7 characteristics of women's training
1. Women should beware of carbohydrates It is proven that men burn more carbs/protein than women with the same intensity loads burn more fat. It's all in the differences in the hormonal and nervous systems. In addition, in the female body more fat, including intramuscular, than men. Therefore, the goal should be getting more calories from fats and not carbohydrates. This approach also contributes to stability hormonal levels: diets low in fat can lead to a drop in the level of sex hormones, which in turn can cause the breast reduction, but not for weight loss, but because of the physiological disorders.
Conclusion women would be most useful low-carb diet. Compared to men, their metabolism better to cope with the distribution of body fat, while carbohydrates are immediately stored as fat reserves. This is because women have less muscle, and carbohydrates are stored in muscle as glycogen. The poet, the more muscle, the more carbohydrate is converted into glycogen.
Scientists have conducted studies on the effect of dietary fat on the occurrence of breast cancer. Women who participated in the experiment, were overweight, didn't move enough and eat harmful food. The results showed that those who have a normal weight, not Smoking, not abusing alcohol, plays sports and eats healthy food, are beyond the risk of cancer.
The same study showed that diets high in carbohydrates (which almost completely exclude fat from the diet) it often happens that the female body even harm. During training the female body is easier to extract energy from fatty acids and extra carbohydrates will be deposited as fat reserves .
2. Women should do more reps
Because the female body is difficult for strength training, they should compensate for this large number of repetitions. Women have less ability to increase muscle strength than men. This is because they have a greater number of muscle fibers type I, men, on the contrary, more fibers of type II. And strength training provoke the conversion of fibers type II to I. that is, women, to pump up muscles, you should do more reps and not to overload yourself with extra weight.
Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth in women's body produces 10 times less. This explains the inability of the "weaker sex" to deal out. Girls often think that they no longer have the strength to do the exercises, although in reality it is not. They triggered a kind of instinct that says” what not to exhaust yourself with excessive exercise.
Sixty million one hundred thirty two thousand thirty nine
3. Women are more hardy This is facilitated by fiber type I, as well as the hormone estrogen, which performs an anti-catabolic function: restores the muscle and prevents protein breakdown. It helps women to train longer.
Compared to the men's workouts for women the best effect will have 3 sets with less strength than men 1, but with more weight. The increase in range of motion during exercise strengthens the muscles in women. Men, on the contrary, players should reduce the number of reps but add weight.
4. Strength exercises should be performed slowly Women can do more reps, if you will lift the barbell slowly. Quick strength exercises for the female body to have the worst result because it will quickly run out of energy, and fatigue will not allow you to continue training. Due to the small number of muscles in women power lifting them is harder.
5. Women are not terrible metabolic stress Under the same load, women bear the metabolic load better than men. Their level of blood pressure during exercise below that provides the best blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. This reduces the level of lactate, thereby increasing endurance. Restriction of blood flow prevents this advantage, so don't overly fond of exercises with more weight.
6. Female body have less time to rest In the same conditions workout women recover faster between sets. For weight loss, they are ideal long-term continuous classes in the aerobic mode.
7. Women can train more often This partly follows from the previous paragraph. Nutrients in the female body better delivered to your muscles, so muscle dissolved less and recover faster.
Women understand that their training should be different from programs for men. But under the influence of society, they in no way want to give the "strong" half. It is best to listen to your body that was evolution, not to the opinions of others. Use your advantages, do what you like and what I do best. And results will definitely appear! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: fitfixed.com
Conclusion women would be most useful low-carb diet. Compared to men, their metabolism better to cope with the distribution of body fat, while carbohydrates are immediately stored as fat reserves. This is because women have less muscle, and carbohydrates are stored in muscle as glycogen. The poet, the more muscle, the more carbohydrate is converted into glycogen.
Scientists have conducted studies on the effect of dietary fat on the occurrence of breast cancer. Women who participated in the experiment, were overweight, didn't move enough and eat harmful food. The results showed that those who have a normal weight, not Smoking, not abusing alcohol, plays sports and eats healthy food, are beyond the risk of cancer.
The same study showed that diets high in carbohydrates (which almost completely exclude fat from the diet) it often happens that the female body even harm. During training the female body is easier to extract energy from fatty acids and extra carbohydrates will be deposited as fat reserves .
2. Women should do more reps
Because the female body is difficult for strength training, they should compensate for this large number of repetitions. Women have less ability to increase muscle strength than men. This is because they have a greater number of muscle fibers type I, men, on the contrary, more fibers of type II. And strength training provoke the conversion of fibers type II to I. that is, women, to pump up muscles, you should do more reps and not to overload yourself with extra weight.
Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth in women's body produces 10 times less. This explains the inability of the "weaker sex" to deal out. Girls often think that they no longer have the strength to do the exercises, although in reality it is not. They triggered a kind of instinct that says” what not to exhaust yourself with excessive exercise.
Sixty million one hundred thirty two thousand thirty nine
3. Women are more hardy This is facilitated by fiber type I, as well as the hormone estrogen, which performs an anti-catabolic function: restores the muscle and prevents protein breakdown. It helps women to train longer.
Compared to the men's workouts for women the best effect will have 3 sets with less strength than men 1, but with more weight. The increase in range of motion during exercise strengthens the muscles in women. Men, on the contrary, players should reduce the number of reps but add weight.
4. Strength exercises should be performed slowly Women can do more reps, if you will lift the barbell slowly. Quick strength exercises for the female body to have the worst result because it will quickly run out of energy, and fatigue will not allow you to continue training. Due to the small number of muscles in women power lifting them is harder.
5. Women are not terrible metabolic stress Under the same load, women bear the metabolic load better than men. Their level of blood pressure during exercise below that provides the best blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. This reduces the level of lactate, thereby increasing endurance. Restriction of blood flow prevents this advantage, so don't overly fond of exercises with more weight.
6. Female body have less time to rest In the same conditions workout women recover faster between sets. For weight loss, they are ideal long-term continuous classes in the aerobic mode.
7. Women can train more often This partly follows from the previous paragraph. Nutrients in the female body better delivered to your muscles, so muscle dissolved less and recover faster.
Women understand that their training should be different from programs for men. But under the influence of society, they in no way want to give the "strong" half. It is best to listen to your body that was evolution, not to the opinions of others. Use your advantages, do what you like and what I do best. And results will definitely appear! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: fitfixed.com
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