30 minutes without commercials

Start the Russian football championship in Moscow marked fight between fans of "Dynamo" and "Spartacus" and planned action involving fans of red and white.
On the first round match of the Russian Football Championship with the participation of the Moscow "Dynamo" and "Spartacus" red-white fans decided to express dissatisfaction with his team. On Thursday the site of Spartak fans published a statement: "In view of the hideous team play, disregard for some of the players who had the honor to wear the red and white T-shirt, with respect to their fans, due to incoherent policies of our leadership, the latency for any and all issues ranging from strengthening of the team and finishing with the organization of the fans, we decided to ignore the first 30 minutes of the match with the "Dynamo". Please all fans of "Spartacus", intending for this match, to spend the first 30 minutes of the game in silence ».
When "Spartacus" and "Dynamo" took to the field, sector red and white fans hung a banner which read: "Love" Spartacus "in itself, and not yourself in" Spartacus. " This blue and white answer the following "statement", "Radio" Dynamo »-FM: 30 minutes without commercials».
The fact that the red and white fans will sit through the first half hour of the game in silence, there were doubts. But the fans kept their promise and did not react to any dangerous moment at the gate when Khomich wasteful ran away in the Cicero and nearly sent the ball into an empty net, or when it is hot in the penalty was "Dynamo».
Exactly half an hour after the starting whistle Nikolaev sector with fans of "Spartacus" happily buzzed and lit a single Fire and began chanting chants.
To the red-white sector moved additional police patrol. Fans of "Dynamo" sitting, by the way, not on the podium fan-West, and North, turned towards the fans of the opposing team a banner reading: "Happy New Year Pigs", and the last word is written in red.
Interestingly, the head coach of "Spartacus" Vladimir Fedotov on request "Gazety.Ru" to assess the behavior of Spartak fans who decided to ignore the first half hour of the game, said: "I even did not notice, to be honest».
Little surprised behavior of fans of "Dynamo". Last season the club for the last game of the season with the police agreed that the white-blue fans will be able to bring the Fire to the stadium on the condition that they will ignite all at the same time. Apparently, this year a similar arrangement and never will: during the match with red and white flares several times flew from Dynamo sector directly on the field and landed dangerously close to the judges and players. Now blue-white fine can not be avoided.
Shortly before the end of the match between "Dynamo" and "Spartacus" was held at the stadium fight, which was attended by about a hundred fans.
Hard to judge who was the instigator of it, but it seems to be the case here in the fans of "Spartacus", which after a few minutes after the red and white scored, through the upper ranks of the northern grandstand infiltrated the West Stand, where the fans of "Dynamo", and began to tease them. In their side immediately ran several dozen fans white and blue. Their batterers also ran to the upper ranks of the South Stand. At the junction of the two stands chase ended. A few minutes went Draco, who extinguished the riot policemen.
During the match, a fight occurred and near the stadium "Dynamo". According to the radio "City-FM», as a result of one person injured and was hospitalized in serious condition with a diagnosis of "traumatic brain injury". Two participants of the fight was able to hold.
According to the radio station "Echo of Moscow" at the end of the match, fans continued to fight in the subway. So, at the metro station "Belarus" every five minutes clashes fans who tried to stop about fifty policemen. "Gazety.Ru" fights in the subway not seen since sat in the "subway", when most of the fans had already left the stadium. But on the stretch from the "Dynamo" to "Belarusian" he had to pass in close contact with the fans of blue and white, which, however, behaved pretty well and no fight organized. However, ordinary passengers were shocked that in the car with a wild howl broke the crowd that loudly sang songs of praise to his club. On the "Belarusian" most of the crowd got out of the car and headed towards the transition to the Ring line.
In general, no major changes in the new season in the security will not be. Go to football need to remain cautious.