The text of protective prayer in difficult times
These are difficult and troubled times in the world. Humanity is experiencing one of those crises that we must all face together. In such moments, it is important not to lose hope and remain optimistic. Peace of mind and faith in the best helps many to find prayer.
Today's edition. "Site" share prayer from any misfortune.
This prayer is completely new, Patriarch Kirill approved its text only a couple of days ago due to the threat of an epidemic. All in order to reassure people and give them the opportunity to find comfort in words. From March 22, prayers will be heard in all churches of the country.
O Lord our God, do not bring your servants into judgment, and protect us from the pernicious wind. Have mercy on us, your humble and unworthy servants, in repentance with warm faith and heartbreak to You, the merciful and benevolent God of those who come and trust in Your mercy.
Our God is your God, and we give glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
We pray to the Lord who hears all those who pray. We believe that the Savior hears us wherever we pray. Even if you say a prayer at home, cherishing in your heart the hope for the salvation of all mankind, the Lord will hear your request. You don’t have to go to the temple to pray.
The main thing is your faith in the words spoken. If a new prayer does not cause trembling in the soul, just say “Our Father” several times. Any word that speaks to the Lord with good intentions will be heard. Let us pray together for every person on this planet.
Of course, prayer alone cannot protect against disease. Now, more than ever, it is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors and stay at home. Prayer spoken at home does not lose its power and still helps to cope with anxiety. Sincere prayer can work miracles, but, as they say, hope in prayer, but do not be a fool yourself.

Today's edition. "Site" share prayer from any misfortune.

This prayer is completely new, Patriarch Kirill approved its text only a couple of days ago due to the threat of an epidemic. All in order to reassure people and give them the opportunity to find comfort in words. From March 22, prayers will be heard in all churches of the country.

O Lord our God, do not bring your servants into judgment, and protect us from the pernicious wind. Have mercy on us, your humble and unworthy servants, in repentance with warm faith and heartbreak to You, the merciful and benevolent God of those who come and trust in Your mercy.

Our God is your God, and we give glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

We pray to the Lord who hears all those who pray. We believe that the Savior hears us wherever we pray. Even if you say a prayer at home, cherishing in your heart the hope for the salvation of all mankind, the Lord will hear your request. You don’t have to go to the temple to pray.

The main thing is your faith in the words spoken. If a new prayer does not cause trembling in the soul, just say “Our Father” several times. Any word that speaks to the Lord with good intentions will be heard. Let us pray together for every person on this planet.

Of course, prayer alone cannot protect against disease. Now, more than ever, it is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors and stay at home. Prayer spoken at home does not lose its power and still helps to cope with anxiety. Sincere prayer can work miracles, but, as they say, hope in prayer, but do not be a fool yourself.