If you hit a wild animal and just drove away, you will soon regret it.
The rules of the road around the world are not much different. The behavior of the driver and pedestrian is strictly regulated by laws and regulations. A traffic accident is equally terrible for both humans and animals. Very often on the roads, especially in the area of forests and plantings, you can find traces of accidents. Animals hit on the road are equal to a hit person, and the punishment for this act should be the same.
Peels Today editorial office "Site" It will tell you the algorithm of actions of the driver, if he hit an animal in different countries of Europe.
Travel by car has become an integral part of modern man. Many people choose to travel on their own transport because they find it more convenient and faster. But at the same time, such a trip is more dangerous. In addition to the dangers in cities where there are many cars and people, the danger is also present on country roads and highways along the forest. Because you never know which way a forest beast will jump.
Peels and they pop out, and quite often. It can be a fox, and a hare, and a boar, and even an elk. Often on such roads you can find a sign warning about wild animals. But even the utmost care and accuracy do not guarantee safety for both animals and the driver. Unfortunately, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the issue of the algorithm of action when shooting down a wild animal has not been fully resolved. Today, wildlife conservation remains at some initial level of development.
Peels Slightly better with animals that got under the wheels in the city. And if that animal was with the owner who sounded the alarm. If a driver hits a stray dog or cat, 90% of the time, he or she will run away. And if his act gets caught on CCTV, then perhaps the organization for the protection of animals will file a report to the police on such a driver. But, as mentioned earlier, in most post-Soviet countries, these issues are not regulated by law, and drivers simply do not feel responsible for such crimes.
Peels How to behave if an animal is shot down Very differently the situation with the solution of such problems in Europe. There, if you hit an animal, you need to call the rescue service or the police. The duty to help a downed animal imposes on the driver the animal protection law. But do not try to help the animal yourself. Wild beasts, and even wounded, can be very aggressive. It is better to calm down and report by phone to the rescue service all the details of the collision. Also, don't forget to secure the scene. It is best to install an emergency stop sign on the road.
Also, the legislation of European countries provides for fines or a term of imprisonment if the driver fled the scene of the crime. At the same time, the driver must inform the service that controls and maintains one or another part of the road on which the collision occurred. If you do everything right and report to the right authorities, the driver will not only avoid punishment. In the presence of insurance, the driver can receive compensation for the repair of the car if it is damaged.
Animals, whether wild or domestic, are also living creatures. Man is obliged to protect nature and all life around. No one has the right to arbitrarily dispose of the life of another living being. Therefore, humanity must accept the fact that it alone is responsible for everything that happens around it. Do you think the punishment for a downed animal should be increased? Write your suggestions in the comments.
Peels Today editorial office "Site" It will tell you the algorithm of actions of the driver, if he hit an animal in different countries of Europe.
Travel by car has become an integral part of modern man. Many people choose to travel on their own transport because they find it more convenient and faster. But at the same time, such a trip is more dangerous. In addition to the dangers in cities where there are many cars and people, the danger is also present on country roads and highways along the forest. Because you never know which way a forest beast will jump.
Peels and they pop out, and quite often. It can be a fox, and a hare, and a boar, and even an elk. Often on such roads you can find a sign warning about wild animals. But even the utmost care and accuracy do not guarantee safety for both animals and the driver. Unfortunately, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the issue of the algorithm of action when shooting down a wild animal has not been fully resolved. Today, wildlife conservation remains at some initial level of development.
Peels Slightly better with animals that got under the wheels in the city. And if that animal was with the owner who sounded the alarm. If a driver hits a stray dog or cat, 90% of the time, he or she will run away. And if his act gets caught on CCTV, then perhaps the organization for the protection of animals will file a report to the police on such a driver. But, as mentioned earlier, in most post-Soviet countries, these issues are not regulated by law, and drivers simply do not feel responsible for such crimes.
Peels How to behave if an animal is shot down Very differently the situation with the solution of such problems in Europe. There, if you hit an animal, you need to call the rescue service or the police. The duty to help a downed animal imposes on the driver the animal protection law. But do not try to help the animal yourself. Wild beasts, and even wounded, can be very aggressive. It is better to calm down and report by phone to the rescue service all the details of the collision. Also, don't forget to secure the scene. It is best to install an emergency stop sign on the road.
Also, the legislation of European countries provides for fines or a term of imprisonment if the driver fled the scene of the crime. At the same time, the driver must inform the service that controls and maintains one or another part of the road on which the collision occurred. If you do everything right and report to the right authorities, the driver will not only avoid punishment. In the presence of insurance, the driver can receive compensation for the repair of the car if it is damaged.
Animals, whether wild or domestic, are also living creatures. Man is obliged to protect nature and all life around. No one has the right to arbitrarily dispose of the life of another living being. Therefore, humanity must accept the fact that it alone is responsible for everything that happens around it. Do you think the punishment for a downed animal should be increased? Write your suggestions in the comments.
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