16 words to address domestic stupor
We offer our readers an article, where the test 16 associations of words of Carl Jung used to overcome some samokouchinge stupor in their activities. In my psychotherapy practice, I have also widely apply this test when dealing with a variety of requests.
"Sometimes you have such that the results you want to achieve, you are motivated, all the steps laid out, but something inside stops of the action - and it is unclear what? For example, there is a clear plan for how to make money, have the power and the money is really needed, but you just can not bring myself to start ...
Or this: any business you get carried away, and then suddenly began to oppress. For example, an excellent salesman suddenly stopped loving sale, inspired teachers conducting lessons became annoying, and a good student - Study ...
If you want to know why this is happening and, most importantly, what to do - then this article is for you
My personal experience
I grew up in a poor family in the province, and has gone through many of life's crises, including bankruptcy, health problems, moving to study in another country without the grant, with two hundred euros in his pocket, and a complete change of activity.
I know that the ability to pay aid of a coach (or even a therapist) is not all and not always - and I want to share with you my favorite "magic wand", which I use in situations stupor and self-sabotage or when cease to understand itself .
And it is not just personal experience. The technique that I want to offer you, I have been actively studied for two and a half years with the involvement of more than two hundred participants. So the answer for the quality.
Why do we suddenly fall into a stupor
Often the reason is hidden associations and inner emotional charge.
My spontaneous, which began as an experiment and the inner game, a study has led to an acquaintance with modern neuroscience and cognitive linguistics.
That's what they say about the structure of our thinking:
Our brain is designed so that when you want something to remember, it is encoded set of visual images and information from the sensory organs and associated with all of these emotions and sensations in the body - that is, those that already exist in our long-term memory. All of these "pieces of memory" is also, in turn, are encoded in a similar range, which is why the activation of one of the memories to activate the entire chain.
That's how the association and association chains. Add to that the knowledge that we remember best what emotionally colored. Positive is the color or negative - for the brain is not so important, the most important presence of emotion. This mechanism worked out evolution for millions of years: if something scary or happy - so it's important to react and on the neutral can not worry and do not waste it resources
. To identify the causes of domestic stupor and be able to overcome it on their own, I propose to identify the underlying concept of the association to the right or the situation and see what kind of emotional charge they carry themselves.
Exercise "16 associations' help to do it quickly, gently and slyly. After all, our brain loves to build psychological defenses to protect us from the really unpleasant and painful for the psyche of things. This exercise is based on the method of free association Young, and here also complemented me those chips and the keys which I found in the course of his research.
What results have to wait?
In a narrow sense, this activity is to search for deep association to any one important word for you, concept or image. If you take more widely - a way to rewrite the "code of the mental" re-program your own thinking
. With the "16 Association" can be:
to build a map of its associative links
catch destructive associations, like computer viruses
see the root of the problem
strengthen awareness
get insight
You will need a piece of paper, a pen, and about half an hour of free time in silence.
The sheet is positioned horizontally and the left column put down the numbers 1 to 16 - this will help you focus and do not get confused when performing exercises
. The first phase of
Create a query. For this title is a word or phrase the problem or task that you care about and whose solution will improve your quality of life in the short term. Formulate it in a word or short phrase. For example, you just can not sit down to write the diploma - then take the word "diploma". Your current work is beginning to cause negative - take the word "work»
. To make the result of a deeper - straighten your back, take a couple of deep breaths and move into account, in the lower abdomen. Believe me, it works.
The first question for samokouchinga What worries me now is most
? Write down the top of the sheet, the words, which you describe your problem / task.
The second stage
Inhale, exhale, and take a look at the written word. Think about this concept - how that relates to you personally, and as an abstract concept. Now write down the 16 associations to the word that comes to your mind. Let yourself go, write down all the words. Do not dispose of the word, even if it seems inappropriate to you - once it came to your mind, then it is your association
The third stage
Now connect word pairs, as in the photo: the first with the second, third, fourth and so on
That is the real work begins now. It has two rules, and the first - is honesty. The more honest, more sincere you are with yourself, the more powerful the effect will get as a result. The second rule - the word should not be repeated. If a word will occur during exercise two or more times, make a note of it separately at the bottom of the page. Then I'll tell you what to do with it.
When words are combined, begin to work with each pair separately, without reference to the main word (that which refers to your request).
For each pair of words to find the common association - a word that combines the two for you personally. Remember about the inner integrity? Look for the common association that it will yours. Listen to yourself - and your body. Found words you respond? This is it - or can be formulated more precisely
? Use nouns, verbs and adverbs.
How to help yourself, if the association is not uniting. Visualize - Imagine every word of the pair in the form of an image, mentally step back and look at them from the side. What unites them? Maybe they are (or are not) a part of something bigger? Perhaps each of these images there is a common piece, a common part? What is an image?
What do you call it a word? Listen to the sensations in the body - back straight, relax your shoulders, shift your attention in the lower abdomen and legs. If you visualize the bad, you can search for a unifying association through the senses: feel, what sensations in the body is the first word of the pair? And now - what sensations is the second word? What is common between these sensations? What they are associated? Describe it in one word.
Check for honesty
When combining the association for a couple of words found, listen to yourself and to the sensations in the body: this is the word? Or is there a more accurate - just for you
The fourth stage
You got eight words. Combine them back braces in pairs and repeat the same thing and in the third stage. Remember that the words can not be repeated (if the word is repeated - write it down and look for another association). Look for your words exactly.
When you get four words, repeat the same thing. Pay attention to the emerging sensations in the body and emotions. Fix them as an observer, and continue.
Now combine the resulting two words into one.
This last word is your deep Association.
In all the photos - a real inquiry
. I made your favorite "16 associations" and received a deep association - depression
! Oops, some unexpected results! Yes, it made sense - was the study makes me depressed. This is exactly what I felt.
Okay, and what to do about it?
Let's see.
How to deal with the results:
First and foremost - to share "the flies" and "chops". Remember that all these words - just a associations. Depression really has nothing to do with education.
The second - look at the final word, and ask yourself: I'm comfortable with this deep association or not? If I study is associated with depression, how does this affect me and my actions?
The final word can be positive - and then it can become a resource: that association and in a manner which gives you the strength and desire to act
. Looking at the results of the exercise, you can realize that affects your subconscious perception and attitude towards the situation. This alone usually gives a transformational effect.
The third - to determine the negative and positive associations in each column
. Let me remind you, five of them, the last one - a single word. What does each of the columns?
The first (16 words) - it's stereotypes and beliefs formed in the process of education, or under the influence of the environment and the environment
. The second (8 words) - a mental level: subconscious thoughts
. The third (4 words) - the level of emotion. Pay special attention to the emotional coloring of each of these four words.
The fourth level (2 words) and the final word to make up what I call the "triangle solutions».
The final word is a deep association, and a couple of words, from which it appeared, could be the solution strategies of inquiry and the key issues to be resolved, or carry information about the choices that must be made.
See which column more negative associations? What caused them? From stem negative associations?
Where more positive? As these positive associations can help you with your query? Yes, already went coaching questions :)
Fourth - rewrite the 'destructive code »
The more we apply new associations to the word, meaning a request, the greater the change triggered by this word associative chain. The brighter the images will be positive than they would be nicer for us (including body - chills, tingling, a feeling of freedom in the shoulders, etc.), the stronger the effect of "rewriting»
. You can simply povycherkivat negative words and replace them with positive.
The effect will be stronger if you find on our map "turning points" (the first negative words in the horizontal chain), replace them with positive and bring new association uniting up to replace the final word.
Even more powerful is the effect if, before uniting to seek new association, you will enter the state of the resource (for example, through meditation). I like this method, and in the case of "learning" I used to them. "Overcharging" themselves in meditation, I found a new association unites instead of negative - and brought again the entire chain from it and the final word. And the next day with pleasure to participate in the webinar.
Fifth - look at the positive associations and ask yourself whether they limit you? What I have in mind: for example, you have worked with the request "money" and got the final word "achieve" and the feeling that's so, the receipt of money for you - the recognition of achievements and achievements - generate revenue ... But how else can you get paid ? Do you not miss the cash gifts, finds, prizes and other ways?
For example, in his master class, I invited participants to write themselves a written authorization to allow a variety of ways to earn income, and before that we pokreativit on what these different methods can be. This method helps to expand consciousness and to remove the frame.
Sixth - fix positive associations. For example, using a bright collage or drawing. By the way, creating a collage on the theme found positive associations are guaranteed to add your insight on your request.
Tip: save the written sheet, put a date on it, and follow the "16 Association" again with the same request, word in three months - so you can keep track of what changed
. Chef and what to do if in the course of exercise a word appeared twice or more often?
For example, you worked with the word "money" and you repeated the word "strength».
My experience and my research shows that when a word is repeated, it means that they triggered a chain of associations affects the perception of the basic word (the request). In this example, the internal perception of power affect the attitude towards money.
Do the exercise again, but this (repeated) words in a query, and look at the results.
And finally:
Modern scholars argue that, remembering the event, we will activate the same neurons that are involved in its memorization. The more something to remember - the stronger the neural connections (and associative chain). It follows that by changing one of the links in the chain, and we change the whole chain. And when we do it consciously, then literally reprogramming our own thinking - and train the brain
! All members of my research, which have become independent and regular use of technology "16 associations," noted significant improvements in each of the areas being explored. And when I asked their customers for coaching, "What exercise or technique gave you the first powerful impulse to move forward?" - They called
"16 associations." Of course, to carry out this technique with coach better - if only because it will be an independent eye to notice your reactions and paying them your attention, asking useful questions and help enter the resource state to "rewrite»
. But, as I said earlier in this article, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the coach. That is why I am sharing here with you my favorite "shestnashkami" - the ordinary samokouchinge (when we ask questions themselves) it is difficult to bypass the internal psychological protection. And with the "16 Association" it is possible to make a soft and eco-friendly for the psyche, even if the subject is painful. In addition, they set the focus on a particular request, a specific topic.
For me personally, "16 associations" have become a reliable tool for self-development and self-exploration.
Change your thinking, get insights and act!
Author: Olga Gubanov
"Sometimes you have such that the results you want to achieve, you are motivated, all the steps laid out, but something inside stops of the action - and it is unclear what? For example, there is a clear plan for how to make money, have the power and the money is really needed, but you just can not bring myself to start ...
Or this: any business you get carried away, and then suddenly began to oppress. For example, an excellent salesman suddenly stopped loving sale, inspired teachers conducting lessons became annoying, and a good student - Study ...
If you want to know why this is happening and, most importantly, what to do - then this article is for you

My personal experience
I grew up in a poor family in the province, and has gone through many of life's crises, including bankruptcy, health problems, moving to study in another country without the grant, with two hundred euros in his pocket, and a complete change of activity.
I know that the ability to pay aid of a coach (or even a therapist) is not all and not always - and I want to share with you my favorite "magic wand", which I use in situations stupor and self-sabotage or when cease to understand itself .
And it is not just personal experience. The technique that I want to offer you, I have been actively studied for two and a half years with the involvement of more than two hundred participants. So the answer for the quality.
Why do we suddenly fall into a stupor
Often the reason is hidden associations and inner emotional charge.
My spontaneous, which began as an experiment and the inner game, a study has led to an acquaintance with modern neuroscience and cognitive linguistics.
That's what they say about the structure of our thinking:
Our brain is designed so that when you want something to remember, it is encoded set of visual images and information from the sensory organs and associated with all of these emotions and sensations in the body - that is, those that already exist in our long-term memory. All of these "pieces of memory" is also, in turn, are encoded in a similar range, which is why the activation of one of the memories to activate the entire chain.
That's how the association and association chains. Add to that the knowledge that we remember best what emotionally colored. Positive is the color or negative - for the brain is not so important, the most important presence of emotion. This mechanism worked out evolution for millions of years: if something scary or happy - so it's important to react and on the neutral can not worry and do not waste it resources
. To identify the causes of domestic stupor and be able to overcome it on their own, I propose to identify the underlying concept of the association to the right or the situation and see what kind of emotional charge they carry themselves.
Exercise "16 associations' help to do it quickly, gently and slyly. After all, our brain loves to build psychological defenses to protect us from the really unpleasant and painful for the psyche of things. This exercise is based on the method of free association Young, and here also complemented me those chips and the keys which I found in the course of his research.
What results have to wait?
In a narrow sense, this activity is to search for deep association to any one important word for you, concept or image. If you take more widely - a way to rewrite the "code of the mental" re-program your own thinking
. With the "16 Association" can be:
to build a map of its associative links
catch destructive associations, like computer viruses
see the root of the problem
strengthen awareness
get insight
You will need a piece of paper, a pen, and about half an hour of free time in silence.
The sheet is positioned horizontally and the left column put down the numbers 1 to 16 - this will help you focus and do not get confused when performing exercises
. The first phase of
Create a query. For this title is a word or phrase the problem or task that you care about and whose solution will improve your quality of life in the short term. Formulate it in a word or short phrase. For example, you just can not sit down to write the diploma - then take the word "diploma". Your current work is beginning to cause negative - take the word "work»
. To make the result of a deeper - straighten your back, take a couple of deep breaths and move into account, in the lower abdomen. Believe me, it works.
The first question for samokouchinga What worries me now is most
? Write down the top of the sheet, the words, which you describe your problem / task.
The second stage
Inhale, exhale, and take a look at the written word. Think about this concept - how that relates to you personally, and as an abstract concept. Now write down the 16 associations to the word that comes to your mind. Let yourself go, write down all the words. Do not dispose of the word, even if it seems inappropriate to you - once it came to your mind, then it is your association

The third stage
Now connect word pairs, as in the photo: the first with the second, third, fourth and so on

That is the real work begins now. It has two rules, and the first - is honesty. The more honest, more sincere you are with yourself, the more powerful the effect will get as a result. The second rule - the word should not be repeated. If a word will occur during exercise two or more times, make a note of it separately at the bottom of the page. Then I'll tell you what to do with it.
When words are combined, begin to work with each pair separately, without reference to the main word (that which refers to your request).
For each pair of words to find the common association - a word that combines the two for you personally. Remember about the inner integrity? Look for the common association that it will yours. Listen to yourself - and your body. Found words you respond? This is it - or can be formulated more precisely
? Use nouns, verbs and adverbs.
How to help yourself, if the association is not uniting. Visualize - Imagine every word of the pair in the form of an image, mentally step back and look at them from the side. What unites them? Maybe they are (or are not) a part of something bigger? Perhaps each of these images there is a common piece, a common part? What is an image?
What do you call it a word? Listen to the sensations in the body - back straight, relax your shoulders, shift your attention in the lower abdomen and legs. If you visualize the bad, you can search for a unifying association through the senses: feel, what sensations in the body is the first word of the pair? And now - what sensations is the second word? What is common between these sensations? What they are associated? Describe it in one word.
Check for honesty
When combining the association for a couple of words found, listen to yourself and to the sensations in the body: this is the word? Or is there a more accurate - just for you
The fourth stage
You got eight words. Combine them back braces in pairs and repeat the same thing and in the third stage. Remember that the words can not be repeated (if the word is repeated - write it down and look for another association). Look for your words exactly.
When you get four words, repeat the same thing. Pay attention to the emerging sensations in the body and emotions. Fix them as an observer, and continue.
Now combine the resulting two words into one.
This last word is your deep Association.

In all the photos - a real inquiry
. I made your favorite "16 associations" and received a deep association - depression
! Oops, some unexpected results! Yes, it made sense - was the study makes me depressed. This is exactly what I felt.
Okay, and what to do about it?
Let's see.
How to deal with the results:
First and foremost - to share "the flies" and "chops". Remember that all these words - just a associations. Depression really has nothing to do with education.
The second - look at the final word, and ask yourself: I'm comfortable with this deep association or not? If I study is associated with depression, how does this affect me and my actions?
The final word can be positive - and then it can become a resource: that association and in a manner which gives you the strength and desire to act
. Looking at the results of the exercise, you can realize that affects your subconscious perception and attitude towards the situation. This alone usually gives a transformational effect.
The third - to determine the negative and positive associations in each column
. Let me remind you, five of them, the last one - a single word. What does each of the columns?
The first (16 words) - it's stereotypes and beliefs formed in the process of education, or under the influence of the environment and the environment
. The second (8 words) - a mental level: subconscious thoughts
. The third (4 words) - the level of emotion. Pay special attention to the emotional coloring of each of these four words.
The fourth level (2 words) and the final word to make up what I call the "triangle solutions».
The final word is a deep association, and a couple of words, from which it appeared, could be the solution strategies of inquiry and the key issues to be resolved, or carry information about the choices that must be made.
See which column more negative associations? What caused them? From stem negative associations?
Where more positive? As these positive associations can help you with your query? Yes, already went coaching questions :)
Fourth - rewrite the 'destructive code »
The more we apply new associations to the word, meaning a request, the greater the change triggered by this word associative chain. The brighter the images will be positive than they would be nicer for us (including body - chills, tingling, a feeling of freedom in the shoulders, etc.), the stronger the effect of "rewriting»
. You can simply povycherkivat negative words and replace them with positive.
The effect will be stronger if you find on our map "turning points" (the first negative words in the horizontal chain), replace them with positive and bring new association uniting up to replace the final word.

Even more powerful is the effect if, before uniting to seek new association, you will enter the state of the resource (for example, through meditation). I like this method, and in the case of "learning" I used to them. "Overcharging" themselves in meditation, I found a new association unites instead of negative - and brought again the entire chain from it and the final word. And the next day with pleasure to participate in the webinar.
Fifth - look at the positive associations and ask yourself whether they limit you? What I have in mind: for example, you have worked with the request "money" and got the final word "achieve" and the feeling that's so, the receipt of money for you - the recognition of achievements and achievements - generate revenue ... But how else can you get paid ? Do you not miss the cash gifts, finds, prizes and other ways?
For example, in his master class, I invited participants to write themselves a written authorization to allow a variety of ways to earn income, and before that we pokreativit on what these different methods can be. This method helps to expand consciousness and to remove the frame.
Sixth - fix positive associations. For example, using a bright collage or drawing. By the way, creating a collage on the theme found positive associations are guaranteed to add your insight on your request.
Tip: save the written sheet, put a date on it, and follow the "16 Association" again with the same request, word in three months - so you can keep track of what changed
. Chef and what to do if in the course of exercise a word appeared twice or more often?
For example, you worked with the word "money" and you repeated the word "strength».
My experience and my research shows that when a word is repeated, it means that they triggered a chain of associations affects the perception of the basic word (the request). In this example, the internal perception of power affect the attitude towards money.
Do the exercise again, but this (repeated) words in a query, and look at the results.
And finally:
Modern scholars argue that, remembering the event, we will activate the same neurons that are involved in its memorization. The more something to remember - the stronger the neural connections (and associative chain). It follows that by changing one of the links in the chain, and we change the whole chain. And when we do it consciously, then literally reprogramming our own thinking - and train the brain
! All members of my research, which have become independent and regular use of technology "16 associations," noted significant improvements in each of the areas being explored. And when I asked their customers for coaching, "What exercise or technique gave you the first powerful impulse to move forward?" - They called
"16 associations." Of course, to carry out this technique with coach better - if only because it will be an independent eye to notice your reactions and paying them your attention, asking useful questions and help enter the resource state to "rewrite»
. But, as I said earlier in this article, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the coach. That is why I am sharing here with you my favorite "shestnashkami" - the ordinary samokouchinge (when we ask questions themselves) it is difficult to bypass the internal psychological protection. And with the "16 Association" it is possible to make a soft and eco-friendly for the psyche, even if the subject is painful. In addition, they set the focus on a particular request, a specific topic.
For me personally, "16 associations" have become a reliable tool for self-development and self-exploration.
Change your thinking, get insights and act!
Author: Olga Gubanov