Do you think that organizing FM-radio only by oligarchs or media companies that they require is unrealistic attendants and kickbacks? In principle, the way it is. But while Russia has only one unique radio station, which was organized by the common man for his own small means. It is situated near Moscow "Comet", which broadcasts at a frequency of 70, 5 FM. © F5 has been a guest on an unusual plant ...
5 ph + text
Location - Serpukhov district, village camelina. The only owner of the country's official radio station at home, director, sound engineer and DJ in one person, Paul tells Hlyupin:
- Education I - 10 classes, but I've always been obsessed with the radio. From his father, amateur radio is probably genetically transmitted. I am now 40 years old, and in various ways, I was saying on the air on 27 of them. In the sixth grade (as I remember - July 6, 1983!) I created the first pirate radio and the lamp 6P3S aired.
In those years, every guy should have three things - a moped, brass knuckles and "hurdy-gurdy". If the first two all clear, "hurdy-gurdy" in the jargon called conventional radio broadcasters, who, after a simple alterations become transmitters. And the craze Soviet kids were pirate broadcasting on these "hurdy-gurdy" in Blank medium and short waves, between these stations. The fact it was illegal, and some people even caught, seized equipment.
In the air we chatted included music, made their opinion programs. Themselves invented sounding call signs. I am here for life accompanying call "Comet" - I had a tape recorder "Comet-209" radiogram "Comet" (I still bank of these rarities), and now it's actually my official brand.
Classes favorite radiohuliganstvom not stopped and the army - there I was able to go on the air with army radio stations and chat with friends, radiopiratami, remaining in the civilian world. Once in Afghanistan, and I managed to make out the airing of pirate! On his return to the Soviet Union after the demobilization was not to broadcast radio technology although I still helps a lot - in the 90th hungry fed repair televisions. But when everything is more or less adjusted, I again took up piracy and made the transmitter FM-range. And three or four years ago, the air of my native village camelina and its surroundings (in a radius of about 15 kilometers between Chekhov and Serpukhov) "Comet" sounded again.
I, as an experienced radiohuligan, the day did not include a transmitter, but with eight in the evening until the morning, and actually ran the music, saying something into the microphone to air phone "studio" is not particularly looking forward to the responses. But suddenly began calls, people liked. The audience consisted of local residents and the many Muscovites truckers, in a variety of bump in our region in the summer. The fame of the "Comet" instantaneous avalanche spread throughout the county. When I saw on the street a tractor trailer on the dirty board which was daubed "Comet 94 4 FM», I realized that it is a success! Although the reasons for the popularity of uniquely difficult to call - perhaps because it was easier for me to call and order the song than the present station, it is possible that the lack of air attracted Ponte and stupid ... I do not know.
- It is believed that to create and register a formal radiostantsiyu- an impossible task for an individual - without the support of media companies and a lot of money.
- At some point, thinking about the age at which the risk of piracy has been to be left in the past, I wanted to do the same - but on a legal basis. And, of course, I was faced with extremely high complexity, unbearable at first sight, for a private person without a lot of money. The process of obtaining a license for the radio frequency and recording the same, alas, for everyone - no matter whether registered monster like "Europe Plus" or small rural station. Thank God that at least talk about the competition for the broadcast, which may be a party to any who is opening a station in our village did not go - applicants, except I did not have. But despite this, we had to go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell - applied for the development of the frequency at a broadcasting license for a coherent license permission to use frequencies, then surrender Commission communication object, and as a result I can officially broadcast on the frequency of 70 5 with permissible power FM transmitter 20 watts. Now I - the official radio station and, oddly enough, in addition to lower power and a smaller radius of broadcasting, no different from the "Europe Plus", "Maximum" and other well-known radio projects.
- What is in the air "Comets»?
- Comet broadcasts around the clock, but our copyright and broadcasting our music - it's only a few hours a day. Everything else we retranslate the radio station "Traffic Radio". The reason for this is that we do not earn money on it. Radio with us - only for the soul. And because the state "Comets" only my wife and I, since we are also the basic work (spouses Hlyupin publish one of the largest trade publications in the field of energy - the magazine "Energoinfo." Approx.'s) Can not sit near the microphone around the clock . Therefore, upon receipt of a broadcasting license is required to determine the order - will be carried out exclusively own station esters relay any other radio station under a contract with it, or combine both. Of course, we chose the third option, signing a contract with the "Road Radio". I have in the house is a satellite dish, which I accept for the day aired "Road" and real-time relays it to the broadcast "Comets". And in the evening, when we come home from work, the author starts ethers, which are so waiting for our fans. The first is, of course, the program at the request of our listeners. The music we put all different, but after the legalization of several air corrected by removing, for example, is particularly harsh song "of the Gaza Strip." "Comet" - it is the music of the Soviet years, and chanson, and rock - the format is very wide. That's really what the rap we do not normally set, and homosexuals such as Boris Moiseyev, too!
In addition to programs on demand we make their own programs with interesting people - from scientists to artists dregreysinga historians and various stars. Basically esters is my wife Elena, and now regular listeners "Comet" does not represent your favorite radio station without the beloved voice. For example, some time ago I visited NTV-Schnick, did the story about the radio station and brought with them the notorious Katya Gordon, that it, so to speak, of his star persona diluted our "country air", having to shoot small gear. She is a normal girl, nothing bad to say I can not, but the people that the air rang, saying - "Why do we Katya Gordon - Lena return!" She seems to be even a little offended for such a reception from the audience!
Lena has a rare talent for sound engineer: organize and catalog a music ethereal computer I have no time, but she always remembers what folder it is. And if you can not find it manages, leading telephone conversation with the listener at the same time find a song on any site, such zaycev.net, instantly download it and let the air!
- What is the situation with the copyright to the music broadcasted live?
- The fact that radio is "Comet" - a non-profit. I do not make money on it, and only spend on the development of its own funds. Therefore, problems with RAO (Russian Author's Society, which controls all the musicians royalties. Approx.'s) I do not have - a zero balances, consequently, the percentage of the profits I do not need to give. However, in the future, I plan to go as far as possible self-sufficient and even a profit - it needs advertising, and advertising will order a serious project, with a stable audience of listeners, etc. Therefore, we as a responsible approach to managing and esters, although "home" to this station as some mistakenly think, can be treated at ease and disregard.
- Returns from work - and charge for free, in fact, work - for the microphone. Sometimes there is a desire not to give up and relax?
- The fact that we are in Lena - professionals reluctant. And if you took up broadcasting as for hobbies, we have to give all the best to the full and to conduct air with the professionalism inherent in major radio stations. Although we have only one person is forced to perform tasks that it makes the whole team ether. But we - the people of the Soviet era and are used to, that not everything can be measured in money. So when we are waiting for the audience, "Comet" is broadcast, even if cold knocks down!
5 ph + text

Location - Serpukhov district, village camelina. The only owner of the country's official radio station at home, director, sound engineer and DJ in one person, Paul tells Hlyupin:
- Education I - 10 classes, but I've always been obsessed with the radio. From his father, amateur radio is probably genetically transmitted. I am now 40 years old, and in various ways, I was saying on the air on 27 of them. In the sixth grade (as I remember - July 6, 1983!) I created the first pirate radio and the lamp 6P3S aired.

In those years, every guy should have three things - a moped, brass knuckles and "hurdy-gurdy". If the first two all clear, "hurdy-gurdy" in the jargon called conventional radio broadcasters, who, after a simple alterations become transmitters. And the craze Soviet kids were pirate broadcasting on these "hurdy-gurdy" in Blank medium and short waves, between these stations. The fact it was illegal, and some people even caught, seized equipment.
In the air we chatted included music, made their opinion programs. Themselves invented sounding call signs. I am here for life accompanying call "Comet" - I had a tape recorder "Comet-209" radiogram "Comet" (I still bank of these rarities), and now it's actually my official brand.
Classes favorite radiohuliganstvom not stopped and the army - there I was able to go on the air with army radio stations and chat with friends, radiopiratami, remaining in the civilian world. Once in Afghanistan, and I managed to make out the airing of pirate! On his return to the Soviet Union after the demobilization was not to broadcast radio technology although I still helps a lot - in the 90th hungry fed repair televisions. But when everything is more or less adjusted, I again took up piracy and made the transmitter FM-range. And three or four years ago, the air of my native village camelina and its surroundings (in a radius of about 15 kilometers between Chekhov and Serpukhov) "Comet" sounded again.

I, as an experienced radiohuligan, the day did not include a transmitter, but with eight in the evening until the morning, and actually ran the music, saying something into the microphone to air phone "studio" is not particularly looking forward to the responses. But suddenly began calls, people liked. The audience consisted of local residents and the many Muscovites truckers, in a variety of bump in our region in the summer. The fame of the "Comet" instantaneous avalanche spread throughout the county. When I saw on the street a tractor trailer on the dirty board which was daubed "Comet 94 4 FM», I realized that it is a success! Although the reasons for the popularity of uniquely difficult to call - perhaps because it was easier for me to call and order the song than the present station, it is possible that the lack of air attracted Ponte and stupid ... I do not know.
- It is believed that to create and register a formal radiostantsiyu- an impossible task for an individual - without the support of media companies and a lot of money.
- At some point, thinking about the age at which the risk of piracy has been to be left in the past, I wanted to do the same - but on a legal basis. And, of course, I was faced with extremely high complexity, unbearable at first sight, for a private person without a lot of money. The process of obtaining a license for the radio frequency and recording the same, alas, for everyone - no matter whether registered monster like "Europe Plus" or small rural station. Thank God that at least talk about the competition for the broadcast, which may be a party to any who is opening a station in our village did not go - applicants, except I did not have. But despite this, we had to go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell - applied for the development of the frequency at a broadcasting license for a coherent license permission to use frequencies, then surrender Commission communication object, and as a result I can officially broadcast on the frequency of 70 5 with permissible power FM transmitter 20 watts. Now I - the official radio station and, oddly enough, in addition to lower power and a smaller radius of broadcasting, no different from the "Europe Plus", "Maximum" and other well-known radio projects.

- What is in the air "Comets»?
- Comet broadcasts around the clock, but our copyright and broadcasting our music - it's only a few hours a day. Everything else we retranslate the radio station "Traffic Radio". The reason for this is that we do not earn money on it. Radio with us - only for the soul. And because the state "Comets" only my wife and I, since we are also the basic work (spouses Hlyupin publish one of the largest trade publications in the field of energy - the magazine "Energoinfo." Approx.'s) Can not sit near the microphone around the clock . Therefore, upon receipt of a broadcasting license is required to determine the order - will be carried out exclusively own station esters relay any other radio station under a contract with it, or combine both. Of course, we chose the third option, signing a contract with the "Road Radio". I have in the house is a satellite dish, which I accept for the day aired "Road" and real-time relays it to the broadcast "Comets". And in the evening, when we come home from work, the author starts ethers, which are so waiting for our fans. The first is, of course, the program at the request of our listeners. The music we put all different, but after the legalization of several air corrected by removing, for example, is particularly harsh song "of the Gaza Strip." "Comet" - it is the music of the Soviet years, and chanson, and rock - the format is very wide. That's really what the rap we do not normally set, and homosexuals such as Boris Moiseyev, too!
In addition to programs on demand we make their own programs with interesting people - from scientists to artists dregreysinga historians and various stars. Basically esters is my wife Elena, and now regular listeners "Comet" does not represent your favorite radio station without the beloved voice. For example, some time ago I visited NTV-Schnick, did the story about the radio station and brought with them the notorious Katya Gordon, that it, so to speak, of his star persona diluted our "country air", having to shoot small gear. She is a normal girl, nothing bad to say I can not, but the people that the air rang, saying - "Why do we Katya Gordon - Lena return!" She seems to be even a little offended for such a reception from the audience!
Lena has a rare talent for sound engineer: organize and catalog a music ethereal computer I have no time, but she always remembers what folder it is. And if you can not find it manages, leading telephone conversation with the listener at the same time find a song on any site, such zaycev.net, instantly download it and let the air!
- What is the situation with the copyright to the music broadcasted live?
- The fact that radio is "Comet" - a non-profit. I do not make money on it, and only spend on the development of its own funds. Therefore, problems with RAO (Russian Author's Society, which controls all the musicians royalties. Approx.'s) I do not have - a zero balances, consequently, the percentage of the profits I do not need to give. However, in the future, I plan to go as far as possible self-sufficient and even a profit - it needs advertising, and advertising will order a serious project, with a stable audience of listeners, etc. Therefore, we as a responsible approach to managing and esters, although "home" to this station as some mistakenly think, can be treated at ease and disregard.
- Returns from work - and charge for free, in fact, work - for the microphone. Sometimes there is a desire not to give up and relax?
- The fact that we are in Lena - professionals reluctant. And if you took up broadcasting as for hobbies, we have to give all the best to the full and to conduct air with the professionalism inherent in major radio stations. Although we have only one person is forced to perform tasks that it makes the whole team ether. But we - the people of the Soviet era and are used to, that not everything can be measured in money. So when we are waiting for the audience, "Comet" is broadcast, even if cold knocks down!
