What is useful buccal massage
For those who do not accept injections, but want to stay young and beautiful, massage is the best solution. You can do it yourself or go to a specialist. Cosmetologist and biochemist from France Joël Ciocco, who gave more than 35 years of her life to the study of cosmetology, gave the world a unique experience. sculptural massage. During the massage, all the muscles are carefully warmed up and the lower third of the face is tightened, and the skin becomes more elastic.
The unusualness and unusualness of this technique is that massage is done through the mouth. Editorial "Site" will tell you about the features of buccal massage, which is very popular with Monica Bellucci and Demi Moore.
Specialists recommend starting the procedure Joel Siocco women after 30 years. Of course, young girls are also not forbidden to use this technique. Buccal or sublingual massage is a type of massage. face-massage. It is shown with loss of skin elasticity, floating contour of the face, second chin, swelling and deep wrinkles.
Contraindications: couperosis, neoplasms on the skin and damage in the form of wounds and purulent rashes.
DepositPhotos This massage is carried out by the massage therapist’s hand through the mouth. You can also do it yourself, but to understand the technique of execution and the level of pressure on the muscles of the face, you should take a couple of procedures from a good specialist. After all, from the wrong technique of execution, even small bruises on the skin and microtraumas can appear.
For massage you need sterile gloves, face oil and antiseptic. It is necessary to apply oil to cleaned skin, put on gloves and work out problem areas of the face. For massage, the thumbs, index and middle fingers are used.
DepositPhotos For example, for the study of Bisch lumps, place the index and middle fingers in your mouth on either side of the corners of your lips, and the large ones on the outside so that they are above those inside. It's like you're holding your cheeks. Massage this area for 30 seconds, trying to stretch every millimeter of fat lumps.
DepositPhotos It is necessary to alternately work out the contour of the lips with massage movements, then the nasophagus, Bish lumps, cheekbones, the area under the lower lip and all areas where you can reach with your fingers. After each area, you need to wash or treat your hands with an antiseptic. During the procedure, Joel Siocco advises to close your eyes.
The position does not play a role: you can stand, lie or sit. Also, this massage can be combined with other types of facial massage to achieve the best effect. After massage, you need to apply a cream with a lifting effect.
DepositPhotos After the end of the session, the face may be slightly puffy. But it's okay. Edema will pass very quickly. Signs of proper massage: there is a feeling of fatigue of the face, there should be no bruises or bruises on the face, small painful sensations after the procedure quickly disappear. After the first procedure, there is a feeling of fatigue of the face. The effect is visible after the first session.
The result
Experts consider buccal massage a good substitute for plastic surgery. If not plastic surgery, myostimulation is for sure. It takes about 10 visits to the beautician to perform such a massage, and any woman aged 30+ will get a young and beautiful face.
When you understand how you need to influence your fingers on your problem areas, then as a preventive measure, you can walk through the most problematic area every evening. For example, a rhino or a Bish lump.
To make the contour clear, and wrinkles smoothed, perform exercises to work out the muscles of the face.
Tell us in the comments about your techniques and procedures that help keep your skin firm and facial oval. Share this article with your friends on social media!

The unusualness and unusualness of this technique is that massage is done through the mouth. Editorial "Site" will tell you about the features of buccal massage, which is very popular with Monica Bellucci and Demi Moore.
Specialists recommend starting the procedure Joel Siocco women after 30 years. Of course, young girls are also not forbidden to use this technique. Buccal or sublingual massage is a type of massage. face-massage. It is shown with loss of skin elasticity, floating contour of the face, second chin, swelling and deep wrinkles.
Contraindications: couperosis, neoplasms on the skin and damage in the form of wounds and purulent rashes.

DepositPhotos This massage is carried out by the massage therapist’s hand through the mouth. You can also do it yourself, but to understand the technique of execution and the level of pressure on the muscles of the face, you should take a couple of procedures from a good specialist. After all, from the wrong technique of execution, even small bruises on the skin and microtraumas can appear.

For massage you need sterile gloves, face oil and antiseptic. It is necessary to apply oil to cleaned skin, put on gloves and work out problem areas of the face. For massage, the thumbs, index and middle fingers are used.

DepositPhotos For example, for the study of Bisch lumps, place the index and middle fingers in your mouth on either side of the corners of your lips, and the large ones on the outside so that they are above those inside. It's like you're holding your cheeks. Massage this area for 30 seconds, trying to stretch every millimeter of fat lumps.

DepositPhotos It is necessary to alternately work out the contour of the lips with massage movements, then the nasophagus, Bish lumps, cheekbones, the area under the lower lip and all areas where you can reach with your fingers. After each area, you need to wash or treat your hands with an antiseptic. During the procedure, Joel Siocco advises to close your eyes.

The position does not play a role: you can stand, lie or sit. Also, this massage can be combined with other types of facial massage to achieve the best effect. After massage, you need to apply a cream with a lifting effect.

DepositPhotos After the end of the session, the face may be slightly puffy. But it's okay. Edema will pass very quickly. Signs of proper massage: there is a feeling of fatigue of the face, there should be no bruises or bruises on the face, small painful sensations after the procedure quickly disappear. After the first procedure, there is a feeling of fatigue of the face. The effect is visible after the first session.
The result
- The contour of the face is clear - the skin is not damaged.
- Anti-stress effect. The procedure eliminates psycho-emotional tension.
- The woman experiences pleasant sensations after the session, as the muscles are completely relaxed.
- With pathologies of the facial nerve, massage allows you to recover. This massage is recommended for women after a stroke.
- Your face is getting thinner.
- Facial wrinkles disappear.

Experts consider buccal massage a good substitute for plastic surgery. If not plastic surgery, myostimulation is for sure. It takes about 10 visits to the beautician to perform such a massage, and any woman aged 30+ will get a young and beautiful face.
When you understand how you need to influence your fingers on your problem areas, then as a preventive measure, you can walk through the most problematic area every evening. For example, a rhino or a Bish lump.
To make the contour clear, and wrinkles smoothed, perform exercises to work out the muscles of the face.
Tell us in the comments about your techniques and procedures that help keep your skin firm and facial oval. Share this article with your friends on social media!