What is useful pea porridge
Pea porridge is a controversial dish: one soul does not reap in a valuable product, while others do not tolerate the porridge that they were fed in childhood. Today we will consolidate the confidence of those who adore pea porridge, and convince to include in your diet pea porridge of those who can not stand it. Properly cooked porridge can deliver not only gastronomic pleasure, but also enrich the body with essential substances, vitamins and minerals!
"Site" will tell about the beneficial properties of pea porridge, and also teach several culinary subtleties that will get rid of the specific smell of the finished dish, help prepare a tender mass and successfully combine it with meat and vegetable additives.
Many people do not know, but the combination of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in ordinary pea porridge is simply unique. A huge amount of protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine, copper, beta-carotene, amino acids, B vitamins, as well as A and E make pea porridge an invaluable product for maintaining health, replenishing energy and strengthening the body as a whole.
Useful properties of porridge
How to prepare pea porridge
If there is no doubt whether to cook or not, we are happy to share with you the secret of cooking appetizing pea porridge with pork, the taste and appearance of which turns an ordinary dish into a decoration of the festive table. It looks original and turns out to be damn delicious!
The ingredients
If there are no contraindications to the inclusion of pea cereals in the diet, we recommend preparing a valuable product at least once a week. Here you will see, regular use of pea porridge will have a positive effect on your health, help cleanse the body, improve appearance, fill the lack of vitamins, minerals and restore strength. We are sure that this hearty and nutritious dish will take pride of place on your table!
Does your family like pea porridge? If so, what are the secrets of making a valuable product in your kitchen?

"Site" will tell about the beneficial properties of pea porridge, and also teach several culinary subtleties that will get rid of the specific smell of the finished dish, help prepare a tender mass and successfully combine it with meat and vegetable additives.
Many people do not know, but the combination of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in ordinary pea porridge is simply unique. A huge amount of protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine, copper, beta-carotene, amino acids, B vitamins, as well as A and E make pea porridge an invaluable product for maintaining health, replenishing energy and strengthening the body as a whole.
Useful properties of porridge
- Pea porridge cooked on water is an excellent dietary product (only 90 kcal in 100 grams), which is used as the basis for many diets. The product, though nutritious, but contains extremely few carbohydrates, and therefore suitable for people suffering from overweight. In addition, such porridge quickly and permanently quenches hunger, saving from overeating.
- The product helps to normalize metabolism, because it is shown to those people who suffer from diabetes and obesity.
DepositPhotos - Saturated with protein and amino acids pea porridge is shown to people who lead an active lifestyle. A dish made of peas perfectly replenishes strength, increases vitality and helps athletes build muscle mass.
- Penny porridge affects not only health, but also appearance. A powerful vitamin-mineral complex has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair, but most importantly - inhibits age-related changes.
DepositPhotos - Regular consumption of pea porridge helps normalize blood pressure, reduces the frequency and intensity of headaches and contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis.
- Fiber-rich porridge cleanses the body from the inside: removes toxins and toxins, chemicals and carcinogens, and also destroys kidney and gallstones.
DepositPhotos - Pea porridge is indicated for the elderly, as well as people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases.
- Regular consumption of pea dishes has a beneficial effect on the immune system, reduces symptoms of fatigue, increases stress resistance and prevents depression.
DepositPhotos - Few people know, but the use of peas is an excellent prevention of visual impairment. Vitamin A and beta-carotene, which in peas are more than important for maintaining eye health.
- Pea porridge has a sufficiently strong diuretic effect, so the use of porridge is indicated for people prone to swelling.
How to prepare pea porridge
- In order for the porridge to turn out to be famous, crushed peas must be soaked beforehand. 8-hour exposure in cold water will rid the finished dish of a specific smell that not everyone likes, and will allow the peas to swell enough, which will reduce the time of cooking nutritious porridge.
- After the end of soaking, the water must be drained, washed peas again, and then boiled in already clean water covering the cereals by 1 cm.
- If you do not have time to mess with soaking and rinsing, do not despair, pea porridge will still turn out excellent! To cook a delicious porridge without soaking, dip the cereal in cold water, previously diluting baking soda in it. For 3 liters of water enough 0.5 tsp. soda. Leave the cereal in solution for an hour, then wash and safely put on fire.
- To prepare pea porridge, use dishes with thick walls and bottom, then the dish will definitely not burn. If there is no such dishes, you will have to stir peas regularly during cooking.
- Cook pea cereals only on a slow fire! Otherwise, the protein in the product will coagulate, making the finished dish extremely tough.
- Add salt at the very end of cooking, otherwise the peas will cook much longer.
- If the peas are still hard, and the water in the pan has boiled, safely pour a mug of boiling water. And if the peas boiled, and the water in the pan is still at least enough, carefully drain it and tome pea porridge on a slow fire without a lid for 5 minutes.

If there is no doubt whether to cook or not, we are happy to share with you the secret of cooking appetizing pea porridge with pork, the taste and appearance of which turns an ordinary dish into a decoration of the festive table. It looks original and turns out to be damn delicious!
The ingredients
- 2 tbsp puncture peas
- 4 tables of water
- 2 large bulbs
- 300g pork
- salt, spices to taste
- Peas boil until ready, slightly salt and stir until you get a homogeneous puree. If there are lumps left, use a potato peel.
- Clean the onions and cut with half rings. Cut the meat with plates.
- Onions roast to transparency, add meat and carcasses to the pan until ready. Add salt and spices.
- Ceramic container for baking warm up, transfer ready-made pea porridge into it, lay out meat with onions and fields of juice on top.
- Send the baking form to the oven heated to 180 ° C for 10 minutes. Delicious pea porridge Ready! Serve the dish in the container in which it was prepared - pea porridge with meat in ceramic dishes will look simply luxurious.

If there are no contraindications to the inclusion of pea cereals in the diet, we recommend preparing a valuable product at least once a week. Here you will see, regular use of pea porridge will have a positive effect on your health, help cleanse the body, improve appearance, fill the lack of vitamins, minerals and restore strength. We are sure that this hearty and nutritious dish will take pride of place on your table!
Does your family like pea porridge? If so, what are the secrets of making a valuable product in your kitchen?