Before to think – think!

Sitting around the campfire an Indian grandfather and his grandson.
Grandpa tells him, "you Know, in every man live two wolves.
One good, the other evil.And they fight constantly.
"And who wins?" — asks the grandson.
"And the winner is the wolf that you feed," replied the Indian, slyly glancing at his grandson.
"Being determines consciousness" — wrote K. Marx. And I agree with this statement to a certain point of human life. While it is (being) ruled over us — we are dependent. It refers to the period of infancy, of youth, when a baby, child, teenager can not be independent because of certain circumstances. I.e. environment, people and lifestyle form the consciousness of the little man (although practice shows that many adults, unfortunately, very long Existence determines consciousness. Therefore, the age of the "growing up" is very conditional.) We Mature when we begin to realize the essence of things, phenomena, events of his life, to decide what thoughts are in our head how we want to live, what kind of responsibility we want to wear. Only thus, we will start creating your new reality, different from the past, his new life.
I remember an anecdote on this subject.
Man sitting on the bus and thinks: "I Want a car, an apartment, a house, a happy family," an angel stands behind him and quickly writes everything down. Just going to do it. And the man thinks further: "... and that was all that I had!". Angel: "Man, you have it all THERE!"
Yes, we think the way we live. Thoughts real. So you need to pay attention to what thoughts arise in us. No wonder people say: "Sow a thought, reap an action, sow an action – reap a habit, sow a habit and reap a character, sow a character and reap a destiny."
In recent years, come to the next regular opening, which can be expressed in one sentence, "before to think – think!".
And parable, and anecdote, and proverb carry the following hidden meaning: thought is energy. And where we direct our energy in that direction we will evolve ... or stumble. If we are angry, offended, hated, that we are "his hands" directing the energy of the "enemy", give it voluntarily Deplete their strength. If we think positively, to give goodness and joy, we are the same and will be filled. Thinking in terms of the last, which is often full of negative experiences, and categories of the future, which is influenced by our fears, insecurities, anxiety, etc, we willingly destroy ourselves, "chop off the branch on which they themselves sit".
What should I do? You need to learn how to live for today, learn to think positively, to see the "positive" moments of life "to celebrate them, stretch them in time, to savor them, i.e. to receive from them pleasure." In other words "to create their Existence".
You need to remember that life is not ended yesterday and will not start tomorrow. It is already now, in this moment, this moment in time. It may be worth to think about it?
And what wolf you feed? published
Author: Rich Victoria
Source: www.b17.ru/article/28278/