The mind is without thoughts in two states

The mind is without thoughts in two states - either in a deep sleep or meditation. If you realize and thoughts disappear - it is meditation. When thoughts disappear and you become unconscious - is a deep sleep.
The mind - is just a process. In fact, the mind does not exist - only thoughts, thoughts moving so fast that you think about them and feel them as something ever-present. There comes a thought for her second, a third, and they continue ... the gap is so small that you can not see the interval between one thought and another. Two thoughts come together, they become a lasting and because of this duration do you think that there is such a thing as the mind. Any idea - but there is nothing like "the mind».
Thought there - the mind does not exist; mind - it is only an appearance. And when you look into the mind deeper, it disappears. Then there is the idea, but when the "mind" has disappeared and there is only the individual mind, many things are solved immediately. The first thing that you immediately know is that thoughts are like clouds - they come and go, and you - the sky.
Your sky is infinitely open; thoughts come and go. And as soon as you start to feel the thoughts come and go, and you - the observer, the witness, you are established himself as a master of the mind.
The deeper your observation becomes, the deeper your awareness and begin to arise intervals, intervals. One thought goes, the other has not come, and there was the gap. One cloud uplylo, different approaches, and the gap remains.
In these intervals the first time you get a glimpse of no-mind. You will experience a taste of no-mind - let's call it the taste of Zen, or Tao, or yoga. In these small intervals of a sudden the sky clear, and the sun is shining. Suddenly - the world is full of mystery, because all the obstacles thrown; your eyes are no more blind. You see clearly, you see the perceptively. The whole existence becomes transparent.
The modern mind is in such a hurry. He wants immediate methods of stopping the mind. Therefore, it is attractive drugs. You can force the mind to stop using chemicals, but then again you Enforced against this mechanism. This is not good, it is devastating. Thus you become the owner. Maybe you will be able to stop the mind with the help of drugs, but then your host will be drugs; you're not the owner. You simply change one chief to another, and it will change for the worse.
When you look deeply, the mind is under control - all of a sudden you become its owner. The thought is there, but they are no longer the owners you. They can not do anything with you, they just come and go; you remain, untouched, like a lotus flower with rain. Water droplets on the petals fall, but continue to slide without touching them.
The mind - the excitement of consciousness, just as a wave - it is the excitement of the ocean. It has become something alien - a breeze. Something happened outside of the ocean or the consciousness - thoughts, the wind - and there was chaos. But this chaos is going only on the surface. Waves are always on the surface. In the depths of the waves it is not - they can not be, because the depth can never penetrate the wind. So everything remains only on the surface. If you move in, it brings control. If you move inward from the surface, you get to the center - suddenly, the surface may still worry, but you are not excited.
And when you look from the center, little by little, the conflict ceases. Little by little you relax. Little by little, you accept that, of course, there is a strong wind and waves occur to you, but you do not worry about it, and when you're not worried, even waves can be enjoyed. There is nothing wrong.
The problem occurs when you also you remain on the surface. You're in a small boat on the surface and strong wind swoops down and begins high tide, and the entire ocean goes mad - of course, you are concerned; you're scared to death!
If you begin to struggle with the waves, then defeated. Fighting will not help; you have to take the waves ... Once you reach the center, you begin to enjoy all that would just not happening on the surface. Therefore, the most important thing is not to fight on the surface, but rather, to slip into the Center. Then you become the real master, do not force yourself to control; This happens spontaneously when you find yourself in the center.
Centering in consciousness is equivalent to becoming a master of the mind.
Therefore, do not try to "control the mind" - the language can lead you astray. No one can control, and those who are trying to control, go crazy; they just become neurotic, because trying to control the mind - it is nothing like trying to one part of the mind to control the other.
The observation of the mind means looking with great love, with great respect, respectful - it is a gift brought by God to you. In the mind there is nothing wrong. In the thought there is nothing wrong. It is a beautiful process as any other process. Clouds floating in the sky, beautiful - why not thoughts moving in the inner sky? .. Look with deep reverence. Do not be the enemy, whether in love.
Mind - a bridge, a bridge between body and soul, between the world and God. Do not try to destroy it! The mind - it's your bloom, do not force it in any way. I am opposed to any use of force against any violence, especially against violence directed against itself.
A person can use a mind working on the matter; then logic becomes a great tool. And the same person may postpone the mind of the way when moving into the space of meditation and no-mind. Because the mind - it's not you, it's just a tool, just like my arm, my legs. If I want to go, I use a leg if I do not want to go, I do not use his feet. In the same way you can use a logical mind, if you try to learn about the matter. It is absolutely right, it is suitable. And when you move in, set it aside. Now the legs are not needed; Thinking is not necessary. Now you need a deep, silent state of no-mind.
Just imagine a person who wants to sit, but can not, because it says: "I have legs - how can I sit?" And imagine a person who wants to sit quietly and silently, but can not, because it says: "We I have a mind. " It's the same thing.
The mind can be used, and can be set aside. It is a tool, a very beautiful instrument; but not necessary that they be so obsessive.