How can you affect the consciousness through the body

Long known that our consciousness is subject to absolutely everything, including control of the body and its transformation. Using the power of thought you can lose weight, become more attractive.But not everyone knows that in the opposite direction, the link also works – improving and changing your body can change consciousness. In this article we will consider what internal challenges can be resolved by working with the body.
To start, determine what features you need, and what you want to work. One of the most significant and vivid examples, the increased flexibility of consciousness through the stretch. If you feel that you have become hostage to rigid ideas, and want to change, becoming a more flexible person stretching is the direction that you need. Doing stretching of the spine, muscles and joints, even if you don't realize it, consciousness transformered, and over time exercise will give excellent results.
Yoga is not for body but for the mind
The best practice for those who wish to influence your mind, with the body yoga. After the first sessions, you'll notice that you have become more calm, balanced, harmonious. Yogic practices help to achieve their potential, become more loving and open, to enhance energy flows in the body, leading to increased efficiency and a qualitative change in thinking. Combined with regular yoga meditation gives amazing results and can radically alter consciousness.
Jogging to a better life
A little exotic and less common method of self-improvement that combines work of body and mind – meditation while walking or running. All of us know the state of near meditation when Jogging or long walks alone the flow of ideas stops, and the world disappears. You can use a physical load such as the key to the subconscious – before you go out or get on the treadmill, ask yourself the purpose for meditation: what do you want to understand or change it? When you get in the desired state, let your question or task will pop up in the mind – now just keep running or go and wait for an answer. He comes from the depths of your self.
The development of will power
Those who lack the ability to follow through or do anything regularly, it may be advisable to start training in any sports. No matter whether you swim, exercise in the gym or aerobics – it is important to set a goal and methodically to go for it. Regular exercises help to develop self-discipline, strength of character, to learn to achieve and fulfill the promises made to yourself. A nice bonus is your perfect physical form and perfect health. Remember that if consciousness can all the body is also available much. Do not miss the opportunity to get better and to solve the internal problems with the body.published
Source: improve-me.ru/2013