Five nuclear explosions, which were not warned
October 2, 1974 for the Ministry of non-ferrous metallurgy of the USSR in 2, 5 kilometers to the northeast of the pit diamond pipe "Successful" in Yakutia was carried out a nuclear explosion. This explosion was known under the name "Crystal". The power of the explosion was 1, 7 kilotons.
Explosion was produced in the well at a depth of 98 meters. Originally scheduled for 8 explosions to create the dam concentrator, but then this idea was abandoned because of the release of the surface of the explosion products. The resulting crater was filled in 18 years. The explosion was carried out near the village of Lucky, which is less than 3 km. The population of the explosion were not notified. Users based on rumors themselves left on time from the village.
Only a few cases, when carrying out nuclear explosions people were not informed about the possible dangers.
Totskoye nuclear exercise
September 14, 1954 at Totsky range Orenburg region under the command of Marshal Zhukov's army were conducted tactical exercises with the use of nuclear weapons. The exercises code-named "Snow." The exercise was attended by about 45 thousand. Soldiers. Totski site was not chosen by chance. He reminded on the relief of Western Europe, which was seen as likely to place the beginning of the Third World War. The main objective of the teaching - working operations troops to break through enemy defenses prepared with atomic weapons.
At 9 o'clock 34 minutes 14 September Tu-4 dropped from a height of 8 km of the atomic bomb. It exploded at an altitude of 350 meters below the surface. After 5 minutes of artillery preparation began, and then hit the bombers. Some planes in flight to strike at ground targets on 20 minutes after the explosion were forced to cross the leg "mushroom cloud." Personnel was raised at the technique, the offensive continued in the columns.
After 50 years, there were allegations in some media that as a result of nuclear weapons testing September 14, 1954 45 thousand. Soldiers and 10 thousand. Civilians were exposed to nuclear radiation in an experiment. The degree of danger of a nuclear explosion they were not informed.
The first industrial nuclear explosion on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR was made July 9, 1972 3 km from the village Krestische Krasnograd district, Kharkiv region. Nuclear Blast decided to use to close the emergency gas emissions.
In July 1971, during the drilling of a new well from it suddenly spewed gas condensate. The gas pressure was anomalous. The release failed to eliminate the known methods. Then it was decided to bring down the gas torch nuclear explosion.
Decision on the application of the industrial nuclear explosion to stop the gas blowout was signed personally by Leonid Brezhnev.
The work was carried out in strict secrecy. To perform the job did not involve any of the military units stationed in the Ukrainian SSR. Guard the area around the torch carried KGB and Interior Ministry units from Moscow. The fact that the explosion and pursued other objectives, evidenced by the fact that the surrounding area has been divided into three annular zone radius of 3, 5 and 8 km. At the boundary of each zone placed in laboratory animals: chickens, goats and hives with bees. At a distance of 400-500 meters from the village wells are Pershotravneve. The inhabitants of this village were evacuated temporarily. That will soon be made a nuclear explosion, people are not reported. Residents of neighboring villages did not even know about the preparations for any exposure. This was not told to them even after the experiment. The fact that you can not eat fruits and vegetables, drink milk, and residents were not warned.
The energy of the explosion Torch was 3, 8 kilotons. Eliminate gas emissions and then failed. Gas torch was extinguished in a few months by conventional methods - raking well.
OBJECT "cleavage»
September 16, 1979 was carried out an underground nuclear explosion in the east wing of the mine "Yunkom" (Donetsk region) at a depth of 903 m. The stated aim of the explosion - the voltage drop in the mountain range to improve safety mining of coal seams. Precise estimates of the charge classified. It is believed that the explosion in the mine used for military purposes.
The residents of the streets adjacent to the mine, "Young Communard", said the whole day to leave the house. According to some sources, they were informed that they would be held some blasting operations at the mine, on the other, explained the evacuation exercises of civil defense. In the new part Yunokomunarivsk where apartment buildings were built, the evacuation was not carried out. The inhabitants of that part of the city, where not carried out the evacuation, felt a strong push in the explosion, but a special destruction he had not. Attached to the shaft private homes cracks, fallen plaster. By evening, the residents returned home. The next day, the mine "Young Communard" resumed normal operation. More than 20 years after the explosion, the miners mined coal in it a few dozen meters from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.
September 19, 1971 on the banks of the river Saci, 4 km from the village of Galkino Ivanovo region Kineshma district was made a peaceful underground nuclear explosion. According to official data, it was held for the purpose of seismic sounding of the crust. This explosion was accidental. During the explosion, there was a release of radioactive substances to the surface. On the terrain there is patchy radioactive contamination.
For carrying out the explosion have been drilled two shafts to a depth of 610 meters. One of them was laid a nuclear warhead capacity of 2, 3 kilotons. At the bottom of the other mines have been omitted various devices. On the eve of the explosion police told local residents that there will be a small earthquake. Advised to seal the window crosswise paper and leave the house at 7 pm. Local people believed that in this place the bomb will explode and will look for oil. The fact that the possible release of radioactive substances have been reported. By the village were sent to the machine that should have been in an accident to evacuate people to the Volga (but previously it did not declare - to avoid panic). After the explosion, residents were advised to go less often to the place where the mine, citing the fact that the possible collapse.
Posted in [mergetime] 1380707452 [/ mergetime]
In the Murmansk region near the town of Kirovsk it produced two nuclear explosion, "Dnepr-1" and "Dnepr-2". The first explosion was carried out 20-21 kilometers northeast near Kirovsk Kuelporr 4 September 1972, capacity - was 2, 1 kiloton. The purpose of blast - fragmentation of apatite ore. In 1984 there was a similar explosion produced "Dnepr-2". Residents of the city were warned of the impending strong underground explosion, but did not say that it will be a blast. The miners and their families, accustomed for decades to such events in the mines of combine "Apatite", did not attach much importance to this warning. However, an earthquake this time was so powerful that it felt even by those who are far outside the city. After the explosion in many homes in Kirovsk glass flew. Soon rumors spread that in the vicinity of an earthquake. Only a few know that it was not normal, and a nuclear explosion.
Explosion was produced in the well at a depth of 98 meters. Originally scheduled for 8 explosions to create the dam concentrator, but then this idea was abandoned because of the release of the surface of the explosion products. The resulting crater was filled in 18 years. The explosion was carried out near the village of Lucky, which is less than 3 km. The population of the explosion were not notified. Users based on rumors themselves left on time from the village.

Only a few cases, when carrying out nuclear explosions people were not informed about the possible dangers.
Totskoye nuclear exercise
September 14, 1954 at Totsky range Orenburg region under the command of Marshal Zhukov's army were conducted tactical exercises with the use of nuclear weapons. The exercises code-named "Snow." The exercise was attended by about 45 thousand. Soldiers. Totski site was not chosen by chance. He reminded on the relief of Western Europe, which was seen as likely to place the beginning of the Third World War. The main objective of the teaching - working operations troops to break through enemy defenses prepared with atomic weapons.
At 9 o'clock 34 minutes 14 September Tu-4 dropped from a height of 8 km of the atomic bomb. It exploded at an altitude of 350 meters below the surface. After 5 minutes of artillery preparation began, and then hit the bombers. Some planes in flight to strike at ground targets on 20 minutes after the explosion were forced to cross the leg "mushroom cloud." Personnel was raised at the technique, the offensive continued in the columns.
After 50 years, there were allegations in some media that as a result of nuclear weapons testing September 14, 1954 45 thousand. Soldiers and 10 thousand. Civilians were exposed to nuclear radiation in an experiment. The degree of danger of a nuclear explosion they were not informed.

The first industrial nuclear explosion on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR was made July 9, 1972 3 km from the village Krestische Krasnograd district, Kharkiv region. Nuclear Blast decided to use to close the emergency gas emissions.
In July 1971, during the drilling of a new well from it suddenly spewed gas condensate. The gas pressure was anomalous. The release failed to eliminate the known methods. Then it was decided to bring down the gas torch nuclear explosion.
Decision on the application of the industrial nuclear explosion to stop the gas blowout was signed personally by Leonid Brezhnev.
The work was carried out in strict secrecy. To perform the job did not involve any of the military units stationed in the Ukrainian SSR. Guard the area around the torch carried KGB and Interior Ministry units from Moscow. The fact that the explosion and pursued other objectives, evidenced by the fact that the surrounding area has been divided into three annular zone radius of 3, 5 and 8 km. At the boundary of each zone placed in laboratory animals: chickens, goats and hives with bees. At a distance of 400-500 meters from the village wells are Pershotravneve. The inhabitants of this village were evacuated temporarily. That will soon be made a nuclear explosion, people are not reported. Residents of neighboring villages did not even know about the preparations for any exposure. This was not told to them even after the experiment. The fact that you can not eat fruits and vegetables, drink milk, and residents were not warned.
The energy of the explosion Torch was 3, 8 kilotons. Eliminate gas emissions and then failed. Gas torch was extinguished in a few months by conventional methods - raking well.
OBJECT "cleavage»
September 16, 1979 was carried out an underground nuclear explosion in the east wing of the mine "Yunkom" (Donetsk region) at a depth of 903 m. The stated aim of the explosion - the voltage drop in the mountain range to improve safety mining of coal seams. Precise estimates of the charge classified. It is believed that the explosion in the mine used for military purposes.
The residents of the streets adjacent to the mine, "Young Communard", said the whole day to leave the house. According to some sources, they were informed that they would be held some blasting operations at the mine, on the other, explained the evacuation exercises of civil defense. In the new part Yunokomunarivsk where apartment buildings were built, the evacuation was not carried out. The inhabitants of that part of the city, where not carried out the evacuation, felt a strong push in the explosion, but a special destruction he had not. Attached to the shaft private homes cracks, fallen plaster. By evening, the residents returned home. The next day, the mine "Young Communard" resumed normal operation. More than 20 years after the explosion, the miners mined coal in it a few dozen meters from the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

September 19, 1971 on the banks of the river Saci, 4 km from the village of Galkino Ivanovo region Kineshma district was made a peaceful underground nuclear explosion. According to official data, it was held for the purpose of seismic sounding of the crust. This explosion was accidental. During the explosion, there was a release of radioactive substances to the surface. On the terrain there is patchy radioactive contamination.
For carrying out the explosion have been drilled two shafts to a depth of 610 meters. One of them was laid a nuclear warhead capacity of 2, 3 kilotons. At the bottom of the other mines have been omitted various devices. On the eve of the explosion police told local residents that there will be a small earthquake. Advised to seal the window crosswise paper and leave the house at 7 pm. Local people believed that in this place the bomb will explode and will look for oil. The fact that the possible release of radioactive substances have been reported. By the village were sent to the machine that should have been in an accident to evacuate people to the Volga (but previously it did not declare - to avoid panic). After the explosion, residents were advised to go less often to the place where the mine, citing the fact that the possible collapse.
Posted in [mergetime] 1380707452 [/ mergetime]
In the Murmansk region near the town of Kirovsk it produced two nuclear explosion, "Dnepr-1" and "Dnepr-2". The first explosion was carried out 20-21 kilometers northeast near Kirovsk Kuelporr 4 September 1972, capacity - was 2, 1 kiloton. The purpose of blast - fragmentation of apatite ore. In 1984 there was a similar explosion produced "Dnepr-2". Residents of the city were warned of the impending strong underground explosion, but did not say that it will be a blast. The miners and their families, accustomed for decades to such events in the mines of combine "Apatite", did not attach much importance to this warning. However, an earthquake this time was so powerful that it felt even by those who are far outside the city. After the explosion in many homes in Kirovsk glass flew. Soon rumors spread that in the vicinity of an earthquake. Only a few know that it was not normal, and a nuclear explosion.