Random acts of kindness
In today's world of endless wars, violence and cruelty is very difficult to maintain a human face and to help others in difficult times. Agree, if you've taken someone across the street or helped convey the severity of her grandmother, the mood immediately improved. I suggest you look at the selection of the best cases of acts of kindness and care in the past year. Maybe someone reading this post, at some point, too, want to do, though small, but a good deed.
Good Neighbor
"My husband and I also met a very kind person. Last winter, during the cyclone Javier, when all the roads and yards covered with snow on top of cars, our car also quite covered with snow. Shovels was not at home, in shops, too, all sold out, we gathered all that was more or less kapatelnoe home leave, and our car is worth dug themselves and rovnenko path to the exit. A janitor at a note ».
Photo of a man giving his shoes homeless in Rio de Janeiro. The girl began to cry.
10,000 people fulfilling the desires of the dying girl
In the evening, December 21, thousands of people gathered in the street near the house of 8-year-old Delaney Brown to perform for her Christmas carols. Girl suffering from acute myeloid leukemia, and her condition is deteriorating rapidly.
In May this year, eight-year Delaney Brown of Pennsylvania, USA, was found acute myeloid leukemia. The girl's condition deteriorates rapidly. December 17, doctors told her parents that live Delaney remains a few weeks.
December 20 at devochi's birthday is around the corner and Christmas. Delaney's parents appealed to the users of social networking site Facebook to help them perform some Christmas wishes her daughter.
One of the desires Delaney was that, to meet the country singer and actress Taylor Swift. Other - listen to Christmas carols. Thanks to the assistance fund girl received a call from Swift on his birthday. A few days later under her window, thousands of people gathered to perform for her Christmas carols.
Within an hour, the volunteers learned about the girl thanks to Facebook, sang Christmas carols beneath her window. Delaney listened to them, lying in his bed. According to the organizers the event, chanting was attended by about 10 thousand people.
Belarusian pensioner built "water park»
High hill leading to the pool, clean, well maintained beach volleyball court and football pitch, ski jump into the river, different swing - this is not a complete list of entertainment in a private rural "water park" that created Vyacheslav Kozel, villager Ogorodniki that in the Leeds area.
Retired created this amusement park on their own initiative and offers a holiday in it to anyone who wishes absolutely free. It all started about four years ago, when Vyacheslav cleared area on the shore and pulled the volleyball net. People liked it, they started to come to play volleyball, and the man decided to come up with something else.
Today, tourists come here especially with children, to enjoy the pleasures of relaxation. What is there just no! On the shore of a homemade "water park": slides in a small pool, playground for volleyball and mini-football field, different types of swings, unusual area for a game of checkers, Diving Boards, wooden stairs to descend into the river. All this - the work of Vyacheslav Ivanovich.
For all the devices it carefully care: repairs, tints. Her dream is to arrange on the banks' grandfathers' disco '80s, "to make a pond with crayfish, build a gazebo with a stove to vacationers not looking for a place for barbecue ...
His charity Vyacheslav explains simply: growing up in a poor family without a father, much needed. Really wants every child, every person had the good fortune good rest inexpensively and enjoy the harmony with nature ...
An act worthy of a hero
It was pretty cool when people noticed floundering in the water dog, apparently fell out and she alone was not possible. And then it came to the rescue of a regular guy - a real hero! I'm the same way without hesitation, he rushed to rescue and human!
Poor thing, look at what her unhappy eyes ...
Grandfather Dobri
98-year-old beggar, grandpa's kind of the Bulgarian village of Bail, dressed in homespun clothes and old leather shoes, often standing at the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia. Every day he gets up early and goes 10 kilometers from their village to the capital of Bail. In 2010, during the filming of a documentary about the cathedral, the Bulgarian TV journalist did in the archives of the church shocking discovery - the most generous private donation, which ever received Cathedral - 40 000 euro was made the old beggar - grandfather Dobri.
98-year-old holy does not apply to a single penny of the money, which he served. He lives on a pension of 100 euros per month, as well as non-cash handouts in the form of fruits and breads. Grandfather Dobri helps many others, for example, he paid utility bills orphanage, which was on the verge of shutdown of heat and light. It also helps the homeless. But of all the good deeds grandfather Dobri we'll never know, because he never speaks about them.
Music - light
During the Moscow concert of Korn audience suddenly raised their wheelchair with a young man and brought her closer to the stage, so that he could better see their idols.
Workers cleaning company in Memphis decided to make a children's hospital in Le Bonheur little holiday. When it's time to wash the windows from the outside, they are dressed in costumes of superheroes: Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman. According to volunteers, children simply cheered with delight when Spiderman outside waved.
Experts say that this therapy is extremely useful for children because it is very important to forget about diseases and switch thoughts on something else more interesting.
Good cop
New York cop Larry Deprima duty in Times Square when he saw an elderly homeless man sitting on the sidewalk in a shoe store. He talked to him, in order to learn what size, departed, and after some time back with new winter shoes and socks, and helped to put them on the homeless. All this happened in front of the sheriff's office employee. She quietly took off this scene on a mobile phone. A police officer was not aware that someone was watching him or the more photographs. He just helped the homeless and went on duty. Returning home, she sent a photo with a description of what he saw in the New York City Police Department. Those identified the officer and posted the photo on his Facebook page.
These two Norwegian guy just walking nearby when he heard strange sounds. It turned out that his own negligence in the water fell lamb.
Clinging to the rocks and firmly holding each other's hands, they risked their lives to save the poor animal.
And saved!
A worthy rival
Athlete helping his rival tucked leg to cross the finish line.
Valuable note
Entrance of the house in Helsinki. The inscription reads: "20 euros. Found in the stairwell between the 1st and 2nd floors of September 11 in 18.30 ».
Caring people
All such neighbors!
Translation: you left the window open, so I hitched package above to interior remained dry. Have a nice day! your friendly neighbor.
Human relations
The victory of good
This story began when James Glen, the homeless of Boston, found on the street backpack with a large sum of cash. Lucky, but the man kept his head and gave the police finding that the money was returned to the owner. The owner of the backpack was so impressed occurred that has organized a campaign to raise money for this person. At the moment they collected twice the amount found. Glen James, who lost his home and work eight years ago, said he would not take a cent from found, even if it was in despair.
Friendship jeep + = good
Many girls dream of the little black dress, and Chandler Leysfild always dreamed of a big red car. But when parents gave her a red jeep, she decided to sell the dream machine to buy two, one for himself, and the second - a friend of a poor family.
Welcome to the subway
The Canadian subway turnstile was broken, and there was none of the workers. That's what was left at the entrance of the passengers.
Kindness in Russian
Soldiers are people too
This soldier was on duty for many hours. Seeing the poor guy tired, Afghan gave him a cup of tea, to save him from the sweltering thirst.
Your five minutes shine - someone's whole life
Graduates High School Serbian town of Pirot decided to abandon the expensive dresses and suits at the prom, to give the saved money to the needy. During the action, students and teachers have collected 310,000 dinars, which were transferred to three families with seriously ill children.
After the celebrations at the school, graduates have passed through the city center in T-shirts with the inscription on the back, "Your five minutes shine - someone's whole life»
We are responsible for those who tamed
Man saves puppies from an abandoned house in a flood in Manila.
Salvation dog
Because of the intense heat in Piotrkow Trybunalski (Poland) began to melt the asphalt, and the dog got into this trap on the road. Location was safely rescued, thanks to local residents and firefighters.
Free lunch
Subway decided to show an act of goodwill, establishing just such a sign. Each homeless person could get his dinner.
Dry Cleaning for the poor
Dry Cleaning offers unemployed free clean their suits in case they had to go to a job interview.
Kim Chelstrem calms autistic boy
It takes place before the match against Germany. Little Max was afraid of what is happening, and footballer supported him. Later, the boy's father Kim wrote a touching letter of thanks.
Scorpions singer sang his song Holiday admirer phone
The Scorpions were on tour in Moscow. At this time, there was a message on social networks charitable foundation that fan groups in the hospice with severe diagnosis dreams to get to their concert. During the day, a message gained several thousand repost, and Klaus Meine, vocalist Scorpions, found a way out of the situation. If Alex can not attend the concert, he will hear your favorite band on the phone.
Israeli players covered our children from the rain
Before the game at the NSC "Olympic" hit the shower. This sharply colder and the wind began to blow. In this situation, the team takes the field. According to tradition - with the children.
Salvation kitten during the war.
Despite all the horrors of war, the soldiers took the time to feed a kitten from a pipette.
This guy ran to the mailbox strangers and left ...
but soon returned with the tools to fix it.
One girl (3, 5 years) sent to the company «Sainsbury's» proposal to rename the "tiger bread" in «Giraffe bread" (this is a local variety of baking).
The company sent its official response would be happy to change the name. And he kept his promise.
Good granny
A resident of Magadan Rufina Ivanovna Korobeinikova tied up and donated to victims of floods in Khabarovsk three hundred pairs of warm socks.
Homeless returned purse
"Today, having left early in the morning from home, in order to avoid traffic jams, I went for my mother, to then go to the country together. Gathering all his favorite together I was ready to go to the country, when I discovered that the missing purse with all the documents on the machine, human, card, passport - in short, all life had disappeared. In desperation, returned home and suddenly my door rang a stranger. At first glance - the usual homeless, but with clear kind eyes. He greeted me, introduced himself and after the phrase "You probably have lost a leg ..." handed me my purse. Dumb. I'm shaking hands start to dig in your purse and realize that everything is in place and even money! My husband immediately handed him the money which he refused! You see, a man of no fixed abode found the wallet on the road, got into the train, then the subway, then bus, hour proiskal my house just to help. He left, and we stood for a long time and thought about it just a man with a capital letter! "Irina Demidova.
51-year-old Serb from Belgrade Renato Grbic, a restaurant owner near the bridge over the Danube, in the last 15 years, rescued 25 people who tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. After Renato pulled out of the water first suicide, his small motor boat is always ready. "As long as I'm working, always watching the bridge - I just can not turn away from those who decided to voluntarily withdraw from life," - says Renato. Seven years ago, in mid-January, he pulled out of the water 18-year-old girl. It turned out that she lives in the neighborhood. Now she comes every year in his restaurant to celebrate his birthday. A couple of years later invited him to the wedding. "Every time I see her, my heart beats stronger," - says lifeguard.
Villager rescues kittens in a basket during the floods on the outskirts of Cuttack.
Mom follows the cubs.
Cyclists save the koala from thirst.
On that day in Australia was 40 degrees.
Man risked his life to save a kangaroo during floods in Queensland.
February. It was very cold and the wind was blowing.
But instead to take refuge, homeless covers your dog.
The dog became the foster mother newborn battleships
In Brazil, the dog took care of two cubs battleship left without a mother, according to Globo.com. The animal to nurse babies when they were brought home by her master.
How to tell the wife of the owner of the dog, Dina Alves, her husband found the armadillo on a sugar cane plantation. There their mother knocked tractor, and she died, leaving orphaned brood. The man felt sorry for armadillos, and he took them home, where he was fed cow's milk. However, the kids interested in domestic dog family, which, having no experience of the mother, began to produce their own milk and feed the young.
According to Alves, she is glad that her favorite battleships could help to survive. However, when they grow up and will be able to eat, they need to be returned to the wild. In this case, the Department of Ecology noted that temporary content young armadillo home does not violate any regulations relating to the protection of nature in Brazil.
Animal sometimes become foster parents or guardians for the young of other species. For example, in 2011 China's dog nursed her mother abandoned liger (a cross between a tiger and a lion).
A Canadian dog took care of the chickens.
This is probably the kindest St. Bernard dog in relation to its kotam.Zovut Keegan, according to the owner, such as a dog lying on the porch of the house, it was very cold, suddenly appeared homeless cat.
Tramp quickly pick up the dog and to lay down straight at him, Keegan responded by quietly, but after 5 minutes on it already lay 9 koshek.S the time constant cat sleeping on a dog when it is on the porch.
There are also sympathetic and caring people!
Dolphin asked for help from the person
We know a lot of stories about how people save the life of animals, but to a wild animal itself turned for salvation to the people - it does not happen every day.
One day two divers decided to make a night dive in Hawaii. Once under water, they noticed the dolphin, which was swimming around them back and forth, obviously trying to attract attention. Having a closer look, one of the divers discovered the reason for this strange behavior - the body of a dolphin was enmeshed fishing line, which is dug into the flesh and prevented swim.
Divers cut line, released dolphin, and happy animal swam about his business.
The fact that a dolphin can reach out to people for help, once again demonstrates the high intelligence of these animals. Most of the wounded animals would never come close to people in a similar situation. Rather, they would behave aggressively, trying to defend.
It is necessary to do good and help others in the world and so full of evil.
Think about it and do something good.
Someone needs your support.
Source: slavyanskaya-kultura.ru

Good Neighbor
"My husband and I also met a very kind person. Last winter, during the cyclone Javier, when all the roads and yards covered with snow on top of cars, our car also quite covered with snow. Shovels was not at home, in shops, too, all sold out, we gathered all that was more or less kapatelnoe home leave, and our car is worth dug themselves and rovnenko path to the exit. A janitor at a note ».

Photo of a man giving his shoes homeless in Rio de Janeiro. The girl began to cry.

10,000 people fulfilling the desires of the dying girl
In the evening, December 21, thousands of people gathered in the street near the house of 8-year-old Delaney Brown to perform for her Christmas carols. Girl suffering from acute myeloid leukemia, and her condition is deteriorating rapidly.
In May this year, eight-year Delaney Brown of Pennsylvania, USA, was found acute myeloid leukemia. The girl's condition deteriorates rapidly. December 17, doctors told her parents that live Delaney remains a few weeks.
December 20 at devochi's birthday is around the corner and Christmas. Delaney's parents appealed to the users of social networking site Facebook to help them perform some Christmas wishes her daughter.

One of the desires Delaney was that, to meet the country singer and actress Taylor Swift. Other - listen to Christmas carols. Thanks to the assistance fund girl received a call from Swift on his birthday. A few days later under her window, thousands of people gathered to perform for her Christmas carols.
Within an hour, the volunteers learned about the girl thanks to Facebook, sang Christmas carols beneath her window. Delaney listened to them, lying in his bed. According to the organizers the event, chanting was attended by about 10 thousand people.

Belarusian pensioner built "water park»
High hill leading to the pool, clean, well maintained beach volleyball court and football pitch, ski jump into the river, different swing - this is not a complete list of entertainment in a private rural "water park" that created Vyacheslav Kozel, villager Ogorodniki that in the Leeds area.
Retired created this amusement park on their own initiative and offers a holiday in it to anyone who wishes absolutely free. It all started about four years ago, when Vyacheslav cleared area on the shore and pulled the volleyball net. People liked it, they started to come to play volleyball, and the man decided to come up with something else.
Today, tourists come here especially with children, to enjoy the pleasures of relaxation. What is there just no! On the shore of a homemade "water park": slides in a small pool, playground for volleyball and mini-football field, different types of swings, unusual area for a game of checkers, Diving Boards, wooden stairs to descend into the river. All this - the work of Vyacheslav Ivanovich.

For all the devices it carefully care: repairs, tints. Her dream is to arrange on the banks' grandfathers' disco '80s, "to make a pond with crayfish, build a gazebo with a stove to vacationers not looking for a place for barbecue ...

His charity Vyacheslav explains simply: growing up in a poor family without a father, much needed. Really wants every child, every person had the good fortune good rest inexpensively and enjoy the harmony with nature ...

An act worthy of a hero

It was pretty cool when people noticed floundering in the water dog, apparently fell out and she alone was not possible. And then it came to the rescue of a regular guy - a real hero! I'm the same way without hesitation, he rushed to rescue and human!

Poor thing, look at what her unhappy eyes ...

Grandfather Dobri
98-year-old beggar, grandpa's kind of the Bulgarian village of Bail, dressed in homespun clothes and old leather shoes, often standing at the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia. Every day he gets up early and goes 10 kilometers from their village to the capital of Bail. In 2010, during the filming of a documentary about the cathedral, the Bulgarian TV journalist did in the archives of the church shocking discovery - the most generous private donation, which ever received Cathedral - 40 000 euro was made the old beggar - grandfather Dobri.
98-year-old holy does not apply to a single penny of the money, which he served. He lives on a pension of 100 euros per month, as well as non-cash handouts in the form of fruits and breads. Grandfather Dobri helps many others, for example, he paid utility bills orphanage, which was on the verge of shutdown of heat and light. It also helps the homeless. But of all the good deeds grandfather Dobri we'll never know, because he never speaks about them.

Music - light
During the Moscow concert of Korn audience suddenly raised their wheelchair with a young man and brought her closer to the stage, so that he could better see their idols.

Workers cleaning company in Memphis decided to make a children's hospital in Le Bonheur little holiday. When it's time to wash the windows from the outside, they are dressed in costumes of superheroes: Spider-Man, Captain America, Batman. According to volunteers, children simply cheered with delight when Spiderman outside waved.
Experts say that this therapy is extremely useful for children because it is very important to forget about diseases and switch thoughts on something else more interesting.

Good cop
New York cop Larry Deprima duty in Times Square when he saw an elderly homeless man sitting on the sidewalk in a shoe store. He talked to him, in order to learn what size, departed, and after some time back with new winter shoes and socks, and helped to put them on the homeless. All this happened in front of the sheriff's office employee. She quietly took off this scene on a mobile phone. A police officer was not aware that someone was watching him or the more photographs. He just helped the homeless and went on duty. Returning home, she sent a photo with a description of what he saw in the New York City Police Department. Those identified the officer and posted the photo on his Facebook page.


These two Norwegian guy just walking nearby when he heard strange sounds. It turned out that his own negligence in the water fell lamb.

Clinging to the rocks and firmly holding each other's hands, they risked their lives to save the poor animal.
And saved!

A worthy rival
Athlete helping his rival tucked leg to cross the finish line.

Valuable note
Entrance of the house in Helsinki. The inscription reads: "20 euros. Found in the stairwell between the 1st and 2nd floors of September 11 in 18.30 ».

Caring people

All such neighbors!
Translation: you left the window open, so I hitched package above to interior remained dry. Have a nice day! your friendly neighbor.

Human relations

The victory of good
This story began when James Glen, the homeless of Boston, found on the street backpack with a large sum of cash. Lucky, but the man kept his head and gave the police finding that the money was returned to the owner. The owner of the backpack was so impressed occurred that has organized a campaign to raise money for this person. At the moment they collected twice the amount found. Glen James, who lost his home and work eight years ago, said he would not take a cent from found, even if it was in despair.

Friendship jeep + = good
Many girls dream of the little black dress, and Chandler Leysfild always dreamed of a big red car. But when parents gave her a red jeep, she decided to sell the dream machine to buy two, one for himself, and the second - a friend of a poor family.

Welcome to the subway
The Canadian subway turnstile was broken, and there was none of the workers. That's what was left at the entrance of the passengers.

Kindness in Russian

Soldiers are people too
This soldier was on duty for many hours. Seeing the poor guy tired, Afghan gave him a cup of tea, to save him from the sweltering thirst.

Your five minutes shine - someone's whole life
Graduates High School Serbian town of Pirot decided to abandon the expensive dresses and suits at the prom, to give the saved money to the needy. During the action, students and teachers have collected 310,000 dinars, which were transferred to three families with seriously ill children.
After the celebrations at the school, graduates have passed through the city center in T-shirts with the inscription on the back, "Your five minutes shine - someone's whole life»

We are responsible for those who tamed
Man saves puppies from an abandoned house in a flood in Manila.

Salvation dog

Because of the intense heat in Piotrkow Trybunalski (Poland) began to melt the asphalt, and the dog got into this trap on the road. Location was safely rescued, thanks to local residents and firefighters.

Free lunch
Subway decided to show an act of goodwill, establishing just such a sign. Each homeless person could get his dinner.

Dry Cleaning for the poor
Dry Cleaning offers unemployed free clean their suits in case they had to go to a job interview.

Kim Chelstrem calms autistic boy
It takes place before the match against Germany. Little Max was afraid of what is happening, and footballer supported him. Later, the boy's father Kim wrote a touching letter of thanks.

Scorpions singer sang his song Holiday admirer phone
The Scorpions were on tour in Moscow. At this time, there was a message on social networks charitable foundation that fan groups in the hospice with severe diagnosis dreams to get to their concert. During the day, a message gained several thousand repost, and Klaus Meine, vocalist Scorpions, found a way out of the situation. If Alex can not attend the concert, he will hear your favorite band on the phone.

Israeli players covered our children from the rain
Before the game at the NSC "Olympic" hit the shower. This sharply colder and the wind began to blow. In this situation, the team takes the field. According to tradition - with the children.

Salvation kitten during the war.
Despite all the horrors of war, the soldiers took the time to feed a kitten from a pipette.

This guy ran to the mailbox strangers and left ...
but soon returned with the tools to fix it.

One girl (3, 5 years) sent to the company «Sainsbury's» proposal to rename the "tiger bread" in «Giraffe bread" (this is a local variety of baking).

The company sent its official response would be happy to change the name. And he kept his promise.

Good granny
A resident of Magadan Rufina Ivanovna Korobeinikova tied up and donated to victims of floods in Khabarovsk three hundred pairs of warm socks.

Homeless returned purse
"Today, having left early in the morning from home, in order to avoid traffic jams, I went for my mother, to then go to the country together. Gathering all his favorite together I was ready to go to the country, when I discovered that the missing purse with all the documents on the machine, human, card, passport - in short, all life had disappeared. In desperation, returned home and suddenly my door rang a stranger. At first glance - the usual homeless, but with clear kind eyes. He greeted me, introduced himself and after the phrase "You probably have lost a leg ..." handed me my purse. Dumb. I'm shaking hands start to dig in your purse and realize that everything is in place and even money! My husband immediately handed him the money which he refused! You see, a man of no fixed abode found the wallet on the road, got into the train, then the subway, then bus, hour proiskal my house just to help. He left, and we stood for a long time and thought about it just a man with a capital letter! "Irina Demidova.

51-year-old Serb from Belgrade Renato Grbic, a restaurant owner near the bridge over the Danube, in the last 15 years, rescued 25 people who tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. After Renato pulled out of the water first suicide, his small motor boat is always ready. "As long as I'm working, always watching the bridge - I just can not turn away from those who decided to voluntarily withdraw from life," - says Renato. Seven years ago, in mid-January, he pulled out of the water 18-year-old girl. It turned out that she lives in the neighborhood. Now she comes every year in his restaurant to celebrate his birthday. A couple of years later invited him to the wedding. "Every time I see her, my heart beats stronger," - says lifeguard.

Villager rescues kittens in a basket during the floods on the outskirts of Cuttack.
Mom follows the cubs.

Cyclists save the koala from thirst.

On that day in Australia was 40 degrees.

Man risked his life to save a kangaroo during floods in Queensland.

February. It was very cold and the wind was blowing.
But instead to take refuge, homeless covers your dog.


The dog became the foster mother newborn battleships
In Brazil, the dog took care of two cubs battleship left without a mother, according to Globo.com. The animal to nurse babies when they were brought home by her master.

How to tell the wife of the owner of the dog, Dina Alves, her husband found the armadillo on a sugar cane plantation. There their mother knocked tractor, and she died, leaving orphaned brood. The man felt sorry for armadillos, and he took them home, where he was fed cow's milk. However, the kids interested in domestic dog family, which, having no experience of the mother, began to produce their own milk and feed the young.

According to Alves, she is glad that her favorite battleships could help to survive. However, when they grow up and will be able to eat, they need to be returned to the wild. In this case, the Department of Ecology noted that temporary content young armadillo home does not violate any regulations relating to the protection of nature in Brazil.

Animal sometimes become foster parents or guardians for the young of other species. For example, in 2011 China's dog nursed her mother abandoned liger (a cross between a tiger and a lion).

A Canadian dog took care of the chickens.


This is probably the kindest St. Bernard dog in relation to its kotam.Zovut Keegan, according to the owner, such as a dog lying on the porch of the house, it was very cold, suddenly appeared homeless cat.
Tramp quickly pick up the dog and to lay down straight at him, Keegan responded by quietly, but after 5 minutes on it already lay 9 koshek.S the time constant cat sleeping on a dog when it is on the porch.

There are also sympathetic and caring people!

Dolphin asked for help from the person
We know a lot of stories about how people save the life of animals, but to a wild animal itself turned for salvation to the people - it does not happen every day.
One day two divers decided to make a night dive in Hawaii. Once under water, they noticed the dolphin, which was swimming around them back and forth, obviously trying to attract attention. Having a closer look, one of the divers discovered the reason for this strange behavior - the body of a dolphin was enmeshed fishing line, which is dug into the flesh and prevented swim.
Divers cut line, released dolphin, and happy animal swam about his business.
The fact that a dolphin can reach out to people for help, once again demonstrates the high intelligence of these animals. Most of the wounded animals would never come close to people in a similar situation. Rather, they would behave aggressively, trying to defend.

It is necessary to do good and help others in the world and so full of evil.
Think about it and do something good.
Someone needs your support.

Source: slavyanskaya-kultura.ru