Thoughts after fishing
I do not know how to define my character of the topic, except to say that there will be 5 images and some letters of my thoughts. Please do not break the posts
Then this morning (10iyunya) with the employee decided to have some fish DMPA. The weather just was sunny and calm, not every day you get this. (Normally, these parts are constantly blowing wind, brains blown out at all ..) Well, caught something there, not in the fish business and not to fishing. Thank God, nothing ektraordinarnogo us did not happen ... But to all sorts of thoughts prompted. I decided to share a little bit with these thoughts.
We have to work there is a small shunting boat. Actually, nothing special about it, it is welded from sheet aluminum, well, unless there is a diesel engine VOLVO quite large, from the truck. The propeller blades sweep a little less than a meter. Thus, the considerable high-torque is achieved. Here is a piece of plate before sending:
This flotation device, we generally back and forth tolkayut- center of the large ships during the installation of the platform. (Then the ship hauled ashore for repair.). Well, sometimes the boat used to tow kakoy- a yacht or a boat, if the product fails and they are unable to move on their own. All the rest of the time it is laid. The authorities have liberal and democratic, so any hard worker can easily rent it to their needs melkosemeynyh or fishing, or there is a trap for crabs to put ... From authorities claim not one to thump into the sea, and of course, always use a lifejacket. We have the self-inflating vests.
Every time I wear this jacket, thinking all the time: & quot; Well, I put on, buttoned, zashib course nooo ... & quot ;. Just somehow reminded of the words of the old song: & quot; If tomorrow the war If tomorrow to hike ... on the ground, in the sky and the sea ... & quot; And if it's true, tomorrow to march, that is swim ?? How it will all be in real life ??
Then I usually start myself to calm, like, well, if that, MOBILE is, the connection here is good, all the service navrode gorgaza, Gorsvet, water utility - they all have their speedboats, people here responsive, primchatsya and the words of the other song & quot; ... I know someone at the top sees everything, He is exactly the scenario we save ... & quot;
But in three words about the fishing. We conceived it as a threesome with employees and take a boat out to sea from spinning, to fish. We were going for a long time, and then just got an unexpected day off from his superiors for sverhurochku. These are my officers - Poles (we employ many foreigners from different countries). The truth is one of them got sick, cold northerly winds on these, so we went together.
I inspected before sending motor controls. I did not like that lamp is charging. The employee, who was responsible for the condition of the boat, I was reassured, I said & quot; she always lit, Hammer & quot ;. I do not remember that I have reassured the answer, but I believed him.
In any case, taken with some work Instumenty, pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches.
In general, out to sea, we chose the place. Weather nishtyak! Calm and gentle warm sun. They began to catch. They pulled a couple of fishes. Then the fish had disappeared somewhere. We started the engine, otehali a couple of hundred meters. It seems once again began to peck at. Perhaps beneath us was the fish stocks. Then once again it ceased to be caught. Once started the engine again decided to change the place of fishing. Thus, the gates in general, and fished at different places.
And here we sit, catch, slowly, leisurely're talking about cars, about women, it's about Poland, I mean Russian. Again, the fish do not bite. Suddenly we heard behind a strange rather loud hissing sound, as if the air is sucked into a kind of shaft. They stopped, looked at each other, like, what was it? Around us only water to shore rather daleko.Sidim further. A few minutes later again, so the same sound again behind him, growing in intensity, then suddenly pauses, duration, I thought about two seconds. I turned around and saw 30-40 meters from the boat a big black shiny back, a large curved arc extending over the water at one meter. I do not know who it was - a whale or orca. Some of them rose to the surface of the water, breathed air and then again dived into the depths of the sea.
In general, these sighs, repeated two or three times, and again we have seen how someone is slowly sinking, showing a large shiny black back. The spectacle, of course, it was very exciting, but when a small wave after poguzheniya these sea creatures gently shook our boat, then I'm a little ochkanulsya and involuntarily said "Bleeeaaat. !!! ..." My Polish colleague fishing probably too impressed by what he saw, his reaction to the Polish sounded something like this: "Curva matshsh !!" Then he made me a guess & quot; That's why the fish and do not bite, it's all dumped out of this place, and maybe we should blame? & quot; I agree with him, of course, agreed, I heard that the killer could push the boat, or hurt his back. If our aluminum piece of plate overturn or cherpanet enough water, then the bottom will go fast and easy, like an ax. (No one in the manufacture not bothered by any theories of stability of the boat, and only a percentage of buoyancy of the vessel and did zero as a welded trough made of aluminum without watertight compartments.)
Turn on the ignition, start the engine and try to find that the battery barely twists starter. As we moved from place to place, then put Accum. Motor scrolls on two or three cycles of compression and stayed, with all the lights went out on the panel. We repeated attempts for an attempt to start the engine, but it would not start. For diesel engines need a certain minimum speed of rotation at startup. We did not have it. Meanwhile,
light breeze slowly took away all our boat away from the shore. No anchor we did not have, and which could have an anchor when under us was almost a hundred meters of water depth ?? On my the spinning was 60 meters of fishing line to the bottom of the spoon does not get, so I caught only cod, was at a friend's 150 meters, so he was able to catch a halibut. They live at great depths. One of them (and my Polish colleague)
but it is cod caught is very simple, more than half of the fish were released me immediately back home ... for good or useless ... I?
It should be noted that only among the relatively calm water fjords, further to the open sea starts quite noticeable volnenie.I then, what's the difference, how deep to sink ?? At 2 meters or 300 metrah- one hell - sadly. I have been in the sea in these areas on a large vessel with sonar eholotom- this work up to 200 meters, and in some places it just shows infinity, because it was very deep.
In general, the air hung the only question & quot; What do we do ?? & quot; To me at this moment of insight came to & quot; Bleaat! So why is this piece of plate is laid always connected cable 220 from the pier! It's not just a constant heating of the motor, no, the thing is, that the alternator does not charge, but none of it did not guess, because the diesel engine does not require electricity, which stopped it can only be mechanically some handle (probably decompressor). And I use it mostly off the coast within an hour or two. Battery lasts usually 3-4 times to have a big motor. But before the trip I did not check the charging voltage, although it was such an idea. It remained to criticize itself, to paraphrase Ostap Bender monologue: & quot; - Same as me, Paul! Electrician cocks found a Seventh-day Adventists, too lazy to take a multimeter and measure the voltage !!! Now what the fuck is sit and sing a song about cruiser Varyag, or, at worst, & quot; My Heart Will Go On. ? & quot;
At that time, my Polish fellow fishing vain sorts flipped the switch on some box at the bottom of the control panel. Apparently, he hoped that included a combination of guessing and off toggle switch, it can activate some hidden features of the battery or engine, such as "nitrous oxide". But this box belonged to the automatic heating system in the winter the engine and charge the battery of 220 volts.
I have to say that the right to call and ask someone for help, we would not, because his superiors about it is better not to know, because then no matter what kind of fishing has just one boat will not. Gets in the newspaper under the headline "They rescued by helicopter. They repeated the feat Ziganshin "- we did not want. All this noise with the involvement of any rescue service is extremely undesirable. It will then be billed for thousands of euros, as the situation lies outside of insurance at work ... Therefore, we decided to first try to do something for yourself. And what could we do? Wait, when there will be some kind of a fishing boat and we notice? But in Norway on Friday night, almost no one wants to work, so there was no one. Swept past us in the distance, two speedboats, I stood on the hood of the engine and started waving orange jacket, in the hope that we will notice. But no one noticed. The next step was to check the battery terminals. They were very hot after attempting to start. From salt water quickly oxidize all contacts. I unscrewed the bolts, cleaning terminals, screwed back. (Fortunately, the tools are) After that he became a starter to spin a little more fun. But still, the motor would not start, because before that, we spun a long time. We lost a lot of battery power.
Then we realized that it was time to call and ask for help before it could catch the mobile network, as from the shore was already far. At first, I began to call the boss (in English this is called his office supervisor), but for some reason the call broke. I suggested that the chief hung up, because Friday night all go to the dacha (a favorite pastime of Norway). My Polish friend at this time call to another Pole, who was ill, but the call so -zhe broke. At the same time on the display network for some reason, were almost all sticks. It seemed to me that the phone is not seeking to base station. We started to write SMS. He's someone you know. And I - my sister. At that moment, I realized how difficult it is to use mobiles in bright sunlight. I'm sorry that I did not have Mono. There was no panic, but I noticed that I was starting to lose my mind when I jumped over the desired letter in the list MNOS or DEZHZ. Slowly receding shore did not inspire us peace of mind. For the first time, I was sorry that the Russian language is very long words, compared to the Norwegian or English. How to formulate short and informative message? I wrote an SMS sister and it was hard to think of something to write. Time for additional questions- answers like "Are you kidding me? - Yes, what to dick jokes!" -We Have not. I began: "I am the sea I can not start the engine, ask her husband about the emergency services ...". Phone displays a message that the SMS could not be sent. Try again later. Poles also did not work out. But, apparently, and the truth, according to the scenario, the moment of salvation. Again, we tried to start the engine, apparently, as we have long tried to write SMS, Accum defend, plus, before that, I cleaned the terminals. About a miracle, the engine wound up !!! At full speed we rushed towards the shore.
Coming close to the coast, we have a little fishing, very much we do not want such a shameful end fishing. However, at this time, during the stops, we shut off the engine, he worked at idle. Catching a couple of triples fishes, went home.
So to summarize. Three ... there are two wise man, that is one asshole in an aluminum basin. We sail, though not in the storm, but the end of the fishing could not be very joyful. Means of communication-not worked. By the way, it turned out that the day until late at night at this mobile operator had problems with the network. Annunciation was not. There was not even gay. There was an additional battery. It was Friday. No one would have about us, and not remembered. Well, perhaps, but on Monday, would detect the absence of the boat and then we would remember about us. And we have, at best, from raw fish to vomit, because apart from it, we had nothing. A life jackets ?? How do they help in cold water ???
And by the way, how real was the danger from the killer whale, or ??? I wonder which one of them is much more likely in the Norwegian Sea ??
In general, I will come to work and tell the authorities that have to deal with charging Batteries. After all, perhaps the hope of the weak ....
A fish I took my sister ... one hell nowhere to go ...
I think my face, at the moment when I saw the back of a whale ... was about like this fish ... and just - fucking expressed.
It was the last picture. Thank you for attention.
Then this morning (10iyunya) with the employee decided to have some fish DMPA. The weather just was sunny and calm, not every day you get this. (Normally, these parts are constantly blowing wind, brains blown out at all ..) Well, caught something there, not in the fish business and not to fishing. Thank God, nothing ektraordinarnogo us did not happen ... But to all sorts of thoughts prompted. I decided to share a little bit with these thoughts.
We have to work there is a small shunting boat. Actually, nothing special about it, it is welded from sheet aluminum, well, unless there is a diesel engine VOLVO quite large, from the truck. The propeller blades sweep a little less than a meter. Thus, the considerable high-torque is achieved. Here is a piece of plate before sending:

This flotation device, we generally back and forth tolkayut- center of the large ships during the installation of the platform. (Then the ship hauled ashore for repair.). Well, sometimes the boat used to tow kakoy- a yacht or a boat, if the product fails and they are unable to move on their own. All the rest of the time it is laid. The authorities have liberal and democratic, so any hard worker can easily rent it to their needs melkosemeynyh or fishing, or there is a trap for crabs to put ... From authorities claim not one to thump into the sea, and of course, always use a lifejacket. We have the self-inflating vests.
Every time I wear this jacket, thinking all the time: & quot; Well, I put on, buttoned, zashib course nooo ... & quot ;. Just somehow reminded of the words of the old song: & quot; If tomorrow the war If tomorrow to hike ... on the ground, in the sky and the sea ... & quot; And if it's true, tomorrow to march, that is swim ?? How it will all be in real life ??
Then I usually start myself to calm, like, well, if that, MOBILE is, the connection here is good, all the service navrode gorgaza, Gorsvet, water utility - they all have their speedboats, people here responsive, primchatsya and the words of the other song & quot; ... I know someone at the top sees everything, He is exactly the scenario we save ... & quot;
But in three words about the fishing. We conceived it as a threesome with employees and take a boat out to sea from spinning, to fish. We were going for a long time, and then just got an unexpected day off from his superiors for sverhurochku. These are my officers - Poles (we employ many foreigners from different countries). The truth is one of them got sick, cold northerly winds on these, so we went together.
I inspected before sending motor controls. I did not like that lamp is charging. The employee, who was responsible for the condition of the boat, I was reassured, I said & quot; she always lit, Hammer & quot ;. I do not remember that I have reassured the answer, but I believed him.
In any case, taken with some work Instumenty, pliers, screwdrivers, wrenches.
In general, out to sea, we chose the place. Weather nishtyak! Calm and gentle warm sun. They began to catch. They pulled a couple of fishes. Then the fish had disappeared somewhere. We started the engine, otehali a couple of hundred meters. It seems once again began to peck at. Perhaps beneath us was the fish stocks. Then once again it ceased to be caught. Once started the engine again decided to change the place of fishing. Thus, the gates in general, and fished at different places.
And here we sit, catch, slowly, leisurely're talking about cars, about women, it's about Poland, I mean Russian. Again, the fish do not bite. Suddenly we heard behind a strange rather loud hissing sound, as if the air is sucked into a kind of shaft. They stopped, looked at each other, like, what was it? Around us only water to shore rather daleko.Sidim further. A few minutes later again, so the same sound again behind him, growing in intensity, then suddenly pauses, duration, I thought about two seconds. I turned around and saw 30-40 meters from the boat a big black shiny back, a large curved arc extending over the water at one meter. I do not know who it was - a whale or orca. Some of them rose to the surface of the water, breathed air and then again dived into the depths of the sea.
In general, these sighs, repeated two or three times, and again we have seen how someone is slowly sinking, showing a large shiny black back. The spectacle, of course, it was very exciting, but when a small wave after poguzheniya these sea creatures gently shook our boat, then I'm a little ochkanulsya and involuntarily said "Bleeeaaat. !!! ..." My Polish colleague fishing probably too impressed by what he saw, his reaction to the Polish sounded something like this: "Curva matshsh !!" Then he made me a guess & quot; That's why the fish and do not bite, it's all dumped out of this place, and maybe we should blame? & quot; I agree with him, of course, agreed, I heard that the killer could push the boat, or hurt his back. If our aluminum piece of plate overturn or cherpanet enough water, then the bottom will go fast and easy, like an ax. (No one in the manufacture not bothered by any theories of stability of the boat, and only a percentage of buoyancy of the vessel and did zero as a welded trough made of aluminum without watertight compartments.)
Turn on the ignition, start the engine and try to find that the battery barely twists starter. As we moved from place to place, then put Accum. Motor scrolls on two or three cycles of compression and stayed, with all the lights went out on the panel. We repeated attempts for an attempt to start the engine, but it would not start. For diesel engines need a certain minimum speed of rotation at startup. We did not have it. Meanwhile,
light breeze slowly took away all our boat away from the shore. No anchor we did not have, and which could have an anchor when under us was almost a hundred meters of water depth ?? On my the spinning was 60 meters of fishing line to the bottom of the spoon does not get, so I caught only cod, was at a friend's 150 meters, so he was able to catch a halibut. They live at great depths. One of them (and my Polish colleague)

but it is cod caught is very simple, more than half of the fish were released me immediately back home ... for good or useless ... I?

It should be noted that only among the relatively calm water fjords, further to the open sea starts quite noticeable volnenie.I then, what's the difference, how deep to sink ?? At 2 meters or 300 metrah- one hell - sadly. I have been in the sea in these areas on a large vessel with sonar eholotom- this work up to 200 meters, and in some places it just shows infinity, because it was very deep.

In general, the air hung the only question & quot; What do we do ?? & quot; To me at this moment of insight came to & quot; Bleaat! So why is this piece of plate is laid always connected cable 220 from the pier! It's not just a constant heating of the motor, no, the thing is, that the alternator does not charge, but none of it did not guess, because the diesel engine does not require electricity, which stopped it can only be mechanically some handle (probably decompressor). And I use it mostly off the coast within an hour or two. Battery lasts usually 3-4 times to have a big motor. But before the trip I did not check the charging voltage, although it was such an idea. It remained to criticize itself, to paraphrase Ostap Bender monologue: & quot; - Same as me, Paul! Electrician cocks found a Seventh-day Adventists, too lazy to take a multimeter and measure the voltage !!! Now what the fuck is sit and sing a song about cruiser Varyag, or, at worst, & quot; My Heart Will Go On. ? & quot;
At that time, my Polish fellow fishing vain sorts flipped the switch on some box at the bottom of the control panel. Apparently, he hoped that included a combination of guessing and off toggle switch, it can activate some hidden features of the battery or engine, such as "nitrous oxide". But this box belonged to the automatic heating system in the winter the engine and charge the battery of 220 volts.
I have to say that the right to call and ask someone for help, we would not, because his superiors about it is better not to know, because then no matter what kind of fishing has just one boat will not. Gets in the newspaper under the headline "They rescued by helicopter. They repeated the feat Ziganshin "- we did not want. All this noise with the involvement of any rescue service is extremely undesirable. It will then be billed for thousands of euros, as the situation lies outside of insurance at work ... Therefore, we decided to first try to do something for yourself. And what could we do? Wait, when there will be some kind of a fishing boat and we notice? But in Norway on Friday night, almost no one wants to work, so there was no one. Swept past us in the distance, two speedboats, I stood on the hood of the engine and started waving orange jacket, in the hope that we will notice. But no one noticed. The next step was to check the battery terminals. They were very hot after attempting to start. From salt water quickly oxidize all contacts. I unscrewed the bolts, cleaning terminals, screwed back. (Fortunately, the tools are) After that he became a starter to spin a little more fun. But still, the motor would not start, because before that, we spun a long time. We lost a lot of battery power.
Then we realized that it was time to call and ask for help before it could catch the mobile network, as from the shore was already far. At first, I began to call the boss (in English this is called his office supervisor), but for some reason the call broke. I suggested that the chief hung up, because Friday night all go to the dacha (a favorite pastime of Norway). My Polish friend at this time call to another Pole, who was ill, but the call so -zhe broke. At the same time on the display network for some reason, were almost all sticks. It seemed to me that the phone is not seeking to base station. We started to write SMS. He's someone you know. And I - my sister. At that moment, I realized how difficult it is to use mobiles in bright sunlight. I'm sorry that I did not have Mono. There was no panic, but I noticed that I was starting to lose my mind when I jumped over the desired letter in the list MNOS or DEZHZ. Slowly receding shore did not inspire us peace of mind. For the first time, I was sorry that the Russian language is very long words, compared to the Norwegian or English. How to formulate short and informative message? I wrote an SMS sister and it was hard to think of something to write. Time for additional questions- answers like "Are you kidding me? - Yes, what to dick jokes!" -We Have not. I began: "I am the sea I can not start the engine, ask her husband about the emergency services ...". Phone displays a message that the SMS could not be sent. Try again later. Poles also did not work out. But, apparently, and the truth, according to the scenario, the moment of salvation. Again, we tried to start the engine, apparently, as we have long tried to write SMS, Accum defend, plus, before that, I cleaned the terminals. About a miracle, the engine wound up !!! At full speed we rushed towards the shore.
Coming close to the coast, we have a little fishing, very much we do not want such a shameful end fishing. However, at this time, during the stops, we shut off the engine, he worked at idle. Catching a couple of triples fishes, went home.
So to summarize. Three ... there are two wise man, that is one asshole in an aluminum basin. We sail, though not in the storm, but the end of the fishing could not be very joyful. Means of communication-not worked. By the way, it turned out that the day until late at night at this mobile operator had problems with the network. Annunciation was not. There was not even gay. There was an additional battery. It was Friday. No one would have about us, and not remembered. Well, perhaps, but on Monday, would detect the absence of the boat and then we would remember about us. And we have, at best, from raw fish to vomit, because apart from it, we had nothing. A life jackets ?? How do they help in cold water ???
And by the way, how real was the danger from the killer whale, or ??? I wonder which one of them is much more likely in the Norwegian Sea ??
In general, I will come to work and tell the authorities that have to deal with charging Batteries. After all, perhaps the hope of the weak ....
A fish I took my sister ... one hell nowhere to go ...
I think my face, at the moment when I saw the back of a whale ... was about like this fish ... and just - fucking expressed.

It was the last picture. Thank you for attention.