How to properly cook porridge
Do you know how to cook buckwheat porridge so that it turns crumbly? Or, for example, what do you need to make the perfect rice porridge? Or maybe you have long wanted to learn how to cook delicious oatmeal?
In this article you will find answers to all these questions and not only!
Editorial "Site" I decided to create a universal "guide" for housewives, which will help to understand, How to properly cook porridge on water adult How to cook children porridge on milkI want them to eat it with pleasure.
The first piece of advice we would like to share with you concerns the softness of the water. Good chefs know for sure that the softness of water plays a very important role in cooking cereals, so they recommend boiling water before cooking cereals directly.
In the process of cooking, grains absorb water and swell, turning into a finished dish. Mitigate water hardness It is necessary in order to enhance the ability of each grain to repel water so that it goes to cooking from the outside and subsequent digestion, and not to boil it from the inside.
If you spend time boiling water before cooking reluctantly, then just at the beginning of cooking porridge add a little fat or oil to the water.
You can also adopt one of the techniques that are usually used by the peoples of the South and the East. After boiling the grain in the water half, remove the porridge from the fire and drain the water. Then, adding a little milk to the half-cooked porridge, put the pan on the fire again and wait for the milk to be fully boiled into the porridge.
Well, now let’s look at the features of cooking each cereal separately.
Buckwheat porridge
In order to cook the perfect buckwheat porridge, it is necessary to adhere to a ratio of 1: 2 between the volume of cereals and water. That is, cereals should be exactly half the water in which it will be cooked.
When cooking this cereal, you need to cover the pan with a dense lid and watch the fire. In the first minutes, before the water in the pan boils, the fire should be strong, then it should be reduced to medium to ensure a moderate boil, and at the very end finish buckwheat already on a slow fire.
Also remember that, filling the cereal and pouring it with water, you should not invade the cooking process. A common mistake of most housewives is that they constantly strive to interfere with the cereal or open the lid in order to speed up the process of cooking porridge.
The pot must be metal with a thickened convex bottom. This form facilitates the boiling of liquid from the bottom and creates a uniform heating and swelling of all porridge.
Rice porridge
As for the ratio of cereals to water, then less water is needed for cooking rice than in the case of buckwheat. One glass of rice should take about a glass and a half of water.
As for direct cooking, the cereal itself must be filled with boiling water. When cooking, the pan must be tightly covered with a lid.
Within 3 minutes immediately after sending rice cereals into the water, cook porridge on high heat, then 5-7 minutes hold the porridge on moderate, and in the end, you need to finish the rice already on low heat. The entire cooking process should take from 12 to 15 minutes.
After the porridge is cooked, leave the pan under the lid closed and let it stand for 12 minutes.
The adult version is considered oatmeal from whole oat grains. You can cook this grain in the same way as rice.
Infant oatmeal is prepared from crushed or ground oatmeal, as children with their delicate mucous membranes of the oral cavity do not perceive hard, steep, crumbly oatmeal with its dense shell.
In order for baby oatmeal to turn out tasty, at the end of cooking for it, you need to add milk, and in such an amount that the mass turns out to be liquid, not glue. After removing the porridge from the fire, it also needs to be slightly sweetened.
Wheat porridge
Millet is often very contaminated, so first go through the cereal, and then wash it several times in cold water until the water is clear, and finally once washed the cereal in hot water.
You need to cook millet in a lot of water. Before the seeds are boiled, the water must be drained, then added to the porridge of milk and cooked further until fully ready.

In this article you will find answers to all these questions and not only!
Editorial "Site" I decided to create a universal "guide" for housewives, which will help to understand, How to properly cook porridge on water adult How to cook children porridge on milkI want them to eat it with pleasure.
The first piece of advice we would like to share with you concerns the softness of the water. Good chefs know for sure that the softness of water plays a very important role in cooking cereals, so they recommend boiling water before cooking cereals directly.

In the process of cooking, grains absorb water and swell, turning into a finished dish. Mitigate water hardness It is necessary in order to enhance the ability of each grain to repel water so that it goes to cooking from the outside and subsequent digestion, and not to boil it from the inside.
If you spend time boiling water before cooking reluctantly, then just at the beginning of cooking porridge add a little fat or oil to the water.

You can also adopt one of the techniques that are usually used by the peoples of the South and the East. After boiling the grain in the water half, remove the porridge from the fire and drain the water. Then, adding a little milk to the half-cooked porridge, put the pan on the fire again and wait for the milk to be fully boiled into the porridge.

Well, now let’s look at the features of cooking each cereal separately.
Buckwheat porridge

In order to cook the perfect buckwheat porridge, it is necessary to adhere to a ratio of 1: 2 between the volume of cereals and water. That is, cereals should be exactly half the water in which it will be cooked.

When cooking this cereal, you need to cover the pan with a dense lid and watch the fire. In the first minutes, before the water in the pan boils, the fire should be strong, then it should be reduced to medium to ensure a moderate boil, and at the very end finish buckwheat already on a slow fire.
Also remember that, filling the cereal and pouring it with water, you should not invade the cooking process. A common mistake of most housewives is that they constantly strive to interfere with the cereal or open the lid in order to speed up the process of cooking porridge.

The pot must be metal with a thickened convex bottom. This form facilitates the boiling of liquid from the bottom and creates a uniform heating and swelling of all porridge.
Rice porridge

As for the ratio of cereals to water, then less water is needed for cooking rice than in the case of buckwheat. One glass of rice should take about a glass and a half of water.
As for direct cooking, the cereal itself must be filled with boiling water. When cooking, the pan must be tightly covered with a lid.

Within 3 minutes immediately after sending rice cereals into the water, cook porridge on high heat, then 5-7 minutes hold the porridge on moderate, and in the end, you need to finish the rice already on low heat. The entire cooking process should take from 12 to 15 minutes.
After the porridge is cooked, leave the pan under the lid closed and let it stand for 12 minutes.

The adult version is considered oatmeal from whole oat grains. You can cook this grain in the same way as rice.
Infant oatmeal is prepared from crushed or ground oatmeal, as children with their delicate mucous membranes of the oral cavity do not perceive hard, steep, crumbly oatmeal with its dense shell.

In order for baby oatmeal to turn out tasty, at the end of cooking for it, you need to add milk, and in such an amount that the mass turns out to be liquid, not glue. After removing the porridge from the fire, it also needs to be slightly sweetened.

Wheat porridge

Millet is often very contaminated, so first go through the cereal, and then wash it several times in cold water until the water is clear, and finally once washed the cereal in hot water.

You need to cook millet in a lot of water. Before the seeds are boiled, the water must be drained, then added to the porridge of milk and cooked further until fully ready.