Ukai - ancient art of fishing with cormorants
Fishing rods and nets - a skuchno
Ukai - a traditional Japanese method of fishing in which specially trained cormorants are used to catch freshwater fish called "Aya" (Jap. Trout). For 1,300 years the fishermen on the banks of the River Nagara spend all summer to fish. Ukai is practiced not only there, but also on other rivers, such as HOZU and Uji. The most skilled fishermen ACAR receive the patronage of the Emperor of Japan. According to ancient legend, a great general and a samurai Nobunaga Oda once took under his wing the most skilled fishermen ACAR, and gave these people the official title of "Visio", which means "master of fishing with cormorants." It is said that he is always with great pleasure watching the actions of professional fishermen, and once vowed to strongly defend this unique art.
And when the famous poet Matsuo Basho witnessed fishing ACAR, he wrote a poem in honor of this haiku, which roughly translated reads: "It is interesting to look / but soon comes to grief / boats with cormorants».
Currently, master fishermen still enjoy the official patronage of the emperor. Several times a year they fish, which is then supplied to the imperial table.
Fishing with cormorants begins at night, under the cover of darkness. For her, typically used six long wooden boats, each of which there is one master fisherman, and a couple of his assistants who bring their leashed dozen birds. At the bow of each boat hangs a large lantern, which gives enough light to drive the boat, and catching fish. The fishermen while fishing black dress in traditional kimonos, and in particular of straw skirts and sandals. The birds are swimming next to the boat, and occasionally diving to grab the fish and swallow it whole. Caught fish falls into a special pouch in the throat of cormorant, but in order to keep the fish was in a cormorant stomach, his throat a little over-tighten the strap. Then the fishermen recovered the prey's throat bird.
Now fishing ACAR is also a tourist attraction in Japan. Thousands of people swim in the river during the fishing season in order to take a tour on the river in boats, very similar to fishing, and watch the activities of fishermen. Gifu Prefecture - is the best place to see the fishing ACAR. The fishing season begins there on May 11 and continues until 15 September.
via factroom.ru

Ukai - a traditional Japanese method of fishing in which specially trained cormorants are used to catch freshwater fish called "Aya" (Jap. Trout). For 1,300 years the fishermen on the banks of the River Nagara spend all summer to fish. Ukai is practiced not only there, but also on other rivers, such as HOZU and Uji. The most skilled fishermen ACAR receive the patronage of the Emperor of Japan. According to ancient legend, a great general and a samurai Nobunaga Oda once took under his wing the most skilled fishermen ACAR, and gave these people the official title of "Visio", which means "master of fishing with cormorants." It is said that he is always with great pleasure watching the actions of professional fishermen, and once vowed to strongly defend this unique art.
And when the famous poet Matsuo Basho witnessed fishing ACAR, he wrote a poem in honor of this haiku, which roughly translated reads: "It is interesting to look / but soon comes to grief / boats with cormorants».
Currently, master fishermen still enjoy the official patronage of the emperor. Several times a year they fish, which is then supplied to the imperial table.

Fishing with cormorants begins at night, under the cover of darkness. For her, typically used six long wooden boats, each of which there is one master fisherman, and a couple of his assistants who bring their leashed dozen birds. At the bow of each boat hangs a large lantern, which gives enough light to drive the boat, and catching fish. The fishermen while fishing black dress in traditional kimonos, and in particular of straw skirts and sandals. The birds are swimming next to the boat, and occasionally diving to grab the fish and swallow it whole. Caught fish falls into a special pouch in the throat of cormorant, but in order to keep the fish was in a cormorant stomach, his throat a little over-tighten the strap. Then the fishermen recovered the prey's throat bird.
Now fishing ACAR is also a tourist attraction in Japan. Thousands of people swim in the river during the fishing season in order to take a tour on the river in boats, very similar to fishing, and watch the activities of fishermen. Gifu Prefecture - is the best place to see the fishing ACAR. The fishing season begins there on May 11 and continues until 15 September.
via factroom.ru
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