The secrets of an ancient Taoist technique: a rejuvenating facial massage
The benefits of massage have been known to people since ancient times. He relaxes, has a therapeutic effect, reduces the level of stress hormones. To tighten facial muscles, remove double chin, smooth out wrinkles and restore the lost glow on all it is capable of Chinese facial massage.
Massage will be effective if performed regularly and for 20 minutes.Taoist facial massage for rejuvenation
Massage techniques Taoist monks about 5 thousand years. It is important to learn to focus energy into his palms. Concentrate your attention in the center of the palms, feel the heat. To achieve maximum effect, RUB your palms against each other.
Difference Taoist massage from the usual in that during the procedure the specialist uses not only a mechanical effect on the skin, but also the power of Qi life energy.
Stocked hand place the front of the face. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale "through the palms". Taoist self-massage reduces wrinkles, improves skin tone, prevents insomnia and headaches. Regular practice will improve visual acuity, make the eyes look more lively.
Stand up, raise your right hand up, the palm should be facing the sky. Imagine as your hand directs the flow of cosmic energy. Left hand down, palm collects the energy of the Earth. Then you need to RUB the palm of your hand, two energy mix. Bring your palms to the face and make a circular motion. The right palm moves up, then right, then down. Left – up, left, down. Repeat this exercise 24 times. Thumbs rested in the cheekbone, and the index and middle fingers describe circles around the eyes, at first as large circles, then smaller. Start the movement follows the line of the nose and then up towards the temples. All you need to do 22 laps around each eye. Bend your palms so that they looked like bowls. They close their eyes. Feel like eyes are filled with energy of the palms. Do exercises for the eyes: up-down, left-right, diagonal, and circular movement. Each exercise should be performed 12 times. The base of your palms gently place on eyes. Then carefully, without strong pressing pressure on the eye 12. Three fingers push your eyebrows without lifting your fingers, and count to 36. Then three fingers, gently push the lower bone of the eye socket, slowly count to 36. Index and middle fingers are put along the wings of the nose (both sides). Move up to the bridge, then over the eyebrows and temples (left hand left, right hand to the right). After you do the same, but the fingers have to climb higher and higher on his forehead. Gradually until you reach hairline. "Drum" with fingertips from the center of the forehead to the temples, and then Vice versa. Press the side surface of the palms to the outer corners of the eyes. Slide your palms from the eyes to the temples 16 times. With fingertips, massage your cheeks from the middle of the face going outwards. Move down to the chin, then up. Do the 8 approaches. Average and index fingers put on the upper lip, and the nameless the bottom. Keep fingers to his temples, as if outlining a smile. Do exercise 22 times. What you need to know about massage
When the procedure uses a special instrument – comb. It is made of jade or Buffalo horn. A specialist in this kind of massage first, working on biologically active points. It is noteworthy that during the procedure, the skin does not move, and therefore this massage may be performed even after Botox injections.
Massage guasha:
Video massage guasha facial is a sequence of actions matters.
Jade (the material of the scallop) and energy stone, can give the skin a youthful appearance. It absorbs negative energy and gives positive. Thus, with the help of this mineral can restore normal energy flow through the meridians. In China believe that jade helps to find out of the most difficult situations. It is a talisman of pure, wise and compassionate people.
The massage treatment should be preceded by a skin condition diagnosis. Pimples, hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the skin and other defects are external manifestation of internal failures of the body. Massage of biologically active points rejuvenates the skin by harmonizing energy flows. This improves the circulation of qi, Ki and Chi. Accelerates lymph and blood circulation, more actively excreted through the pores of the skin, improves muscle tone, and its outline becomes clearer.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: famelady.ru/krasota/body/kitajskij-massazh-lica-dlya-omolozheniya.html
Massage will be effective if performed regularly and for 20 minutes.Taoist facial massage for rejuvenation
Massage techniques Taoist monks about 5 thousand years. It is important to learn to focus energy into his palms. Concentrate your attention in the center of the palms, feel the heat. To achieve maximum effect, RUB your palms against each other.
Difference Taoist massage from the usual in that during the procedure the specialist uses not only a mechanical effect on the skin, but also the power of Qi life energy.
Stocked hand place the front of the face. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale "through the palms". Taoist self-massage reduces wrinkles, improves skin tone, prevents insomnia and headaches. Regular practice will improve visual acuity, make the eyes look more lively.

Stand up, raise your right hand up, the palm should be facing the sky. Imagine as your hand directs the flow of cosmic energy. Left hand down, palm collects the energy of the Earth. Then you need to RUB the palm of your hand, two energy mix. Bring your palms to the face and make a circular motion. The right palm moves up, then right, then down. Left – up, left, down. Repeat this exercise 24 times. Thumbs rested in the cheekbone, and the index and middle fingers describe circles around the eyes, at first as large circles, then smaller. Start the movement follows the line of the nose and then up towards the temples. All you need to do 22 laps around each eye. Bend your palms so that they looked like bowls. They close their eyes. Feel like eyes are filled with energy of the palms. Do exercises for the eyes: up-down, left-right, diagonal, and circular movement. Each exercise should be performed 12 times. The base of your palms gently place on eyes. Then carefully, without strong pressing pressure on the eye 12. Three fingers push your eyebrows without lifting your fingers, and count to 36. Then three fingers, gently push the lower bone of the eye socket, slowly count to 36. Index and middle fingers are put along the wings of the nose (both sides). Move up to the bridge, then over the eyebrows and temples (left hand left, right hand to the right). After you do the same, but the fingers have to climb higher and higher on his forehead. Gradually until you reach hairline. "Drum" with fingertips from the center of the forehead to the temples, and then Vice versa. Press the side surface of the palms to the outer corners of the eyes. Slide your palms from the eyes to the temples 16 times. With fingertips, massage your cheeks from the middle of the face going outwards. Move down to the chin, then up. Do the 8 approaches. Average and index fingers put on the upper lip, and the nameless the bottom. Keep fingers to his temples, as if outlining a smile. Do exercise 22 times. What you need to know about massage
- Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation should not be carried out on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. Contraindications for the procedure are thrombosis and increased body temperature. You should not smoke 2 hours before the procedure and 3 hours after her. After the session you need to lie down for half an hour. In this massage does not cause complications, contributes to a noticeable improvement of the skin.
- One of the conditions for effective massage – the right energy at the hands of the masseur.
- Various essential oils are used by the expert, should not cause you to have allergic reactions. Find out in advance what perfume will be used and if they fit you.
- When holding Tibetan and Chinese massages are usually relaxing sounds of meditative music.
- Tibetan face massage do for reflexogenic zones without stretching the skin.
When the procedure uses a special instrument – comb. It is made of jade or Buffalo horn. A specialist in this kind of massage first, working on biologically active points. It is noteworthy that during the procedure, the skin does not move, and therefore this massage may be performed even after Botox injections.
Massage guasha:
- has a relaxing effect on facial muscles;
- improves lymphatic drainage, relieves swelling and fatigue of the skin;
- positively affects the nervous system (improves sleep, eliminates anxiety);
- detoxifies skin, reduces the effects of acne.
Video massage guasha facial is a sequence of actions matters.
Jade (the material of the scallop) and energy stone, can give the skin a youthful appearance. It absorbs negative energy and gives positive. Thus, with the help of this mineral can restore normal energy flow through the meridians. In China believe that jade helps to find out of the most difficult situations. It is a talisman of pure, wise and compassionate people.
The massage treatment should be preceded by a skin condition diagnosis. Pimples, hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the skin and other defects are external manifestation of internal failures of the body. Massage of biologically active points rejuvenates the skin by harmonizing energy flows. This improves the circulation of qi, Ki and Chi. Accelerates lymph and blood circulation, more actively excreted through the pores of the skin, improves muscle tone, and its outline becomes clearer.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: famelady.ru/krasota/body/kitajskij-massazh-lica-dlya-omolozheniya.html
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