Behind the scenes of the radio station "Echo of Moscow"
The radio station "Echo of Moscow" was first published aired August 22, 1990 in Moscow under the name "Radio M" and became the first negosudrastvennym radio in the USSR. Today it is one of the most popular radio station in Moscow with an audience of almost a million people.
38 photos via Ilya Varlamov
"Echo of Moscow" is an information radio station. 70% ether take information and conversational program, 30% - music. And music programs come mainly at night. The photo is one of the studio recording news.
Constantine hangover sports columnist.
Despite the fact that the controlling stake in ZAO "Echo of Moscow" belongs to Gazprom-Media (66%), according to the Russian law on the media founders or shareholders have no right to interfere in editorial policy. Statute of the "Echo of Moscow" dictates that a drafting course may be determined exclusively by the chief editor. "Echo" is positioned as a professional radio. As for the opposition Venediktov, chief editor said, "We are not an opposition radio, news radio, we - again. We - a platform for discussion of the various forces - two. We - a place for analysis and opinions of various political structures, forces, ideas - three. We are not an opposition radio. "
Because of its interactivity (in many programs calls from listeners accepted without pre-moderation) station is under attack from the community prankerov - phone bullies. Attackers dials and expressed in live swearing, including using the mat, leading to provoking a reaction. Despite the fact that the profanity on the air of the Administrative Code is classified as hooliganism and against leading may violate article 130 of the Criminal Code "insulting", the search for the perpetrators still ostёtsya unsuccessful. The result of the attacks was to ban transfers calls to Nicholas and Alexandra Pikulenko Tamrazova.
Olga Zhuravleka on ways to combat telephone hooligans, "Everything on the talent, all on intuition. When you hear prankera you have the tone begins to suspect that this pranker simply removes it from the ether, as a leading self regulate calls, but really it's all happening right on the air. »
In the middle of Oksana Chizh - and editor of a number of Vladimir Varfolomeev - first deputy chief editor of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" (all his name is BB), on the left - Alain Vershinin.
Timur Olevskii.
In the "red corner" Khodorkovsky behind bars.
Every day, they are going to the planning meeting to discuss the top stories of the day.
- How many people at random on "Echo" works now?
- A man has exactly 200, if you count only journalists, but we also still accounting and all sorts of other commercial ... Advertising Service - is generally a separate life, but she does not live with us, so we do not all know.
- How many people want to get to work, whether large turnover?
- We do not have staff turnover, we forge of cadres. Quite a different story when you turn on any wave, be sure to hear a familiar voice, because someone once though how many have worked, but in principle there is turnover. Ready? Ready. When guests come to some unknown company, be sure someone asks, I do not bring it to work on "Echo of Moscow".
Corridor with portraits of famous guests. Questions answered by Olga Zhuravleva.
- How long has the "Echo" the office and the last time to make repairs?
- That's really what I do not know ... No, we moved to 93-94 years. I remember that after the events of '93 we moved here, but that's exactly, I think, in the 94th. So, from that point it is. Repairs are made only cosmetic.
- Are there any legends? For example, a ghost or something else.
- Well, it depends on how much to drink, and then the ghosts appear. The night shift that just did not see, though I was not working for a long time during the night.
- How many portraits on the walls today, is there any statistics?
- Do not considered. How many walls, so many portraits. They change, someone will be removed, someone hanged.
- Clear. And when it started, do not you remember?
- Well, actually, the gallery began to make Sergei Abramenko, whose portrait of the first hanging in the studio. He worked in our reviewer, senior reviewer, he loved to take pictures, and it is started. I bought myself a snazzy camera and started to make very good sense in artistic photography. And when they saw how it worked, he was invited to do this is the time, and he began to deal with this constantly. Unfortunately, Serge ... died at age 21, he died in an accident, and this case was simply continued, and most Seryozhi Abramenko his show was even Olga Sviblova, under its aegis of its other employees ehovskih.
The most important portraits hanging at the entrance to the office. They say Putin's picture was made even before he became president.
- On the walls of the office a lot of humor, including political. Take off anything before the arrival of certain guests? Well, for example, Putin will come to you, and on the wall a caricature. You will be shot or not? Were there any funny stories on your memory with guests and wall jokes?
- Well, Wall joke - I do not remember, and the most famous story with the order of about polygamy, which Aushev signature set, well, that is read. In general, the guests, of course, do not read, but, in my opinion, no one bother to check this, our guests hearty humor. There's so many years and ponaveshano hangs sometimes falls off by itself, sometimes something new from top to hang. Probably one of the guests something to read, but I would not get carried away in their place.
Mysterious second eye.
But the most important announcements hang in the closet, all read.
It offers a good view of the Novy Arbat.
Yevgeny Buntman "Sometimes Black climber, caver White, Black Monk, and so on ... We have a Black assistant. Several years ago, as always in the summer when I interned countless girls from different faculties, and one had to hire to work and went to meet the guests. More nobody has seen. And yet I tell all novoprihodyaschim and reviewers, reporters and about what still meets Black reviewer overnight guests, and in some places it between the 1st and the 14th floor and goes. »
- What is the most interesting gift made "Echo", do you remember anything?
- Well, the most outstanding - a bell, of course, who gave Venediktov and so that decorates our lives. Only lazy people, walking the first time under the bell, not bryaknet and heard in every sense.
- Note it gave up the case when ...
- Yes, our bell older, of course.
Cabinet Venidiktova. Learn calendar? On the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Alexei runs from August 1990. Started as a newspaper columnist and correspondent (in particular, was in the White House during the confrontation President Boris Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet), then became a political columnist, led an information service and, finally, in February 1998, was elected to the post of chief editor of the radio station. Alexei so talked about how he got to the "Echo", and his first work: "In the first stage zavedёn phone was not in control. It was necessary to look have a call or not. So when I came as a friend to them and have a bite to eat, they said: "We now have aired. Here you sit under the table, pick up the phone and check. If there is a call, you show two fingers like this and we derive the phone in the air. " This is my first work on "Echo" - a seat at the table and taking off the tube. »
- Were there conflicts?
- The protection of the specially planted in the middle of the corridor, idly wobbly people to not go too far, not staggered between rooms, studios, and now this is followed. Actually, we even had such episodes, when more and protection, then no was not, when all sorts of peddlers were, they came into the building and on different floors come, selling blankets, books, pots, a screwdriver and a couple of times these people looked in the studio during the broadcast when the microphone is switched on with these cries - "Ah, that's who ..." and had to somehow work on it.
- A theft there were?
- Yes, there were. Once upon a time many years ago the history of whiskey, then, in my opinion, even with money, but somehow ended up leaving some people.
The new TV studio of radio station "Echo of Moscow".
- Receive whether listeners something?
- 20 years ago, more precisely in '91, the students brought a meal. We brought when there were some violent events, such and we did not come out from the office for days, we brought bread, coffee, sugar, cakes, pies domestic cigarettes, in general - all in a row ... tea. It was actually very nice, very nice, still all these people just now, I want to thank. Well, now sometimes good people bring homemade pies. Boris Alexeyev bring baked mushrooms, such as cookies, a very clever piece of work, a man sacrifices himself.
In 1997, the "Echo of Moscow" the first among Moscow radio stations appeared on the Internet site. And in 1998 came the first channel broadcasting in RealAudio. There were several versions of the site in 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008. In November 2008, the site www.echo.msk.ru won the "Runet Award-2008" in the category "Culture and Mass Communication" . Now the site of "Echo of Moscow" is visited by about 100,000 people a day. The photo editors online.
It also followed the blogs. My blog on the Echo can be viewed here - echo.msk.ru/blog/varlamov_i/ . Despite the fact that there is completely copied some posts from LiveJournal, the audience there is absolutely opposed to LJ. Sometimes I like to read the views of readers who disburse my reports.
Shortly after the visit to the radio station of the American President Bill Clinton received a letter from the White House.
A gift from the "Novaya Gazeta".
Previously, no wall hanging carrots and sticks. Then he pulled a carrot, there was only a whip.
These are books and magazines that benefit listeners. If they do not take the prize for two weeks, it will give someone else.
38 photos via Ilya Varlamov
"Echo of Moscow" is an information radio station. 70% ether take information and conversational program, 30% - music. And music programs come mainly at night. The photo is one of the studio recording news.


Constantine hangover sports columnist.


Despite the fact that the controlling stake in ZAO "Echo of Moscow" belongs to Gazprom-Media (66%), according to the Russian law on the media founders or shareholders have no right to interfere in editorial policy. Statute of the "Echo of Moscow" dictates that a drafting course may be determined exclusively by the chief editor. "Echo" is positioned as a professional radio. As for the opposition Venediktov, chief editor said, "We are not an opposition radio, news radio, we - again. We - a platform for discussion of the various forces - two. We - a place for analysis and opinions of various political structures, forces, ideas - three. We are not an opposition radio. "



Because of its interactivity (in many programs calls from listeners accepted without pre-moderation) station is under attack from the community prankerov - phone bullies. Attackers dials and expressed in live swearing, including using the mat, leading to provoking a reaction. Despite the fact that the profanity on the air of the Administrative Code is classified as hooliganism and against leading may violate article 130 of the Criminal Code "insulting", the search for the perpetrators still ostёtsya unsuccessful. The result of the attacks was to ban transfers calls to Nicholas and Alexandra Pikulenko Tamrazova.
Olga Zhuravleka on ways to combat telephone hooligans, "Everything on the talent, all on intuition. When you hear prankera you have the tone begins to suspect that this pranker simply removes it from the ether, as a leading self regulate calls, but really it's all happening right on the air. »

In the middle of Oksana Chizh - and editor of a number of Vladimir Varfolomeev - first deputy chief editor of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" (all his name is BB), on the left - Alain Vershinin.




Timur Olevskii.

In the "red corner" Khodorkovsky behind bars.

Every day, they are going to the planning meeting to discuss the top stories of the day.

- How many people at random on "Echo" works now?
- A man has exactly 200, if you count only journalists, but we also still accounting and all sorts of other commercial ... Advertising Service - is generally a separate life, but she does not live with us, so we do not all know.
- How many people want to get to work, whether large turnover?
- We do not have staff turnover, we forge of cadres. Quite a different story when you turn on any wave, be sure to hear a familiar voice, because someone once though how many have worked, but in principle there is turnover. Ready? Ready. When guests come to some unknown company, be sure someone asks, I do not bring it to work on "Echo of Moscow".


Corridor with portraits of famous guests. Questions answered by Olga Zhuravleva.
- How long has the "Echo" the office and the last time to make repairs?
- That's really what I do not know ... No, we moved to 93-94 years. I remember that after the events of '93 we moved here, but that's exactly, I think, in the 94th. So, from that point it is. Repairs are made only cosmetic.
- Are there any legends? For example, a ghost or something else.
- Well, it depends on how much to drink, and then the ghosts appear. The night shift that just did not see, though I was not working for a long time during the night.
- How many portraits on the walls today, is there any statistics?
- Do not considered. How many walls, so many portraits. They change, someone will be removed, someone hanged.
- Clear. And when it started, do not you remember?
- Well, actually, the gallery began to make Sergei Abramenko, whose portrait of the first hanging in the studio. He worked in our reviewer, senior reviewer, he loved to take pictures, and it is started. I bought myself a snazzy camera and started to make very good sense in artistic photography. And when they saw how it worked, he was invited to do this is the time, and he began to deal with this constantly. Unfortunately, Serge ... died at age 21, he died in an accident, and this case was simply continued, and most Seryozhi Abramenko his show was even Olga Sviblova, under its aegis of its other employees ehovskih.


The most important portraits hanging at the entrance to the office. They say Putin's picture was made even before he became president.

- On the walls of the office a lot of humor, including political. Take off anything before the arrival of certain guests? Well, for example, Putin will come to you, and on the wall a caricature. You will be shot or not? Were there any funny stories on your memory with guests and wall jokes?
- Well, Wall joke - I do not remember, and the most famous story with the order of about polygamy, which Aushev signature set, well, that is read. In general, the guests, of course, do not read, but, in my opinion, no one bother to check this, our guests hearty humor. There's so many years and ponaveshano hangs sometimes falls off by itself, sometimes something new from top to hang. Probably one of the guests something to read, but I would not get carried away in their place.


Mysterious second eye.


But the most important announcements hang in the closet, all read.

It offers a good view of the Novy Arbat.

Yevgeny Buntman "Sometimes Black climber, caver White, Black Monk, and so on ... We have a Black assistant. Several years ago, as always in the summer when I interned countless girls from different faculties, and one had to hire to work and went to meet the guests. More nobody has seen. And yet I tell all novoprihodyaschim and reviewers, reporters and about what still meets Black reviewer overnight guests, and in some places it between the 1st and the 14th floor and goes. »

- What is the most interesting gift made "Echo", do you remember anything?
- Well, the most outstanding - a bell, of course, who gave Venediktov and so that decorates our lives. Only lazy people, walking the first time under the bell, not bryaknet and heard in every sense.
- Note it gave up the case when ...
- Yes, our bell older, of course.

Cabinet Venidiktova. Learn calendar? On the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Alexei runs from August 1990. Started as a newspaper columnist and correspondent (in particular, was in the White House during the confrontation President Boris Yeltsin and the Supreme Soviet), then became a political columnist, led an information service and, finally, in February 1998, was elected to the post of chief editor of the radio station. Alexei so talked about how he got to the "Echo", and his first work: "In the first stage zavedёn phone was not in control. It was necessary to look have a call or not. So when I came as a friend to them and have a bite to eat, they said: "We now have aired. Here you sit under the table, pick up the phone and check. If there is a call, you show two fingers like this and we derive the phone in the air. " This is my first work on "Echo" - a seat at the table and taking off the tube. »

- Were there conflicts?
- The protection of the specially planted in the middle of the corridor, idly wobbly people to not go too far, not staggered between rooms, studios, and now this is followed. Actually, we even had such episodes, when more and protection, then no was not, when all sorts of peddlers were, they came into the building and on different floors come, selling blankets, books, pots, a screwdriver and a couple of times these people looked in the studio during the broadcast when the microphone is switched on with these cries - "Ah, that's who ..." and had to somehow work on it.
- A theft there were?
- Yes, there were. Once upon a time many years ago the history of whiskey, then, in my opinion, even with money, but somehow ended up leaving some people.

The new TV studio of radio station "Echo of Moscow".

- Receive whether listeners something?
- 20 years ago, more precisely in '91, the students brought a meal. We brought when there were some violent events, such and we did not come out from the office for days, we brought bread, coffee, sugar, cakes, pies domestic cigarettes, in general - all in a row ... tea. It was actually very nice, very nice, still all these people just now, I want to thank. Well, now sometimes good people bring homemade pies. Boris Alexeyev bring baked mushrooms, such as cookies, a very clever piece of work, a man sacrifices himself.

In 1997, the "Echo of Moscow" the first among Moscow radio stations appeared on the Internet site. And in 1998 came the first channel broadcasting in RealAudio. There were several versions of the site in 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008. In November 2008, the site www.echo.msk.ru won the "Runet Award-2008" in the category "Culture and Mass Communication" . Now the site of "Echo of Moscow" is visited by about 100,000 people a day. The photo editors online.

It also followed the blogs. My blog on the Echo can be viewed here - echo.msk.ru/blog/varlamov_i/ . Despite the fact that there is completely copied some posts from LiveJournal, the audience there is absolutely opposed to LJ. Sometimes I like to read the views of readers who disburse my reports.

Shortly after the visit to the radio station of the American President Bill Clinton received a letter from the White House.

A gift from the "Novaya Gazeta".

Previously, no wall hanging carrots and sticks. Then he pulled a carrot, there was only a whip.

These are books and magazines that benefit listeners. If they do not take the prize for two weeks, it will give someone else.
