Exercises for beautiful posture from Yaroslavna Danilevich

All women dream of elastic forms and a beautiful, toned body. This is the right aspiration, and in no case should you retreat from it, but there is something to take care of first. A healthy and flexible spine is our top priority.

When pain or discomfort occurs, many choose not to do anything for fear of making things worse. But inaction is the biggest mistake.

Yaroslavna DanilevichA well-known fitness trainer knows this. She worked a lot with people who needed special gentle workouts because of back problems. And today we're sharing it with you. spinal.

Not everyone has enough time to run for training. An experienced coach is well aware of this, so she developed a course on the recovery of the spine, which can be performed without leaving home. A 15% discount on the quarantine period under the superfit2020 promotional code. Just 20 minutes a day and you’re going to flit again!

Below we will provide a video in which Yaroslavna details each exercise and shows all the subtleties. You'll definitely need it for fixing, and now let's start health gymnastics together.

  1. Twisting while sitting on the floor
    The initial sitting position, legs slightly bent at the knees. Sit flat so that your back is absolutely straight, point your socks at yourself and stretch your arms in front of you. At the same time, you need to slightly strain your stomach, but not holding your breath. Now tilt your head slowly and reach your chin to your chest, slightly rounding your back. Lean forward, stretching forward behind your arms. This exercise will help relieve the load from the back muscles and prepare the body for a further set of exercises. Do 8-16 repetitions.

  2. Twisting, lying on your back
    Lie on your back, arms along the body, and legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. From this position slowly lift first the pelvis, then the lower back, then the back. The shoulder blades remain pressed to the floor. On exhalation, carefully return to the floor, lowering your back, after the lower back, and only then the pelvis. Do all movements smoothly and slowly, without overloading your back and without sudden movements. Repeat 8 to 16 times.

  3. Leg lifts
    Now lie down on your stomach, put one hand under your head so you're comfortable. Stretch the second hand forward, now simultaneously lift up the outstretched arm and the opposite leg. We remind you that the movements should be smooth. Raise your hand high enough to feel tension, but do not allow pain to occur. The pelvis is tightly pressed to the floor, the leg and hand are as straight as possible. Perform 8-12 repetitions and change your arm and leg. This is a lightweight form of exercise that is well suited for beginners.

  4. Alternate leg lifts
    If you are ready and feel the strength, then you can perform a complicated version of the previous exercise. The starting position is the same, only now both arms are stretched forward and the head is on weight. Now alternately raise the opposite arm and leg.

    In this embodiment, the neck is more tense and the load on the spine is greater, so you need to carefully monitor the correctness of the execution. It's great. spine-strengthening! Do it 8-16 times.

    To further complicate the exercise, during the exercise, keep your feet on weight, alternately making lifts.

  5. Lifting hands and feet
    Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, neck tense, chin tilted to the collarbone. Raise both arms and legs as high as possible. Then return to the starting position. Do it without a jerk, with smooth movements. Take 6-8 climbs. To complicate the exercise, do not lower your hands and feet on the floor. Do 6-8 repetitions, keeping your hands and feet on weight. Do not forget that the stomach should always be in tone, then the lower back will not overexert.

  6. Cat.
    Sit on your heels, lean to the floor as much as possible, stretching your arms forward. From this position, start moving forward, spreading your elbows to the sides and sliding the chest on the floor. Bend in your back and lie down smoothly on the floor.

    Then, with your hands, lift the body up, bending in the lower back and throwing your head back as much as possible. From this position slowly return to the original position. Do everything smoothly, feeling every vertebra. Take your time and do the exercise as slowly as possible. Do it 8 times.

And here is a video in which Yaroslavna Danilevich details the specifics of each exercise. She also explains in detail all the subtleties of the exercises and analyzes all the nuances.

Coach is sure that a healthy spine is real! Therefore, she developed a special course on the recovery of the spine and joints, which will help you again feel the ease of movement and forget about the pain. You just need to put in a little effort and work on yourself.


Have you started the complex yet? If not, start right now and make your dream of a healthy and flexible spine come true. And don’t forget to tell your friends about it so that everyone around you is healthy!


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