Nuclear Tests in the USSR
TESTS nuclear weapons and nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes USSR (1949-1990 GG)
Peaceful nuclear explosions USSR
In the Soviet Union since 1965 it has implemented an extensive program of using nuclear explosions for the benefit of the national economy. Due to the fact that out of 124 117 civilians YaV technological explosion was carried out beyond the borders of nuclear sites in the accompanying table shows the separate Chronology of nuclear explosions in the interest of the national economy (excluding tests for testing the industrial charges themselves, which were held at nuclear test sites). All nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes were carried out under the ground, so the classification they belong to underground nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes.
Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful USSR
Dates \ Location \ Conditions of \ Power kt \ Notes
04.10.71 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Globus" \ Well GB-2 \ 2, 3
05.25.81 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Pyrite" \ Well \ 37, 6
07.19.85 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Agat" \ Well \ 8 5
06.09.88 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Rubin" \ Well RN-1 \ 8, 5 \ Last industrial explosion in the USSR
I gave this interpretation are the explosions that took place in my area, and about which no one ear does not snout ...
taken from here ...: www.iss.niiit.ru/sssr1/3_12.htm
Komrad can and you will find next to a nuclear burial ground ... ???
Peaceful nuclear explosions USSR
In the Soviet Union since 1965 it has implemented an extensive program of using nuclear explosions for the benefit of the national economy. Due to the fact that out of 124 117 civilians YaV technological explosion was carried out beyond the borders of nuclear sites in the accompanying table shows the separate Chronology of nuclear explosions in the interest of the national economy (excluding tests for testing the industrial charges themselves, which were held at nuclear test sites). All nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes were carried out under the ground, so the classification they belong to underground nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes.
Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful USSR
Dates \ Location \ Conditions of \ Power kt \ Notes
04.10.71 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Globus" \ Well GB-2 \ 2, 3
05.25.81 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Pyrite" \ Well \ 37, 6
07.19.85 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Agat" \ Well \ 8 5
06.09.88 \ Arkhangelsk Region., RSFSR "Rubin" \ Well RN-1 \ 8, 5 \ Last industrial explosion in the USSR
I gave this interpretation are the explosions that took place in my area, and about which no one ear does not snout ...
taken from here ...: www.iss.niiit.ru/sssr1/3_12.htm
Komrad can and you will find next to a nuclear burial ground ... ???
