The basis of spiritual education of Your child
Looks like this is the most education? What are the principles it is based? Of course, perfect to build an education based on your religion, with its stories, Scripture, terms, details and provisions.
But there are some universal things that I would like to highlight. In General, it must answer the most important questions of the child:
Foundations of spiritual formation:
Respect to the soul.
When a child is born, many see it as a "clean sheet". But it's not.
It already has some seed of the future tree, yet we do just quietly. And yet, as the soul passes from one body to another, the soul of our child may be "older and wiser" than ourselves.
If you listen to that sometimes say modern children are surprised by their depth and wisdom. That for parents it seems to be difficult for them easy and clear. If we refer to them as "chicken eggs do not teach" — thus we show disrespect to the soul, which can be a lot more Mature than we are.
We know not whence it came the soul of our child, for what purpose and with what potential. Maybe in this life your son will become a monk and spiritual guru, and you tell him their stories about Chicks and chickens. Respect for his soul, and the experience of the soul opens for you many opportunities. For example, to learn from their own children and to draw from them wisdom and light. Or to get respect in return.
Respect for the work.
Now is the time that no one wants to work, they all want only to receive. For just few people and few that do. And in the work to invest, no one is going. Our ideal is to work less, get more. We read the book "how to work four hours a week" trying to build a passive income is to do nothing. Yes, and often those people who love to work, be the subject of ridicule.
Not respected and the work of others. Starting with the work of his mother, who the day makes so much invisible to the eye. For myself I know how it is frustrating when in muddy shoes come into the room you just cleaned. Or when just ironed a shirt is lying on the floor.
And maybe the problem is that the kids have a little work? Many are learning the "important things", and work from home we defend and cherish, and don't want them to interfere with us his help, and cope somehow.
That before the families were large, and one mother could not do anything. Had children to take on responsibilities. But now, one or two children that are in school, in the garden. Mother and herself. She can and does.
But the more the child works, the more respect he refers to others work. Moreover, more independent and more responsible he becomes, and skills acquired many important and useful.
They sure then it will come in handy. And if a person loves the work and willing to work hard – he just will not disappear.
We are part of a larger whole.
Hence a simple thing – making someone feel bad, I do bad to myself. Why cause someone pain? Here is the nonviolence. Accessible and easy to understand. By hurting another person, you're doing worse than yourself. Same with animals, trees, parents, brothers and sisters.
This reveals integrity and the law of karma – what you do to people, and people then do to you what you give to the world, the world you returns. Don't like the result? Change your message.
The children of these relationships see faster and understand deeper. And it's much better to instill in them responsibility than our notations and prohibitions.
God lives in me
Not only am I a part of the world, but the world is a part of me. This means that inside of me already has the answers to all my questions. My heart knows I should do, almost always. Sometimes I just don't really want to hear it, sometimes I disagree with him, and sometimes I just don't hear the quiet voice of the heart among a huge noise.
If from childhood your child to tell you what the treasure is hidden in his heart, he will be able to make decisions, to listen and to hear himself. To find the answers to all your questions, be true to yourself and follow your own path. And most importantly – will understand who he is and what he wants in this life.
For men and women
It is important and understanding the differences of men and women, and teaching them the different arts – who in life would be more useful.
The boy, too, can learn to cook. He can become a cook or wife indulge sometimes. But if he will be able to cook, cut and ironed, but will not be able to hammer a nail or to earn money or to protect your favorite – is it easy?
Same with girls – you can teach them to repair the taps and shelves hung. But if she will do it all itself – that will be her husband? And what if she will do it perfectly, but to cook with love – and not learn?
Therefore it is necessary to educate girls as future women, wives and mothers, and boys – as men, husbands and fathers. From a very early age. Which further greatly simplify their lives, including family.
If you go back to the Slavs, they have for girls and boys of different age ceremonies. So the boy in three years was first put on the horse and the girl first wore the earrings. At the age of seven boys were "girdled," and girls – "zakosciele". And in fourteen of those, and others have experienced – but in different areas. Boys were tested for strength of the male and girls to female dexterity. And every rite had its deepest sense, developing in women – women and men – men.
Respect for elders
Any culture is somehow built on respect for elders, parents, ancestors, teachers. Junior respected senior, senior – Junior patronage give. And everything in its place. Then the youngest may be protected, the older it is easier to cope with their responsibilities.
Learning about your roots, respect for their ancestors, to their parents – the tree of our family can grow big and strong. If we all condemn, with all the something divide, the race will turn into a little sprout – a weak, sensitive to external situations.
And the only way to teach children to respect your elders – that is, us – to begin to honor their elders. For wife so husband will be a senior. This example of children before my eyes every day. If the wife does not obey her husband, and children obey no one. And in addition to them, revealing our relationship with our parents and husband's parents. As if it was happening, but if we can maintain respect and not to say bad things about them, not to condemn them and not be considered strange to say the least, thus we serve the kids an important message: "we honor their elders, that's right." Ceremony and prayers for departed ancestors, create a family tree, discussion with the children of our roots.
The only way to get respect from their children. The only way. And without that respect and acceptance of our precedence relationship can't be harmonious. The children will be with us to argue, fight, ignore, or shame. It's going to make any of us happier?
To develop in the child the fact that it has already invested
Every child is born with his calling and temperament.
He initially refers to one of the four "Varnas" (teachers, leaders, merchants and craftsmen). We just don't immediately see and understand. But simply to observe. To understand and help him develop what he already has. It's there for a reason, and it will not throw and will not hide.
For example, our second son is crazy about weapons. We never bought any of the swords and pistols eldest son, because it is still not interested. Dan, we love books. And Matthew the other. He is a knight. He decided to do it. The first sword we accidentally bought him somewhere, and he then went to sleep with him. Although both can embrace in the dream the sword, right?
And the main thing for me is that he sees the function of the knight is very accurate. To protect, to save, to protect, to take care of. Mother, brother. Girls. Animals. Once came from the Playground with dad and proudly told how to protect the girl. Boy it hurt, pulled his hair, but Matthew defended. Because girls can not hurt. He somehow knows.
I don't read to him about lectures and lecturing, he sees an example of how a dad protects mom (including children). Not trying to forcibly instill something. But always and everywhere visible in nature. The nature of a warrior. Warrior who protects the weak. Therefore, he enthusiastically looks to me the Mahabharata and loves Bhima and Arjuna — the two main warriors. And me is happy – after all, the Mahabharata is not only about the war. It gives me a chance to answer him, and the deep questions of life.
I'm sure if the parents will stop trying something different and very important to introduce the baby and will just listen to him see, hear, and follow his nature — see and understand. And help.
The prohibitions, and the relationship
The easiest way to tell – do not touch and do not go. But will the child experience? You will understand why it is not necessary to climb? I remember the first time I fried myself some eggs. I was sure that as soon as you turn off the stove, the pan will immediately become warm. And so I took the iron handle of a hot frying pan... Then you understand.
That is, I knew not to touch hot pans, which are on the stove at mom's. And then the experience was not. The result was a burn on the palm of your hand that taught me, finally. The same thing happens in adult life. Mom and dad say don't do that. Not explaining why. Just would not be very and all of. Have this rake has to climb in order to understand why not.
It's not about what you need to allow your child. And that, to enable him to gain experience and to explain why not, why not.
And less often is generally better to use that terrible word – "impossible." In children, especially in boys, it only creates rebellion, resistance and desire to get wherever it is impossible.
My husband of five years, tried to keep a sharp axe and chopping wood. And now he tries to allow children to experience wherever possible. To hammer a nail in four years and first hit your thumb with a hammer? Already passed. To cut his apples and cut finger? Was also. To get high and not to find ways to get off, or fall out? Repeatedly. And one such episode is the experience works better than one hundred and fifty lectures on the theme "impossible."
It requires more care parents and more inner strength to allow the child to sometimes painful experience. This and that detail to tell the child about the consequences. Not just ban Smoking and drinking, and to tell you how it affects the body.
Children are not suicidal or stupid. Risk their lives just so they won't. If they understand that they are not waiting for anything good, they will go the other way. And if they do go forward, it means that something attracts them there, and the experience to need. Maybe it's really need experience, just we're committed to it? But whether their experiences to link children and their curiosity on the hands and feet?
Support, faith in its potential
If we are his children do not believe, if we will not support them, then who and how? Criticism, bans, convictions, finding errors from our parents – all this has not made us healthier and stronger. It does not help us to build a harmonious relationship, seek opportunities and stay in a positive state. Similarly, it will not help our children.
Conversely, support is never enough. And it's nice when you believe in you, whatever you did. The billionaire founder of Virgin's Richard Branson always says that the only reason for his success is his mother. She believed in all his projects, even those that seemed foolish and unprofitable.
As you are postulates? And how would your life be like if everyone knew and understood since childhood, would have absorbed it with mother's milk? Would you want all that for you the natural feel of the world? I'd really like. And really try to make my kids is the way the world felt.
Spiritual education is when we see in our child's soul, and therefore a part of God. And this little bit is still a child's body we help get her the necessary experience, protecting it from unnecessary injury. If we can look at their children the way we can easily learn and respect them and agree with them, and let them go. We understand that children are not our property. They are not the clay from which we sculpt what you want. They are living little seeds, each of which has already been laid for the future.
"Your children aren't yours.
They are the sons and daughters of life itself.
They are born by you, but they are not you, and though they are with you they belong not to you.
You can give them your love but not thoughts, because they have their own thoughts.
They're your flesh but not the soul, because their souls live in the future, which is not available to you, even in your dreams.
You can strive to be like them, but don't try to make them like you because life has no reverse in the past.
You bow, and your arrows produced from this bow.
The Archer sees the target somewhere on the way to the infinite, and he bends you with his power that his arrows might go swift and far.
So accept the will of the Archer is happy, because he's loving the flying arrow, and loves the bow that holds in his hands." (Khalil Gibran)
Spiritual education is not notation. This is when we are changing, and children see it. When we learn to be more flexible, like this bow so that they could become happier. We don't kowtow to them and not put them to his neck. We prepare them for independent life, without us. We prepare them to be worthy people on this planet that can do a lot of good.
We grow them as flowers – generously water and give sunlight, fertilize drives away pests and weed the weeds. We are gardeners, not depend on us that will grow. Rather, we affect how this thing will grow. Will you give the fruits and flowers whether the plant is healthy and full of energy, whether then to live among other plants.
And that spiritual education performs this function. Only it can protect our children, make them happy and reassure our hearts. After all, what could be more important than happiness?
When I was 5 years old my mother always told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanna be when I grow up. I wrote "happy." I said – "you have not understood the job", and I said — "you don't understand the life (John Lennon)
How is this education given? Try to read to their children the Scriptures (there are so many adapted for children version), with them to watch cartoons and movies about saints, not about superheroes, tell them stories with educational meaning (almost all folk tales are). In addition, you can find Sunday school for your children, Church choir or even some extra classes in the spiritual realm.
But the most important is your personal life purpose, your personal quest for spiritual development. Without this everything else is meaningless. Children grow in the image and likeness. If you are spiritually developed, then they will get this experience. What they later do – that's their choice.
You can imagine what a childhood with parents developing spiritually is a foldable parachute that you supply your baby. Got into a difficult situation in the future, this parachute he may be great useful. Do not expect that the child will always do as you taught him. It will be the right choice. And you everything possible myself have done, you have to pray.
Spiritual education is just the beginning of our parent transformation. Only the beginning of our journey. We have yet to learn how to release children into adulthood, trusting them to God. And pray. Pray for their adult children. To believe and to continue to inspire them by his example until the last days.
Tough job, right? Who would have told us about it when we so wanted a child! But it really is worth it. Children – it's still good motivation for me to begin to finally live my life and to develop spiritually. published
Author: Olga Valyaeva, Chapter from the book "destiny to be a mother"
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/osnovy-duxovnogo-obrazovaniya/
But there are some universal things that I would like to highlight. In General, it must answer the most important questions of the child:
- Who am I? What am I?
- Who is God? What Is It?
- What's our relationship?
- What is the meaning of my life?
- How to live to be happy?
Foundations of spiritual formation:
Respect to the soul.
When a child is born, many see it as a "clean sheet". But it's not.
It already has some seed of the future tree, yet we do just quietly. And yet, as the soul passes from one body to another, the soul of our child may be "older and wiser" than ourselves.
If you listen to that sometimes say modern children are surprised by their depth and wisdom. That for parents it seems to be difficult for them easy and clear. If we refer to them as "chicken eggs do not teach" — thus we show disrespect to the soul, which can be a lot more Mature than we are.
We know not whence it came the soul of our child, for what purpose and with what potential. Maybe in this life your son will become a monk and spiritual guru, and you tell him their stories about Chicks and chickens. Respect for his soul, and the experience of the soul opens for you many opportunities. For example, to learn from their own children and to draw from them wisdom and light. Or to get respect in return.

Respect for the work.
Now is the time that no one wants to work, they all want only to receive. For just few people and few that do. And in the work to invest, no one is going. Our ideal is to work less, get more. We read the book "how to work four hours a week" trying to build a passive income is to do nothing. Yes, and often those people who love to work, be the subject of ridicule.
Not respected and the work of others. Starting with the work of his mother, who the day makes so much invisible to the eye. For myself I know how it is frustrating when in muddy shoes come into the room you just cleaned. Or when just ironed a shirt is lying on the floor.
And maybe the problem is that the kids have a little work? Many are learning the "important things", and work from home we defend and cherish, and don't want them to interfere with us his help, and cope somehow.
That before the families were large, and one mother could not do anything. Had children to take on responsibilities. But now, one or two children that are in school, in the garden. Mother and herself. She can and does.
But the more the child works, the more respect he refers to others work. Moreover, more independent and more responsible he becomes, and skills acquired many important and useful.
They sure then it will come in handy. And if a person loves the work and willing to work hard – he just will not disappear.
We are part of a larger whole.
Hence a simple thing – making someone feel bad, I do bad to myself. Why cause someone pain? Here is the nonviolence. Accessible and easy to understand. By hurting another person, you're doing worse than yourself. Same with animals, trees, parents, brothers and sisters.
This reveals integrity and the law of karma – what you do to people, and people then do to you what you give to the world, the world you returns. Don't like the result? Change your message.
The children of these relationships see faster and understand deeper. And it's much better to instill in them responsibility than our notations and prohibitions.
God lives in me
Not only am I a part of the world, but the world is a part of me. This means that inside of me already has the answers to all my questions. My heart knows I should do, almost always. Sometimes I just don't really want to hear it, sometimes I disagree with him, and sometimes I just don't hear the quiet voice of the heart among a huge noise.
If from childhood your child to tell you what the treasure is hidden in his heart, he will be able to make decisions, to listen and to hear himself. To find the answers to all your questions, be true to yourself and follow your own path. And most importantly – will understand who he is and what he wants in this life.
For men and women
It is important and understanding the differences of men and women, and teaching them the different arts – who in life would be more useful.
The boy, too, can learn to cook. He can become a cook or wife indulge sometimes. But if he will be able to cook, cut and ironed, but will not be able to hammer a nail or to earn money or to protect your favorite – is it easy?
Same with girls – you can teach them to repair the taps and shelves hung. But if she will do it all itself – that will be her husband? And what if she will do it perfectly, but to cook with love – and not learn?
Therefore it is necessary to educate girls as future women, wives and mothers, and boys – as men, husbands and fathers. From a very early age. Which further greatly simplify their lives, including family.
If you go back to the Slavs, they have for girls and boys of different age ceremonies. So the boy in three years was first put on the horse and the girl first wore the earrings. At the age of seven boys were "girdled," and girls – "zakosciele". And in fourteen of those, and others have experienced – but in different areas. Boys were tested for strength of the male and girls to female dexterity. And every rite had its deepest sense, developing in women – women and men – men.
Respect for elders
Any culture is somehow built on respect for elders, parents, ancestors, teachers. Junior respected senior, senior – Junior patronage give. And everything in its place. Then the youngest may be protected, the older it is easier to cope with their responsibilities.
Learning about your roots, respect for their ancestors, to their parents – the tree of our family can grow big and strong. If we all condemn, with all the something divide, the race will turn into a little sprout – a weak, sensitive to external situations.
And the only way to teach children to respect your elders – that is, us – to begin to honor their elders. For wife so husband will be a senior. This example of children before my eyes every day. If the wife does not obey her husband, and children obey no one. And in addition to them, revealing our relationship with our parents and husband's parents. As if it was happening, but if we can maintain respect and not to say bad things about them, not to condemn them and not be considered strange to say the least, thus we serve the kids an important message: "we honor their elders, that's right." Ceremony and prayers for departed ancestors, create a family tree, discussion with the children of our roots.
The only way to get respect from their children. The only way. And without that respect and acceptance of our precedence relationship can't be harmonious. The children will be with us to argue, fight, ignore, or shame. It's going to make any of us happier?
To develop in the child the fact that it has already invested
Every child is born with his calling and temperament.
He initially refers to one of the four "Varnas" (teachers, leaders, merchants and craftsmen). We just don't immediately see and understand. But simply to observe. To understand and help him develop what he already has. It's there for a reason, and it will not throw and will not hide.
For example, our second son is crazy about weapons. We never bought any of the swords and pistols eldest son, because it is still not interested. Dan, we love books. And Matthew the other. He is a knight. He decided to do it. The first sword we accidentally bought him somewhere, and he then went to sleep with him. Although both can embrace in the dream the sword, right?
And the main thing for me is that he sees the function of the knight is very accurate. To protect, to save, to protect, to take care of. Mother, brother. Girls. Animals. Once came from the Playground with dad and proudly told how to protect the girl. Boy it hurt, pulled his hair, but Matthew defended. Because girls can not hurt. He somehow knows.
I don't read to him about lectures and lecturing, he sees an example of how a dad protects mom (including children). Not trying to forcibly instill something. But always and everywhere visible in nature. The nature of a warrior. Warrior who protects the weak. Therefore, he enthusiastically looks to me the Mahabharata and loves Bhima and Arjuna — the two main warriors. And me is happy – after all, the Mahabharata is not only about the war. It gives me a chance to answer him, and the deep questions of life.
I'm sure if the parents will stop trying something different and very important to introduce the baby and will just listen to him see, hear, and follow his nature — see and understand. And help.
The prohibitions, and the relationship
The easiest way to tell – do not touch and do not go. But will the child experience? You will understand why it is not necessary to climb? I remember the first time I fried myself some eggs. I was sure that as soon as you turn off the stove, the pan will immediately become warm. And so I took the iron handle of a hot frying pan... Then you understand.
That is, I knew not to touch hot pans, which are on the stove at mom's. And then the experience was not. The result was a burn on the palm of your hand that taught me, finally. The same thing happens in adult life. Mom and dad say don't do that. Not explaining why. Just would not be very and all of. Have this rake has to climb in order to understand why not.
It's not about what you need to allow your child. And that, to enable him to gain experience and to explain why not, why not.
And less often is generally better to use that terrible word – "impossible." In children, especially in boys, it only creates rebellion, resistance and desire to get wherever it is impossible.
My husband of five years, tried to keep a sharp axe and chopping wood. And now he tries to allow children to experience wherever possible. To hammer a nail in four years and first hit your thumb with a hammer? Already passed. To cut his apples and cut finger? Was also. To get high and not to find ways to get off, or fall out? Repeatedly. And one such episode is the experience works better than one hundred and fifty lectures on the theme "impossible."
It requires more care parents and more inner strength to allow the child to sometimes painful experience. This and that detail to tell the child about the consequences. Not just ban Smoking and drinking, and to tell you how it affects the body.
Children are not suicidal or stupid. Risk their lives just so they won't. If they understand that they are not waiting for anything good, they will go the other way. And if they do go forward, it means that something attracts them there, and the experience to need. Maybe it's really need experience, just we're committed to it? But whether their experiences to link children and their curiosity on the hands and feet?
Support, faith in its potential
If we are his children do not believe, if we will not support them, then who and how? Criticism, bans, convictions, finding errors from our parents – all this has not made us healthier and stronger. It does not help us to build a harmonious relationship, seek opportunities and stay in a positive state. Similarly, it will not help our children.
Conversely, support is never enough. And it's nice when you believe in you, whatever you did. The billionaire founder of Virgin's Richard Branson always says that the only reason for his success is his mother. She believed in all his projects, even those that seemed foolish and unprofitable.
As you are postulates? And how would your life be like if everyone knew and understood since childhood, would have absorbed it with mother's milk? Would you want all that for you the natural feel of the world? I'd really like. And really try to make my kids is the way the world felt.
Spiritual education is when we see in our child's soul, and therefore a part of God. And this little bit is still a child's body we help get her the necessary experience, protecting it from unnecessary injury. If we can look at their children the way we can easily learn and respect them and agree with them, and let them go. We understand that children are not our property. They are not the clay from which we sculpt what you want. They are living little seeds, each of which has already been laid for the future.
"Your children aren't yours.
They are the sons and daughters of life itself.
They are born by you, but they are not you, and though they are with you they belong not to you.
You can give them your love but not thoughts, because they have their own thoughts.
They're your flesh but not the soul, because their souls live in the future, which is not available to you, even in your dreams.
You can strive to be like them, but don't try to make them like you because life has no reverse in the past.
You bow, and your arrows produced from this bow.
The Archer sees the target somewhere on the way to the infinite, and he bends you with his power that his arrows might go swift and far.
So accept the will of the Archer is happy, because he's loving the flying arrow, and loves the bow that holds in his hands." (Khalil Gibran)
Spiritual education is not notation. This is when we are changing, and children see it. When we learn to be more flexible, like this bow so that they could become happier. We don't kowtow to them and not put them to his neck. We prepare them for independent life, without us. We prepare them to be worthy people on this planet that can do a lot of good.
We grow them as flowers – generously water and give sunlight, fertilize drives away pests and weed the weeds. We are gardeners, not depend on us that will grow. Rather, we affect how this thing will grow. Will you give the fruits and flowers whether the plant is healthy and full of energy, whether then to live among other plants.
And that spiritual education performs this function. Only it can protect our children, make them happy and reassure our hearts. After all, what could be more important than happiness?
When I was 5 years old my mother always told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanna be when I grow up. I wrote "happy." I said – "you have not understood the job", and I said — "you don't understand the life (John Lennon)
How is this education given? Try to read to their children the Scriptures (there are so many adapted for children version), with them to watch cartoons and movies about saints, not about superheroes, tell them stories with educational meaning (almost all folk tales are). In addition, you can find Sunday school for your children, Church choir or even some extra classes in the spiritual realm.
But the most important is your personal life purpose, your personal quest for spiritual development. Without this everything else is meaningless. Children grow in the image and likeness. If you are spiritually developed, then they will get this experience. What they later do – that's their choice.
You can imagine what a childhood with parents developing spiritually is a foldable parachute that you supply your baby. Got into a difficult situation in the future, this parachute he may be great useful. Do not expect that the child will always do as you taught him. It will be the right choice. And you everything possible myself have done, you have to pray.
Spiritual education is just the beginning of our parent transformation. Only the beginning of our journey. We have yet to learn how to release children into adulthood, trusting them to God. And pray. Pray for their adult children. To believe and to continue to inspire them by his example until the last days.
Tough job, right? Who would have told us about it when we so wanted a child! But it really is worth it. Children – it's still good motivation for me to begin to finally live my life and to develop spiritually. published
Author: Olga Valyaeva, Chapter from the book "destiny to be a mother"
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/osnovy-duxovnogo-obrazovaniya/