FREEZE: Minsk 1953 in color
In 1953, the Belarusian documentary filmed an amazing film. In a half-hour tape, made in the classic tradition of social realism, captured recovering from the disastrous occupation of Minsk. Propaganda, through staging, but very interesting poem about the construction of the ideal Soviet Cities rare monument of making the mere fact. The capital of the Byelorussian SSR, its squares and streets, residential areas and industrial enterprises filmed on color film! It looked like our city 61 years ago on the unique images of the film "New Minsk," says Onliner.by.
106 pictures and comments to them.
3. "At 700 kilometers had been laid rapid highway connecting the capital of the Belarusian republic with Moscow," - broadcast voice-overs. So look Moscow highway in the outskirts of Minsk in summer 1953.
4.Vezdnoy sign in Minsk six decades ago was installed in the area of modern metro station "Park Chelyuskintsev" although urban development continued and further towards modern "East". Right behind the scenes present Tolbukhina street, in front of the pre-war house still on Independence Avenue (then Stalin), 93, nicknamed by the people "generals".
5.The sign curious old Belarusian orthography: "Sovetskay", "Sotsyyalіstychnay." The sign gated village species. At this point, before the war, is reserved for the establishment of the Republican racetrack, will soon begin construction of buildings Minsk Watch Plant "Beam" and the first in a pilot residential area of the modern type, known as the street of Volgograd.
6.Gosti future city-hero come to him not only on personal cars. Airfield, now better known as "Minsk-1", even without a new terminal building, whose construction will be completed only in 1956. Left far whiter still prewar homes on modern street Karatkevich.
7.Li-2 in the livery of "Aeroflot". According to the speaker, the aircraft in the years to Minsk fly not only from the cities of the Soviet Union, but also from Warsaw, Berlin and Prague.
8.No cars and airplanes until, of course, were a luxury. The main means of transportation of the working masses in the country were the good old train. Su locomotive series with passenger cars somewhere in the suburbs of Minsk. Double-track branch still equipped with a warm, tube semaphore.
9.Sostav comes to the platform station "Minsk-Passenger." Now it all has changed dramatically. Story steel and Union Station building, demolished in the early 1990s, and lights, and a pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks.
10.Vokzal decorated with neon signs, reminding all visitors, where they were.
11.After transport prelude filmmakers finally start the demonstration built the envy of the entire country representative cities. It is obvious that the target audience of "New Minsk" were not his person, too well aware of the fact that in real life there in those years is still different from the oil oozing propaganda pictures.
Railway Station Square with two high-rise towers of the Leningrad-Moscow architect Boris Rubanenko, deservedly became a symbol of Minsk. Right tower still being completed, and the next in Kirov Street house №4 at all yet.
12.Kinooperator sets his camera just on the unfinished high-rise and shoot a panorama of the city. Shows clearly how small it was 61 years ago. There is an amazing experience that forests and fields began almost immediately after the opera house, a prominent far right. On the street Sverdlov conducted setting is to erect buildings with the main post office operating room, covered with a dome, and the main building of the Institute of National Economy at the intersection with the Kirov.
13.Ulitsa Sverdlov and Government House on Lenin Square, has not eclipsed later buildings.
14.Peshehodny Boulevard on Komsomolskaya Street, known in some circles by the nickname "Felix". Looking at these old pictures, you can not get rid of the sacramental reflection of the degree of gardening Minsk then and now, and it's not just about the height and stunted trees. Among the rapidly blooming flowerbeds seen even palm. As we shall see later, palms while all regularly used for decorative purposes.
15. "New Minsk" are primarily interested in showing not just the city's architecture, but these have disappeared forever details determines the character of the complex era.
Watering and washing the car PM-10-50 on the basis of ZIS-150 operates on the ground near the House of Officers.
16. In the next moment he leaves the same arch connecting the houses №22 and 24 on the street Sverdlov. One of the towers Rubanenko until blocked by the yard buildings and houses along the street Kirov.
17.I here on freshly laundered in the early morning street by a policeman-traffic controller hurtling train wagons with the word "meat". Curiously, the house in the background, popularly nicknamed "horseshoe", owned by the Ministry of meat and dairy industry BSSR. On its ground floor while working shop "Meat", and the roof was decorated with neon advertising design "Buy ice cream Minsk dairy plant." Yes and meat vans moving in that direction for a reason: in 1953, the city hosts the meat-packing plant crossroads Sverdlov and Aran, on the site now occupied by the buildings' Belmedpreparaty. "
18. Minsk morning continues. Printing from the court of the Stalin (current House press) go postal vans "Moskvich 400-422" with a wooden frame body.
19.A's Minsk postman in uniform at the House of officers.
20.Tak looked kiosks "Sayuzdruk" 61 years ago. Wooden windows with a folding-shutters, thick magazines on display and portraits of the classics of Marxism-Leninism.
21.Nachinaetsya time. Janitor in a white apron welcomes emerging from the entrance of the house №8 Karl Marx Street couple, their views showing the unity of the proletariat and the intelligentsia in the Soviet Union.
22.Svoi jobs in a hurry to take a fine-plant workers, who was then on the street Clara Zetkin. Now this area is mostly abandoned and waiting for his "solid investor."
23.Neprivychno looking communicating tractor factory.
24.Deystvie transferred to the operating margin. Central Street. At 7:43 am local time, a crowd of workers moving to the Minsk Automobile Plant. The shot hit the bus ZIS-154.
25. "Rose, rose young workers. Look how solid are young turners Bob Ostreiko and Lida Sofronenko. "
26.Vperedi transport communicating MAZ.
27.Panorama only built residential village Avtozavodtsev. "Until recently, there rustled Forest" - says the speaker and not lying.
28.Mogilevskoe highway (future Guerrilla prospectus) at the intersection with the street and the bus Kotovskogo ZIS-155, the basis of the Minsk public transport in classical coloring. Note that the houses of the village automobile covered with ceramic tiles - luxury, then disappeared without a trace.
29. Minsk - Garden City. In the streets there Michurina cottages for two families, later demolished for the construction of high-rise buildings.
30. Kindergarten in the village with decorative plaster sculptures.
31.Detishki Avtozavodtsev to charge a township park. His original fence with an old emblem of the plant - galloping bison - is still in place.
32.Novenkaya products giant enterprise and its body with duhopodemnymi slogans in the background.
33.A is the pinnacle of creativity Avtozavodtsev the first half of the 1950s, the predecessor of BelAZ - dump truck MAZ-525 payload of 25 tons. In contrast with the huge machine director could not resist and placed side by side in the frame of small children on tricycles.
34.A is the pinnacle of creativity Avtozavodtsev the first half of the 1950s, the predecessor of BelAZ - dump truck MAZ-525 payload of 25 tons. In contrast with the huge machine director could not resist and placed side by side in the frame of small children on tricycles.
35.Prohozhie and cyclists among a brand new building Koshevogo streets.
36. It is time to give the floor to the residents of Minsk. If the narration in the film recites in Russian, then the whole line it is solely on the "Belarusian Move." That is a noble work of the Minsk Tractor friend Antonik holds for teens tour of the company: "Bachytse, rabyaty, yakіm staў our traktarny! Apaslya Vine here byў adzіn wasteland ».
Comrade Antonik disingenuous. Even before the war started in place MTZ construction aircraft factory. In operation it did not manage to pass, the body remained unfinished, but "wasteland" this area was difficult to call. However, the townsfolk know this was not necessary.
37. Now these guys was about to turn 75 years old.
38.Kadry new Sun City interspersed with newsreel snippets mid-1940s. Just liberated from occupation Minsk, modern Lenin Street in the direction of the Freedom Square.
39.Ulitsa Soviet, have not yet turned to the prospect of Stalin-Lenin-Scorina-Independence. In the distance, the building of the Central Committee of the PBC to Marx, 38.
40.I contrast to this are the pictures of post-war peace work for the benefit of the socialist motherland. Of the buildings of the tractor go MTZ-2.
41.Tselye trucks Motorcycle and Bicycle products sent to stores.
42. And in response to Minsk receives from the fraternal republics, such as trolley MTB-82D.
43.Na Victory Square completed the construction of the obelisk. It will open exactly one year later, in July 1954, the 10th anniversary of the liberation of the city.
44.Vozvodyatsya body worsted mill on Mayakovsky.
45.Nu and, of course, growing prettier and Minsk. "Everywhere you look, everywhere forests buildings like Minsk - one big construction site».
Formed construction Street Red. Left noticeable "house under the spire" at the crossroads with the Communist, and behind him - Colonnade headquarters of the Belarusian Military District, now occupied by the Ministry of National Defense.
46. The construction of the Minsk regional party committee on the Komsomolsk-Kirov. Now in this building housed the CIS Executive Committee.
47.Stroitelstvo houses on Lenin Street. In the background can be seen in the area of Upper Town Liberty Square.
48.I again with the camera operator climbed the tower Rubanenko at Railway Square. In the frame pleased several trams, and then another who went along the street of Leningrad. Note that in the area of modern street Rosa Luxemburg Spikes collective farm fields.
49.Dostraivayutsya house with supermarket "Central" and the Palace of Culture on October (then Central) Square.
50. In Minsk delegation arrives from Stalingrad.
51.S They brought two bricks of the famous at the time, "Pavlov's house." During the Battle of Stalingrad, a group of Soviet fighters over two months to keep the defense in this building. After the war, "Pavlov's House" restored first. As a symbolic gesture delegation brought from the Volga to the new fragment Minsk.
52.Vo this visit Stalingrad bricks used in the construction of residential house №31 on Stalin Avenue near Victory Square. Now this event is dedicated to building installed on a plaque.
53.Stalingradtsami dignitaries who came to Minsk not be so cold in the summer of 1953, did not stop. At the Minsk railway station, a delegation of "the great Chinese people". Yet the great Chinese people. At the "revisionists" Khrushchev relationship with him dramatically deteriorated.
54.Pod shadow of Stalin, who died just a few months ago, we are in front of the Chinese Chairman of the Minsk City Council holds. Holds, of course, in Belarusian.
55.I postcard few sketches from the main streets of the city. Stalin Avenue near the main post office. Hotel "Minsk" has not yet started to build.
56. Intersection with Komsomolskaya.
57.Stary main building of Minsk Pedagogical Institute on Lenin Square in the late 1980s eclipsed new high-rise.
58.Udivitelno dirty Government House and all of the same exotic palm trees. I wonder why these plants are now no longer used "Minskzelenhozom."
59. The monument to Stalin on the desert of Central Square. In November 1961, he demolished overnight.
60.Okrestnosti Svislochi. Constructed ensemble of Victory Square, go left earthworks in the park 30th anniversary of the Byelorussian SSR, later renamed in honor of Yanka Kupala. Right seen recently demolished historic first Minsk power.
61. The intense traffic on the main thoroughfare of the city.
62.GUM and bus ZIS-155.
63. The building of the Central Committee of Komsomol at the intersection of Marx and Red Army.
64.Chitateli rise to the State Lenin Library. In the background, the pre-war high school №4.
65.Dalee spectators delight prospective development plan of Minsk, which is shown to the future, because of the change of power in Moscow and the subsequent global restructuring of the entire Soviet architecture and was destined to fail.
So look in 1953 Lenin Street from Avenue towards Freedom Square. Its construction is in full swing. Cathedral has already lost its towers, it changed for the gyms society "Spartacus."
66.A so she had to look. On Freedom Square instead Institute building "Belpromproekt" plans to build a high-rise building with a spire.
67.Tsentralnaya area. In the distance, the former Cathedral.
68.Perspektivnaya buildings. The building to the left of the telegraph in the early 1960s, still managed to build on the initial draft, but the right-hand side of the street Engels was never implemented.
69.Tak could look Kalinin area.
70.A so - Academy of Sciences.
71. Belarusian science devoted several minutes of the film. Here are the classics of Soviet literature republic Yakub Kolas, Kondrat Nettle and Peter Glebko under the watchful eye of Stalin's work on the Belarusian-Russian dictionary.
72.A is president of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Kuprevich Basil, whose name 60 years later perfectly known to all employees of High-Tech Park, is conducting field studies with a young employee of the Institute of Biology.
73.Studencheskie weekdays. BSU campus, left the building, Faculty of Geography.
74.Studenty geologists engaged exclusively in the form.
75.Rekonstruirovanny after the occupation of the main building of the Polytechnic Institute. Of course, the name of Stalin.
76. "After the historic decision of the September Plenum many graduate students asked to send them to work in the MTS." The abbreviation "MTS" then meant only machine and tractor stations. Mechanization of agriculture was declared the next task of the Soviet people.
77. The Worker and the school day ends of Minsk. What are they doing in the evening and on weekends?
Planting trees in the future park Yanka Kupala. Now sitting on the benches under the trees it should say thank you to these nameless people of the city.
78.Progulki in a park near the Opera House. Suvorov Military School in the distance is striking in its whiteness.
79. Paddock children in a cozy courtyard. Leningradskaya Street.
80.A this yard in a residential house №16 along Independence Avenue. Children dance in a circle around a kindergarten teacher and sing the Belarusian song.
81.Seychas these young Minsk residents are likely to already have their own grandchildren.
82. Fountain with classical Soviet Sculpture "Girl with a paddle" in Gorky Park.
83.Komsomolskoe lake - a favorite summer destination of citizens. Then there was still possible to swim without fear.
85.Glavnoe male entertainment - hike a football. "Dynamo" stadium in its post-war appearance, fallen victim to the reconstruction of the Olympics-80.
86. The arena was inscribed in the natural slope of the hill, but it took the rostrum not completely.
87.Minskie shops. Motor Show, takes the place of the present café "Birch" in Victory Square. Happy buyer intends to leave the building on their own right on the "Victory".
88. Bookstore "Subscriptions" and 60 years later is still in place. But the sailors on the streets of the city will not meet.
89. In our own winter shopping in GUM could afford to ride one, but socialist realism such nuance is not a hindrance. But for the beauty of the picture, you can lock the child in the car directly on a hot summer day.
90.Interery GUM changed little.
92.Prodavschitsy in uniform coats.
93.Vot shopper gets the carpet to her granddaughter could do 60 years later on his background self.
That's all.
106 pictures and comments to them.


3. "At 700 kilometers had been laid rapid highway connecting the capital of the Belarusian republic with Moscow," - broadcast voice-overs. So look Moscow highway in the outskirts of Minsk in summer 1953.

4.Vezdnoy sign in Minsk six decades ago was installed in the area of modern metro station "Park Chelyuskintsev" although urban development continued and further towards modern "East". Right behind the scenes present Tolbukhina street, in front of the pre-war house still on Independence Avenue (then Stalin), 93, nicknamed by the people "generals".

5.The sign curious old Belarusian orthography: "Sovetskay", "Sotsyyalіstychnay." The sign gated village species. At this point, before the war, is reserved for the establishment of the Republican racetrack, will soon begin construction of buildings Minsk Watch Plant "Beam" and the first in a pilot residential area of the modern type, known as the street of Volgograd.

6.Gosti future city-hero come to him not only on personal cars. Airfield, now better known as "Minsk-1", even without a new terminal building, whose construction will be completed only in 1956. Left far whiter still prewar homes on modern street Karatkevich.

7.Li-2 in the livery of "Aeroflot". According to the speaker, the aircraft in the years to Minsk fly not only from the cities of the Soviet Union, but also from Warsaw, Berlin and Prague.

8.No cars and airplanes until, of course, were a luxury. The main means of transportation of the working masses in the country were the good old train. Su locomotive series with passenger cars somewhere in the suburbs of Minsk. Double-track branch still equipped with a warm, tube semaphore.

9.Sostav comes to the platform station "Minsk-Passenger." Now it all has changed dramatically. Story steel and Union Station building, demolished in the early 1990s, and lights, and a pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks.

10.Vokzal decorated with neon signs, reminding all visitors, where they were.

11.After transport prelude filmmakers finally start the demonstration built the envy of the entire country representative cities. It is obvious that the target audience of "New Minsk" were not his person, too well aware of the fact that in real life there in those years is still different from the oil oozing propaganda pictures.
Railway Station Square with two high-rise towers of the Leningrad-Moscow architect Boris Rubanenko, deservedly became a symbol of Minsk. Right tower still being completed, and the next in Kirov Street house №4 at all yet.

12.Kinooperator sets his camera just on the unfinished high-rise and shoot a panorama of the city. Shows clearly how small it was 61 years ago. There is an amazing experience that forests and fields began almost immediately after the opera house, a prominent far right. On the street Sverdlov conducted setting is to erect buildings with the main post office operating room, covered with a dome, and the main building of the Institute of National Economy at the intersection with the Kirov.

13.Ulitsa Sverdlov and Government House on Lenin Square, has not eclipsed later buildings.

14.Peshehodny Boulevard on Komsomolskaya Street, known in some circles by the nickname "Felix". Looking at these old pictures, you can not get rid of the sacramental reflection of the degree of gardening Minsk then and now, and it's not just about the height and stunted trees. Among the rapidly blooming flowerbeds seen even palm. As we shall see later, palms while all regularly used for decorative purposes.

15. "New Minsk" are primarily interested in showing not just the city's architecture, but these have disappeared forever details determines the character of the complex era.
Watering and washing the car PM-10-50 on the basis of ZIS-150 operates on the ground near the House of Officers.

16. In the next moment he leaves the same arch connecting the houses №22 and 24 on the street Sverdlov. One of the towers Rubanenko until blocked by the yard buildings and houses along the street Kirov.

17.I here on freshly laundered in the early morning street by a policeman-traffic controller hurtling train wagons with the word "meat". Curiously, the house in the background, popularly nicknamed "horseshoe", owned by the Ministry of meat and dairy industry BSSR. On its ground floor while working shop "Meat", and the roof was decorated with neon advertising design "Buy ice cream Minsk dairy plant." Yes and meat vans moving in that direction for a reason: in 1953, the city hosts the meat-packing plant crossroads Sverdlov and Aran, on the site now occupied by the buildings' Belmedpreparaty. "

18. Minsk morning continues. Printing from the court of the Stalin (current House press) go postal vans "Moskvich 400-422" with a wooden frame body.

19.A's Minsk postman in uniform at the House of officers.

20.Tak looked kiosks "Sayuzdruk" 61 years ago. Wooden windows with a folding-shutters, thick magazines on display and portraits of the classics of Marxism-Leninism.

21.Nachinaetsya time. Janitor in a white apron welcomes emerging from the entrance of the house №8 Karl Marx Street couple, their views showing the unity of the proletariat and the intelligentsia in the Soviet Union.

22.Svoi jobs in a hurry to take a fine-plant workers, who was then on the street Clara Zetkin. Now this area is mostly abandoned and waiting for his "solid investor."

23.Neprivychno looking communicating tractor factory.

24.Deystvie transferred to the operating margin. Central Street. At 7:43 am local time, a crowd of workers moving to the Minsk Automobile Plant. The shot hit the bus ZIS-154.

25. "Rose, rose young workers. Look how solid are young turners Bob Ostreiko and Lida Sofronenko. "

26.Vperedi transport communicating MAZ.

27.Panorama only built residential village Avtozavodtsev. "Until recently, there rustled Forest" - says the speaker and not lying.

28.Mogilevskoe highway (future Guerrilla prospectus) at the intersection with the street and the bus Kotovskogo ZIS-155, the basis of the Minsk public transport in classical coloring. Note that the houses of the village automobile covered with ceramic tiles - luxury, then disappeared without a trace.

29. Minsk - Garden City. In the streets there Michurina cottages for two families, later demolished for the construction of high-rise buildings.

30. Kindergarten in the village with decorative plaster sculptures.

31.Detishki Avtozavodtsev to charge a township park. His original fence with an old emblem of the plant - galloping bison - is still in place.

32.Novenkaya products giant enterprise and its body with duhopodemnymi slogans in the background.

33.A is the pinnacle of creativity Avtozavodtsev the first half of the 1950s, the predecessor of BelAZ - dump truck MAZ-525 payload of 25 tons. In contrast with the huge machine director could not resist and placed side by side in the frame of small children on tricycles.

34.A is the pinnacle of creativity Avtozavodtsev the first half of the 1950s, the predecessor of BelAZ - dump truck MAZ-525 payload of 25 tons. In contrast with the huge machine director could not resist and placed side by side in the frame of small children on tricycles.

35.Prohozhie and cyclists among a brand new building Koshevogo streets.

36. It is time to give the floor to the residents of Minsk. If the narration in the film recites in Russian, then the whole line it is solely on the "Belarusian Move." That is a noble work of the Minsk Tractor friend Antonik holds for teens tour of the company: "Bachytse, rabyaty, yakіm staў our traktarny! Apaslya Vine here byў adzіn wasteland ».
Comrade Antonik disingenuous. Even before the war started in place MTZ construction aircraft factory. In operation it did not manage to pass, the body remained unfinished, but "wasteland" this area was difficult to call. However, the townsfolk know this was not necessary.

37. Now these guys was about to turn 75 years old.

38.Kadry new Sun City interspersed with newsreel snippets mid-1940s. Just liberated from occupation Minsk, modern Lenin Street in the direction of the Freedom Square.

39.Ulitsa Soviet, have not yet turned to the prospect of Stalin-Lenin-Scorina-Independence. In the distance, the building of the Central Committee of the PBC to Marx, 38.

40.I contrast to this are the pictures of post-war peace work for the benefit of the socialist motherland. Of the buildings of the tractor go MTZ-2.

41.Tselye trucks Motorcycle and Bicycle products sent to stores.

42. And in response to Minsk receives from the fraternal republics, such as trolley MTB-82D.

43.Na Victory Square completed the construction of the obelisk. It will open exactly one year later, in July 1954, the 10th anniversary of the liberation of the city.

44.Vozvodyatsya body worsted mill on Mayakovsky.

45.Nu and, of course, growing prettier and Minsk. "Everywhere you look, everywhere forests buildings like Minsk - one big construction site».
Formed construction Street Red. Left noticeable "house under the spire" at the crossroads with the Communist, and behind him - Colonnade headquarters of the Belarusian Military District, now occupied by the Ministry of National Defense.

46. The construction of the Minsk regional party committee on the Komsomolsk-Kirov. Now in this building housed the CIS Executive Committee.

47.Stroitelstvo houses on Lenin Street. In the background can be seen in the area of Upper Town Liberty Square.

48.I again with the camera operator climbed the tower Rubanenko at Railway Square. In the frame pleased several trams, and then another who went along the street of Leningrad. Note that in the area of modern street Rosa Luxemburg Spikes collective farm fields.

49.Dostraivayutsya house with supermarket "Central" and the Palace of Culture on October (then Central) Square.

50. In Minsk delegation arrives from Stalingrad.

51.S They brought two bricks of the famous at the time, "Pavlov's house." During the Battle of Stalingrad, a group of Soviet fighters over two months to keep the defense in this building. After the war, "Pavlov's House" restored first. As a symbolic gesture delegation brought from the Volga to the new fragment Minsk.

52.Vo this visit Stalingrad bricks used in the construction of residential house №31 on Stalin Avenue near Victory Square. Now this event is dedicated to building installed on a plaque.

53.Stalingradtsami dignitaries who came to Minsk not be so cold in the summer of 1953, did not stop. At the Minsk railway station, a delegation of "the great Chinese people". Yet the great Chinese people. At the "revisionists" Khrushchev relationship with him dramatically deteriorated.

54.Pod shadow of Stalin, who died just a few months ago, we are in front of the Chinese Chairman of the Minsk City Council holds. Holds, of course, in Belarusian.

55.I postcard few sketches from the main streets of the city. Stalin Avenue near the main post office. Hotel "Minsk" has not yet started to build.

56. Intersection with Komsomolskaya.

57.Stary main building of Minsk Pedagogical Institute on Lenin Square in the late 1980s eclipsed new high-rise.

58.Udivitelno dirty Government House and all of the same exotic palm trees. I wonder why these plants are now no longer used "Minskzelenhozom."

59. The monument to Stalin on the desert of Central Square. In November 1961, he demolished overnight.

60.Okrestnosti Svislochi. Constructed ensemble of Victory Square, go left earthworks in the park 30th anniversary of the Byelorussian SSR, later renamed in honor of Yanka Kupala. Right seen recently demolished historic first Minsk power.

61. The intense traffic on the main thoroughfare of the city.

62.GUM and bus ZIS-155.

63. The building of the Central Committee of Komsomol at the intersection of Marx and Red Army.

64.Chitateli rise to the State Lenin Library. In the background, the pre-war high school №4.

65.Dalee spectators delight prospective development plan of Minsk, which is shown to the future, because of the change of power in Moscow and the subsequent global restructuring of the entire Soviet architecture and was destined to fail.
So look in 1953 Lenin Street from Avenue towards Freedom Square. Its construction is in full swing. Cathedral has already lost its towers, it changed for the gyms society "Spartacus."

66.A so she had to look. On Freedom Square instead Institute building "Belpromproekt" plans to build a high-rise building with a spire.

67.Tsentralnaya area. In the distance, the former Cathedral.

68.Perspektivnaya buildings. The building to the left of the telegraph in the early 1960s, still managed to build on the initial draft, but the right-hand side of the street Engels was never implemented.

69.Tak could look Kalinin area.

70.A so - Academy of Sciences.

71. Belarusian science devoted several minutes of the film. Here are the classics of Soviet literature republic Yakub Kolas, Kondrat Nettle and Peter Glebko under the watchful eye of Stalin's work on the Belarusian-Russian dictionary.

72.A is president of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Kuprevich Basil, whose name 60 years later perfectly known to all employees of High-Tech Park, is conducting field studies with a young employee of the Institute of Biology.

73.Studencheskie weekdays. BSU campus, left the building, Faculty of Geography.

74.Studenty geologists engaged exclusively in the form.

75.Rekonstruirovanny after the occupation of the main building of the Polytechnic Institute. Of course, the name of Stalin.

76. "After the historic decision of the September Plenum many graduate students asked to send them to work in the MTS." The abbreviation "MTS" then meant only machine and tractor stations. Mechanization of agriculture was declared the next task of the Soviet people.

77. The Worker and the school day ends of Minsk. What are they doing in the evening and on weekends?
Planting trees in the future park Yanka Kupala. Now sitting on the benches under the trees it should say thank you to these nameless people of the city.

78.Progulki in a park near the Opera House. Suvorov Military School in the distance is striking in its whiteness.

79. Paddock children in a cozy courtyard. Leningradskaya Street.

80.A this yard in a residential house №16 along Independence Avenue. Children dance in a circle around a kindergarten teacher and sing the Belarusian song.

81.Seychas these young Minsk residents are likely to already have their own grandchildren.

82. Fountain with classical Soviet Sculpture "Girl with a paddle" in Gorky Park.

83.Komsomolskoe lake - a favorite summer destination of citizens. Then there was still possible to swim without fear.

85.Glavnoe male entertainment - hike a football. "Dynamo" stadium in its post-war appearance, fallen victim to the reconstruction of the Olympics-80.

86. The arena was inscribed in the natural slope of the hill, but it took the rostrum not completely.

87.Minskie shops. Motor Show, takes the place of the present café "Birch" in Victory Square. Happy buyer intends to leave the building on their own right on the "Victory".

88. Bookstore "Subscriptions" and 60 years later is still in place. But the sailors on the streets of the city will not meet.

89. In our own winter shopping in GUM could afford to ride one, but socialist realism such nuance is not a hindrance. But for the beauty of the picture, you can lock the child in the car directly on a hot summer day.

90.Interery GUM changed little.


92.Prodavschitsy in uniform coats.

93.Vot shopper gets the carpet to her granddaughter could do 60 years later on his background self.

That's all.