Festival years
The site has collected a list of the most useful and interesting festivals for Russia for 2011-god.Po the participation of non-participation in professional forums and competitions said it was all very much. The debate continues and will last almost forever. Editorial opinion that it is necessary. This development - to look out of their pots, an estimate of colleagues to see what makes the whole rest of the world, ask yourself vector.
The list includes the most important for the Russian international festivals of our country, the former Soviet Union, North America, Europe and the Asian one in which it makes sense to engage the Russian creative agency.
They are placed as follows: first, coming to us in spirit and geographically, and then in chronological order - from the burning deadlines, if known, the most distant. On the conditions of participation, deadlines for applications and value.
The festival, which began as a regional low-budget advertising contest, organized at the initiative of the agency "Melekhov and Filyurin" has already become a major festival in Russia, despite its remoteness from the capital. Largely due to the annual madness MIAF.
Held in Novosibirsk in May - this year from 12 to 14 May, the application is not accepted.
One of the most important for the Russian creatives International Festival runs as Idea !, in May, usually after a couple of weeks after the Novosibirsk forum.
Currently no known date of commencement of Call For Entries, neither the date of the actual - site is closed for renovation, which will end on February 10. All terms will be announced and introduced a new corporate identity of the festival.
Moscow International Advertising Festival this year is scheduled for September 29 and 30. The reception of works, of course, is not yet underway, but judging by the past year, submit applications for participation in MIAF will be over in July and August.
It will be interesting to see what will change in the festival this year and will change it at all. The last few years, reviews of MIAF strictly negative or negative to trying to find anything acceptable. The main problem - a mess in the organization that every year compounded. Well, with the winners happen embarrassments. In 2010, for example, received a bronze completely wild rollers dairy products "Summer Meadow". And in 2008 movie "Singing Jeans" RA "Sunrise", called the jury "provincial ....." got silver in the far more prestigious Golden Drum. These are just a couple of examples - to illustrate.
White Square
Third White Square will be held from 14 to 16 April in Minsk. Belarusian International Advertising Festival is still very young, but has already attracted a lot of attention - at least their diligence.
"White Square" - the only festival in the former Soviet Union, declared to this day, not only the date of, and the collection of applications. The competition in 11 categories of work can participate create and implement promotional campaigns in the period from January 2009 to 25 March 2011. Closing date for applications - 25 March. The participation fee - from 35 to 150 dollars. The estimated $ 35 application is a separate Internet banner, filed February 5, and 150 - the campaign for the competition of marketing effectiveness, stated at the last moment, that is in March. There are discounts of up to 20%.
The cost of accreditation - from 8100 to 9400 Russian rubles.
ADCR Awards
It is also interesting to watch the contest moves where the Russian branch of the Art Directors Club.
In 2008, it was a get-together with more than impressive list of nominees and winners, but impressive, unfortunately, in a quantitative rather than a qualitative sense. In 2009, the situation has changed dramatically, and traditional media winners almost was not. In 2010 ADCR Awards was noticed another oddity - all the awards were distributed among those who occupied the top ranks of the short list. Those who were at the bottom of the list, and have remained at the level of the short-list. Moreover, the work that had been shortlisted for higher, better and awards received. This suggests a very unpretentious judging, but there is also the possibility that the shorts were presented on the number of points obtained in the first step zhyureniya.
Holders of silver and bronze ADCR Awards 2011 have the right to submit the winning free work at ADC * E Awards 2011, which, however, not yet known.
Competition from the Russian - the closest the last two years it was held in April. But while the official site ADCR still calls to submit work to the festival in 2010.
Not to mention the new Armenian Advertising Festival "Popok", which was almost in unison ignored Russian ad. And his many victories there celebrated mainly Ukrainian agency - Leo Burnett, Adventa Lowe, Saatchi, and other Kinograf.
Run last October, calling his Festival Popok, the organizing committee condemned himself to a couple of years explanations Slav creatives that this word has no relation to ministers of religion or to the buttocks - it is translated as "walnuts", and his stylized image twice in the logo of the festival in place of letters about "».
Rules for participation in Popok-2011 came much later - it is held in late October.
Golden Hammer
Latvian Golden Hammer - is "our" festival. Year after year, the Russian proposal udelyvayut applications from all other countries in terms of quantity. Sometimes and qualitative - based on the results of last year, Russia had 39 short-list, and 17 awards, more than from any other country. This year it would be necessary to consolidate the success.
Work on the Golden Hammer can be submitted from 1 March to 16 May. In order to save the organizing committee recommends to send the application until March 25 and receive a discount. Agencies network Ogilvy, received the title Network of the Year, allowed to submit one entry to the country for free. Takeoff at work that are legitimate to participate in the "hammer", a decent - they must first be presented to the audience from 1 January 2010 to 31 May 2011. A year and five months - almost a record. The cost of applications is not stipulated.
Festival and awards are scheduled for 9 and 10 June.
Golden Drum
Another favorite festival of Russian creativity. Taking place in October, so now there is nothing - no start date of the receipt of applications or the date of the meeting. Site last year, where we got our first Grand Prix for 15 years and eight drums, has not been updated - forward.
Cannes Lions
Cannes announced the collection of works at the 58th International Festival of creativity on Thursday of last week. And the world of advertising the public have until March 11 to apply and hope that the work will be highly appreciated in the most important festival of the world.
To this we hope and we are hoping that 2011 will be in Cannes for the Russian industry is not such a disaster as the past, when our agency received only three short-list of more than a hundred applications.
The works submitted to the judgment of the Cannes jury, must be demonstrated for the first time audiences in the period from 1 March 2010 to 30 April 2011. If you change your mind and decide to withdraw the application, you need to have time to do so before April 29 - then it's impossible.
The cost of a single application of 290 euros (Radio Lions) to 1185 euros (Titanium & Integrated Lions). Participation in major advertising event of the year has risen in price a bit - 20-35 euros.
The festival is scheduled for the week of 19 to 25 June. The cost of accreditation for all the days, as always, impressive - 2 250 euros, 75 euros more expensive than last year.
Also important and interesting festivals
One Show
Last chance to jump into the departing train - the deadline for applications for the One Show and One Show Design is closed today, January 31. After that, the jury will start to view and verify the authenticity of works, and they do so with a sense of will, plainly and emphatically - as much as 3.5 months. Awarding of the winners of the 36th One Show is scheduled for May 12 and 13 in New York. The cost of filing the work - from 200 to 700 dollars.
Deadline January 31 is not related to the other two competitions One Show. In the category of Interactive results of the world's creative efforts in the digital-direction are brought as many as four times a year, and there are very different deadlines - March 31, August 30, November 30 and 28 February. The cost of a single application of 300-350 dollars, except for the category Integrated Branding, where a campaign would have to pay $ 700.
A deadline for the work in the One Show College Competition ends March 4. This year the students have to do the work on the brief from the charity fund of City Harvest. It is clear that the name of the contest and his high status in the community scare, but should not be afraid. Last year, Anna Leonova Oleg Izosimov of the Omsk State Technical University were shortlisted for the work of Million Trees NYC. For participation in OSCC students must pay $ 20.
D & AD Awards
If you do not think in advance, at D & AD Awards this year, too, we can not make it. Deadline from the authoritative British and severe competition of design and art direkshena now coincided with the deadline One Show - January 31, but the last time was extended on February 4. Twenty-five nominations from conventional advertising to the grocery and book design will cost to participants of this year is not cheap - from $ 180 per unit to work in Graphic design in 1055 for a campaign of television or movies online.
Date of awards has not been determined, but the traditional black and yellow pencils awarded in London in May and June, and in a very modest amount - about 50 for the whole world.
Chances Russia, so a tiny amount, but our students of how much more. Last year, the D & AD Student, one of the most famous student awards in the world, Russia's young designers received two short-listed, and one second place.
And with the deadline for submission of papers on student competition simpler: this year accepting applications for 18 briefs from brands such as Microsoft, BBC, Disney, Body Shop, Diesel, Michelin, McDonald's and others, will begin on February 7 and will last approximately 2.5 months.
At the festival, which is comparable to the credibility of Cannes, and is largely a "Cannes prognosis", the acceptance of applications is closed. The deadline was appointed on January 28 - uncharacteristically early for this festival, usually collecting work by the end of winter.
Another uncharacteristic thing for Clio - the date of awarding is still unknown. "The announcement of the festival where time later the usual" seems to have become a trend this year. We look forward to May, but due to the early closure of call for entries can be expected in April.
Russia has a Clio until recently did not grow together, and not only because of the overall work, but also because of the fact that, in principle, to work our agencies hardly go. Apparently, the Russian creators prefer not to be sprayed, and just try to win Cannes.
In 2010, we still got two short-listed on the Clio, one of which turned into a silver award. But all this is happening within the student competition. And basically all does not submit.
On Andy Awards and Ninety awards Art Directors Club Russian advertisers also do not have time, but we do not think that someone strongly about this upset - all the festivals are not get there. But if you really want it, at ADC Awards Advertising category is open for applications until February 6.
FAB Awards
This year is an untapped Russian advertising competition FAB Awards (Food And Beverages - Cooking) will be held for the thirteenth time. Every year, the festival is gaining more and more weight and attracts more and more interesting participants and highly specialized competition, consider the work strictly in two product categories, it can not easily be given. Last year, the Grand Prix at the FAB
became widely known campaign «The Arctic Sun» for Tropicana by BBDO Toronto, among the winners - BBDO New York, Leo Burnett London, DDB Chicago and other monsters. That is the authority of the already conquered and it is strange that Russia has never presented their work at the FAB Awards.
Deadline for receiving works is scheduled for Feb. 28, the winners will be announced in May.
And Edistvennoe that can stop the Russian advertisers, it is not a low cost supply of work - from 110 to 610 pounds, when translated into dollars - 175 and 970 respectively.
12th European Festival of print advertising AdPrint appointed the completion deadline for receipt of submission of works March 1, 2011 and the date of awarding the still uncertain.
The submitted work must have been first shown to the audience OOH-structures, in newspapers or magazines between 21 December 2009 and 31 January 2011. And if the work has been submitted to AdPrint 2010, the more it is impossible to say. Unlike the Cannes Lions, where you can not apply the most new jobs in other categories, and where this year for this reason that happened several public embarrassment.
There is no "price run-up" depending on the category to EdPrinte not. The price difference is only in the application, depending on the time of application: if you have time until January 31, then for each print will need to pay 120 euros, and from February 1 - is 180. If the campaign a few prints or posters, you need to pay each in full size .
Organizers of the festival, traditionally held in Romania, do not forget to remind you that they are going to stay and the only competition is strictly prints, regardless of changes occurring in the industry. Last year there was an attempt to introduce a new category Unconvenional Media, ie print advertising, which can not be attributed to the Press, or to Outdoor. But this time, the list of categories only outdoor advertising, prints and «Best Use Of» - apparently, the experiment did not give the expected results.
Chip Shop Awards
The competition is unique in its kind. But he openly declared as competition fakie, missed and unrealized ideas and everything okoloreklamnogo that could have brain creatives. The goal Chip Shop Awards - demonstration of "pure creativity" and sample its features.
Tell the world about his clean, unblemished client revisions abilities can be priced at 99 pounds for the first application and 69 pounds for each subsequent 18 March 2011. The price for students - 49 pounds.
The jury, in spite of the kind of frivolity festival, Chip Shop impressive. This year feykovye missed and will be judged creative director of AMV BBDO London, JWT London, Euro RSCG Germany, Executive Creative Director, McCann Erickson Madrid and others.
The new festival in Europe - so far without much authority, without the bidding of the dam, without long lists of winners. Created for the purpose, as stated on the website, "to combine advertising and its creators at the epicenter of creativity, which at this moment is in the middle of Europe».
The organizing committee is trying very hard - the main emphasis in attracting competitive work they do on a representative jury. Presidential in 2011 they will be by Michael Conrad, iconic historical figure of the advertising world.
Dates - May 11 and 12, call for entries will be open in March - we promise to impress new categories, and indeed to introduce a new concept of unprecedented competition.
In the first year of PIAF, by the way, were the Russian agency, dared to send their work to Prague and then received the statuette - the Russian branch of Ogilvy awarded for viruses for Gillette Venus.
London International Awards decided this year to allocate for the submission of applications is not a couple of months, as it usually happens, and once 4.5. That is, if you already have something to say unformed until the jury LIA, work is already possible to send - to 10 June 2011. The works must be approved by the client and the "proefireny" in the period from 1 July 2010 to 31 July 2011, is the standard for the LIA period of time, which this year for some reason do not take into account the deadline submission, ending a half months before the deadline for release of legitimate application.
For Europe (except the UK) the cost of the application is set as follows: 220 pounds for a single radio spot up to 450 pounds in the category of Integrated Campaign and The NEW Category. The video will cost the agency 295 pounds, print - in 275.
The organizing committee places particular emphasis on the fact that the application is paid and if you are at the last moment decided to withdraw. That is the work of the competition will not participate, but the money you no return, so think in advance.
Date of the ceremony is not defined, in 2010, she passed on November 8.
Ad Stars
Ad Stars Festival takes place in the South Korean city of Busan (Pusan) and has international status. Work officially accepted all over the world, but the greatest popularity it enjoys the professional forum of the Asia-Pacific region. Russia in AdStars participated at least twice.
Selection system works in a way, unique: first, all works submitted otsmatrivat and sieved so-called online jury - a group consisting of more than 70 creatives from around the world.
The list includes the most important for the Russian international festivals of our country, the former Soviet Union, North America, Europe and the Asian one in which it makes sense to engage the Russian creative agency.
They are placed as follows: first, coming to us in spirit and geographically, and then in chronological order - from the burning deadlines, if known, the most distant. On the conditions of participation, deadlines for applications and value.

The festival, which began as a regional low-budget advertising contest, organized at the initiative of the agency "Melekhov and Filyurin" has already become a major festival in Russia, despite its remoteness from the capital. Largely due to the annual madness MIAF.
Held in Novosibirsk in May - this year from 12 to 14 May, the application is not accepted.

One of the most important for the Russian creatives International Festival runs as Idea !, in May, usually after a couple of weeks after the Novosibirsk forum.
Currently no known date of commencement of Call For Entries, neither the date of the actual - site is closed for renovation, which will end on February 10. All terms will be announced and introduced a new corporate identity of the festival.

Moscow International Advertising Festival this year is scheduled for September 29 and 30. The reception of works, of course, is not yet underway, but judging by the past year, submit applications for participation in MIAF will be over in July and August.
It will be interesting to see what will change in the festival this year and will change it at all. The last few years, reviews of MIAF strictly negative or negative to trying to find anything acceptable. The main problem - a mess in the organization that every year compounded. Well, with the winners happen embarrassments. In 2010, for example, received a bronze completely wild rollers dairy products "Summer Meadow". And in 2008 movie "Singing Jeans" RA "Sunrise", called the jury "provincial ....." got silver in the far more prestigious Golden Drum. These are just a couple of examples - to illustrate.
White Square

Third White Square will be held from 14 to 16 April in Minsk. Belarusian International Advertising Festival is still very young, but has already attracted a lot of attention - at least their diligence.
"White Square" - the only festival in the former Soviet Union, declared to this day, not only the date of, and the collection of applications. The competition in 11 categories of work can participate create and implement promotional campaigns in the period from January 2009 to 25 March 2011. Closing date for applications - 25 March. The participation fee - from 35 to 150 dollars. The estimated $ 35 application is a separate Internet banner, filed February 5, and 150 - the campaign for the competition of marketing effectiveness, stated at the last moment, that is in March. There are discounts of up to 20%.
The cost of accreditation - from 8100 to 9400 Russian rubles.
ADCR Awards

It is also interesting to watch the contest moves where the Russian branch of the Art Directors Club.
In 2008, it was a get-together with more than impressive list of nominees and winners, but impressive, unfortunately, in a quantitative rather than a qualitative sense. In 2009, the situation has changed dramatically, and traditional media winners almost was not. In 2010 ADCR Awards was noticed another oddity - all the awards were distributed among those who occupied the top ranks of the short list. Those who were at the bottom of the list, and have remained at the level of the short-list. Moreover, the work that had been shortlisted for higher, better and awards received. This suggests a very unpretentious judging, but there is also the possibility that the shorts were presented on the number of points obtained in the first step zhyureniya.
Holders of silver and bronze ADCR Awards 2011 have the right to submit the winning free work at ADC * E Awards 2011, which, however, not yet known.
Competition from the Russian - the closest the last two years it was held in April. But while the official site ADCR still calls to submit work to the festival in 2010.

Not to mention the new Armenian Advertising Festival "Popok", which was almost in unison ignored Russian ad. And his many victories there celebrated mainly Ukrainian agency - Leo Burnett, Adventa Lowe, Saatchi, and other Kinograf.
Run last October, calling his Festival Popok, the organizing committee condemned himself to a couple of years explanations Slav creatives that this word has no relation to ministers of religion or to the buttocks - it is translated as "walnuts", and his stylized image twice in the logo of the festival in place of letters about "».
Rules for participation in Popok-2011 came much later - it is held in late October.
Golden Hammer

Latvian Golden Hammer - is "our" festival. Year after year, the Russian proposal udelyvayut applications from all other countries in terms of quantity. Sometimes and qualitative - based on the results of last year, Russia had 39 short-list, and 17 awards, more than from any other country. This year it would be necessary to consolidate the success.
Work on the Golden Hammer can be submitted from 1 March to 16 May. In order to save the organizing committee recommends to send the application until March 25 and receive a discount. Agencies network Ogilvy, received the title Network of the Year, allowed to submit one entry to the country for free. Takeoff at work that are legitimate to participate in the "hammer", a decent - they must first be presented to the audience from 1 January 2010 to 31 May 2011. A year and five months - almost a record. The cost of applications is not stipulated.
Festival and awards are scheduled for 9 and 10 June.
Golden Drum

Another favorite festival of Russian creativity. Taking place in October, so now there is nothing - no start date of the receipt of applications or the date of the meeting. Site last year, where we got our first Grand Prix for 15 years and eight drums, has not been updated - forward.
Cannes Lions

Cannes announced the collection of works at the 58th International Festival of creativity on Thursday of last week. And the world of advertising the public have until March 11 to apply and hope that the work will be highly appreciated in the most important festival of the world.
To this we hope and we are hoping that 2011 will be in Cannes for the Russian industry is not such a disaster as the past, when our agency received only three short-list of more than a hundred applications.
The works submitted to the judgment of the Cannes jury, must be demonstrated for the first time audiences in the period from 1 March 2010 to 30 April 2011. If you change your mind and decide to withdraw the application, you need to have time to do so before April 29 - then it's impossible.
The cost of a single application of 290 euros (Radio Lions) to 1185 euros (Titanium & Integrated Lions). Participation in major advertising event of the year has risen in price a bit - 20-35 euros.
The festival is scheduled for the week of 19 to 25 June. The cost of accreditation for all the days, as always, impressive - 2 250 euros, 75 euros more expensive than last year.
Also important and interesting festivals
One Show

Last chance to jump into the departing train - the deadline for applications for the One Show and One Show Design is closed today, January 31. After that, the jury will start to view and verify the authenticity of works, and they do so with a sense of will, plainly and emphatically - as much as 3.5 months. Awarding of the winners of the 36th One Show is scheduled for May 12 and 13 in New York. The cost of filing the work - from 200 to 700 dollars.
Deadline January 31 is not related to the other two competitions One Show. In the category of Interactive results of the world's creative efforts in the digital-direction are brought as many as four times a year, and there are very different deadlines - March 31, August 30, November 30 and 28 February. The cost of a single application of 300-350 dollars, except for the category Integrated Branding, where a campaign would have to pay $ 700.
A deadline for the work in the One Show College Competition ends March 4. This year the students have to do the work on the brief from the charity fund of City Harvest. It is clear that the name of the contest and his high status in the community scare, but should not be afraid. Last year, Anna Leonova Oleg Izosimov of the Omsk State Technical University were shortlisted for the work of Million Trees NYC. For participation in OSCC students must pay $ 20.
D & AD Awards

If you do not think in advance, at D & AD Awards this year, too, we can not make it. Deadline from the authoritative British and severe competition of design and art direkshena now coincided with the deadline One Show - January 31, but the last time was extended on February 4. Twenty-five nominations from conventional advertising to the grocery and book design will cost to participants of this year is not cheap - from $ 180 per unit to work in Graphic design in 1055 for a campaign of television or movies online.
Date of awards has not been determined, but the traditional black and yellow pencils awarded in London in May and June, and in a very modest amount - about 50 for the whole world.
Chances Russia, so a tiny amount, but our students of how much more. Last year, the D & AD Student, one of the most famous student awards in the world, Russia's young designers received two short-listed, and one second place.
And with the deadline for submission of papers on student competition simpler: this year accepting applications for 18 briefs from brands such as Microsoft, BBC, Disney, Body Shop, Diesel, Michelin, McDonald's and others, will begin on February 7 and will last approximately 2.5 months.

At the festival, which is comparable to the credibility of Cannes, and is largely a "Cannes prognosis", the acceptance of applications is closed. The deadline was appointed on January 28 - uncharacteristically early for this festival, usually collecting work by the end of winter.
Another uncharacteristic thing for Clio - the date of awarding is still unknown. "The announcement of the festival where time later the usual" seems to have become a trend this year. We look forward to May, but due to the early closure of call for entries can be expected in April.
Russia has a Clio until recently did not grow together, and not only because of the overall work, but also because of the fact that, in principle, to work our agencies hardly go. Apparently, the Russian creators prefer not to be sprayed, and just try to win Cannes.
In 2010, we still got two short-listed on the Clio, one of which turned into a silver award. But all this is happening within the student competition. And basically all does not submit.
On Andy Awards and Ninety awards Art Directors Club Russian advertisers also do not have time, but we do not think that someone strongly about this upset - all the festivals are not get there. But if you really want it, at ADC Awards Advertising category is open for applications until February 6.
FAB Awards

This year is an untapped Russian advertising competition FAB Awards (Food And Beverages - Cooking) will be held for the thirteenth time. Every year, the festival is gaining more and more weight and attracts more and more interesting participants and highly specialized competition, consider the work strictly in two product categories, it can not easily be given. Last year, the Grand Prix at the FAB
became widely known campaign «The Arctic Sun» for Tropicana by BBDO Toronto, among the winners - BBDO New York, Leo Burnett London, DDB Chicago and other monsters. That is the authority of the already conquered and it is strange that Russia has never presented their work at the FAB Awards.
Deadline for receiving works is scheduled for Feb. 28, the winners will be announced in May.
And Edistvennoe that can stop the Russian advertisers, it is not a low cost supply of work - from 110 to 610 pounds, when translated into dollars - 175 and 970 respectively.

12th European Festival of print advertising AdPrint appointed the completion deadline for receipt of submission of works March 1, 2011 and the date of awarding the still uncertain.
The submitted work must have been first shown to the audience OOH-structures, in newspapers or magazines between 21 December 2009 and 31 January 2011. And if the work has been submitted to AdPrint 2010, the more it is impossible to say. Unlike the Cannes Lions, where you can not apply the most new jobs in other categories, and where this year for this reason that happened several public embarrassment.
There is no "price run-up" depending on the category to EdPrinte not. The price difference is only in the application, depending on the time of application: if you have time until January 31, then for each print will need to pay 120 euros, and from February 1 - is 180. If the campaign a few prints or posters, you need to pay each in full size .
Organizers of the festival, traditionally held in Romania, do not forget to remind you that they are going to stay and the only competition is strictly prints, regardless of changes occurring in the industry. Last year there was an attempt to introduce a new category Unconvenional Media, ie print advertising, which can not be attributed to the Press, or to Outdoor. But this time, the list of categories only outdoor advertising, prints and «Best Use Of» - apparently, the experiment did not give the expected results.
Chip Shop Awards

The competition is unique in its kind. But he openly declared as competition fakie, missed and unrealized ideas and everything okoloreklamnogo that could have brain creatives. The goal Chip Shop Awards - demonstration of "pure creativity" and sample its features.
Tell the world about his clean, unblemished client revisions abilities can be priced at 99 pounds for the first application and 69 pounds for each subsequent 18 March 2011. The price for students - 49 pounds.
The jury, in spite of the kind of frivolity festival, Chip Shop impressive. This year feykovye missed and will be judged creative director of AMV BBDO London, JWT London, Euro RSCG Germany, Executive Creative Director, McCann Erickson Madrid and others.

The new festival in Europe - so far without much authority, without the bidding of the dam, without long lists of winners. Created for the purpose, as stated on the website, "to combine advertising and its creators at the epicenter of creativity, which at this moment is in the middle of Europe».
The organizing committee is trying very hard - the main emphasis in attracting competitive work they do on a representative jury. Presidential in 2011 they will be by Michael Conrad, iconic historical figure of the advertising world.
Dates - May 11 and 12, call for entries will be open in March - we promise to impress new categories, and indeed to introduce a new concept of unprecedented competition.
In the first year of PIAF, by the way, were the Russian agency, dared to send their work to Prague and then received the statuette - the Russian branch of Ogilvy awarded for viruses for Gillette Venus.

London International Awards decided this year to allocate for the submission of applications is not a couple of months, as it usually happens, and once 4.5. That is, if you already have something to say unformed until the jury LIA, work is already possible to send - to 10 June 2011. The works must be approved by the client and the "proefireny" in the period from 1 July 2010 to 31 July 2011, is the standard for the LIA period of time, which this year for some reason do not take into account the deadline submission, ending a half months before the deadline for release of legitimate application.
For Europe (except the UK) the cost of the application is set as follows: 220 pounds for a single radio spot up to 450 pounds in the category of Integrated Campaign and The NEW Category. The video will cost the agency 295 pounds, print - in 275.
The organizing committee places particular emphasis on the fact that the application is paid and if you are at the last moment decided to withdraw. That is the work of the competition will not participate, but the money you no return, so think in advance.
Date of the ceremony is not defined, in 2010, she passed on November 8.
Ad Stars

Ad Stars Festival takes place in the South Korean city of Busan (Pusan) and has international status. Work officially accepted all over the world, but the greatest popularity it enjoys the professional forum of the Asia-Pacific region. Russia in AdStars participated at least twice.
Selection system works in a way, unique: first, all works submitted otsmatrivat and sieved so-called online jury - a group consisting of more than 70 creatives from around the world.