7 fairy tales about proper nutrition and weight loss: energetic coach Yaroslavna Danilevich brought clarity
How much has been said already healthyEspecially about proper nutrition. A beautiful figure gives women confidence in themselves. But it happens that you are on a diet, and drink 2 liters of water, even for a run in the morning you wake up, and the desired result is not. And all because around proper nutrition and weight loss created a lot of myths.
Exclusively "Site" The famous coach and author of the program for weight loss at home Yaroslavna Danilevich dispelled 7 misconceptions about a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps they are the ones that prevent you from achieving the desired shapes.
Proper nutrition conditions
Yaroslavna Danilevich advises not just blindly follow the instructions for proper nutrition and weight loss, but listen to your body. After all, each of us has its own characteristics, which are important to consider in the fight for a beautiful figure.
Therefore, in its effective weight loss program, energetic Yaroslavna builds training on the principle tested on itself. The team of nutritionists, who work together with the trainer, compiles a diet taking into account the unique characteristics of the body of each participant in the program, and this is not discussed! When it comes to weight loss, it is important to take everything into account.
You can also join the team of Yaroslavna, and after 12 weeks you will enjoy a slim reflection in the mirror. How great that the Internet allows you to effectively train and cook healthy food without leaving home, while having your own personal trainer who will be in touch with you 24 hours a day!
Tell us in the comments, what do you prefer: home workouts or classes in the gym? Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!

Exclusively "Site" The famous coach and author of the program for weight loss at home Yaroslavna Danilevich dispelled 7 misconceptions about a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps they are the ones that prevent you from achieving the desired shapes.
Proper nutrition conditions
- Fresh is a low-calorie product
Freshly squeezed juices, undoubtedly, are very useful and saturate the body with vitamins. But they also have insidious fructose, which is quickly absorbed into the blood. Nutritionists say that regular consumption of 2 glasses of fruit fresh per day by 25% increases the risk of obesity and diabetes. In order for fresh drinks to saturate the body with important organic substances, drink 1 glass at breakfast. After eating, avoid caffeine (do not drink coffee and tea), tobacco and alcohol. - If you quit training, muscle mass will turn into fat.
That's not true. Muscles are one tissue and fat is another. During training, you get rid of fat and build muscle mass, but do not transform fat into muscle. But the fact that after stopping training, the muscles become flabby and sluggish is a fact. Therefore, if you stop strength training due to laziness or life circumstances, add more hiking to your regime. - Apples can be eaten at any time of the day.
You’ve probably heard that if you want to eat, you need to eat an apple. Of course, if you used to eat a sandwich as a snack, and now an apple, then this is a positive trend. But simple carbohydrates, which include fruits (even apples), contribute to the formation of a fat reserve. Therefore, fruit is recommended to eat only until 15:00. - Replace sugar with stevia
If you need to use sweeteners for health reasons, then this is, of course, inevitable. In fact, because of the use of sugar substitutes, you can really get better. Doctors say that these substances are harmful to healthy people and can cause weight gain. Amazing fact: the complete rejection of some component causes the body to produce it in excess, or to make a reserve. Therefore, do not completely give up sugar, but simply reduce its use to a minimum: instead of two spoons in tea, half a spoon, for example. - More protein.
Indeed, protein is a building material. Our body needs both plant and animal proteins. They are rich in cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, poultry, low-fat beef. But at the same time, one meal should not contain simultaneously cheese, nuts, cereals, meat and fish. The best combination is protein and vegetables. - Eating after 18:00 is harmful to the figure
If you go to bed at 9-10 p.m., that's true. But if you spread the bed only closer to one o'clock in the morning, such a restriction in food you only harm your body and figure. The principle is to stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. So you can eat at 20:00 if you go to bed at 2:00 in the morning. Just dinner or an evening snack should be low-calorie. - The more excess weight, the longer you need to train
Quite the opposite. The fuller a person is, the more calories he loses. So, when running on the track, a person weighing 50 kg burns about 5 kcal per minute, and with a weight of 90 kg - 10 kcal. That is why thin people are much more difficult to lose 2-3 kilograms than a full 20. But endocrinology also plays an important role. If there is a hormonal failure, then it is impossible to lose weight even with a rigid diet and intensified training. In such cases, it is recommended to first consult a doctor, then with a coach.
Yaroslavna Danilevich advises not just blindly follow the instructions for proper nutrition and weight loss, but listen to your body. After all, each of us has its own characteristics, which are important to consider in the fight for a beautiful figure.
Therefore, in its effective weight loss program, energetic Yaroslavna builds training on the principle tested on itself. The team of nutritionists, who work together with the trainer, compiles a diet taking into account the unique characteristics of the body of each participant in the program, and this is not discussed! When it comes to weight loss, it is important to take everything into account.
You can also join the team of Yaroslavna, and after 12 weeks you will enjoy a slim reflection in the mirror. How great that the Internet allows you to effectively train and cook healthy food without leaving home, while having your own personal trainer who will be in touch with you 24 hours a day!
Tell us in the comments, what do you prefer: home workouts or classes in the gym? Share a useful article with your friends on social networks!
How fast to lose weight
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