Often men decide to leave the family, but there are types of husbands who will never decide to divorce.

We all agree that time changes us in its own way. A young, shy girl can easily turn into a cynical bitch. And an energetic shirt-guy, a favorite of the court and the institute for no apparent reason becomes a sullen melancholy grumpy, looking much older than his years. They all have their own destiny, their own. knowledge. With age and experience, of course, it becomes more gray hair. Well, the character, probably, also plays its not last role in all this.

People often want to divorce for the first time after the birth of a child and the second time when the children have grown up and left the nest. Everyone, especially men, wants something new. Not so weepy. And without negative memories. As we age, our memory starts to work very differently. Recent memories don't hold well in my head. But the old grievances and omissions are right before my eyes. Then what's left to do? To continue living together or to divorce? Let's try to figure it out a little bit.

Divorce for a man really loses its importance over time. Knowledge of the world suggests that nothing good will come of it. In general, if you think about it, it has not so much to do with divorce, as in general, with views on life. You've already lived, seen something, raised children and no more new achievements for you in general. What else do you want, why would you tolerate any inconvenience? Such thoughts are frequented by many older married men. But some will never listen to such inner aspirations. Never. And they have their reasons for that.

Family life is like a habit: Our only son now lives abroad. I raised him as my father raised me in his time: to be wayward, strong and not to reckon with anyone. Even if it's your greatest authority. Now my son lives in Austria, earns a lot of money and walks. I don't like him being in his 30s, but he doesn't have a family. This is his life and his decision.

For my part, I can say that my marriage life does not fit the definition of “perfect.” I walked a lot, got to know interesting women. I fell in love once, but not for long. And my wife doesn't know anything about it, at least we haven't had any conversations about cheating. I can still find someone. But I just don't. He is used to his wife, whatever she is. I'm used to home. I just don’t want to make any extra moves in my 60s. And for what?!

Probably the largest percentage of men who never leave their wives. A common, simple habit. No one talks about love and feelings anymore. She became more of a friend than she was decades ago. There is simply no desire to leave her. Why?

Fifteen years ago, when I was 46 or 47, I had one such story. I met a woman who was married too. And so everything turned and twisted, that I, without realizing it, began to mentally prepare for divorce. That thought came to me late one night, sitting in front of the TV and just not thinking about anything. The hardest week of my life. After that, I woke up at night in a cold sweat, I dreamed that everyone left me, and the children turned away. Lodges and property were taken.


Peels I stopped maintaining a side relationship and switched to my spouse instead. And apparently she was so sick of it that she even wanted to take me to a psychologist. I had to loosen my grip a little and watch my behavior. And over time, everything fell into place. I don't see any point in losing everything my wife and I have been building for years for a cat in a bag. What if, after the divorce, I just got my nose? No, this life is not for me.

The risk of losing a family, and even not quite at a young age, really hurts men. They, accustomed to thinking and acting in a practical way, will weigh the pros and cons several times before daring to take any action. Well, especially impressionable spit on such an idea from the very beginning.

Before marrying Tamara, I tried for a long time to establish relations with my neighbor. But for some reason, she never reciprocated. Whether her friends told her something in their time, or simply would not be nice. But the only time we went on a date was so important to me that I spent half of my salary just on a suit and flowers. The rest of the money went to the restaurant. Nothing.

And now, after more than twenty years, when we met again, I could not believe my eyes. My ex-love still looked amazing. But now she's made it clear that she doesn't mind spending time with me. Even knowing that I have a wife and children. I saw interest in her eyes. But I passed. Why? I can't do this. The city is small and everyone knows each other. If someone in charge finds out I'm going left, I'm done. Relatives will learn the same thing. How are we going to keep in touch? It's not worth it at all.”

Yes, there are times when losing status at work means more than losing respect from your own wife. Men are different in this regard. Some people say hello to their bosses every day, even sometimes they can spend their free time together. For some, bosses mean nothing. But father-in-law or mother-in-law is a saint. And for their sake, a man will refuse the possibility of treason. For their good treatment.

In all my life, and for a second I was 57 years old recently, I had only 2 women. My first old friend, with whom I studied together, and my second wife. I'll tell you more. When my wife and I were in our 40s, I found out she had another man. We stayed together for the sake of the children, but the residue, you know, remained. It's all about my appearance. I was born with one thing, nothing, it's just that sometimes people get scared. That's why I didn't get lucky with women.

At the moment, I can easily afford to buy love. Financially, it's not a problem for me. I am not afraid of being judged by my wife or children. Children are adults, my wife has no right to judge me. In general, I was seriously thinking about this. But... Overwhelmed. No, I'm physically fine. There is simply no desire for intimacy with some new person. Morally, apparently, not ready.

Even despite some resentment in the past, a man should have a strong enough desire for treason. Not to mention getting divorced from your wife. In this regard, it is women who are most active. They are rarely at odds with their words. Most divorces are initiated by the female side.

There are adult men and other reasons not to divorce. Knowledge suggests otherwise. It's all about character and circumstances. But we've basically told you everything. And in general, of course, the best way not to divorce, and even when there is already a rather serious life period together, is stability in relations and mutual respect. It’s hard to change or leave a woman, even if you don’t have a model, if you just respect her too much. Many men will agree with us. Authority in their understanding is a very important aspect.


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