STOP words in communicating with children — quickly, efficiently and smoothly
Like a cold shower. Quickly, efficiently and smoothly in any situation.
A safe word is always extremely rude. Even if it is censorship, pronounced in a tone that would be better right mate. And it is clear. It's always a red light in the relationship with children and not to obey is death. Even if it does not help, then from scandal exactly nothing to save.
There are situations when one may persuade, to convince, to appeal to reason and bribe the child with chocolate — and it is, wee, will remain impenetrable stubborn, unbearably cranky and actually nasty, vile and nasty out of nowhere. And then the Statute immediately and directly from some idiotic scene, you can quietly and clearly say: "... you're already dressed now?", — and the child quickly all you wear. I checked many times.
So: whatever it was, although most, I suspect, it is still not too literary, to stop the word should be treated with respect. This means:
— do not use it often, otherwise it's of magic spells to turn into a curse;
— not to judge a collision on the street parents for the use of stop words. This is really the last attempt of the parent to refrain from this scandal with the child. Ugly and terrible, devastating and embarrassing. Which is much worse from all points of view than one small but succinct stop-word;
— to recognize that the stop word the amazing power to make children and parents are equal to each other. After all, at the time of stop words parent — exhausted, brutalized, driven to despair by some idiocy, arranged the child on an empty place, as if drawn to the child for help: "come on, I love you as a person please, just stop it, otherwise both of us will be worse!". Only shorter. One word.
And — most amazing — the kids usually always hear this call and act like adults adequate people.
Why it works like that, I don't know. But these stop-words (all different, my friend has stop working the word "sun", strained with such a deadly chill in her voice that works better than any of obscenity) is that immediately and instantly leads children in a sense. Like a cold shower. Quickly, efficiently and smoothly in any situation.
Maybe it's in the intonation. Or in General the brutality of the parent shape (the son of my other friend then says about such situations: "and this is when the mother climbs a crocodile?"). Or the global intensity of the situation reaches such a limit that even though something, even a scandal, though a reconciliation, but must be completed and a stop word is a tipping point.
But these stop-words work. And they are at all. And this is good because it reduces the number of scandals in our lives. But how to explain that stop-words and the like would be better not to speak with the grandmothers, and especially in front of other people, that's a topic for a separate serious conversation.published
Author: Katerina Antonova
Also interesting: the Spoiled child: what is and how it is spoiled
How to cope with anger and nervousness children: effective methods of Maria Montessori
Source: ponaroshku.ru/blog/mat-peremat-pro-stop-slova-v-obshchenii-s-detmi/
A safe word is always extremely rude. Even if it is censorship, pronounced in a tone that would be better right mate. And it is clear. It's always a red light in the relationship with children and not to obey is death. Even if it does not help, then from scandal exactly nothing to save.
There are situations when one may persuade, to convince, to appeal to reason and bribe the child with chocolate — and it is, wee, will remain impenetrable stubborn, unbearably cranky and actually nasty, vile and nasty out of nowhere. And then the Statute immediately and directly from some idiotic scene, you can quietly and clearly say: "... you're already dressed now?", — and the child quickly all you wear. I checked many times.
So: whatever it was, although most, I suspect, it is still not too literary, to stop the word should be treated with respect. This means:
— do not use it often, otherwise it's of magic spells to turn into a curse;
— not to judge a collision on the street parents for the use of stop words. This is really the last attempt of the parent to refrain from this scandal with the child. Ugly and terrible, devastating and embarrassing. Which is much worse from all points of view than one small but succinct stop-word;
— to recognize that the stop word the amazing power to make children and parents are equal to each other. After all, at the time of stop words parent — exhausted, brutalized, driven to despair by some idiocy, arranged the child on an empty place, as if drawn to the child for help: "come on, I love you as a person please, just stop it, otherwise both of us will be worse!". Only shorter. One word.
And — most amazing — the kids usually always hear this call and act like adults adequate people.
Why it works like that, I don't know. But these stop-words (all different, my friend has stop working the word "sun", strained with such a deadly chill in her voice that works better than any of obscenity) is that immediately and instantly leads children in a sense. Like a cold shower. Quickly, efficiently and smoothly in any situation.
Maybe it's in the intonation. Or in General the brutality of the parent shape (the son of my other friend then says about such situations: "and this is when the mother climbs a crocodile?"). Or the global intensity of the situation reaches such a limit that even though something, even a scandal, though a reconciliation, but must be completed and a stop word is a tipping point.
But these stop-words work. And they are at all. And this is good because it reduces the number of scandals in our lives. But how to explain that stop-words and the like would be better not to speak with the grandmothers, and especially in front of other people, that's a topic for a separate serious conversation.published
Author: Katerina Antonova
Also interesting: the Spoiled child: what is and how it is spoiled
How to cope with anger and nervousness children: effective methods of Maria Montessori
Source: ponaroshku.ru/blog/mat-peremat-pro-stop-slova-v-obshchenii-s-detmi/
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