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How are the competitions in weightlifting?

Many people know that I'm fond of weightlifting. This week I was fortunate to go to Eagle, the Cup of Russia on TA.
As a result, the photo-born.

Do not swear on the quality of the photos, some made my soap box, some - vyproshennoy SLR.

What is the "heavy lifting»

Many people confuse power sports. Weightlifting - one of the oldest law enforcement disciplines. The essence of all movements - in the liberation from the bar: at some point the bar flies out of inertia, and not under the control of the forces of the athlete. This is the main difference from the power triathlon.

As a result, weight-lifters in the body develops more white muscle fibers and is pumped explosive power and sharpness, much like sprinters. By the way, weightlifters very well jump high and run short distances.

Cup of Russia on TA

My friend, Ilya Popov took part in the biggest competitions in the country - the Cup of Russia. Cup was in Orel, held all last week.

I decided to give moral support and to drive to Eagle for the company.

I met a minion:

Then we loaded into the car, drove 1,200 kilometers and settled in a hotel:

Training and workout

The competition level of the country - quite a serious event requires a lot of work to prepare. For an athlete it all starts with a warm-up.

Loads are serious, many people use warming up ointment to reduce the risk of injury:

Then the athletes start to warm up:

Backstage has several warm-up platform. Generally, without a platform to engage the TA can not be - not to waste power, athletes throw after post of rise. No sex will not stand such treatment, but there is a special rubber platforms.

Ilya surprised that you have to raise the bar:

While the essence of the matter, on all screens retro twist highlights, free people stuck in athletes of yesteryear:

And behind the scenes and set pieces on the stage with a special powder - chalk that athletes smeared hand to the rod does not slide. Those interested can spread and soles shtangetok (this special footwear for weightlifters, anatomically correct arch support and lift):

In every competition be sure the doctor on duty:

In all competitions, the level of the country have the jury, which may challenge the decision of the judges:

Before the start of the competition athletes bring to the stage and are "Ilya Popov, the master of sports, city of Samara, the bronze medalist of the Cup Rosiii 2012, born in 1988. Net weight - 76 kilos 600 grams »:

Generally, weightlifting a lot of weight categories: 52, 56, 69, 77, 85, 84, and 105 kg of super-heavyweights more than 105 kg. Athletes compete with their peers in weight.

Age active athletes - up to 35 years (more than in virtually all sports). This means that after 35 years of weightlifters can participate in special competitions for veterans (where a division by weight is added to the division by age groups). Veterans can participate in ordinary events and often tear the youth.

Following the presentation of the official warm-up is given 10 minutes:

Most athletes at this point is already warmed up - 10 minutes to warm up completely and prepare to limit themselves to unrealistic weights.

Attach and remove drives during the competition, special assistants. Usually it is the young, novice weightlifters city where competitions are held:

During the warm-up constitute judicial staff, after which the judge greeted the jury:

In major competitions there are representatives Weightlifting Federation Rosii:

Technical supervisors are ready:

Zvukar brought the girl and also, apparently, is ready to start:

Behind the scenes, there are special technical assistants - they take requests from athletes.

The competition consists of two exercises - jerk and jolt. Each participant is given 3 attempts to jerk and trying to push 3. The task - to collect the maximum amount.

Increasing the weight of the attempt to the attempt can reduce - not. Performers are weightlifters in order to increase the weight of the bar. Ilya said 135 kilograms in clean and jerk and 165 kilograms in the snatch (in the snatch, he should act sixth in the clean and jerk - the seventh, all the participants - 13).

After completing (or failure) of another approach, the coach must apply for a new weight technical assistants (or announce that a new attempt will be with the same weight). Between lifting barbell passes one minute.

If the athlete is a man for a (not cope with the rise and there is no longer willing to go up to the same weight) - on vacation is given two minutes.

Assistants are ready to start:

Our athlete meanwhile vengeance warming up:

Snatch (Snatch)

Three judges decide whether a successful approach was the one. Find fault with the equipment and outfit athletes. Remember, you can not post harvest force - should be the release of the weight of a second rod up the coast. Weightlifter is very similar to a juggler - his task, throw bar and take a seat at the bar until it goes up.

The judges are ready, the competition begins:

Three Judges in controversial cases, the decision taken by majority vote.

The essence of the exercise "jerk" is simple: you have to undermine the post from the platform at the time of the flight and sit under it. Then get the pole upright and secure post in this position.

The athlete is adjusted and accepted the starting position (the weight of the bar in the photo - 130 kilograms):

Pull up and sits down:

Rises approach counted:

Weightlifting - is primarily work on perfect technique. Think about it - Rod should fly on an ideal traetorii, at the slightest deviation weightlifter drop the shell forwards or backwards.

The first thing we were taught during class TA - to jump out of the incident from various positions of the bar =)

That is why I do not have photos of performances of Elijah - I shot the video on a separate chamber so that they can view performance with the coach and do the job on the bugs on each approach.

Before the performance of Elijah at one of the first serious failure of athletes - the so-called "donut". Weightlifter not cope with any approach in the snatch and finished the competition with a zero result. All the training, all the effort and drive - all in vain:

Elijah is also a little bit not zabaranil, but the third attempt to cope with the weight of 135 kg.

After it went over trained athletes. Judges are experiencing is not a joke:

Note that I am not saying that athletes "stronger". They are trained, strength and training - things radically different.

All my experience says that for a successful performance at the competition level of the country's need to combine all three conditions: a genetic predisposition, a powerful pharmacological support and inhuman amount of work for many years.

While the leaders finish the event in the snatch, jerk Ilya begins to knead with small weights:

Technical assistants are taking applications for extreme approaches in the snatch, passions run high:

By the way, weightlifters very, very flexible. Look at this picture and note the weight of the rod in the photo - 150 kg. Try to sit well with a mop at home, I think the chances of success are slim:

In the snatch, two leading athletes showed the result of 150 kg. Ilya ranked seventh and remain the leaders by 15 kg.

Push (Clean and Jerk)

One of the leaders in the snatch - Victor Goetz - resting between the tug and push and get the latest instructions from their coach:

Normal break - 10 minutes, but the athlete has time for rest, he will skip forward many less-trained athletes.

Someone given workout hard enough:

Someone get the current recommendations on the technique from the coach:

Ilya is warming up very leisurely:

Working with very small weights for yourself:

Push - a more complex at first vzlyad, but in fact more than just a technical exercise.

Athlete takes the starting position (bar weight - 160 kg):

He throws a bar to the chest (at this moment there is cleared, the athlete is stretched to his full height and then abruptly sit at the bar):

Rises barbell on his chest:

And the whole body pushes the bar up (at this moment there is another exemption):

The task - to take the barbell above his head on the outstretched hand. If the arms bent at the elbows and then straightened - the approach is no longer considered.

Typically, athletes push rod "in raznozhku", scattering legs back and forth in time from the ovobozhdeniya weight rod. This allows you to catch a little bygone forward or back post. But some shvunguyut - just throw up the barbell up without spreading of the legs. Photo weightlifter, shvunguyuschego in low saddle (not mine). This is when the lifter pushes the barbell up the body at the time of release pushed his hands from the bar sits a low and at the same time damping down letyashuyu post:

The final part of the push - to collect the legs of raznozhki and lock rod in this position:

Before going on stage every athlete prepares in their own way. Generally, coaches are using the following methods.

Strongly clap calves and thighs to disperse the blood:

Truth tabs:

And strongly massaged trapeze:

Trapetseevidnaya muscles involved in the final stage and jerk lifting barbell on his chest thrust - athlete stretches over the bar at full length, gets up on his toes and help themselves trapeze. Look at the breakthrough technique, attention to the fourth picture on the right (photo not mine):

Athletes continue performance in the clean and jerk:

Workplace leaders, who declare weight and sequence of approaches:

Ilya raised his first attempt of 165 kilograms, but, unfortunately, not been able to improve this result. The total amount - 300 kg. The athlete is not happy:

Technical assistants begin accepting applications for a boost from the most powerful athletes, the outcome of the competition is close:

Suddenly, the doctor removes one of the leaders of the internal lacerations (not had time to take pictures, visually there was a small bruise on his leg) - the champion of last year, Michael Gob, will not be able to continue the competition.

Explicit contender for popedu - just one!

Inspired by Victor Getz raises the second approach 185 kilograms and disclaims third, thus collecting a total of 335 kg.

Ilya was the sixth and quite upset, but nothing! The next year will show a better result!


Immediately after the event takes place award:

Usually the ceremony is performed eminent athletes of yesteryear. In the center of the photo - Boris Selitsky, Olympic champion in 1968, has set two world records:

TA and girls

Quite often I hear the view that the heavy lifting - not a female sport. I fundamentally disagree with that! Weightlifting provides flexibility, speed and sharpness. Volume muscles and "chemistry" - does not necessarily make up.

But flexibility, stamina and a good figure - very frequent companions shtangistok. I wanted to show the look of a girl performing in the weight category 53 kg - but unfortunately, all photos on a bar of soap in poor light did not work at all. So, here's a picture from the network.

Since (75 kilograms on the bar, most of the men is not something that will not break - do not shake the can lying weight):


Time to go home

The competitions are over, time to go home. Thank Eagle! We will definitely be back!

Posted in [mergetime] 1385892276 [/ mergetime]
That's all =)

Small oproskh.

What do you think, should I have to win a toad, buy a normal camera and continue to take pictures? As to whether these costs will be?

PS Who wants to support - laykaem and repost the topic in the primary source of my blog =) (Moderators, so it is possible?) - f-seo.ru/travel/kak-prohodyat-sorev...j-atletike.html
