Charging after the fiftieth anniversary

"Baby, youth has one major drawback - it passes quickly!" My friend’s grandmother loved to repeat this phrase, and she was infinitely right. How to exercise if there are health restrictions? How does exercise change according to a woman’s age? How keep bones strongAre muscles elastic until old age? All mature beauties after 40 years ask such questions.

If such thoughts have visited you, it’s time to rejoice: we lovingly prepared informative material with training recorded on video. This pretty woman in the photo is your personal trainer.

It is always a pleasure to meet someone who is truly passionate about their work! I can't forget our first meeting with you. Yaroslavnaya Danilevich. One day I realized that I wanted to be more than just a good fitness instructor, I wanted to help as many people as possible be healthy. Regular training helps to reduce biological age, rejuvenate, are the prevention of varicose veins, osteochondrosis and other serious diseases. I was approached by women who for health reasons cannot attend groups.

You can see that the coach is worried about each of his wards, worried about himself. At 35, Yaroslavna receives her third education, studies in London and dreams of a healthy fitness and Pilates studio. She feels that it is her mission to teach women to love and care for their bodies properly.

Home Training for Women One of our favorite themes, they always help out when there is no time for the gym. We offer you a video from a professional fitness instructor. A little below will be detailed training plan with footage from the video and comments for convenience. Enjoy your health, dear readers!


This attractive woman has been helping others to find a healthy and beautiful body for 7 years, gradually moving towards the goal. Most recently, Yaroslavna launched a healthy weight loss program “New you in 12 weeks”: happy, noticeably tightened wards of Yaroslavn have already left rave reviews. Maybe the program will interest you too! A 15% discount on the quarantine period under the superfit2020 promotional code.
Let’s move on to a detailed description of exercises that will be extremely useful for mature women. For a full training you will need only a mat and a little free space!

Training program for women Complex of exercises for mature women
  1. Lie on your back, suck in your stomach. Tighten your buttocks. On inhalation, raise your hand and smoothly lower back, on exhalation return to the original position. Do the exercise with each hand in turn. Important! Don't put your hands on the floor completely.Just touch the surface and put your hand back. Thus, the hands will always be in tension, and the muscles will be worked out as much as possible. The spine in the upper back should be tightly pressed to the floor, the back and shoulder blades should not be torn from the mat in any case! Perform the exercise for 1 minute.

  2. Raise two hands at the same time as described in the previous exercise. Try to keep your movements smooth. This block of exercises strengthens the shoulder girdle well and is recommended for those who suffer from arthritis, arthrosis, who have pain in the shoulder joints. Perform the exercise for 1 minute.

  3. Leave your hands up and add a little sway up and down. Don't take your shoulder blades off the floor.Keep your chin facing the thoracic section. Such smooth exercises remove the crunch in the joints and any pain. Perform the exercise for 1 minute. Upon completion, do not put your hands down: immediately move on to the next stage of training!

  4. Spread your hands to the sides and return to the original position, while keeping them in constant tension, in no case lower them to the floor. During this exercise, you may feel a slight burning sensation or even numbness of the fingers. Don't worry! This is normal, after the end of the exercise, unpleasant sensations will disappear. Watch your breath.Do the exercise smoothly.

  5. Leave your hands up on the width of the mat. Keep your hands up and down at the same time. It'll feel like a ripple. Do this exercise for 1 minute as well.

  6. Don't give up! Spread your arms to the sides, palms down, and continue pulsating movements. Perform the exercise for 1 minute. Then you can turn your palms up and perform another version of this exercise for 1 minute.

  7. Now move your hands behind your head, taking a deep breath. Smoothly lower them down without touching the floor surface. Perform this exercise for 1 minute.

  8. Let's move on to strengthening the pelvic floor. Lift one leg and work from yourself to yourself. Pay attention: the pelvis must not move! Perform this exercise for 2 minutes with each foot separately.

  9. Take your knee bent leg aside. The lumbar section and the entire back should be rugged. Perform the exercise for 2 minutes for each leg. Then add the spin! A very useful exercise for anyone who has joint problems or has had injuries. Rotate for 2 minutes for each leg.

  10. Raise 2 legs, simultaneously vault and spread your knees. To the side and back! Hold your back tight to the floor. If the legs begin to get tired, you can slightly hold them with your hands in the knees. The next exercise: spread your legs to the sides and gently pull them on yourself. Keep your legs together, keep your stomach tight. These movements improve metabolism and lymphatic.

  11. Time to remove fatigue in the muscles of the back, remove servitude! Hands aside, legs up and bend. Take a breath, with exhalation smoothly lower your legs to one side, turn your head to the other. Repeat from 8 to 16 of these climbs and twists. To further relax and tighten the muscles, stay turned to one side, straighten the leg slightly, and press your hand to the floor. Hold your leg with your hand. Hold in this position from 1 minute to 3. Do the same by turning your legs the other way. Pull your shoulder and shoulder towards the floor.

Save yourself this useful workout and show it to your friends! Safe exercise will not harm your joints, will not overload the spine. Share your impressions of the lessons with Yaroslavna, we will be grateful!


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