Accurate prophecy of academician Sakharov for 2024, the end of civilization is coming
In 1974, academician Sakharov A.D. for the American edition of the "Saturday Review" wrote an article "The World in Half a Century". For a man of Soviet times, Andrei Dmitrievich thought much more innovative. In his publications and just in conversation with like-minded people, he repeatedly discussed the problems of human development. He saw perfectly well what awaits humanity and how to influence it.
Being one of the developers of the hydrogen bomb, Sakharov was well aware that for the sake of obtaining resources, people are ready to make any sacrifice. At the same time, without fully realizing that their actions simply destroy the entire humanity as a whole. Sakharov’s goal in writing the article “The World in Half a Century” was to show a different path of development. Not through wars and revolutions, but through a change in thinking towards creation and the rational consumption of resources.
Today, being on the threshold of 2024, the timeline chosen by Academician Sakharov, the editorial board "Site" So I decided to take a little note. And yet to understand who was Andrey Dmitrievich – a brilliant scientist who knows how to analyze the course of civilization, or a prophet. What has changed on planet Earth over the past 50 years and whether humanity has been able to rethink its approach to life support and security? Let's work it out together.
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was an active fighter for human rights. He dreamed that anyone on the planet could travel freely around the world. Change your place of residence at your discretion. After all, the socialist countries, which included the Soviet Union, severely limited the rights of people to free movement. In this regard, Sakharov’s prophecy has come true. The Soviet Union collapsed. Now any citizen living in the post-Soviet space can safely travel to any country and even change their place of residence.
Sakharov’s second prediction is related to technological progress. Who carefully read his article, he drew attention to the description of “supercities” and multi-storey buildings. The situation in these houses seems to Andrei Dmitrievich fully automated using artificial climate, lighting and so on. Does this description of modern smart homes remind you of the use of artificial intelligence in them?
Sakharov also foresaw the development of genetic engineering in food production. Waste-free production and recycling, which at that time no one even thought about. After all, in the USSR everything was in abundance and there was no question of saving resources. Another solution to the problems of human development Sakharov saw in cybernetic technology. And today, at the end of 2023, the main direction of industrial development is robotics. Cybertechnology is used in all areas of human activity.
Humanity solves problems of development through the Internet and most importantly, Sakharov saw great potential. Communication between people, the development of education, medicine and culture is the development of the so-called world information system. The year of the birth of the Internet, which today is used by almost all inhabitants of the planet, is considered to be 1969. But at the time, no one imagined that such a communication channel would provide information from anywhere in the world. Today, all libraries of the world, museums, art galleries, cinemas are open for us. We can walk in any park in the world while at home.
The only problem of human development that Sakharov did not consider in his article is the ability of people to remain human. Use technology for good, not as a destructive force. After all, if mankind stopped waging wars, as Andrei Dmitrievich dreamed, we would long ago live in a world of prosperity and prosperity.
What do you think of Sakharov’s predictions about the structure of world civilization? Consider him a great scientist or an ordinary storyteller and dreamer. Write your thoughts on this in the comments.

Being one of the developers of the hydrogen bomb, Sakharov was well aware that for the sake of obtaining resources, people are ready to make any sacrifice. At the same time, without fully realizing that their actions simply destroy the entire humanity as a whole. Sakharov’s goal in writing the article “The World in Half a Century” was to show a different path of development. Not through wars and revolutions, but through a change in thinking towards creation and the rational consumption of resources.

Today, being on the threshold of 2024, the timeline chosen by Academician Sakharov, the editorial board "Site" So I decided to take a little note. And yet to understand who was Andrey Dmitrievich – a brilliant scientist who knows how to analyze the course of civilization, or a prophet. What has changed on planet Earth over the past 50 years and whether humanity has been able to rethink its approach to life support and security? Let's work it out together.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was an active fighter for human rights. He dreamed that anyone on the planet could travel freely around the world. Change your place of residence at your discretion. After all, the socialist countries, which included the Soviet Union, severely limited the rights of people to free movement. In this regard, Sakharov’s prophecy has come true. The Soviet Union collapsed. Now any citizen living in the post-Soviet space can safely travel to any country and even change their place of residence.

Sakharov’s second prediction is related to technological progress. Who carefully read his article, he drew attention to the description of “supercities” and multi-storey buildings. The situation in these houses seems to Andrei Dmitrievich fully automated using artificial climate, lighting and so on. Does this description of modern smart homes remind you of the use of artificial intelligence in them?

Sakharov also foresaw the development of genetic engineering in food production. Waste-free production and recycling, which at that time no one even thought about. After all, in the USSR everything was in abundance and there was no question of saving resources. Another solution to the problems of human development Sakharov saw in cybernetic technology. And today, at the end of 2023, the main direction of industrial development is robotics. Cybertechnology is used in all areas of human activity.

Humanity solves problems of development through the Internet and most importantly, Sakharov saw great potential. Communication between people, the development of education, medicine and culture is the development of the so-called world information system. The year of the birth of the Internet, which today is used by almost all inhabitants of the planet, is considered to be 1969. But at the time, no one imagined that such a communication channel would provide information from anywhere in the world. Today, all libraries of the world, museums, art galleries, cinemas are open for us. We can walk in any park in the world while at home.

The only problem of human development that Sakharov did not consider in his article is the ability of people to remain human. Use technology for good, not as a destructive force. After all, if mankind stopped waging wars, as Andrei Dmitrievich dreamed, we would long ago live in a world of prosperity and prosperity.
What do you think of Sakharov’s predictions about the structure of world civilization? Consider him a great scientist or an ordinary storyteller and dreamer. Write your thoughts on this in the comments.
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