My husband constantly criticized me for being overweight, I lost 15 kilograms, but he didn’t stop shaming me.
Isn’t it true that you had to pay more attention to your weight and try to reliably lose extra pounds? After several weeks of successful efforts, did you notice that the weight seemed to be hovering? It happened, and it wasn't just you. And then it is quite natural to ask why weight stands still when losing weight?
A year ago, new neighbors appeared on our floor - newlyweds Julia and Andrei. Nice guys. The girl is particularly charming. Not tall, with lush forms, but surprisingly mobile, cheerful. Every morning and evening she walked very fast for at least ten kilometers. Julia herself once told in response to a request to share the secret of her gradual and stable weight loss. And it was possible to determine the distance quite accurately from the time spent.
During the year, Julia thoroughly built up and in early March weighed 67 kilograms against 82 before the wedding. But somehow it has faded in the last couple of weeks. Today I realized why Yulechka lost her always cheerfulness. I brought her a transfer from the village brought by a relative: they could not meet because of important affairs at each. The girl asked me to leave the bag with us.
Why the girl is sad I at the same time gave Julia cranberry jelly, she offered to tease... We talked. The young neighbor admitted why she was dull: “I was never thin, Andrew knew it, because we are from the same village.” But after the wedding, he started teasing, saying that he was next to me like a skinny brother, from whom I take away delicious things. Laughing together...
But before marriage, I tried to lose weight more than once - it did not work. And then I began to count calories, eat more often, but in small portions, switched to a healthy diet, adjusted the water balance - and things went well. Slowly but surely. And you noticed, and friends and acquaintances praised everything except Andrew. My husband continues to criticize me for being overweight, even though she lost 15 kilograms. But he didn't stop shaming me...
Peels I'm now in my third month. We both want a baby. Andrey says he doesn’t see a great result. Take a fold on his stomach with his fingers and show me: look how much good I have accumulated. Shame. I lost another 2 pounds and he didn’t notice. When I’m pregnant, what will happen?
And the child must be fed to develop properly. You have to be happy, I know I read about it. I feel sluggish, I don’t want any activity. But more and more I think: should I tolerate criticism and hurtful words from my husband?
What a pity to become a girl, very sorry. Maybe she should go to the doctor with Andrei and discuss all these problems there. Not complaining about her husband, but asking, for example, what and how much should the expectant mother eat, how to help herself and the fetus when anxiety and sadness overtake. The topic of the future father’s role in caring for the unborn child will definitely come up. Perhaps Andrew will listen.
And yet, why does weight stand still when losing weight? This condition, when the weight for 4-6 weeks as if freezes, fluctuating within one percent of the total body weight, is called the plateau of weight loss.
Donald Hensrud, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Clinical Medicine at the Mayo Medical College, is convinced: Every person’s mass sooner or later reaches the plateau. The problem is that the plateau usually comes sooner than people want it to. Therefore, they are disappointed and give up losing weight”.
His colleague trainer Brad Dieter advises to analyze his behavior: perhaps tired of sticking to the weight loss program and the person stopped counting calories, trains less than at first (when transitioning to the cold season, this happens often).
Remember that sleep patterns and stress are important. Short (less than seven to six hours) sleep leads to a deterioration in metabolism and the appearance of excess weight.
With chronic stress, the production of the stress hormone cortisol increases, which leads to increased appetite and “eating” troubles. What is characteristic: attracts to junk food. These are the pies...
It is useful to learn that the body of each person is individual and the stereotype does not always work, as if the thinner, the better. It is important, together with a specialist, to determine the optimal weight for yourself and the program for achieving it.
To move the process of losing weight from the “stale” to the plateau and achieve optimal weight, coach Dieter advises:
Peels only does not give rest to the feeling that the cause of Yulin’s sorrows is not in stopping at the plateau of losing weight. What do you think?

A year ago, new neighbors appeared on our floor - newlyweds Julia and Andrei. Nice guys. The girl is particularly charming. Not tall, with lush forms, but surprisingly mobile, cheerful. Every morning and evening she walked very fast for at least ten kilometers. Julia herself once told in response to a request to share the secret of her gradual and stable weight loss. And it was possible to determine the distance quite accurately from the time spent.
During the year, Julia thoroughly built up and in early March weighed 67 kilograms against 82 before the wedding. But somehow it has faded in the last couple of weeks. Today I realized why Yulechka lost her always cheerfulness. I brought her a transfer from the village brought by a relative: they could not meet because of important affairs at each. The girl asked me to leave the bag with us.
Why the girl is sad I at the same time gave Julia cranberry jelly, she offered to tease... We talked. The young neighbor admitted why she was dull: “I was never thin, Andrew knew it, because we are from the same village.” But after the wedding, he started teasing, saying that he was next to me like a skinny brother, from whom I take away delicious things. Laughing together...

But before marriage, I tried to lose weight more than once - it did not work. And then I began to count calories, eat more often, but in small portions, switched to a healthy diet, adjusted the water balance - and things went well. Slowly but surely. And you noticed, and friends and acquaintances praised everything except Andrew. My husband continues to criticize me for being overweight, even though she lost 15 kilograms. But he didn't stop shaming me...

Peels I'm now in my third month. We both want a baby. Andrey says he doesn’t see a great result. Take a fold on his stomach with his fingers and show me: look how much good I have accumulated. Shame. I lost another 2 pounds and he didn’t notice. When I’m pregnant, what will happen?

And the child must be fed to develop properly. You have to be happy, I know I read about it. I feel sluggish, I don’t want any activity. But more and more I think: should I tolerate criticism and hurtful words from my husband?
What a pity to become a girl, very sorry. Maybe she should go to the doctor with Andrei and discuss all these problems there. Not complaining about her husband, but asking, for example, what and how much should the expectant mother eat, how to help herself and the fetus when anxiety and sadness overtake. The topic of the future father’s role in caring for the unborn child will definitely come up. Perhaps Andrew will listen.
And yet, why does weight stand still when losing weight? This condition, when the weight for 4-6 weeks as if freezes, fluctuating within one percent of the total body weight, is called the plateau of weight loss.

Donald Hensrud, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Clinical Medicine at the Mayo Medical College, is convinced: Every person’s mass sooner or later reaches the plateau. The problem is that the plateau usually comes sooner than people want it to. Therefore, they are disappointed and give up losing weight”.
His colleague trainer Brad Dieter advises to analyze his behavior: perhaps tired of sticking to the weight loss program and the person stopped counting calories, trains less than at first (when transitioning to the cold season, this happens often).

Remember that sleep patterns and stress are important. Short (less than seven to six hours) sleep leads to a deterioration in metabolism and the appearance of excess weight.
With chronic stress, the production of the stress hormone cortisol increases, which leads to increased appetite and “eating” troubles. What is characteristic: attracts to junk food. These are the pies...
It is useful to learn that the body of each person is individual and the stereotype does not always work, as if the thinner, the better. It is important, together with a specialist, to determine the optimal weight for yourself and the program for achieving it.
To move the process of losing weight from the “stale” to the plateau and achieve optimal weight, coach Dieter advises:
- During the week, weigh portions of food and take into account the calories contained in it.
- Minimize the use of alcoholic and carbonated beverages, and it is better to refuse them.
- Move more; perhaps you should change the type of exercise, its intensity, volume, frequency.
- Control sleep and stress.
- Eat low-calorie foods. Your search engine will provide them. You're bound to succeed.

Peels only does not give rest to the feeling that the cause of Yulin’s sorrows is not in stopping at the plateau of losing weight. What do you think?
My mom called and asked for 500 euros for the holidays, I immediately sent out, although I still can’t forget how my parents hurt me.
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