Table of proportions of parts of water and cereals from the book "Russian cuisine" by N.I. Kovalev + recipes
Table of the ratio of parts (by volume) of water and cereals when boiling porridge (according to N.I. Kovalev "Russian cuisine" textbook for students of higher educational institutions
The amount of liquid (parts per 1 part of cereal)
Crupa Cool Porridge Smashing Kashytsa
Buckwheat 1.5 3-3.2 6-7
Wheat 1.8 3-3.2 5-6
Barley 2.5 3.7-4 5-6
Oatmeal - 3.5-4 5-6
Wheat half-bull 2 3.5-4 5-6
A Few Options for Preparing Prepared Porridges
GREECH PRESIDENT CASH (Standard technology, suitable for most types of porridge).
At the rate of 1 volume part of water on 1.5 - 2 volume parts of cereals.
Buckwheat rinse and drain thoroughly from it (through a small sieve).
Pour into (preferably cast-iron) pan (volume 1l-1.5l) or pot 1, 5-2 cups of boiling water, salt to taste (the authors of the post it is about 1st liter of salt without a slide), add vegetable oil (a small amount, about 25-50 g) or without oil at all, sprinkle cereals, let boil (with an open lid), after boiling cover and cook at the weakest boil, preferably on the flame dissector (ifies in the flame), why the full water is absorbed at about 20 times (25)
(Frequently millet porridge turns sticky and here to get really crumbly millet porridge, for example, for oozing from millet or just to stand out), the authors of the post boil it not as, for example, buckwheat.
At the rate of 1 volume part of water per 1 volume part of the cereal.
Wash millet cereals in several waters, pour hot water and let stand for about 30 minutes or about 1 hour, drain thoroughly (!!!) with water (through a sieve).
Pour into (preferably cast-iron) pan (volume 1l-1.5l) or cast-iron pot 1 cup of boiling water, salt to taste (the authors of the post it is about 1st liter of salt without a slide), add, if desired, vegetable oil (a small amount, about 25-50 g) or without oil at all, pour cereals and cook at an average boiling intensity, with an open lid, until almost (!) full absorption of water with a cereal, then cover tightly, cook to a full suction of water (letting a few minutes) into the other surface. Open the lid and stir gently the croup.
Wheat porridge from whole wheat grains
(For example, for this sochiva, and in general it is a very interesting and useful porridge).
Soak for a day (24 hours) wheat grains (you can “at night”, for 12 hours, if there is no time, but better for 24 hours!). It is advisable to wash the grain several times during soaking (to avoid "sourcing"). Then drain the water thoroughly.
In preferably cast-iron pot with a volume of 1.5 - 2 liters (or in a saucer, pot..) pour boiling water 2.5 - 3 cups, pour wheat grains, let boil, cover, reduce the intensity of heating to a minimum (gas to reduce) and cook without salt and oil, at the weakest boil, until full or almost complete absorption of water grains. It is necessary to salt this porridge when the water is almost evaporated, at the very end. Add the oil after the cereal is salted and cooked.
At the rate of 1 volume part of water per 1.5 volume parts of cereals.
Croupa (usually the authors use long-grained basmati rice) wash and drain water thoroughly from it (through a small sieve). Pour the cereal with hot water and let it stand for at least 15 minutes.
Pour into (preferably cast-iron) a pan or pot (1l-1.5l) 1.5 cups of boiling water, salt to taste (the authors of the post it is about 1 tbsp of salt without a slide), add vegetable oil if desired (a small amount, about 25-50 g) or without oil at all, pour cereals and cook, covering with a lid, about 12-15 minutes, until the water is completely absorbed by cereals.
Observations and observations
Cook porridge conveniently by installing the pan on the cutter (especially if the porridge is "long").
The best, according to the authors of the post, dishes for cooking porridge is cast iron (the effect of longing, especially if a pot or pot is installed on a dissecter) or in the oven.
When boiling cereals for sochiva and kutya, cook without salt and without oil (although there are types of sochiva, festive, in which it is permissible to add oil)
Porridge is very easy to prepare, useful and very relevant in the fast. All! published
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: bufetum.livejournal.com/50605.html
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