The myth of the leader
Now in the Museum of History is a good show, "The myth of the leader" - the personal belongings of Lenin and Stalin, gifts from the people, things related to personal life, life, these people left their unmistakable and all its mark in the history of not only Russia, but also to humanity as a whole.
Stas wrote Sadalsky
Was Krupskaya beautiful?
Judging by the death mask - no.
Judging by the young photographer - also no.
Nevertheless, for some reason always painters and sculptors portrayed her just yet Madonna.
Her mother, by the way, was a beauty. And excellent hostess, unlike daughters.
In-law loved the house and held her. Well, not the house, of course, a way of life, at home they did not have, yes links emigration. Elizabeth V. Krupskaya everywhere followed the "children", but did not live the triumph of Lenin, who died in March 1915 in Bern.
Wedding rings Lenin and Krupskaya. The ones who Shushenskaya link local blacksmith made of two copper dimes for wedding honeymoon atheist.
Lenin wig for conspiracy.
Reconstructed office Ilyich.
Funny picture of Michael Avilova "The emergence of Lenin in Smolny", written in 1923. Lenin in his favorite make-up - in a cap with knotted cheek. Near Trotsky. It's amazing how a work of art has survived to the present day? The artist, by the way, is also not affected by the years of repression, and survived Stalin.
Coats, raked villain Kaplan (not long ago it exhibited, but I remember on the childhood), marked with a red cross in the places where the bullets hit.
One of the fatal bullets extracted from the great body only in 1922 when the operation.
And things - French (Lenin, incidentally, also wore a jacket), shoes, hats, coats. Ilyich was tastefully not only revolutionary - clothes entirely overseas, the best fabrics - wool, silk, batiste. All the fashionable, expensive. Dude.
In the background-darned pereshtopany cloak Stalin looks just pathetic.
Man, as we know, Stalin was highly conservative. Boots to wear out to the holes, patched clothes as long as it does not fall apart in your hands, slept in the office with a hard sofa on which he died.
Is that dress tunic Stalin looks smart, boots and spurs in decent form, and everything else is very poor.
From personal belongings - a set of pipes (mostly donated), pen, magnifying glass, binoculars, service and little dishes of Stalin's dacha in Volyn. Yes, portraits!
One of the best - the brush Meshkov. Very similar.
So, returning to Krupskaya. The exhibition of drawings and portraits of many "couple Ilyich," as they called friends of the eyes.
On some Russian Krupskaya looks beautiful.
In fact, she got sick very early, the disease was hereditary and rapidly progressive, disfiguring appearance and character. In those years, Lenin began an affair that lasted more than ten years.
Near to the Historical Museum, on the corner of Vozdvizhenka and Manezh, stands the house. In the 1970s there was a hostel Contemporary Theatre, and even earlier lodged revolutionaries.
So I settled into the room (Manezh kv7 9) where once lived the last love of Lenin Inessa Armand.
Sometimes lying at night hungry, staring at the ceiling, and consoled myself with the thought that this is the ceiling watching the leader of the world proletariat ..)
Krupskaya, Lenin loved, to forgive and understand. And even let go, she began to look for them with Inessa apartment. But Lenin made his choice and left with his wife. For Inessa it was a hit.
In the only surviving letters she wrote Ilyich:
"Separated, we broke up, my dear, to you! And it hurts so much. I know, I feel like you've not come here! Looking at familiar places, I was clearly aware as never before, what a great place you have here, in Paris, held in my life, that almost all the activity here in Paris, was a thousand threads associated with the thought of you. I was not in love with you, but then I loved thee. I have now been without kisses, only to see you sometimes talk to you would be a joy to anyone and it could not have hurt. Why would deprive me of this? You ask if I am angry because you are "spent" parting. No, I think you did it not for himself ...
Hard kiss you. Your Inessa »
Armand died of cholera in 1920 in Beslan. Her death was unexpected for everyone, including Lenin, who himself had sent Inessa in a sanatorium in the Caucasus to improve their health. Witnesses said that at the funeral it was scary to watch. A few months later, Lenin suffered the first stroke.
Against the wishes of the deceased Hope Konstantinovny Lenin embalmed and placed in a mausoleum. She wanted to be buried next to Inez.
Stas wrote Sadalsky
Was Krupskaya beautiful?

Judging by the death mask - no.

Judging by the young photographer - also no.
Nevertheless, for some reason always painters and sculptors portrayed her just yet Madonna.

Her mother, by the way, was a beauty. And excellent hostess, unlike daughters.
In-law loved the house and held her. Well, not the house, of course, a way of life, at home they did not have, yes links emigration. Elizabeth V. Krupskaya everywhere followed the "children", but did not live the triumph of Lenin, who died in March 1915 in Bern.

Wedding rings Lenin and Krupskaya. The ones who Shushenskaya link local blacksmith made of two copper dimes for wedding honeymoon atheist.

Lenin wig for conspiracy.

Reconstructed office Ilyich.

Funny picture of Michael Avilova "The emergence of Lenin in Smolny", written in 1923. Lenin in his favorite make-up - in a cap with knotted cheek. Near Trotsky. It's amazing how a work of art has survived to the present day? The artist, by the way, is also not affected by the years of repression, and survived Stalin.

Coats, raked villain Kaplan (not long ago it exhibited, but I remember on the childhood), marked with a red cross in the places where the bullets hit.

One of the fatal bullets extracted from the great body only in 1922 when the operation.

And things - French (Lenin, incidentally, also wore a jacket), shoes, hats, coats. Ilyich was tastefully not only revolutionary - clothes entirely overseas, the best fabrics - wool, silk, batiste. All the fashionable, expensive. Dude.

In the background-darned pereshtopany cloak Stalin looks just pathetic.

Man, as we know, Stalin was highly conservative. Boots to wear out to the holes, patched clothes as long as it does not fall apart in your hands, slept in the office with a hard sofa on which he died.

Is that dress tunic Stalin looks smart, boots and spurs in decent form, and everything else is very poor.

From personal belongings - a set of pipes (mostly donated), pen, magnifying glass, binoculars, service and little dishes of Stalin's dacha in Volyn. Yes, portraits!

One of the best - the brush Meshkov. Very similar.

So, returning to Krupskaya. The exhibition of drawings and portraits of many "couple Ilyich," as they called friends of the eyes.
On some Russian Krupskaya looks beautiful.

In fact, she got sick very early, the disease was hereditary and rapidly progressive, disfiguring appearance and character. In those years, Lenin began an affair that lasted more than ten years.

Near to the Historical Museum, on the corner of Vozdvizhenka and Manezh, stands the house. In the 1970s there was a hostel Contemporary Theatre, and even earlier lodged revolutionaries.
So I settled into the room (Manezh kv7 9) where once lived the last love of Lenin Inessa Armand.
Sometimes lying at night hungry, staring at the ceiling, and consoled myself with the thought that this is the ceiling watching the leader of the world proletariat ..)

Krupskaya, Lenin loved, to forgive and understand. And even let go, she began to look for them with Inessa apartment. But Lenin made his choice and left with his wife. For Inessa it was a hit.
In the only surviving letters she wrote Ilyich:
"Separated, we broke up, my dear, to you! And it hurts so much. I know, I feel like you've not come here! Looking at familiar places, I was clearly aware as never before, what a great place you have here, in Paris, held in my life, that almost all the activity here in Paris, was a thousand threads associated with the thought of you. I was not in love with you, but then I loved thee. I have now been without kisses, only to see you sometimes talk to you would be a joy to anyone and it could not have hurt. Why would deprive me of this? You ask if I am angry because you are "spent" parting. No, I think you did it not for himself ...
Hard kiss you. Your Inessa »
Armand died of cholera in 1920 in Beslan. Her death was unexpected for everyone, including Lenin, who himself had sent Inessa in a sanatorium in the Caucasus to improve their health. Witnesses said that at the funeral it was scary to watch. A few months later, Lenin suffered the first stroke.

Against the wishes of the deceased Hope Konstantinovny Lenin embalmed and placed in a mausoleum. She wanted to be buried next to Inez.