Amazing beneficial properties of the hot peppers for Your health
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Red hot chilli pepper has amazing properties due to the presence in its composition of capsaicin. Capsaicin is an alkaloid contained in various species of capsicum Capsicum. Pure capsaicin is a colorless crystalline substance with a pungent taste. He has a positive effect on the human body.
In countries such as Mexico, Chile, red pepper is used constantly when cooking meat and other dishes. These countries are known for their spicy recipes, but also the opportunity to improve their health by eating the red pepper.
People in Mexico claim that it lightens the mind, and the people of Thailand and India eat Ghost peppers most of all and believe that we owe him their good health. Hindus believe that if not for the red pepper, the poor countries would already have become extinct totally from the meager supply.
Let's see what the benefits of red hot pepper?
First, it is the use exerted on the stomach. Thanks to its composition alkaloid. Burning red pepper is capable to help to digest heavy food.For example, if you use this seasoning for meat, it will be most useful, and will contain fewer harmful substances, fat and carbohydrates. Thus, people will be able to enjoy the taste of a favorite dish that will satisfy your appetite and at the same time he will not have to worry about excess calories, because red pepper can reduce them to 2 times. However, keep in mind that the red pepper would not be useful for those who suffer from acidity in the stomach, diabetes, liver diseases, intestines, and ulcer or gastritis.
Secondly, red pepper good for your colon. In the intestine there are a large number of different bacteria, so it is very important to follow regular cleaning. The process of getting rid of excess food residues took place efficiently, you need to pay attention to food, daily routine and physical activity. Often people follow only the last two points, but on the first, alas, forget. This is the cause of colic, constipation or frequent urination. The intestines must work constantly, being released after each meal. If happened, it is enough to eat a piece of meat or fish, which added seasoning – red hot pepper. After a while you will feel that the bowel began to work again, like clockwork. By the way, if you abandon foods such as meat or fish, prefer to use a side dish for lunch or dinner to be cooked using this wonderful condiment.
Pepper is actively involved in metabolic processes in the body and thus nourishes the useful components of blood. As for the clots, it is possible to say that pepper is able to cope with the causes of thrombosis and similar disorders.
It is impossible to forget about such fine property of pepper, as haematogenic and diuretic.Thanks to pepper many women can solve their problems gynecological plan. For example, a problem that occurs most women have irregular menstrual cycle, is due to the fact that the woman is emotionally tense, was not paying a long time in your diet, lack of exercise and has a small amount of sleep and rest. In this scenario, it is useful for the treatment and restoration of normal ovarian seasoning – red hot pepper. After a week of use it is possible to notice how the work of the gastrointestinal tract has improved, as well as began to improve the system of work the ovaries. Due to the particles included in its composition, he is able to quickly return period.
But it is important to remember that between themselves monthly, you cannot use red pepper to food, as the benefits it will bring. The fact that those girls who experienced abdominal pain, should not eat salty food, oily and spicy. This can only provoke the spasms and increase the pain. In order to get rid of the pain, you need to temporarily stop taking spicy food and it is better to pay attention to fresh fruit and vegetables.
Now it is necessary to consider the influence of red burning pepper on growth of hair and improvement of blood supply of tissues of nails. Red hot pepper is able to effectively promote hair growth and strengthen hair roots and make nails strong and healthy. Hair masks from vegetable oils with the addition of hot red pepper stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, strengthen hair follicles. That is why in medicine I think pepper is a useful product, a great healing herb and an excellent healer for those who suffer from hair breakage, weak nail plates. Just a couple of days he will restore the function of internal organs and contribute to the strengthening of hair and nails.
For many Housewives hot red pepper is one of my favorite seasonings. In a small amount of spice complements a variety of dishes, adding a zesty flavor to meats, soups, marinades. Since ancient times it was already known about the wonderful medicinal means of vegetable. So red pepper is capable to strengthen the immune system, helps in the treatment of angina, normalizes blood circulation, improves the health of a person suffering from bronchial asthma.
Recently, scientists found that red pepper helps to fight obesity. Due to the fact that this vegetable stimulates blood circulation and normalizes metabolism in the body, accelerating the process aimed at the breakdown of fat cells. In addition, the pepper helps rid the colon of various toxins and harmful substances.
To say that red pepper is a very low calorie product, which includes virtually no carbohydrates. Weight loss with red pepper recommended taking tincture derived from this vegetable. When creating this tincture is used in the alcohol or vodka.
To prepare the tincture with one part of red pepper, which should be crushed very finely, pour five parts of vodka or the same amount of 90% rubbing alcohol. If you create a tincture uses alcohol, the tool should insist for seven days. In the case of using vodka infusion must be kept for three weeks. Red pepper for weight loss, prepared in the form of tincture should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
For men there is good news – red hot chilli pepper restores potency and solves the problem associated with sexual preferences. Now you can prepare a tincture of red pepper, or to prepare his favorite for dinner, something spicy. Then the evening would be unforgettable. Most importantly, of course, do not overdo it.
Children who do not like to teach lessons, have poor attention, can also achieve the heights, if you will eat the pepper, because it is very useful for the brain.
According to experts, red pepper is also included in the daily diet. If you are unable to consume this vegetable as a whole, then finely chop, and place of seasoning for various dishes. Also worth using, and red pepper flakes.
Cook for the whole family delicious meals with the addition of pepper and be healthy! published
Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2769
Red hot chilli pepper has amazing properties due to the presence in its composition of capsaicin. Capsaicin is an alkaloid contained in various species of capsicum Capsicum. Pure capsaicin is a colorless crystalline substance with a pungent taste. He has a positive effect on the human body.
In countries such as Mexico, Chile, red pepper is used constantly when cooking meat and other dishes. These countries are known for their spicy recipes, but also the opportunity to improve their health by eating the red pepper.
People in Mexico claim that it lightens the mind, and the people of Thailand and India eat Ghost peppers most of all and believe that we owe him their good health. Hindus believe that if not for the red pepper, the poor countries would already have become extinct totally from the meager supply.
Let's see what the benefits of red hot pepper?
First, it is the use exerted on the stomach. Thanks to its composition alkaloid. Burning red pepper is capable to help to digest heavy food.For example, if you use this seasoning for meat, it will be most useful, and will contain fewer harmful substances, fat and carbohydrates. Thus, people will be able to enjoy the taste of a favorite dish that will satisfy your appetite and at the same time he will not have to worry about excess calories, because red pepper can reduce them to 2 times. However, keep in mind that the red pepper would not be useful for those who suffer from acidity in the stomach, diabetes, liver diseases, intestines, and ulcer or gastritis.
Secondly, red pepper good for your colon. In the intestine there are a large number of different bacteria, so it is very important to follow regular cleaning. The process of getting rid of excess food residues took place efficiently, you need to pay attention to food, daily routine and physical activity. Often people follow only the last two points, but on the first, alas, forget. This is the cause of colic, constipation or frequent urination. The intestines must work constantly, being released after each meal. If happened, it is enough to eat a piece of meat or fish, which added seasoning – red hot pepper. After a while you will feel that the bowel began to work again, like clockwork. By the way, if you abandon foods such as meat or fish, prefer to use a side dish for lunch or dinner to be cooked using this wonderful condiment.
Pepper is actively involved in metabolic processes in the body and thus nourishes the useful components of blood. As for the clots, it is possible to say that pepper is able to cope with the causes of thrombosis and similar disorders.
It is impossible to forget about such fine property of pepper, as haematogenic and diuretic.Thanks to pepper many women can solve their problems gynecological plan. For example, a problem that occurs most women have irregular menstrual cycle, is due to the fact that the woman is emotionally tense, was not paying a long time in your diet, lack of exercise and has a small amount of sleep and rest. In this scenario, it is useful for the treatment and restoration of normal ovarian seasoning – red hot pepper. After a week of use it is possible to notice how the work of the gastrointestinal tract has improved, as well as began to improve the system of work the ovaries. Due to the particles included in its composition, he is able to quickly return period.
But it is important to remember that between themselves monthly, you cannot use red pepper to food, as the benefits it will bring. The fact that those girls who experienced abdominal pain, should not eat salty food, oily and spicy. This can only provoke the spasms and increase the pain. In order to get rid of the pain, you need to temporarily stop taking spicy food and it is better to pay attention to fresh fruit and vegetables.
Now it is necessary to consider the influence of red burning pepper on growth of hair and improvement of blood supply of tissues of nails. Red hot pepper is able to effectively promote hair growth and strengthen hair roots and make nails strong and healthy. Hair masks from vegetable oils with the addition of hot red pepper stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, strengthen hair follicles. That is why in medicine I think pepper is a useful product, a great healing herb and an excellent healer for those who suffer from hair breakage, weak nail plates. Just a couple of days he will restore the function of internal organs and contribute to the strengthening of hair and nails.
For many Housewives hot red pepper is one of my favorite seasonings. In a small amount of spice complements a variety of dishes, adding a zesty flavor to meats, soups, marinades. Since ancient times it was already known about the wonderful medicinal means of vegetable. So red pepper is capable to strengthen the immune system, helps in the treatment of angina, normalizes blood circulation, improves the health of a person suffering from bronchial asthma.
Recently, scientists found that red pepper helps to fight obesity. Due to the fact that this vegetable stimulates blood circulation and normalizes metabolism in the body, accelerating the process aimed at the breakdown of fat cells. In addition, the pepper helps rid the colon of various toxins and harmful substances.
To say that red pepper is a very low calorie product, which includes virtually no carbohydrates. Weight loss with red pepper recommended taking tincture derived from this vegetable. When creating this tincture is used in the alcohol or vodka.
To prepare the tincture with one part of red pepper, which should be crushed very finely, pour five parts of vodka or the same amount of 90% rubbing alcohol. If you create a tincture uses alcohol, the tool should insist for seven days. In the case of using vodka infusion must be kept for three weeks. Red pepper for weight loss, prepared in the form of tincture should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
For men there is good news – red hot chilli pepper restores potency and solves the problem associated with sexual preferences. Now you can prepare a tincture of red pepper, or to prepare his favorite for dinner, something spicy. Then the evening would be unforgettable. Most importantly, of course, do not overdo it.
Children who do not like to teach lessons, have poor attention, can also achieve the heights, if you will eat the pepper, because it is very useful for the brain.
According to experts, red pepper is also included in the daily diet. If you are unable to consume this vegetable as a whole, then finely chop, and place of seasoning for various dishes. Also worth using, and red pepper flakes.
Cook for the whole family delicious meals with the addition of pepper and be healthy! published
Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2769