15 myths about healthy eating
Have breakfast gluten-free cereal, skim slammed stopar noni juice, organic chicken and bit her sitting there all so happy? We are greatly disappointed you now, but still, what do you know about healthy eating - and the garbage is not true. And the truth - that's it:
Myth №1. I would have skimmed and turned into Kate Moss
Items marked "0% fat" often cost more than the terrible and bad fat, slimming but still sweep them off the shelves. And for good reason. If removed from the manufacturing of the industrial way of eating all the fat, it will become rather dull in taste. For buyers do not choke and did not disappoint in low-fat products put more sugar and flavorings.
Myth №2. Evening calories are deposited at the waist, and the morning - no
Any calories turn into fat if they do not spend, and when they were received - it does not matter. Thick late dinner not bad sides, but for digestion because the stomach too sleeps at night. Indigestion, insomnia and lethargy morning - yes, maybe, but additional kilogram of fat - is unlikely.
Myth №3. Healthy eating - it's expensive
Oh, c'mon. Cereals and vegetables - the cheapest products, and they form the basis of any proper nutrition. Optional-purchase kamut pasta, arugula, and lobsters to be slim.
Mif№4. Gluten destroy us
This myth is at hand manufacturers of gluten-free products that are pushing their gluten-free pasta stock at a price of golden sand. In fact, to avoid gluten should be only for those who have celiac. You do not know what it is? Eat Gluten quietly. Moreover, the gluten-free muffin fatter and caloric its normal counterpart.
Myth №5. Noni juice will make me beautiful and immortal
As vitamin and mineral composition of noni juice - this is an ordinary fruit juice, useful, of course, but not a miracle. In addition, manufacturers are shoved into it a lot of preservatives - because the juice is supposed to be stored in the refrigerator for weeks and receive micro-doses. Here's the information for reflection: in Thailand, where it makes Noni juice, it is only sold in tourist shops.
Myth №6. Fats - the evil
This evil potato fries, and fats - a necessary thing. Absolutely no fat does not. He needs brain and nervous system, without the fat metabolism does not work and a whole bunch of vitamins are not absorbed by the skin aging, liver rebels and hormones that make girls girls and boys - the boys, and all stops producing. Will thin, but sleepy, angry, bad, sick and wrinkled. Here's something cool.
Myth №7. From olive oil do not get fat
How can a product which contains at least 800 calories facilitate slimming? That's right, nothing. To asses all one - that olive oil is that a couple of pieces of cake. But, in contrast to animal fats, olive oil, no cholesterol, and blood vessels, it is really useful.
Myth №8. EM Magic goji berries and losing weight!
Eat goji berries and supports the poor Chinese farmers, yes. The rest of the goji - more or less common berries. On the content of amino acids, minerals and vitamins rosehips vulgar udelaet goji one left. A fiber, which improves digestion and promotes harmony in the cabbage leaf is greater than the whole tueski goji.
Myth №9. Apple - the best snack
In fact, apples (and Apelsinka too) do not interrupt your appetite, but on the contrary, cause a brutal famine. They have a lot of sugar, but low in calories. Insulin clean up this sugar very quickly (because it is called "fast carbs"). But the feature that after all the sugar is metabolized, insulin levels for some time remained high - and in the end you want to eat. Hunger is better to kill a cup of green tea.
Myth №10. Green coffee burns fat
No better and no worse than the black. In the green coffee, as the advertising says there is miraculous chlorogenic acid, a hell of a fat burner that makes donuts in thin persons per week. It is there and the truth is, but this gentle heat treatment acid is completely destroyed. However, caffeine is really speeds up the metabolism, but where does it come from - whether green or black coffee - do not matter.
Myth №11. From the rise and juices I pohorosheyu
Shop juices are no better than Coke. They are very few vitamins, but a lot of sugar, preservatives and dyes. And by the way, calories that are not saturated - our brain is designed so that the calories from the liquid it does not take into account.
Myth №12. By separate food lose weight
Yes and no. Actually, we are designed in a way that can safely digest all at once - and chicken, and cereal. Enzymes all enough. Another thing that has to go and pick up a separate food products. Daily solving this puzzle, you watch closely, that stuffed in his mouth. Less meat pies - fewer calories.
Myth №13. Best dessert - fruit salad
In itself it is not bad (if you do not pour the fruit with whipped cream), but devour it as a dessert - a bad idea. Fruits cause fermentation, and after a hearty dinner, this is fraught with rumbling, bloating and other unromantic thing. This salad is best to eat between feasts - as a snack, for example.
Mif№ 14. Organic - the most healthy and safe
It's how you look. Organic fruits and vegetables sometimes contain harmful bacteria from environmentally friendly manure, meat from happy cows, which are not stuffed with antibiotics, is also faulty. In the United States each year are removed from the shelves of tons of organic products contaminated with Salmonella and other gnats.
Myth №15. Potatoes - not a vegetable
Of course, high-calorie potato salad. But much easier to bread or chicken. Baked or boiled potatoes - quite a dietary product that is full of fiber, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C. And all this - in a miserable 80 calories.

Myth №1. I would have skimmed and turned into Kate Moss
Items marked "0% fat" often cost more than the terrible and bad fat, slimming but still sweep them off the shelves. And for good reason. If removed from the manufacturing of the industrial way of eating all the fat, it will become rather dull in taste. For buyers do not choke and did not disappoint in low-fat products put more sugar and flavorings.
Myth №2. Evening calories are deposited at the waist, and the morning - no
Any calories turn into fat if they do not spend, and when they were received - it does not matter. Thick late dinner not bad sides, but for digestion because the stomach too sleeps at night. Indigestion, insomnia and lethargy morning - yes, maybe, but additional kilogram of fat - is unlikely.
Myth №3. Healthy eating - it's expensive
Oh, c'mon. Cereals and vegetables - the cheapest products, and they form the basis of any proper nutrition. Optional-purchase kamut pasta, arugula, and lobsters to be slim.
Mif№4. Gluten destroy us
This myth is at hand manufacturers of gluten-free products that are pushing their gluten-free pasta stock at a price of golden sand. In fact, to avoid gluten should be only for those who have celiac. You do not know what it is? Eat Gluten quietly. Moreover, the gluten-free muffin fatter and caloric its normal counterpart.
Myth №5. Noni juice will make me beautiful and immortal
As vitamin and mineral composition of noni juice - this is an ordinary fruit juice, useful, of course, but not a miracle. In addition, manufacturers are shoved into it a lot of preservatives - because the juice is supposed to be stored in the refrigerator for weeks and receive micro-doses. Here's the information for reflection: in Thailand, where it makes Noni juice, it is only sold in tourist shops.
Myth №6. Fats - the evil
This evil potato fries, and fats - a necessary thing. Absolutely no fat does not. He needs brain and nervous system, without the fat metabolism does not work and a whole bunch of vitamins are not absorbed by the skin aging, liver rebels and hormones that make girls girls and boys - the boys, and all stops producing. Will thin, but sleepy, angry, bad, sick and wrinkled. Here's something cool.
Myth №7. From olive oil do not get fat
How can a product which contains at least 800 calories facilitate slimming? That's right, nothing. To asses all one - that olive oil is that a couple of pieces of cake. But, in contrast to animal fats, olive oil, no cholesterol, and blood vessels, it is really useful.
Myth №8. EM Magic goji berries and losing weight!
Eat goji berries and supports the poor Chinese farmers, yes. The rest of the goji - more or less common berries. On the content of amino acids, minerals and vitamins rosehips vulgar udelaet goji one left. A fiber, which improves digestion and promotes harmony in the cabbage leaf is greater than the whole tueski goji.
Myth №9. Apple - the best snack
In fact, apples (and Apelsinka too) do not interrupt your appetite, but on the contrary, cause a brutal famine. They have a lot of sugar, but low in calories. Insulin clean up this sugar very quickly (because it is called "fast carbs"). But the feature that after all the sugar is metabolized, insulin levels for some time remained high - and in the end you want to eat. Hunger is better to kill a cup of green tea.
Myth №10. Green coffee burns fat
No better and no worse than the black. In the green coffee, as the advertising says there is miraculous chlorogenic acid, a hell of a fat burner that makes donuts in thin persons per week. It is there and the truth is, but this gentle heat treatment acid is completely destroyed. However, caffeine is really speeds up the metabolism, but where does it come from - whether green or black coffee - do not matter.
Myth №11. From the rise and juices I pohorosheyu
Shop juices are no better than Coke. They are very few vitamins, but a lot of sugar, preservatives and dyes. And by the way, calories that are not saturated - our brain is designed so that the calories from the liquid it does not take into account.
Myth №12. By separate food lose weight
Yes and no. Actually, we are designed in a way that can safely digest all at once - and chicken, and cereal. Enzymes all enough. Another thing that has to go and pick up a separate food products. Daily solving this puzzle, you watch closely, that stuffed in his mouth. Less meat pies - fewer calories.
Myth №13. Best dessert - fruit salad

In itself it is not bad (if you do not pour the fruit with whipped cream), but devour it as a dessert - a bad idea. Fruits cause fermentation, and after a hearty dinner, this is fraught with rumbling, bloating and other unromantic thing. This salad is best to eat between feasts - as a snack, for example.
Mif№ 14. Organic - the most healthy and safe
It's how you look. Organic fruits and vegetables sometimes contain harmful bacteria from environmentally friendly manure, meat from happy cows, which are not stuffed with antibiotics, is also faulty. In the United States each year are removed from the shelves of tons of organic products contaminated with Salmonella and other gnats.
Myth №15. Potatoes - not a vegetable
Of course, high-calorie potato salad. But much easier to bread or chicken. Baked or boiled potatoes - quite a dietary product that is full of fiber, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C. And all this - in a miserable 80 calories.