10 weird but deadly exercises
These exercises may look weird, and you may be inconvenient to carry them in a crowded gym, where it will attract too much unwanted attention. But they are they truly efficient and can provide a hell of a stress on your body.
Mark Langowski, founder of Body By Mark Wellness coach and star of new York, has crafted these exercises in a system for treatment of the entire body. However, you can use motion data and individually in their normal training. They strengthen the muscles and make them more flexible and help you to eliminate muscle imbalances and effectively work out your weaknesses.
The gluteal bridge How it works. This is one of the best basic exercises for the abs, lower back, hips, buttocks, quads, hamstrings, and one of the easiest to include it in the workout or training.
The gluteal bridge is a great way to activate muscles of the lower body and to warm up the back.
The method of execution. Starting position — lying on back, knees bent, arms at sides, feet at shoulder width and the entire area should rest on the floor (not tear them), toes facing forward. On the exhale, slowly lift your pelvis, shortening of the gluteus Maximus. The feet and knees should stay in the same place. At the highest point (at the peak voltage of the buttocks) lock position for 2 seconds. On the exhale, slowly lower your pelvis to starting position. Note: to intensify the exercise, raise up on the toes at the highest point of motion; place your feet on a step or any other surface; do a bridge on one leg; place the barbell across the hips.
Do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
"Most men avoid to do gluteal bridge, because this exercise seems so simple to implement, and they, most likely, they see it as purely feminine. However, this is not so," says Langowski. Pushups dive How it works. This kind of pushup sets in motion the whole body. Due to the dynamics, improves flexibility and strengthen muscles of chest, shoulders, back, hips, and also develops the triceps. In addition, you get a good stretch for hamstrings and lower back.
The method of execution. Starting position — stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders and get down on the hands (position of the hands should be slightly wider than legs). Arch your lower back, your pelvis should be raised to the top (the position should resemble a triangle shape). To make an emphasis on your heels, keep legs do not bend, it will provide a good stretch for tendons. Then slowly bend your elbows, lowering your head to the floor, make a motion similar to dive under the bar; log in position as in the classic push-UPS. Hold position 2-3 seconds. Do the same thing, only in reverse order, returning to its original position.
Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Turkish lift How it works. You will first be difficult to navigate in the movements, but it is worth the time. When performing this exercise involved the muscles of the body. It's complicated and not the most pleasant to perform, but if you want to increase the strength and power of the whole body, it should be done. Also "Turkish lift" develops the muscles in the shoulders, corrects any imbalances. Plus, it's a great metabolic exercise, as it forces to work in unison all the muscles in your body.
The method of execution. This exercise can be performed using a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Starting position — lying on his back. Take a dumbbell in your left hand, lift it up and lock. Bend your left leg and lean on it, right hold right. Lightly roll over it's necessary in the right hip, the right hand rest against the floor and extend your arm further up. Leaning on his left leg and right hand, carefully climb off the floor. Right leg straightened. Weight also is head over to the straight left hand. Fold the left leg under himself and stand on his knee. We have the following position — left knee rests on the floor, the right foot rests on the floor, the weight in the right arm is extended overhead. Take a breath and straighten up. Complete all movements in reverse to return to its original position.
Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps on each hand.
"This is an exercise for the whole body. Especially well it develops shoulders, but this does not mean that afterwards you will feel fatigue in the hands," says Langowski.
Side walk in half squat ("crab") How it works. This exercise tones the inner thigh, quadriceps and buttocks. But this person looks quite ridiculous in a half squat position with legs wide apart and with his hands on the sides. Thanks to bent knees and locked in a wide stance legs, you create an isometric effect. This type of muscle contraction occurs when you are in a static position, and activates more muscle fibers than the concentric and eccentric contractions.
The method of execution. Starting position — take position half squat. Keep your hands down or pull them in front of you at chest level, shoulders and keep your head straight, look ahead. Hold this position, take a step (a distance of about 25 centimeters) to the left. Put your right foot near the left, back to its original position.Therefore the leg muscles will be involved throughout the exercise. To complicate the task, use the elastic band for the resistance, placing it on his lap.
Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg (10 right and 10 left).
"Make sure you always remain in the position of the half squat and hold that position all the time," says Langowski.
Some burpees on one leg How it works. Some burpees is considered one of the best exercises for the whole body, developing both the strength and aerobic capacity. With each repetition to develop the muscles of a breast, hands, hips, back of the thigh and the press, and also burn crazy amount of calories. Some burpees on one leg a lot harder, because you need to exert more effort to keep balance. This load uses ankle and leg muscles send signals to contract the muscle fibers. In this exercise, you can look a little strange, but the result is worth it. Note: initially, you can put your raised ankle, loop a TRX for additional support.
The method of execution. Take position for push-UPS, lift your left leg off the floor for 25 centimeters. Do a pushup, then immediately jump, pull your right leg to your chest and place it on the floor. Leaning on the right leg, stand up straight, then jump up to land on my right foot. Bend at explain and make the same movements in reverse order (pushing both hands to the floor, jump back with your right foot, keeping the left above the floor).
Do 3 sets of 5-8 reps on each leg.
"Make sure your left leg is not touching the floor throughout the movement," says Langowski.
Lateral movement on the treadmill How it works. For you and other people working on the neighboring treadmill, it will look ridiculous, but remember — this is for the love of fitness! Moving sideways on a treadmill trains the hips, inner and outer thighs, calves, abs and obliques. This exercise will strengthen the muscles and in addition improves coordination. Just be careful, at run time you can fall!
The method of execution. Start with a simple walk face forward. Holding on for support of the treadmill with your left hand, turn right and immediately start to move sideways. The movement thus must continue for a minute. Return to face forward and walk at a normal pace about 15 seconds. Then do the same thing for the left side (refrain for the treadmill, right-hand). Note: you can gradually increase the speed and incline to make the exercise more difficult.
Do 3 sets of a 3-minute repetitions on each side.
Inverted bench press
How it works. Inverted bench press is considered a safe analogue of the typical bench press with a barbell. The difference is that you use only your body weight and not pushing the rod, and catch up to her. It utilizes all the muscles of the back and bark.
The method of execution. Install the rod in the simulator Smith at waist level. Sit on the floor, hands in position as if you are going to do bench press (palms should be facing the ceiling). Now straighten your body so that you were suspended on the bar, feet shoulder width apart and your heels resting on the floor. Pull up so your chest touches the bar, then slowly lower back down, keeping the body straight and tense.
Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
"It's a great workout for the upper body, which will ensure a strong back and tone for the muscles of the hands," says Langowski.
Lifts one leg off the bench How this works. It mnogoetajnoe movement improves balance and strengthens the muscles of the lower body and strengthens the core. The only drawback — at run time, you resemble Frankenstein. But the result you will be satisfied.
The method of execution. Sit on a bench, bending one leg at an angle of 90 degrees, and the other lift parallel to the floor and hold it straight. Stretch your arms forward so that they, too, were parallel to the floor. Keep the press remained in a state of stress. Leaning forward slightly, stand up, leaning on the leg that is on the bench. Relax for about 1 second and continue.
Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps on each leg.
"Hold the balance at the top of the movement, and slowly lower yourself back onto the bench," recommends Langowski.
Pull-UPS with a hang How it works. This exercise is simple and at the same time strange, mainly because the impression as if you decided to take a NAP during pull-UPS.
The method of execution. Grasp the bar and do half your maximum number of pull-UPS. Softservices at the top of your last pull and just hang. Continuing to hold my body straight, slowly pull your knees up to your chest. Fix this position for 30 seconds. Then slowly descend to the ground.
Do 3 sets, each with half of the maximum number of pull-UPS, hanging for 30 seconds.
"Pullups with hanging puts a load not only on the shoulders and arms, but the maximum load of the press," says Langowski.
Pushups "spider-Man"
How it works. The peculiarity of this exercise is that during a push-up you carry extra weight on each side of your body.
The method of execution. Starting position — as in the classic push-UPS. Maximally tighten your abdominal muscles and keep them tense throughout the entire run. Dropping down for push-UPS, pull your left knee to your left elbow. Pause, then press and return leg to original position. Perform push-UPS with pulling the other foot.
Source: fitfixed.com/training/program/10-strannyh-no-ochen-effektivnyh-uprazhnenij/
Mark Langowski, founder of Body By Mark Wellness coach and star of new York, has crafted these exercises in a system for treatment of the entire body. However, you can use motion data and individually in their normal training. They strengthen the muscles and make them more flexible and help you to eliminate muscle imbalances and effectively work out your weaknesses.

The gluteal bridge How it works. This is one of the best basic exercises for the abs, lower back, hips, buttocks, quads, hamstrings, and one of the easiest to include it in the workout or training.
The gluteal bridge is a great way to activate muscles of the lower body and to warm up the back.

The method of execution. Starting position — lying on back, knees bent, arms at sides, feet at shoulder width and the entire area should rest on the floor (not tear them), toes facing forward. On the exhale, slowly lift your pelvis, shortening of the gluteus Maximus. The feet and knees should stay in the same place. At the highest point (at the peak voltage of the buttocks) lock position for 2 seconds. On the exhale, slowly lower your pelvis to starting position. Note: to intensify the exercise, raise up on the toes at the highest point of motion; place your feet on a step or any other surface; do a bridge on one leg; place the barbell across the hips.
Do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
"Most men avoid to do gluteal bridge, because this exercise seems so simple to implement, and they, most likely, they see it as purely feminine. However, this is not so," says Langowski. Pushups dive How it works. This kind of pushup sets in motion the whole body. Due to the dynamics, improves flexibility and strengthen muscles of chest, shoulders, back, hips, and also develops the triceps. In addition, you get a good stretch for hamstrings and lower back.

The method of execution. Starting position — stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulders and get down on the hands (position of the hands should be slightly wider than legs). Arch your lower back, your pelvis should be raised to the top (the position should resemble a triangle shape). To make an emphasis on your heels, keep legs do not bend, it will provide a good stretch for tendons. Then slowly bend your elbows, lowering your head to the floor, make a motion similar to dive under the bar; log in position as in the classic push-UPS. Hold position 2-3 seconds. Do the same thing, only in reverse order, returning to its original position.
Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
Turkish lift How it works. You will first be difficult to navigate in the movements, but it is worth the time. When performing this exercise involved the muscles of the body. It's complicated and not the most pleasant to perform, but if you want to increase the strength and power of the whole body, it should be done. Also "Turkish lift" develops the muscles in the shoulders, corrects any imbalances. Plus, it's a great metabolic exercise, as it forces to work in unison all the muscles in your body.

The method of execution. This exercise can be performed using a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Starting position — lying on his back. Take a dumbbell in your left hand, lift it up and lock. Bend your left leg and lean on it, right hold right. Lightly roll over it's necessary in the right hip, the right hand rest against the floor and extend your arm further up. Leaning on his left leg and right hand, carefully climb off the floor. Right leg straightened. Weight also is head over to the straight left hand. Fold the left leg under himself and stand on his knee. We have the following position — left knee rests on the floor, the right foot rests on the floor, the weight in the right arm is extended overhead. Take a breath and straighten up. Complete all movements in reverse to return to its original position.
Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps on each hand.
"This is an exercise for the whole body. Especially well it develops shoulders, but this does not mean that afterwards you will feel fatigue in the hands," says Langowski.
Side walk in half squat ("crab") How it works. This exercise tones the inner thigh, quadriceps and buttocks. But this person looks quite ridiculous in a half squat position with legs wide apart and with his hands on the sides. Thanks to bent knees and locked in a wide stance legs, you create an isometric effect. This type of muscle contraction occurs when you are in a static position, and activates more muscle fibers than the concentric and eccentric contractions.

The method of execution. Starting position — take position half squat. Keep your hands down or pull them in front of you at chest level, shoulders and keep your head straight, look ahead. Hold this position, take a step (a distance of about 25 centimeters) to the left. Put your right foot near the left, back to its original position.Therefore the leg muscles will be involved throughout the exercise. To complicate the task, use the elastic band for the resistance, placing it on his lap.
Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg (10 right and 10 left).
"Make sure you always remain in the position of the half squat and hold that position all the time," says Langowski.
Some burpees on one leg How it works. Some burpees is considered one of the best exercises for the whole body, developing both the strength and aerobic capacity. With each repetition to develop the muscles of a breast, hands, hips, back of the thigh and the press, and also burn crazy amount of calories. Some burpees on one leg a lot harder, because you need to exert more effort to keep balance. This load uses ankle and leg muscles send signals to contract the muscle fibers. In this exercise, you can look a little strange, but the result is worth it. Note: initially, you can put your raised ankle, loop a TRX for additional support.

The method of execution. Take position for push-UPS, lift your left leg off the floor for 25 centimeters. Do a pushup, then immediately jump, pull your right leg to your chest and place it on the floor. Leaning on the right leg, stand up straight, then jump up to land on my right foot. Bend at explain and make the same movements in reverse order (pushing both hands to the floor, jump back with your right foot, keeping the left above the floor).
Do 3 sets of 5-8 reps on each leg.
"Make sure your left leg is not touching the floor throughout the movement," says Langowski.
Lateral movement on the treadmill How it works. For you and other people working on the neighboring treadmill, it will look ridiculous, but remember — this is for the love of fitness! Moving sideways on a treadmill trains the hips, inner and outer thighs, calves, abs and obliques. This exercise will strengthen the muscles and in addition improves coordination. Just be careful, at run time you can fall!

The method of execution. Start with a simple walk face forward. Holding on for support of the treadmill with your left hand, turn right and immediately start to move sideways. The movement thus must continue for a minute. Return to face forward and walk at a normal pace about 15 seconds. Then do the same thing for the left side (refrain for the treadmill, right-hand). Note: you can gradually increase the speed and incline to make the exercise more difficult.
Do 3 sets of a 3-minute repetitions on each side.
Inverted bench press
How it works. Inverted bench press is considered a safe analogue of the typical bench press with a barbell. The difference is that you use only your body weight and not pushing the rod, and catch up to her. It utilizes all the muscles of the back and bark.

The method of execution. Install the rod in the simulator Smith at waist level. Sit on the floor, hands in position as if you are going to do bench press (palms should be facing the ceiling). Now straighten your body so that you were suspended on the bar, feet shoulder width apart and your heels resting on the floor. Pull up so your chest touches the bar, then slowly lower back down, keeping the body straight and tense.
Do 3 sets of 6-10 reps.
"It's a great workout for the upper body, which will ensure a strong back and tone for the muscles of the hands," says Langowski.
Lifts one leg off the bench How this works. It mnogoetajnoe movement improves balance and strengthens the muscles of the lower body and strengthens the core. The only drawback — at run time, you resemble Frankenstein. But the result you will be satisfied.

The method of execution. Sit on a bench, bending one leg at an angle of 90 degrees, and the other lift parallel to the floor and hold it straight. Stretch your arms forward so that they, too, were parallel to the floor. Keep the press remained in a state of stress. Leaning forward slightly, stand up, leaning on the leg that is on the bench. Relax for about 1 second and continue.
Perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps on each leg.
"Hold the balance at the top of the movement, and slowly lower yourself back onto the bench," recommends Langowski.
Pull-UPS with a hang How it works. This exercise is simple and at the same time strange, mainly because the impression as if you decided to take a NAP during pull-UPS.

The method of execution. Grasp the bar and do half your maximum number of pull-UPS. Softservices at the top of your last pull and just hang. Continuing to hold my body straight, slowly pull your knees up to your chest. Fix this position for 30 seconds. Then slowly descend to the ground.
Do 3 sets, each with half of the maximum number of pull-UPS, hanging for 30 seconds.
"Pullups with hanging puts a load not only on the shoulders and arms, but the maximum load of the press," says Langowski.
Pushups "spider-Man"
How it works. The peculiarity of this exercise is that during a push-up you carry extra weight on each side of your body.

The method of execution. Starting position — as in the classic push-UPS. Maximally tighten your abdominal muscles and keep them tense throughout the entire run. Dropping down for push-UPS, pull your left knee to your left elbow. Pause, then press and return leg to original position. Perform push-UPS with pulling the other foot.
Source: fitfixed.com/training/program/10-strannyh-no-ochen-effektivnyh-uprazhnenij/