Japanese facial massage — an amazing effect!
Japanese women are renowned for their perfect skin. In addition to the cleansing and humidification they do face massage at home. The facial massage sounds like a luxury, which is certainly to do in a Spa or salons. But really to do this massage by yourself is very simple.
Proved that massage improves complexion, skin elasticity, promotes cell regeneration. But the massage must be performed correctly! The best results are achieved with due attention to the force of pressure of the fingers.
In this article you will learn how to do massage at home.
Massage improves blood circulation, helps to maintain the skin in good condition, improves elasticity. About thirty of the muscles associated with each other under the skin of the face and head. Most involved in chewing and help to Express emotions.
Basic techniques of massage:
1. The direction of movements during the massage
Massage should be done along the massage lines. The correct movement increases the effectiveness of massage.
2. The pressure during the massage.
Massage should not cause discomfort. For example, the skin around the eyes requires a smaller pressing force than other areas of the face. Stronger pressure is required to contour the face and cheeks.
3. The speed of massage
To improve the blood circulation of finger movement must be synchronized with the pulse.
When you should avoid massage:
— when you feel very tired;
— inflammation of the skin after UV irradiation;
— on the skin with acne (especially purulent inflammation);
— in fever;
— if lesions on the skin;
in the areas of cuts, wounds, etc.
How to do massage:
1. Use massage cream.
It will ease finger movement and prevent skin irritation.
2. Frequency of massage.
There is no need to massage every day. Guided by their feelings. Start with two times a week. If your skin becomes dry or begins to peel off, try to do less.
Try to find the perfect pace, pressure and frequency of massage for your skin.
Basic massage.
This massage is simple and easy to learn. Massage the skin with gentle movements gradually and carefully from the forehead to the bottom of the neck. After completing steps 1-7, then repeat the motion in problem areas of the face.
After cleansing, dry the skin with towel. Take a little cream to massage (3 g or 2.5 cm in diameter), warm between the palms.
7 steps:
1. Apply the cream on face.
2. Massage in a circular motion from the center towards the temples.
Remember: synchronize your movement with your pulse.
3. Massage the upper eyelid swipe your finger from the nose to the outer corners of the eyes. For the lower eyelids also need smoothing movements from the nose to the corners of the eyes. After take the direction to the cheeks. Note: in the eyes be very sensitive.
5. Put your fingers on the bridge of his nose, then move them up and down along the nostrils. Massage around the mouth above and below the lips, vdegas from the center to the edges.
5. For cheeks: in a circular motion to massage from chin to temples.
Note: do not try too hard.
6. Put hands on face and massage the skin near the ears moving up and down.
7. At the end of the massage the neck from chin to chest.
After massage wipe off the cream with a towel or cloth and wash your face with warm water.
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112086-yaponskiy-massazh-litsa-porazitelnyy-effekt
Proved that massage improves complexion, skin elasticity, promotes cell regeneration. But the massage must be performed correctly! The best results are achieved with due attention to the force of pressure of the fingers.
In this article you will learn how to do massage at home.
Massage improves blood circulation, helps to maintain the skin in good condition, improves elasticity. About thirty of the muscles associated with each other under the skin of the face and head. Most involved in chewing and help to Express emotions.
Basic techniques of massage:
1. The direction of movements during the massage
Massage should be done along the massage lines. The correct movement increases the effectiveness of massage.
2. The pressure during the massage.
Massage should not cause discomfort. For example, the skin around the eyes requires a smaller pressing force than other areas of the face. Stronger pressure is required to contour the face and cheeks.
3. The speed of massage
To improve the blood circulation of finger movement must be synchronized with the pulse.
When you should avoid massage:
— when you feel very tired;
— inflammation of the skin after UV irradiation;
— on the skin with acne (especially purulent inflammation);
— in fever;
— if lesions on the skin;
in the areas of cuts, wounds, etc.
How to do massage:
1. Use massage cream.
It will ease finger movement and prevent skin irritation.
2. Frequency of massage.
There is no need to massage every day. Guided by their feelings. Start with two times a week. If your skin becomes dry or begins to peel off, try to do less.
Try to find the perfect pace, pressure and frequency of massage for your skin.
Basic massage.
This massage is simple and easy to learn. Massage the skin with gentle movements gradually and carefully from the forehead to the bottom of the neck. After completing steps 1-7, then repeat the motion in problem areas of the face.
After cleansing, dry the skin with towel. Take a little cream to massage (3 g or 2.5 cm in diameter), warm between the palms.

7 steps:
1. Apply the cream on face.
2. Massage in a circular motion from the center towards the temples.
Remember: synchronize your movement with your pulse.
3. Massage the upper eyelid swipe your finger from the nose to the outer corners of the eyes. For the lower eyelids also need smoothing movements from the nose to the corners of the eyes. After take the direction to the cheeks. Note: in the eyes be very sensitive.
5. Put your fingers on the bridge of his nose, then move them up and down along the nostrils. Massage around the mouth above and below the lips, vdegas from the center to the edges.

5. For cheeks: in a circular motion to massage from chin to temples.
Note: do not try too hard.
6. Put hands on face and massage the skin near the ears moving up and down.
7. At the end of the massage the neck from chin to chest.
After massage wipe off the cream with a towel or cloth and wash your face with warm water.
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112086-yaponskiy-massazh-litsa-porazitelnyy-effekt
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