Only a strong man can create a Goddess!
Once upon a time in the light of the common man and wife. Called his wife Elena, her husband was called Ivan.
Husband returned from work in a chair watching TV sat, reading a newspaper. His wife, Elena, dinner is ready. I serve dinner and my husband grumbled that he was at home nothing good does not earn much money. Ivan annoyed grunt wife. But rudeness she did not answer, just thought to myself, "Samah - unkempt and more points. When married just been completely different - beautiful, gentle ».
Once, when a nagging wife demanded that Ivan garbage delivered, he reluctantly broke away from the TV, and went into the yard. Coming back, he stopped at the door of the house and mind turned to God: "My God, my God! Awkward life I had. Had me all your eyelids while away from a nagging wife so ugly? It's not life and continuous torment ».
And suddenly I heard a quiet voice of God Ivan:
- Bede your My son, I would be able to help: beautiful goddess of a wife to you, but since the neighbors sudden change in the fate of your see, in great surprise to come. Let's do this: your wife I will gradually change, instill in her the spirit of the goddess and to improve appearance. But you remember, since you want to live with the goddess, and your life is worthy of a goddess should be.
- Thank God. The life of every man for his goddess may vary. Just tell me: when you start to change my wife do?
- Lightly I'll change it right now. And every minute it will change for the better.
Entered into his house Ivan, I sat down, picked up a newspaper and a television on again. Yes, but not read it, do not watch movies. I can not wait to take a look - well, just a little change his wife?
He got up, opened the door to the kitchen, leaning on the shoulder joint and attentively looking at his wife. To him she stood back, soap dishes that remained after dinner.
Elena suddenly felt eyes and turned toward the door. Their eyes met. Ivan looked at his wife and thought, "No, no changes in my wife does not happen».
Elena, seeing unusual attention her husband, could not understand, suddenly straightened his hair, flushed cheeks blush when asked:
- What are you, Ivan, looking at me closely?
My husband did not come up with what to say, embarrassed himself, he suddenly said:
- You do the dishes, maybe help wash? I thought somehow I ...
- Dishes? I help? - Surprised wife asked quietly, taking bedraggled apron - so I had it washed.
"Well, it is necessary, both in the eyes of changing it - Ivan thought - suddenly prettier." And he began to wipe the dishes.
The next day after work would hurry home to Ivan. Oh, do not wait to see him gradually turn it into a goddess wife grumbling. "And suddenly has a lot of the goddess was in it? And I still have not changed. In any case, I shall buy a minute of flowers, to face in the dirt in front of the goddess not strike ».
I opened the door of the house, and a loss spellbound Ivan. Elena stood before him in the dress of the output, the one that he bought a year ago. Neat haircut and a ribbon in her hair. He is confused and embarrassed handed flowers, never taking his eyes from Elena. She took the flowers and gasped slightly drooping lashes, blushed. "Ah, how beautiful the goddess lashes! How gentle their character! How unusual inner beauty and appearance! ". And gasped in turn, Ivan saw a table with instruments that from the service, and two candles burning on the table and two glasses, and the food is divine flavors fascinated.
When he sat down at the table, in front of his wife Elena, too, he sat down, but suddenly jumped up, saying:
- I'm sorry, I turn on the TV for you to forget, but you got a fresh newspaper.
- Do not be the TV, the newspapers also I do not want to read all about the same in them - Ivan answered sincerely, - you better tell us how the Sabbath day, like tomorrow's used to hold?
Quite taken aback, Elena asked:
- Do you?
- Yes, two tickets to the theater on the occasion for us to buy. But during the day, perhaps, you agree to go shopping. Since we have to visit the theater, so it is necessary to first go to the store and dress for the theater for you a worthy buy.
I almost blurted out Ivan cherished words: "dress worthy of the goddess", embarrassed, looked at it and sighed again. Before him sat at a table a goddess. Her face shone with happiness, and his eyes glistened. Smile has its hidden little interrogative.
"Oh, God, how beautiful still a goddess! And if prettier every day she'll be able eh I worthy to be a goddess? - Ivan thought, and suddenly, like lightning pierced his thought: "I must have time! Catch until next goddess. We must ask her and beg me to give birth to a child. The child is from me and from the beautiful goddess ».
- Something to think about, Ivan, or excitement can see on your face? - Elena asks her husband.
And he sat worried, not knowing how to tell the unseen. And no joke - to ask the child the goddess ?! Such a gift God has not promised to him. I did not know how his desire to tell Ivan, and stood, pulling skatёrku and uttered, blushing:
- I do not know ... Can I ... I wanted to say ... ... a long time ... Yes, I want a child from you, beautiful goddess.
She Elena, Ivan-husband approached. Eyes filled with love, happy tears rolled on crimson cheek. And Ivan's hand on his shoulder put, hot breath burned.
"Ah, the night was! Oh, this morning! This day! Oh, how beautiful life with the goddess! "- Thought Ivan, the second grandson for a walk wearing.

Once upon a time in the light of the common man and wife. Called his wife Elena, her husband was called Ivan.
Husband returned from work in a chair watching TV sat, reading a newspaper. His wife, Elena, dinner is ready. I serve dinner and my husband grumbled that he was at home nothing good does not earn much money. Ivan annoyed grunt wife. But rudeness she did not answer, just thought to myself, "Samah - unkempt and more points. When married just been completely different - beautiful, gentle ».
Once, when a nagging wife demanded that Ivan garbage delivered, he reluctantly broke away from the TV, and went into the yard. Coming back, he stopped at the door of the house and mind turned to God: "My God, my God! Awkward life I had. Had me all your eyelids while away from a nagging wife so ugly? It's not life and continuous torment ».
And suddenly I heard a quiet voice of God Ivan:
- Bede your My son, I would be able to help: beautiful goddess of a wife to you, but since the neighbors sudden change in the fate of your see, in great surprise to come. Let's do this: your wife I will gradually change, instill in her the spirit of the goddess and to improve appearance. But you remember, since you want to live with the goddess, and your life is worthy of a goddess should be.
- Thank God. The life of every man for his goddess may vary. Just tell me: when you start to change my wife do?
- Lightly I'll change it right now. And every minute it will change for the better.
Entered into his house Ivan, I sat down, picked up a newspaper and a television on again. Yes, but not read it, do not watch movies. I can not wait to take a look - well, just a little change his wife?
He got up, opened the door to the kitchen, leaning on the shoulder joint and attentively looking at his wife. To him she stood back, soap dishes that remained after dinner.
Elena suddenly felt eyes and turned toward the door. Their eyes met. Ivan looked at his wife and thought, "No, no changes in my wife does not happen».
Elena, seeing unusual attention her husband, could not understand, suddenly straightened his hair, flushed cheeks blush when asked:
- What are you, Ivan, looking at me closely?
My husband did not come up with what to say, embarrassed himself, he suddenly said:
- You do the dishes, maybe help wash? I thought somehow I ...
- Dishes? I help? - Surprised wife asked quietly, taking bedraggled apron - so I had it washed.
"Well, it is necessary, both in the eyes of changing it - Ivan thought - suddenly prettier." And he began to wipe the dishes.
The next day after work would hurry home to Ivan. Oh, do not wait to see him gradually turn it into a goddess wife grumbling. "And suddenly has a lot of the goddess was in it? And I still have not changed. In any case, I shall buy a minute of flowers, to face in the dirt in front of the goddess not strike ».
I opened the door of the house, and a loss spellbound Ivan. Elena stood before him in the dress of the output, the one that he bought a year ago. Neat haircut and a ribbon in her hair. He is confused and embarrassed handed flowers, never taking his eyes from Elena. She took the flowers and gasped slightly drooping lashes, blushed. "Ah, how beautiful the goddess lashes! How gentle their character! How unusual inner beauty and appearance! ". And gasped in turn, Ivan saw a table with instruments that from the service, and two candles burning on the table and two glasses, and the food is divine flavors fascinated.
When he sat down at the table, in front of his wife Elena, too, he sat down, but suddenly jumped up, saying:
- I'm sorry, I turn on the TV for you to forget, but you got a fresh newspaper.
- Do not be the TV, the newspapers also I do not want to read all about the same in them - Ivan answered sincerely, - you better tell us how the Sabbath day, like tomorrow's used to hold?
Quite taken aback, Elena asked:
- Do you?
- Yes, two tickets to the theater on the occasion for us to buy. But during the day, perhaps, you agree to go shopping. Since we have to visit the theater, so it is necessary to first go to the store and dress for the theater for you a worthy buy.
I almost blurted out Ivan cherished words: "dress worthy of the goddess", embarrassed, looked at it and sighed again. Before him sat at a table a goddess. Her face shone with happiness, and his eyes glistened. Smile has its hidden little interrogative.
"Oh, God, how beautiful still a goddess! And if prettier every day she'll be able eh I worthy to be a goddess? - Ivan thought, and suddenly, like lightning pierced his thought: "I must have time! Catch until next goddess. We must ask her and beg me to give birth to a child. The child is from me and from the beautiful goddess ».
- Something to think about, Ivan, or excitement can see on your face? - Elena asks her husband.
And he sat worried, not knowing how to tell the unseen. And no joke - to ask the child the goddess ?! Such a gift God has not promised to him. I did not know how his desire to tell Ivan, and stood, pulling skatёrku and uttered, blushing:
- I do not know ... Can I ... I wanted to say ... ... a long time ... Yes, I want a child from you, beautiful goddess.
She Elena, Ivan-husband approached. Eyes filled with love, happy tears rolled on crimson cheek. And Ivan's hand on his shoulder put, hot breath burned.
"Ah, the night was! Oh, this morning! This day! Oh, how beautiful life with the goddess! "- Thought Ivan, the second grandson for a walk wearing.