Yoga Cleansing Technique by Shank Prakshalan
Yoga and health are inseparable concepts. It is impossible to be a yogi and get sick, just as it is impossible to have good health without regular cleansing of the body. Your body, like your home, needs regular cleaning. Shank prakshalan - a one-of-a-kind, consistent and gentle method of purification with salt water and 5 asanas, which even a beginner can perform. Cleanse the digestive system so deeply can not even the most effective laxative!
Homely, Soft and Effective saltwater And the stimulation of his work with asanas is a truly miraculous technique! With a mentor or alone, everyone should try it. "Site" He sincerely believes in the effectiveness of yogic purification, therefore he shares a detailed technique for its implementation at home. It's important to meet all the conditions!
Shank Prakshalana Benefits for the body
Preparation for the procedure
Implementation technique
Post-cleaning recommendations
Cleansing the bowels with salt water A procedure that can be carried out every 6 months if there are no obvious contraindications. Shank prakshalana is a technique of complete bodily transformation and careful purification, which is able to completely heal the body and improve well-being.
Remember that the body is the home of the soul, so how can it be dirty? Be sure to try the yogic method of purification, observing all the rules. And if you are not sure of your own abilities, use the advice of an experienced instructor. Bless you!
Not so long ago we wrote about the most interesting and affordable ways to improve the intestine, which are used in different countries of the world. And also shared the advice of an experienced naturopath Marva Ohanyan, who knows exactly how to cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins without harm.

Homely, Soft and Effective saltwater And the stimulation of his work with asanas is a truly miraculous technique! With a mentor or alone, everyone should try it. "Site" He sincerely believes in the effectiveness of yogic purification, therefore he shares a detailed technique for its implementation at home. It's important to meet all the conditions!
Shank Prakshalana Benefits for the body
- The most important effect is the complete cleansing of the body of toxins, toxins, poisons and fecal deposits that prevent the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Treatment of allergic diseases, especially noticeable effect after 2-3 procedures.
- Improved digestion, normalization of stool, beneficial effects on the gallbladder and liver.
- Strengthening the body's defenses, increasing immunity, getting rid of colds.
- Getting rid of skin diseases such as acne, acne, boils.
Preparation for the procedure
- The night before the procedure, give preference to light low-fat food, and in the morning refuse to perform any asanas and the use of any food and liquid.
- Weather conditions for shank praxhalana should be comfortable. If it is very cold or too stuffy, it is better to postpone the procedure.
- The whole procedure, taking into account asanas and rest, takes a full 2 days. Therefore, it is advisable to cleanse during holidays or on weekends to get the maximum benefit.
- Prepare 4-5 liters of warm, salted water in advance (2 tsp. sea salt per 1 liter of liquid), study the asanas that you will practice, and prepare morally - the mood should be light and carefree.

Implementation technique
- Quickly drink 2 cups of warm salted water. Try not to delay! Immediately after that, proceed to perform 5 asanas of purification - tadasana, tiryaka tadasana, kati chakrasana, tiryaka bhujangasana, strikeakarsana (the technique of their implementation is described below). tadasana
Stand on your feet, your hands are raised above your head, your palms are pointed up, your eyes are fixed on a point on the horizon. Try to stretch as much as possible with the whole body up, hands straightened, fingers in the lock. Stand on tiptoe, continuing to reach up. Hold in this position for as long as seconds, then get down on your heels, relax your hands and repeat the asana again.
Tiryaka tadasana
The principle of the second asana is the same, however, stretching out on tiptoes, do not reach up, but make a slow tilt of the body first to the right, then to the left. Try to bend your torso above the waist. Repeat the cycle several times.
Kathy chakrasana
Stand up straight, legs 30 cm apart, relaxed hands down along the trunk. Turn the whole body to the right, clasping the body with your hands (the right hand is behind your back, and the left lies on your right shoulder). The hands and back are as relaxed as possible. Repeat the same to the left, rest a little and repeat the asana again.
Tiryaka bhujangasana
Lie down on the floor, face looks down, fingers rest on the floor, hands parallel to shoulder blades. Straighten your arms, head with shoulders raised above the floor level, while turning your back to the right. Looking at the heel of the left leg, the back is completely relaxed.
Hold in this position for a second, then slowly return to the starting position and do the same, turning your back to the left. Do as many repetitions as you can.
Squat, feet at a distance of 50 cm from each other, palms rest on the knees. Turn right, pressing your left knee against the floor. Try to turn your back and head as much as possible, directing your eyes over the right shoulder. Hold in this position for a second, then return to the starting position. Do 5-8 repetitions. If you have trouble keeping your balance, you can sit against the wall. - After performing the asanas, drink another 2 glasses of water and perform the asanas again (8 repetitions each).
- Repeat the cycle by drinking water and doing asanas. Now go to the bathroom, even if there is no obvious urge. Go to the bathroom without straining. It doesn't matter if the bowel is empty or not.
- Continue to follow the same algorithm: drink the same amount of water, repeat the asanas and visit the restroom until the whole procedure is completed. After a while, your bowels will begin to empty.
- During the first emptying, the chair is usually hard. After a while, the chair becomes softer. Continue to drink and perform asanas until the fluid released from the intestine is completely clean.
- The final stage is the kunjal kriya. Drink 2 glasses of water, then induce vomiting, pressing on the base of the tongue with your fingers. This procedure will help close the doorkeeper of the stomach.

Post-cleaning recommendations
- After the end of the procedure, you may be thirsty, but you can not drink within 3-4 hours after cleansing!
- Allow your body to rest for 45 minutes. No need to sleep, just sit in complete silence, give the digestive system a well-deserved rest.
- You may need to visit the toilet to remove any remaining water from your intestines. Don’t worry, it’s completely normal.
- After 45 minutes after the procedure, eat rice with ghee butter (gy), you can add a little lentils. Rice is perfectly absorbed, lentils charge with energy, and gi oil envelops the intestines, creating a protective layer.
- After eating, try not to sleep for 3 hours, otherwise lethargy, drowsiness and headache are provided to you. Rest, do nothing, be in physical and mental peace. After 3 hours you can go to bed if you wish.
- Follow the diet for several weeks after the procedure. Do not eat meat, sour fruits, exclude spicy, salty, dairy products, tea, coffee and any liquids except water. Alcohol and tobacco should also be excluded. The main thing is to adhere to a simple, light, oily diet. No sweets or chemical additives!

Cleansing the bowels with salt water A procedure that can be carried out every 6 months if there are no obvious contraindications. Shank prakshalana is a technique of complete bodily transformation and careful purification, which is able to completely heal the body and improve well-being.
Remember that the body is the home of the soul, so how can it be dirty? Be sure to try the yogic method of purification, observing all the rules. And if you are not sure of your own abilities, use the advice of an experienced instructor. Bless you!
Not so long ago we wrote about the most interesting and affordable ways to improve the intestine, which are used in different countries of the world. And also shared the advice of an experienced naturopath Marva Ohanyan, who knows exactly how to cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins without harm.