What and how to feed children: a doctor's advice
Children and food... Oh, how this phrase. They do not eat this now or not, and it is generally harmful. Is it really harmful? And what is useful? And in what quantity? We discussed with the paediatrician, the Director of "the Good Doctor" by Alexander Dechko.
— That first of all you need to know about baby food?— Each age has its eating habits.
The child's body is characterized by very intensive growth, and for the harmonious growth and development of the child it is necessary to provide a complete diet. Nutrition should be balanced in all the ingredients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Children's diet must contain elements of animal and vegetable food. You need to provide enough liquid and fiber.
It is also important to be aware of the energy value, that is, the number of calories should match the needs of the child, and even with the supply of energy for growth (we're talking about healthy children without obesity, without weight deficit and other pathology).
It is very important to the diet of children did not have any restrictions related to the dietary habits of parents. It is unacceptable to use children in the approaches of vegetarianism, raw foodism, etc. Failures in a balanced diet will lead to deficiency of certain substances, with the result that the child will be deprived of the opportunity to grow and develop harmoniously.
In the diet of children of kindergarten age it is better to avoid exotic dishes, and in respect of children of primary school age relate to unusual products with attention and care.
— What products must be present in the child's diet?— Necessarily in the child's diet should contain:
— Why is it important to form good eating habits?— When we talk about proper food habits, first of all implied a habit to eat a varied, complete, without deficiency or excess of certain foods with a special diet. Eating habits are formed in childhood. It is from parents and family depends on whether the child continue to eat varied or will whine "I don't eat". Children copy the behavior of their parents, and if mom and dad are overzealous in the use of certain products while ignoring others, then in 70-80% of cases the child will do the same. The task of parents is to teach children to have everything, give a try to all, regardless of their own preferences. To prepare tasty, beautifully presented and convince the child that he needs it.
The phrase "my kid never eats," says not that "the child eats", and that parents have not learned or are unable to give him a taste for a particular product.
Why is it important? First, proper eating habits — it's our health, and secondly, they will help the child better adapt to society: if he is very picky with food, he will have difficulty in the kindergarten and at school in any group.
But it is a long process? If once you offer your child a cabbage, and he refused to try again?— Of course. This is a serious job, and child rearing in General. It's hard daily work that requires patience, creativity, new flavor combinations, cooking methods and the inclusion of elements of the game.
— What are the methods of processing products are mainly used in baby food?— Handling should be gentle. Priority boiled, steamed, braised, baked, steamed. Not to say that fried foods should be completely excluded: pancakes, omelets, please. But if for Breakfast you have fried eggs, for lunch grilled burgers, and in the evening fried potatoes, then it is wrong.
— Is it possible to use condiments, spices?— Definitely don't need to use ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard. The use of spices should be avoided excesses. Onion, garlic, dill — yeah, that's good. But to abuse them in making baby food is not worth it.
In no case should not be excluded from baby food, salt and sugar — in reasonable limits, they are an essential part of the diet.
— What do you think about the first dish? Do I need to get the child to eat soup for lunch every day?— The use of soups is a tradition of Slavic cuisine. There are peoples who do soups do not use. It's neither good nor bad.
Probably, the use of soups is still not necessary, but justified. Soup (soup, soup) is hot food, and thus we avoid eating cold food and fast food on the go. With entrees we get the liquid, and for anybody not a secret that the fluid deficit is one of the problems of modernity, which can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, in the use of soups and similar dishes, I'm more "for" than "against".
— How much fluid you need to drink to the child? And what better use for drinking?— The average child should consume a liter of liquid with a small during the day. Not only is drinking pure, but the liquid which enters the body with soups, vegetables, fruits.
Bad hours if the child feels a sense of thirst and can't satisfy. You need to explain to your child that once he wanted to drink — let's drink. In some cases it is advisable to carry water with you.
What to use as a drink? In priority to ordinary drinking and mineral water (medicinal-table, or dining room), kvass, juices, compotes, herbal teas, milk, cocoa. It is desirable to avoid nectar with high sugar content and synthetic soda.
Natural coffee children is not recommended, it is better to give preference to cocoa, teas and coffee drinks.
— What can you say about meats and sausages?— Smoked, uncooked smoked, dry-cured and other foods in baby food is not necessary to use. As for cooked sausages and sausages, one must understand that not always they contain only meat. As a rule, they contain various additives, stabilizers, and preservatives. Therefore to abuse such products is not necessary. But if the child wanted sausage or sausage — quality fresh — let him eat. Without this, today's world is impossible.
— And if to speak about teenagers. If the child consistently asks for some snacking, constantly hungry — is this normal? Not to limit it?— The children pronounced the so-called periods of rounding (period weight) and stretching (the period of intensive growth), which is typical for puberty. Remember that over the summer the child can grow from inches to seven, and even more. Thus, the requirements are definitely higher, and sometimes it seems to us that a baby this age to feed.
But there is such a moment: all these endless snacking, rather, related to the fact that properly built mode. Breakfast — had not had time to go eat, came home again, ate lunch, and the evening starts overeating. But if you provide children with adequate hot Breakfast, normal lunch, give a meal for an afternoon snack, there will be no snacking in fits and starts, and gradually will be built to the correct mode.
And I want to come back to the idea that the feeling of thirst is disguised as hunger. So it's back to the understanding that it is necessary to observe a drinking mode.
— What about sweets?— What is sweets? To begin with, it isn't mandatory in child's diet item, but in moderation all is well. It is clear that any child wants sweets. This is normal, and not have to deal with it: a total ban to anything good will not. If the diet is correctly constructed (meal and dessert), there is nothing wrong in this dessert no. But if the meal starts with dessert or during the day between meals is constantly eating candy, cookies, this, of course, only harm.
There is a huge amount of natural sweets: halva, marshmallows, candy, jellies. And if you can't get away from chocolates, there is quality chocolate, which in reasonable quantities is a very useful product, containing the necessary body substances.
Completely eliminate from the diet sweet it would be foolish, it is the carbohydrates that the body needs in order to work, they just need to be in place and not form the basis of the diet.
Another important point: almost all sweets have a high caloric value. If the child before lunch ate a glazed cheese, then the caloric content he has already received all your lunch and make you something to eat simply impossible. The same applies to all sorts of pastries, muffins, cookies — it's the carbs that are easily digested, immediately increases the level of sugar in the blood, and the child then for a long time does not feel hunger.
— How many times a day should eat a child?— The right for children is four meals: Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. And need to organize, despite the employment and educational groups. Not diet to build depending on the classes, and classes to build depending on the power mode.
The priority must be health. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: lady.tut.by/news/food/474800.html
— That first of all you need to know about baby food?— Each age has its eating habits.
The child's body is characterized by very intensive growth, and for the harmonious growth and development of the child it is necessary to provide a complete diet. Nutrition should be balanced in all the ingredients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Children's diet must contain elements of animal and vegetable food. You need to provide enough liquid and fiber.
It is also important to be aware of the energy value, that is, the number of calories should match the needs of the child, and even with the supply of energy for growth (we're talking about healthy children without obesity, without weight deficit and other pathology).
It is very important to the diet of children did not have any restrictions related to the dietary habits of parents. It is unacceptable to use children in the approaches of vegetarianism, raw foodism, etc. Failures in a balanced diet will lead to deficiency of certain substances, with the result that the child will be deprived of the opportunity to grow and develop harmoniously.
In the diet of children of kindergarten age it is better to avoid exotic dishes, and in respect of children of primary school age relate to unusual products with attention and care.
— What products must be present in the child's diet?— Necessarily in the child's diet should contain:
- Animal products (meat, poultry) as a source of protein and essential amino acids.
- Dairy products (any) as a source of calcium and protein.
- Fish as a source of protein, phosphorus and calcium, plus fatty fish as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
- Cereals (porridge) and bread as the main source of carbohydrates, b vitamins and fiber.
- Vegetable oils and animal fats as the fat source, fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Eggs as a source of protein, essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins of group B.

— Why is it important to form good eating habits?— When we talk about proper food habits, first of all implied a habit to eat a varied, complete, without deficiency or excess of certain foods with a special diet. Eating habits are formed in childhood. It is from parents and family depends on whether the child continue to eat varied or will whine "I don't eat". Children copy the behavior of their parents, and if mom and dad are overzealous in the use of certain products while ignoring others, then in 70-80% of cases the child will do the same. The task of parents is to teach children to have everything, give a try to all, regardless of their own preferences. To prepare tasty, beautifully presented and convince the child that he needs it.
The phrase "my kid never eats," says not that "the child eats", and that parents have not learned or are unable to give him a taste for a particular product.
Why is it important? First, proper eating habits — it's our health, and secondly, they will help the child better adapt to society: if he is very picky with food, he will have difficulty in the kindergarten and at school in any group.
But it is a long process? If once you offer your child a cabbage, and he refused to try again?— Of course. This is a serious job, and child rearing in General. It's hard daily work that requires patience, creativity, new flavor combinations, cooking methods and the inclusion of elements of the game.
— What are the methods of processing products are mainly used in baby food?— Handling should be gentle. Priority boiled, steamed, braised, baked, steamed. Not to say that fried foods should be completely excluded: pancakes, omelets, please. But if for Breakfast you have fried eggs, for lunch grilled burgers, and in the evening fried potatoes, then it is wrong.
— Is it possible to use condiments, spices?— Definitely don't need to use ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard. The use of spices should be avoided excesses. Onion, garlic, dill — yeah, that's good. But to abuse them in making baby food is not worth it.
In no case should not be excluded from baby food, salt and sugar — in reasonable limits, they are an essential part of the diet.

— What do you think about the first dish? Do I need to get the child to eat soup for lunch every day?— The use of soups is a tradition of Slavic cuisine. There are peoples who do soups do not use. It's neither good nor bad.
Probably, the use of soups is still not necessary, but justified. Soup (soup, soup) is hot food, and thus we avoid eating cold food and fast food on the go. With entrees we get the liquid, and for anybody not a secret that the fluid deficit is one of the problems of modernity, which can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, in the use of soups and similar dishes, I'm more "for" than "against".
— How much fluid you need to drink to the child? And what better use for drinking?— The average child should consume a liter of liquid with a small during the day. Not only is drinking pure, but the liquid which enters the body with soups, vegetables, fruits.
Bad hours if the child feels a sense of thirst and can't satisfy. You need to explain to your child that once he wanted to drink — let's drink. In some cases it is advisable to carry water with you.
What to use as a drink? In priority to ordinary drinking and mineral water (medicinal-table, or dining room), kvass, juices, compotes, herbal teas, milk, cocoa. It is desirable to avoid nectar with high sugar content and synthetic soda.
Natural coffee children is not recommended, it is better to give preference to cocoa, teas and coffee drinks.
— What can you say about meats and sausages?— Smoked, uncooked smoked, dry-cured and other foods in baby food is not necessary to use. As for cooked sausages and sausages, one must understand that not always they contain only meat. As a rule, they contain various additives, stabilizers, and preservatives. Therefore to abuse such products is not necessary. But if the child wanted sausage or sausage — quality fresh — let him eat. Without this, today's world is impossible.
— And if to speak about teenagers. If the child consistently asks for some snacking, constantly hungry — is this normal? Not to limit it?— The children pronounced the so-called periods of rounding (period weight) and stretching (the period of intensive growth), which is typical for puberty. Remember that over the summer the child can grow from inches to seven, and even more. Thus, the requirements are definitely higher, and sometimes it seems to us that a baby this age to feed.
But there is such a moment: all these endless snacking, rather, related to the fact that properly built mode. Breakfast — had not had time to go eat, came home again, ate lunch, and the evening starts overeating. But if you provide children with adequate hot Breakfast, normal lunch, give a meal for an afternoon snack, there will be no snacking in fits and starts, and gradually will be built to the correct mode.
And I want to come back to the idea that the feeling of thirst is disguised as hunger. So it's back to the understanding that it is necessary to observe a drinking mode.

— What about sweets?— What is sweets? To begin with, it isn't mandatory in child's diet item, but in moderation all is well. It is clear that any child wants sweets. This is normal, and not have to deal with it: a total ban to anything good will not. If the diet is correctly constructed (meal and dessert), there is nothing wrong in this dessert no. But if the meal starts with dessert or during the day between meals is constantly eating candy, cookies, this, of course, only harm.
There is a huge amount of natural sweets: halva, marshmallows, candy, jellies. And if you can't get away from chocolates, there is quality chocolate, which in reasonable quantities is a very useful product, containing the necessary body substances.
Completely eliminate from the diet sweet it would be foolish, it is the carbohydrates that the body needs in order to work, they just need to be in place and not form the basis of the diet.
Another important point: almost all sweets have a high caloric value. If the child before lunch ate a glazed cheese, then the caloric content he has already received all your lunch and make you something to eat simply impossible. The same applies to all sorts of pastries, muffins, cookies — it's the carbs that are easily digested, immediately increases the level of sugar in the blood, and the child then for a long time does not feel hunger.
— How many times a day should eat a child?— The right for children is four meals: Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. And need to organize, despite the employment and educational groups. Not diet to build depending on the classes, and classes to build depending on the power mode.
The priority must be health. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: lady.tut.by/news/food/474800.html