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Recall our Supreme Commander

A few days left before our great national holiday - Victory Day. Oddly enough, but for many years in the day at the official level generally does not mention the name of our Supreme Commander, under whose leadership forged Great Victory - Joseph Stalin. This greatest statesman who made Russia a superpower from a peasant to a powerful economy with the strongest army in the world, to build a nuclear shield state, thanks to which Russia is still afraid of our enemies, and laid the foundations of the first flight into space, unjustly forgotten. His name was hushed up primarily through the efforts of the pro-Western fifth column that has occupied our media, and west of the figure of Stalin hated solely for the reason that it has made us stronger and made us considered the world political scene.

On Stalin there are plenty of completely delusional myths that many ordinary people taken seriously in the way of people's heads hammered allegedly bloody tyrant, despite the efforts of the people who won the Great Patriotic War. Debunking of Stalin as head of the army and the state began even during the reign of Khrushchev, Nikita Khrushchev way I tried to raise its credibility in the eyes of the people.
One of the first military myths about Stalin is that Stalin before the war allegedly destroyed the cream of the Red Army, decapitating her, and for this reason the Germans reached the Volga, and the war lasted nearly 4 years. In fact, the Red Army was a conspiracy of war, aims to overthrow the existing regime and the establishment of a military dictatorship. Supervised this conspiracy MN Tukhachevsky, who served as deputy. People's Commissar of Defence for Armaments, except it participated in the conspiracy, such as the senior military commander of the Kiev military district, Iona Yakir Emanuilovich, Commander of the Belarusian Military District Uborevich Jerome P., Head of the Political Department of the Red Army Gamarnik Yan Borisovich. They were arrested in 1937 and subsequently sentenced to death, except that Gamarnik shot himself. This is a completely unfounded after the rehabilitation of these people Khrushchev somehow forgotten that there was a real military conspiracy, and the elimination of its members is a necessary measure to ensure the defense capability of our country before World War II erupted. Members of the conspiracy had prolonged contact with the German General Staff, and during the investigation Tukhachevskiy outlined paper plan defeat in the war with Germany. The essence of this plan is how the participants in the conspiracy, being on their high positions, will sabotage the organization of resistance to the invading German troops. If Stalin had not destroyed the conspirators, the fate of our country would now be very different. For examples while walking away was not necessary - in 1936, General Franco's military coup in Spain and with the support of Germany seized power.
There is a myth that Stalin allegedly "slept through" the beginning of the war. It is not true. On the eve of war, the situation was very complicated: the majority of intelligence to talk about the war with the USSR will begin after the war is over with England. General mobilization was declared open, for example, in April 1941st - it means to provoke a war in April, in addition, the West would have to charge more and provoking aggression. The German army in any case ahead of us in the rate of deployment of troops, and in any case would be in a more advantageous operational-tactical situation. Preparation for war was hidden conducted a partial mobilization of troops under the pretext of fighting doctrines promoted to the position of the border zone began a partial evacuation of state. power, and June 16 - 18, 1941 in the troops began to leave cryptogram of a possible attack by the German troops. The fact that not all commanders led the troops on alert - in this wine is not Stalin.
In particular, the greatest success of the Wehrmacht in the first days of war made in the zone of our Western Front, commanded by General of the Army Pavlov DG This aircraft was the front of his June 22, 1941, without fuel and ammunition, the artillery was on the eve of his front SVEZA in one place and almost at full strength went to the enemy without firing a single shot. Troops subordinated Pavlov, most of them have not been withdrawn in the fighting positions, and that Pavlov added cryptogram on bringing troops on alert, which came from the General Staff, a word about how not to succumb to provocations and not to open fire on the enemy. Perhaps, in the actions of Pavlov attended Tukhachevsky plot echoes, perhaps, his actions were due to a lack of professionalism, yet Pavlov to command the Belarusian Military District came from the post of deputy. Chief of the Red Army Tank-Automotive Management, which is completely different positions. As a result, the Western Front, having 44 divisions, with approximate equality with the German Army Group "Center" in the number of aircraft polutorakratnoe superiority in tanks, but inferior in manpower and artillery, broke up in 5 days. Subsequently, General Pavlov rightly, along with several other generals of the Western Front had been shot. Commander of the Air Force of the Western Front Kopec II shot on the second day of the war, after learning of the loss of their aircraft.
The resulting gap in the central direction of the crash of the Western front was extremely difficult to make up, so our army was forced to retreat, getting into the environment and incurring losses and to repay the offensive capability of the Wehrmacht was only at Moscow.
If we talk about the preparations for the war, Stalin began to prepare the country back in the mid 30s, creating inland enterprises are doubles main factories, located in the western part of the USSR. Then these enterprises substitutions in the second half of 1941 were evacuated by military industry enterprises, which certainly would have got into a zone of occupation. Stalin was preparing the country for war, when the fall of 1939 returned to the USSR, using the favorable political situation, alienated in 1921 Poland Western Ukraine and Western Belarus; when in 1940 returned to the Soviet Union the Baltic states, thus depriving Hitler nice springboard for an attack on Leningrad, Moscow, and to cut off our forces in Belarus. He prepared the country for war, when in 1939 we started a disadvantageous war with Finland in order to move the border away from Leningrad. This war was certainly aggressive, but the Finns were then furious pro-Hitler policy, were ready to give and its territory to the German troops, and themselves take part in the campaign against the Soviet Union, and Stalin as the head of state was obliged to think, first of all, about our national interests .
Only fools and bastards might argue that Stalin did not prepare the country for war "slept" its beginning.
June 30, 1941, Stalin becomes Chairman of the newly created State Defense Committee, and on July 10 he became the Chairman of the Supreme Command, ie, Stalin from the first days of the war took responsibility for organizing the defense of our country from the invaders, he has been managing not only the troops, but the war economy of the state. Stalin knew the needs of fronts (and their number in 1943 has reached 13) in military equipment, uniforms, manpower, etc., knew the capabilities of our military industry, and he distributed the available forces and means. If, for example, talk about the Battle of Moscow, despite the difficult situation at the front and the commanders of the numerous requests to send reinforcements, only because of Stalin's iron will, we have been able to accumulate reserves and 5 December unexpectedly for the Germans launched a counteroffensive of our troops. As a result, the Germans were driven from the capital by 150-200 km, and then was finally destroyed the myth of the invincibility of the Wehrmacht.
In 1942, on Stalin's initiative in a very short period of time the railway was built, along the east bank of the Volga, which supplies for the troops defending Stalingrad and bring up reinforcements. Without the railway successful defense of the city it would not be possible, because the war - is not only a battle, it is also solving complex problems of logistics for the organization of supply armies.
Stalin participated in the development of absolutely all military operations. Plans of operations, usually prepared by the staff and discussed at the meetings of the Supreme Command, which is mandatory invited commanders of fronts. At these meetings, plans were made adjustments, however, how the military operation will look like in the end - it depended on Stalin. As a result, 1942 -1943 years, we have dealt a terrible blow to the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad, destroying the army of Paulus, and then - at the Kursk Bulge, destroying a large number of motorized units, equipped with modern models of tanks and self-propelled "tiger", "Panther" and "Ferdinand", freeing Eagle Belgorod and reaching Rostov. Then, in 1944, the Red Army were conducted brilliant offensive operations, which went down in history as "Stalin's ten blows", after which the Germans fell back to Berlin. Berlin offensive began on April 16 and May 2 the Berlin garrison capitulated already successful, the resistance lasted only two weeks. For comparison - we fought for Stalingrad from 17 July to 19 November 1942, almost four months (directly on the outskirts of the city - about two and a half months). And all this took place under the leadership of the Supreme Commander.
Stalin made a great contribution in the development of military technology. Activity Tukhachevsky, who was responsible for arming the Red Army, led to the end of the 30s we had a huge amount of light tanks (BT-7 and T-26), not having sufficient repair facilities for them. Heavy tanks (T-35 and T-28) were, but they were extremely uncomfortable in a constructive regard, as have a large number of the crew, a weak armor and a weak gun at the huge size of the tank. The most mass-16 fighter, who was then the Air Force is already obsolete. There were no orders for the army anti-aircraft artillery, mortar weapons, machine guns. Only often thanks to the personal intervention of Stalin before the war created such military equipment as the T-34 and KV, divisional gun ZIS-3 and rocket launcher BM-13 ("Katyusha"), dive bomber Pe-2 and Il-2 . IL-2 during his retreat near Moscow, the Germans nicknamed the "black death».
In the end, Stalin advanced the highest military positions of our great generals of that time, which resulted in the Wehrmacht and Hitler to the grave: Rokossovsky KK, AM Vasilevsky, Konev IS, LA Govorov, Malinowski RJ, FI Tolbukhin, VI Chuikov, Katukov ME, GK Zhukov Of course, it's not all great commanders.
Stalin had two sons, Jacob and Basil, they both went to the front with the rank of junior officers: James (senior lieutenant) was the commander of an artillery battery, most likely died surrounded near Vitebsk in July 1941st, although it is believed that he was in captured. That's about it, Stalin said the phrase "I am a soldier in the Field Marshal's not me." But Stalin had a phrase really did not say it came up with the directors of the Soviet epic "Liberation". German propaganda was trying to give the world the fact that the alleged son of the leader of a prisoner, but no clear picture of Jacob in German prisoner of war does not exist, if he really was captured, I think, all German newspapers were full to different photo of Jacob Dzhugashvili. Vasily Stalin greeted the war with the rank of captain and was a squadron commander in 1943, he was appointed commander of Fighter Regiment, ended the war in Berlin.
As a conclusion I would say that without Stalin, we might not have been able to defeat or victory with far greater losses - too huge amount of work performed, the Supreme Commander, and of the one who could replace in all spheres of its activity, I personally can not be called . I wrote everything very briefly and, of course, is not all revealed on the subject. Maybe someone interested in all of this and can gain for themselves a more complete knowledge. For example, Stalin never said the phrase "No man - no problem" - it came up with writer Anatoly Rybakov himself then this has been repeatedly recognized.
Thank you, if someone read to the end.

And again, departing from the topic of the Great Patriotic War, you just want to list the achievements of the Stalin era, which are known, but that the name of Stalin's associate:
 - Spend the reform of agriculture, increased production with / agricultural products;
 - Spend the industrialization of the country: built thousands of industrial enterprises (including Norilsk Nickel, MMK), established the foundations of modern Gazprom, Lukoil, Sibneft, etc., deposits of minerals;
 - Conducted by pipeline to Moscow in 1946, and then summed up gas pipelines and other large cities;
 - To build the subway in Moscow;
 - To organize the championship of the Soviet Union Cup;
 - Compulsory secondary education;
 - Establish public libraries, theaters, parks;
 - Permission for the New Year celebration;
 - To achieve victory in the Great Patriotic War, 4 years rebuilt all the destroyed cities and restored farm (actually rebuilt in the European part of the Soviet Union);
 - Created the nuclear shield of the state;
 - To create preconditions to fly into space (especially under Stalin were the development of the first artificial satellite);
 - The population of the USSR increased from 148 million. Pers. (in 1927) to 197 million. pers. (in 1952);
 - In the Soviet Union returned the previously lost territories (the Baltic States, Western Ukraine, Western Byelorussia, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island)
If we talk about today, then in 1992 - the Soviet Union collapsed, destroyed, and thousands of enterprises go bankrupt, ruined the education system, collapsed army disorganized nuclear shield of the state, the population of Russia in 1992 decreased by about 16 million. Pers.
And while the Liberals still dare to speak of any kind of "Stalinist repression," although in the 90 years the number of prisoners as a percentage of the total population exceeded the number of prisoners in the 30s.
