Which porridge is better to cook in milk
For me, a deliciously cooked porridge is the best and most useful breakfast. The energy charge and satiety before lunch are certainly provided. But it is not always possible to cook a truly perfect porridge: either in lumps or dry. And to prepare a gentle milk porridge, you need a lot of tinkering. That's why at home, porridge doesn't turn out the way you used to eat in kindergarten?
Chefs have little tricks that make them porridge. Editorial "Site" It will tell you how easy and delicious to cook your favorite cereals.
How to properly cook porridge
Cooking your favorite cereal is very simple. Tuck this healthy dish with various sauces or serve to meat and fish. And milk porridge boldly supplement with berries and fruits. Eat porridge for breakfast to saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals, and stay in good shape.
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Chefs have little tricks that make them porridge. Editorial "Site" It will tell you how easy and delicious to cook your favorite cereals.
How to properly cook porridge
- Rice on milk
To prepare a healthy and super-tasty porridge as in a kindergarten, put a pot of milk on the stove, add salt and sugar. Bring the water to a boil and pour rice there, boil for about 2-5 minutes. Take it off the fire, add the oil and cover it. Cover the pot with a towel and leave it for 20 minutes. The cereal will swell and you'll get a thick porridge. It is thick, not lumps that crawl in a spoon. Milk rice porridge It turns out to be very tasty and tender. It is better to take round rice at the rate of 1 cup of cereals per liter of milk. If you like more liquid porridge, just increase the amount of milk.
DepositPhotos - Buckwheat porridge
Prepare a delicious and healthy buckwheat porridge is simple. Pour the right amount of cereal in the evening with water and leave to swell. In the morning, just bring it to a boil and immediately remove it from the stove. Done!
DepositPhotos - Oatmeal porridge on milk
Take 8-10 tablespoons of Hercules flakes for a liter of milk. In the evening boil the milk, take it off the stove, add cereal to it. Cover it. In the morning you will have a delicious porridge. Just warm it up and have a good appetite. If you like thick porridge, just add more cereal.
DepositPhotos - The perfect manka
Semolina is very useful, but not everyone can prepare it. So, for 1 liter of milk you will need 4 tablespoons of manca. Manka just give a couple of minutes to boil and 20 minutes to wait after you remove it from the stove. That's the whole cooking process.
DepositPhotos - Perlovka
Many people do not like barley, because it is associated with smear. To pearl porridge turned crumbly and fragrant, you need to cook it in the oven. Warm the oven to 200 degrees and turn it off. Wash the necessary amount of barley, put it in a cast-iron pan or a pot for roast. Add water, salt, butter. Cover the barley with a lid and leave it overnight in a cooling oven. And in the morning, get ready, tasty and warm porridge.
Cooking your favorite cereal is very simple. Tuck this healthy dish with various sauces or serve to meat and fish. And milk porridge boldly supplement with berries and fruits. Eat porridge for breakfast to saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals, and stay in good shape.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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