What principles of well-being do wise Jews teach their children and why we should look at their methods
Every loving parent wants their children to be happy, healthy and rich. But with the last point is not always possible. Perhaps the problem is that few parents can give their child quality. financial education?
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell how Jewish families teach their children the right attitude towards money. This science begins at age 7 and even earlier. And we all know the results. There seems to be a lot to learn.
It is interesting that already at the age of 7 in a Jewish family, a child is taught to build logical chains in his head. Children pick up stories from religious books, discuss them, express their points of view. And in this discussion, everyone has the right to his position, the only correct interpretation is not imposed on anyone.
The main task of parents and educators here is to teach the discussion. However, the child needs to learn not only to argue his position, but also to hear the position of the interlocutor. In the future, it helps to formulate fresh ideas, and it is easy to find contact with anyone.
It is also interesting that Jews from an early age instill in children a simple idea: “Being rich is good.” And if you read Jewish fairy tales, you can be very surprised, because rich people here are always on the side of good. They help others and set a good example.
This is surprising, because many other people in fairy tales are the poor, and the rich are evil and insidious. You can immediately recall a few fairy tales from our childhood, where the rich offend the poor, and the poor then finds a way to teach the rich. Everyone is happy about such a good outcome. They are glad that the good poor man defeated the evil rich man. And through this idea, poverty seems to be encouraged, as if it were the hallmark of good people.
The Jewish tradition tells us that poverty is bad. One of the main principles is: “Do you want to help poor people?” Then don't be one of them. Therefore, children are so stubbornly invested in their heads that their fortune does not fall from the sky, but is earned. Money is the result of productive work, the result of effort. Trying to be rich is the norm.
Jews are not familiar with such destructive beliefs as “money is dangerous”, “the richer, the more problems”, “all the rich are villains and thieves”. Although many readers will agree that they are very familiar with such statements.
For a child to grow up successful and confident, he must be regularly praised and encouraged. But this does not mean that the child can do everything he wants. Freedom also involves a high degree of responsibility. As a result, the child grows independently, but at the same time always listens to his parents (and to common sense).
Jews believe that the worst thing to give children is a lot of money. The feeling that you can buy whatever you want is devastating. This will lead to a distorted perception of the world. You may think, “I can’t do anything, but my parents will always help.”
Therefore, irresponsible lazy people often grow out of the majors, who are not ready for an independent life and do not know how to overcome difficulties. And if the child feels the support and love of parents, but understands that he will have to achieve everything himself, then he will definitely grow a confident, purposeful and active person.
What do you think about these features of education? Do you think you can benefit from them? Share your opinion in the comments.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell how Jewish families teach their children the right attitude towards money. This science begins at age 7 and even earlier. And we all know the results. There seems to be a lot to learn.
It is interesting that already at the age of 7 in a Jewish family, a child is taught to build logical chains in his head. Children pick up stories from religious books, discuss them, express their points of view. And in this discussion, everyone has the right to his position, the only correct interpretation is not imposed on anyone.

The main task of parents and educators here is to teach the discussion. However, the child needs to learn not only to argue his position, but also to hear the position of the interlocutor. In the future, it helps to formulate fresh ideas, and it is easy to find contact with anyone.
It is also interesting that Jews from an early age instill in children a simple idea: “Being rich is good.” And if you read Jewish fairy tales, you can be very surprised, because rich people here are always on the side of good. They help others and set a good example.

This is surprising, because many other people in fairy tales are the poor, and the rich are evil and insidious. You can immediately recall a few fairy tales from our childhood, where the rich offend the poor, and the poor then finds a way to teach the rich. Everyone is happy about such a good outcome. They are glad that the good poor man defeated the evil rich man. And through this idea, poverty seems to be encouraged, as if it were the hallmark of good people.
The Jewish tradition tells us that poverty is bad. One of the main principles is: “Do you want to help poor people?” Then don't be one of them. Therefore, children are so stubbornly invested in their heads that their fortune does not fall from the sky, but is earned. Money is the result of productive work, the result of effort. Trying to be rich is the norm.

Jews are not familiar with such destructive beliefs as “money is dangerous”, “the richer, the more problems”, “all the rich are villains and thieves”. Although many readers will agree that they are very familiar with such statements.
For a child to grow up successful and confident, he must be regularly praised and encouraged. But this does not mean that the child can do everything he wants. Freedom also involves a high degree of responsibility. As a result, the child grows independently, but at the same time always listens to his parents (and to common sense).

Jews believe that the worst thing to give children is a lot of money. The feeling that you can buy whatever you want is devastating. This will lead to a distorted perception of the world. You may think, “I can’t do anything, but my parents will always help.”
Therefore, irresponsible lazy people often grow out of the majors, who are not ready for an independent life and do not know how to overcome difficulties. And if the child feels the support and love of parents, but understands that he will have to achieve everything himself, then he will definitely grow a confident, purposeful and active person.

What do you think about these features of education? Do you think you can benefit from them? Share your opinion in the comments.
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