and antioxidants. This herb has beneficial effects on the health of our kidneys, causing these organs to effectively purify the blood of toxins.
CeleryThis vegetable can reduce the level of uric acid in our body and helps to eliminate wastes that result from metabolism. Celery helps to clean the liver and urinary tract.
LimonPromotes the excretion of uric acid, lowers the amount of fat and restores the acid-alkaline balance of blood. This reduces the risk of various diseases.
PeachDue to the high content of vitamin C and potassium, these tasty fruits cleanse the gall bladder, normalize blood pressure and prevent fluid retention.
Wholegrain riceWholegrain rice contains a substance called phytin, which stimulates the removal of toxins from the body.
Ninety two million seven hundred thirty two thousand three hundred ten
Fruit and vegetable combinations for cleansing the bodyFor the respiratory system
Prepare a natural juice from the following ingredients:
- 300 ml. of the juice of pears
- 400 ml of melon juice
- 300 ml of cucumber juice
Recipe for a healthier cocktail:
- 400 ml. of celery juice
- 100 ml of parsley juice
- 500 ml pineapple juice
Prepare juice-a cocktail of the following ingredients:
- 400 ml of mango juice
- 200 ml. of celery juice
- 400 ml of cucumber juice
Mix in a blender:
- 400 ml. juice of plums
- 300 ml of papaya juice
- 300 ml. of carrot juice
Prepare a cocktail of the following ingredients:
- 300 ml. of salad
- 400 ml. of grapes
- 300 ml. of celery
Try the following recipe:
- 400 ml of watermelon juice
- 400 ml Apple juice
- 200 ml. pineapple juice
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: steptohealth.ru/ochishhenie-ot-toksinov-za-14-dnej/
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