Why Mom Was Wrong To Make Me Eat First One Every Day
With the increasing availability and popularity of the Internet, there are more and more myths about health. Some of them are very popular and many people seem obvious truth. However, modern scientific research easily refutes these myths. After all, many beliefs were born in the 80s or 90s, when science was not so developed, and a number of phenomena are not fully understood. In this article, the editorial board "Site" It will tell about popular myths that are associated with food and proper nutrition.
Some refutations can be very surprising and even seem mistaken. It may be difficult for some readers to change their minds and adopt a scientifically based position. But it should be remembered that science does not stand still and is rapidly developing. We constantly learn something new about ourselves and the world around us. You need to try to find relevant information and check its reliability. So we're going to have a little conversation. Talk about proper nutrition.
Remember how parents constantly told us as children that we need to eat hot soup every day for the stomach to work properly? So, in fact, we do not need to eat warm food to improve digestion. Our stomach itself heats or cools food to the optimum temperature. By the way, liquid food is also not a guarantee of healthy and proper nutrition.
The 5 Second Rule: Dangerous bacteria are everywhere, even in the home. Some microbes live on dry surfaces for longer than 4 weeks. If food falls on the floor, it immediately becomes inedible. The 5-second rule is a fiction and simply does not work. By the way, the more moisture in the product, the more bacteria will be there. For example, a piece of cucumber from the floor can be much more dangerous than a cookie.
Food from the microwave is harmful This statement is far from the truth. In fact, microwave radiation is not ionizing. This means that microwaves do not affect the structure of molecules and do not make any significant changes in the products.
You can't put hot food in the fridge. At the same time, it does not deteriorate faster and does not break the refrigerator. However, it is worth considering the fact that because of hot food, electricity consumption can increase. With older refrigerators that don’t have an automatic thawing system, it’s best not to experiment. They may not be able to withstand the load.
The yeast contained in bread does not carry any danger. In fact, they die at a temperature of 55-60 degrees. When baking, the temperature of bread reaches 100 degrees. Yeast simply does not survive under these conditions. There is no point in worrying about their harm.
One of the myths concerns the so-called “carbohydrate window” – a time interval during which it is allowed to swallow an unlimited amount of carbohydrates. It is believed that they allegedly contribute to the restoration of glycogen stores in the muscles. This concept came to us from the 80s. Recent studies show that glycogen replenishment is only important if you have another workout on the same day. In other cases, you can not worry about this. What matters is how you eat during the day, not the first hour after exercise.
In fact, a light dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime is not associated with a set of extra pounds. Much more important is the overall control of nutrition, nutritional value and quality of products, as well as the total number of calories consumed and their consumption. If you lean on pastries, burgers and French fries, but do not eat after six, then there can be no question of losing weight.
Often you can hear the statement that water dilutes gastric juice and interferes with digestion. Recent studies show that food can be washed down. Even mix hot food with cold drinks or vice versa. The fact is that a large amount of food consists of water, and gastric juice consists of it by 98-99%. Water even promotes digestion and breakdown of food.
Vegans and vegetarians live longer For a long time it was believed that a vegetarian and vegan diet is the key to longevity. Recent studies show that the mortality rate among meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans is the same.
You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day In fact, you need to drink as much as you want. Water is essential for the health and proper functioning of all organs and systems. But it is not necessary to pour water in liters and count glasses. The body tells us what it needs. It's important to be able to listen.
There should be a balance in everything - our editorial board advises you to listen more to your body. General advice from nutritionists is good, but we need to listen more to ourselves. Who better than you know your body? I hope you enjoyed our little conversation about nutrition. What popular health myths do you know?

Some refutations can be very surprising and even seem mistaken. It may be difficult for some readers to change their minds and adopt a scientifically based position. But it should be remembered that science does not stand still and is rapidly developing. We constantly learn something new about ourselves and the world around us. You need to try to find relevant information and check its reliability. So we're going to have a little conversation. Talk about proper nutrition.

Remember how parents constantly told us as children that we need to eat hot soup every day for the stomach to work properly? So, in fact, we do not need to eat warm food to improve digestion. Our stomach itself heats or cools food to the optimum temperature. By the way, liquid food is also not a guarantee of healthy and proper nutrition.
The 5 Second Rule: Dangerous bacteria are everywhere, even in the home. Some microbes live on dry surfaces for longer than 4 weeks. If food falls on the floor, it immediately becomes inedible. The 5-second rule is a fiction and simply does not work. By the way, the more moisture in the product, the more bacteria will be there. For example, a piece of cucumber from the floor can be much more dangerous than a cookie.
Food from the microwave is harmful This statement is far from the truth. In fact, microwave radiation is not ionizing. This means that microwaves do not affect the structure of molecules and do not make any significant changes in the products.

You can't put hot food in the fridge. At the same time, it does not deteriorate faster and does not break the refrigerator. However, it is worth considering the fact that because of hot food, electricity consumption can increase. With older refrigerators that don’t have an automatic thawing system, it’s best not to experiment. They may not be able to withstand the load.
The yeast contained in bread does not carry any danger. In fact, they die at a temperature of 55-60 degrees. When baking, the temperature of bread reaches 100 degrees. Yeast simply does not survive under these conditions. There is no point in worrying about their harm.

One of the myths concerns the so-called “carbohydrate window” – a time interval during which it is allowed to swallow an unlimited amount of carbohydrates. It is believed that they allegedly contribute to the restoration of glycogen stores in the muscles. This concept came to us from the 80s. Recent studies show that glycogen replenishment is only important if you have another workout on the same day. In other cases, you can not worry about this. What matters is how you eat during the day, not the first hour after exercise.

In fact, a light dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime is not associated with a set of extra pounds. Much more important is the overall control of nutrition, nutritional value and quality of products, as well as the total number of calories consumed and their consumption. If you lean on pastries, burgers and French fries, but do not eat after six, then there can be no question of losing weight.
Often you can hear the statement that water dilutes gastric juice and interferes with digestion. Recent studies show that food can be washed down. Even mix hot food with cold drinks or vice versa. The fact is that a large amount of food consists of water, and gastric juice consists of it by 98-99%. Water even promotes digestion and breakdown of food.
Vegans and vegetarians live longer For a long time it was believed that a vegetarian and vegan diet is the key to longevity. Recent studies show that the mortality rate among meat eaters, vegetarians and vegans is the same.

You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day In fact, you need to drink as much as you want. Water is essential for the health and proper functioning of all organs and systems. But it is not necessary to pour water in liters and count glasses. The body tells us what it needs. It's important to be able to listen.

There should be a balance in everything - our editorial board advises you to listen more to your body. General advice from nutritionists is good, but we need to listen more to ourselves. Who better than you know your body? I hope you enjoyed our little conversation about nutrition. What popular health myths do you know?
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