Arts jump through the time line
Despite the fact that for some, it may seem paradoxical, your timeline - your life - it's just one of many simultaneously existing opportunities. And it really is possible in fact, it is your birthright, to change your timeline and the potentials of your life.
Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you the belief that you are limited to only one timeline. In this letter we will try to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.
During the chaotic events gain a convergence of many different timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered into Chaotic Node, and you are experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is a reinforcement of what we call time nodes.
Temporary nodes occur when two or more overlapping timelines. As a result, the effect of the close proximity of their vibrations, sometimes it happens that the reality of a timeline seep into adjacent or physically perceived by those who are on it. Strong timelines can also influence the capability literally and / or likelihood of the other lines within such a temporary assembly. In other words, when the timelines included in the temporary unit (close to other time lines), they often have creative and innovative effects.
This evolutionary starting points, containing a tremendous opportunity to accelerate development, if you know how to use them. As a result of the unstable nature of events on your planet appeared several time nodes. This is a very difficult and complex matter, and we will try to break it down into smaller segments, because we believe that this information is vital for those of you who are involved in the Ascension process and for the true value of your survival. Let us first turn our attention to the big picture, and then to the individual strategies we suggest.
Your planet is on the verge of transformation. The form of this transformation has many expressions, and that you will collectively influence what will be the result of a greater or lesser extent.
Some of these results, these capabilities will confirm the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other timelines, other expressions find other results. A sudden, unexpected shift of human consciousness can deliver Governors that so negatively affected your destiny, to their knees. And between these two polarities, there are still hundreds of other possible timelines. In your community, there are those whose interests you to remain hypnotized, which wish you to continue to stay in the illusion, limited to only one timeline, one experience of life as they understand it.
But you have, within your nature has the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last minute of each event, both personally and collectively. We say this not to appear to be "positive". We affirm that, where it concerns your evolutionary potential, it is in fact true. Did you reach this potential or not - it is not visible yet, but the way that started, leads upstairs to achieve the highest potential, regardless of what may or may not come around. Thus, in this message, we will discuss how and what you can do.
From our perspective, your collective destiny is the sum of individual choices that you, as individuals, do. This is combined with evolutionary and extraterrestrial forces that lie far beyond your control and all human possibilities. This combination of forces also involves cosmic patterns of energy and intent of the areas lying outside of your local solar system, because you are part of a complex cosmic matrix -. Your Universe
If we use the metaphor, we would say that you are a human race are on a large ocean liner. But many of you are asleep, and at the helm, guiding the ship, there are some of those who should not be there. For many historical and trans-historical reasons, which we will not go into here, your ship ran different entities.
But, ah, how the tides are variable. More and more of you wakes up, and even those that are only half awake, stagger across the deck, watching as their world is changing before them in rough storm. Managers know that many of you wake up, too many to maintain their comfort.
This is a really exciting time to live.
At this point, we want to draw our attention to you, the individual, and on how you can jump out of this catastrophic timeline of undesirable to you the results into something more friendly, more friendly to life and full of evolutionary potential. < br>
By the way, there are technological means to jump over the timelines, but our information is addressed to the human mind and how you jump over the time line, using the power of your own consciousness and intentions. For this endeavor, you already have two of the greatest treasures of their own nature - your sovereign will (to carry out the elections) and your ability to feel
. The fundamental principle
The fundamental principle of this jump include coordinating several important fields intentions:
You define the timeline to which you want to move.
You shift your vibrational state to match the line.
You fasten the vibrational state so that it is not fluctuated.
You take action is an expression of the new timeline.
You persevere.
In all these five stages, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, to make choices, corresponding to it, and persevere, despite coming to you opposite sensory information.
The last phase of perseverance is very important because your current timeline is your collection of beliefs and intentions. Depending on the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may need a huge amount of energy to overcome the established patterns of your life.
The information we share, applies to any timeline or expression of your life, including the most ordinary earthly situation. However, in this letter we present the methodology of skipping over timelines in relation to the ascension process and how you move to the time line, different from the culture in which you are now.
For some, this is a revolutionary idea, but for us - it's just the truth of your nature. You - the creators, the gods and goddesses, and the information we share with you is simply your birthright. We offer it to you at this time in anticipation and hope that many of you will make it jump and turn down the keel of the ship on which you ride, sending it into safe and prosperous waters.
Now we want to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that describe the basic method for jumping timelines through. Then we turn to the way you create a new probability for yourself, even in the midst of what appears to be very difficult. And, most importantly, we will explore the enormous developmental opportunities that exist within your current temporary site.
One of the first tasks that you face by jumping into another timeline - is to overcome fear. Most people are afraid of the unknown, but this involved much more insidious elements. Managers, those who want to control your destiny and receive from this income - the master spread fear and use huge resources to control the minds and hypnosis through the media in order to convince the masses in a large number of such fear. And, because, frankly, some truth in it, a great truth is hidden.
The highest truth, as we see it, lies in your ability to change your reality, your innate ability to use two treasures - free will and the ability to feel like a tool for the promotion of new timelines
. Preparation and training
The first step is to identify the timeline you wish to create, where you want to live. In this case - a timeline of loving kindness. The second step - a transition to the vibrational state corresponding to a given timeline. In this case - it is the feeling state of loving-kindness, so that you feel in this state as deep as capable. We have in mind that you will be to show loving-kindness to yourself and others.
The third step - it is fixing a vibrating condition so that it does not fluctuate. This is an important aspect of the jump through the time line, because the old vibrational state has a life. Your choice to create a new timeline and the transition to a new vibrational state does not guarantee that such a line is manifested or will continue to exist. You must fix the vibrational field in a new location, as it is what sustains your access to the new timeline.
The first two steps include your free will. You choose a timeline you want to experience. You choose a vibrational state corresponding to this line. In the third step, fixing a vibrating condition, you use the second treasure of your nature - the ability to feel
. Feeling the vibrational state in which you want to be, you strengthen, strengthen it. If you also add the right emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the vibrational reality, you accelerate its birth.
This simple act of gratitude and a sense of gratitude for the new timeline is a catalyst for her appearance in ways that do not fit in the mind. Thus, both of your treasures come together in these three steps. The next step again requires free will. You must persevere in keeping the vision of the new timeline and a vibrating condition, regardless of what your senses tell you. In this passage, many fail.
The demonstration of a new timeline into three-dimensional reality requires energy storage. If you persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling) and gratitude for the fact that it already exists, you will accumulate energy.
The challenge here is to stay true to his vision, at the same time, paying attention to the fact that the current reality is showing you. This is not about pretense. The idea is to meet the reality of the way it appears in front of you while holding a higher vision. In other words, you work with the reality of your present life, while keeping the vision of the other. It is an art.
Using our example, if you want to create a life contain more loving kindness, you have to go in for greater vibrational state of loving kindness to others. If you are also able to feel gratitude for this vibrational state, it will accelerate the creation of the new timeline.
In reality, you will have a period when you will realize that not everyone is capable of loving kindness, as well as not everyone is able to make it so. Thus, your vision will be cleared realities of life, and this change of your consciousness will occur naturally as you work with the realities of the current timeline along with the emergence of the new.
Thus, you plant seeds for yourself the new timeline and new reality.
Let us now return to the collective timeline.
As we said earlier, the time unit - is the crossroads at which many timelines intersect, and where you can jump from one to another if you know how to do it. We just explained the basic principles with regard to the individual time lines.
Paradoxical as it sounds, it is possible to live a separate timeline, getting experience, different from the others.
Say it in a different way. Perhaps to live in heaven, when others are living in torment. At the deepest level of consciousness is only a matter of choice.
With the development of chaotic events, you will have plenty of opportunities to jump on other timelines. We encourage you to remember the steps we discussed earlier. You can experiment with this method by control experiments. Choose something that you would like to manifest in your life and using the steps we discussed, see what you can create.
The physical and spiritual survival
The main reason for the transmission of this message is to create something much more than the satisfaction of personal desires. This "something" literally connected with your survival both physical and spiritual.
As chaotic events escalate your intuition will become more important than ever before, whatever it was before.
Some call it a "premonition". It is unclear how, but you suddenly know what to do in any situation.
It is necessary to avoid any thought forms, in whatever clothes sacredness or political correctness they ryadilis that may limit your freedom of choice and the ability to feel. It is vital for those of you who want to survive spiritually in this whole passage.
Convergence timelines and probabilities change
Let's go back to the root cause of this message. All that we have said up to this point, has been the basis and guidelines for the training of your own consciousness to jump through the time line.
But now we turn your attention to two significant timelines that exist independently of your creation. They have different ways of being. They were not created by your personal choice. They exist in diametrically opposite positions relative to each other.
As we have said many times, you exist simultaneously on multiple timelines and probabilities. One such line, which you exist and humanity, fulfills the prophecy of doom and planetary destruction. This is a very real timeline. But it - only one possible. You are at the point of convergence, the temporary site, where it is possible to jump from the doomsday probabilities into a new type of Earth and a new way of existence.
This timeline, which we call the New Earth, is a totally different dimension of experience than your current reality. Land is deeply revered in this timeline and contains gratefully greater part of humanity, which understands and appreciates the truth of interconnectedness of all living things.
Here the earth is not depleted and are not operated for profit, to the detriment of its ecosystem. Technologies have changed as a result of raising human consciousness. Gone are endangering the life of the mind-destroying technology and installation of the life of your current era. Wars in the past. Control, which had a negative impact on your destiny, manipulating religion, economics and international affairs, gave way to his authority. Life, as such, is considered sacred, and a new understanding of the sacredness of matter made by mankind. In the new world there is no war between Heaven and Earth.
There are many things you can say about this timeline, but you feel, we hope, the difference between it and the other one that leads directly to the death and destruction.
Another we want to say about the New Earth timeline. This is her feature we particularly like. In this new time line of the veil between the worlds is thin and there is much more interaction between humans and intergalactic beings, such as we have and what you might call the spiritual world.
It is here that we have to say that our intention is not to persuade you to anything - whatsoever, because we believe in non-intervention. We will not interfere in the manifestation of your free will. But we are free to point you to what we see.
In ancient Egypt was the goddess Maat, holding scales. After the death of the heart Neophyte put on one pan, and the other was being put pen. If the heart is the same light as a feather, Neophytou allowed to enter the heavenly worlds - meant higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was filled with negativity, regret and grief, neophyte was forced to return to the lower worlds.
Author: Tom Kenyon
Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you the belief that you are limited to only one timeline. In this letter we will try to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.
During the chaotic events gain a convergence of many different timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered into Chaotic Node, and you are experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is a reinforcement of what we call time nodes.

Temporary nodes occur when two or more overlapping timelines. As a result, the effect of the close proximity of their vibrations, sometimes it happens that the reality of a timeline seep into adjacent or physically perceived by those who are on it. Strong timelines can also influence the capability literally and / or likelihood of the other lines within such a temporary assembly. In other words, when the timelines included in the temporary unit (close to other time lines), they often have creative and innovative effects.
This evolutionary starting points, containing a tremendous opportunity to accelerate development, if you know how to use them. As a result of the unstable nature of events on your planet appeared several time nodes. This is a very difficult and complex matter, and we will try to break it down into smaller segments, because we believe that this information is vital for those of you who are involved in the Ascension process and for the true value of your survival. Let us first turn our attention to the big picture, and then to the individual strategies we suggest.
Your planet is on the verge of transformation. The form of this transformation has many expressions, and that you will collectively influence what will be the result of a greater or lesser extent.
Some of these results, these capabilities will confirm the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other timelines, other expressions find other results. A sudden, unexpected shift of human consciousness can deliver Governors that so negatively affected your destiny, to their knees. And between these two polarities, there are still hundreds of other possible timelines. In your community, there are those whose interests you to remain hypnotized, which wish you to continue to stay in the illusion, limited to only one timeline, one experience of life as they understand it.
But you have, within your nature has the ability to change timelines and probabilities at the last minute of each event, both personally and collectively. We say this not to appear to be "positive". We affirm that, where it concerns your evolutionary potential, it is in fact true. Did you reach this potential or not - it is not visible yet, but the way that started, leads upstairs to achieve the highest potential, regardless of what may or may not come around. Thus, in this message, we will discuss how and what you can do.
From our perspective, your collective destiny is the sum of individual choices that you, as individuals, do. This is combined with evolutionary and extraterrestrial forces that lie far beyond your control and all human possibilities. This combination of forces also involves cosmic patterns of energy and intent of the areas lying outside of your local solar system, because you are part of a complex cosmic matrix -. Your Universe
If we use the metaphor, we would say that you are a human race are on a large ocean liner. But many of you are asleep, and at the helm, guiding the ship, there are some of those who should not be there. For many historical and trans-historical reasons, which we will not go into here, your ship ran different entities.
But, ah, how the tides are variable. More and more of you wakes up, and even those that are only half awake, stagger across the deck, watching as their world is changing before them in rough storm. Managers know that many of you wake up, too many to maintain their comfort.
This is a really exciting time to live.
At this point, we want to draw our attention to you, the individual, and on how you can jump out of this catastrophic timeline of undesirable to you the results into something more friendly, more friendly to life and full of evolutionary potential. < br>
By the way, there are technological means to jump over the timelines, but our information is addressed to the human mind and how you jump over the time line, using the power of your own consciousness and intentions. For this endeavor, you already have two of the greatest treasures of their own nature - your sovereign will (to carry out the elections) and your ability to feel
. The fundamental principle
The fundamental principle of this jump include coordinating several important fields intentions:
You define the timeline to which you want to move.
You shift your vibrational state to match the line.
You fasten the vibrational state so that it is not fluctuated.
You take action is an expression of the new timeline.
You persevere.
In all these five stages, you must hold the vibrational state of the new timeline you have chosen, to make choices, corresponding to it, and persevere, despite coming to you opposite sensory information.
The last phase of perseverance is very important because your current timeline is your collection of beliefs and intentions. Depending on the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may need a huge amount of energy to overcome the established patterns of your life.
The information we share, applies to any timeline or expression of your life, including the most ordinary earthly situation. However, in this letter we present the methodology of skipping over timelines in relation to the ascension process and how you move to the time line, different from the culture in which you are now.
For some, this is a revolutionary idea, but for us - it's just the truth of your nature. You - the creators, the gods and goddesses, and the information we share with you is simply your birthright. We offer it to you at this time in anticipation and hope that many of you will make it jump and turn down the keel of the ship on which you ride, sending it into safe and prosperous waters.
Now we want to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that describe the basic method for jumping timelines through. Then we turn to the way you create a new probability for yourself, even in the midst of what appears to be very difficult. And, most importantly, we will explore the enormous developmental opportunities that exist within your current temporary site.
One of the first tasks that you face by jumping into another timeline - is to overcome fear. Most people are afraid of the unknown, but this involved much more insidious elements. Managers, those who want to control your destiny and receive from this income - the master spread fear and use huge resources to control the minds and hypnosis through the media in order to convince the masses in a large number of such fear. And, because, frankly, some truth in it, a great truth is hidden.
The highest truth, as we see it, lies in your ability to change your reality, your innate ability to use two treasures - free will and the ability to feel like a tool for the promotion of new timelines
. Preparation and training
The first step is to identify the timeline you wish to create, where you want to live. In this case - a timeline of loving kindness. The second step - a transition to the vibrational state corresponding to a given timeline. In this case - it is the feeling state of loving-kindness, so that you feel in this state as deep as capable. We have in mind that you will be to show loving-kindness to yourself and others.
The third step - it is fixing a vibrating condition so that it does not fluctuate. This is an important aspect of the jump through the time line, because the old vibrational state has a life. Your choice to create a new timeline and the transition to a new vibrational state does not guarantee that such a line is manifested or will continue to exist. You must fix the vibrational field in a new location, as it is what sustains your access to the new timeline.
The first two steps include your free will. You choose a timeline you want to experience. You choose a vibrational state corresponding to this line. In the third step, fixing a vibrating condition, you use the second treasure of your nature - the ability to feel
. Feeling the vibrational state in which you want to be, you strengthen, strengthen it. If you also add the right emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the vibrational reality, you accelerate its birth.
This simple act of gratitude and a sense of gratitude for the new timeline is a catalyst for her appearance in ways that do not fit in the mind. Thus, both of your treasures come together in these three steps. The next step again requires free will. You must persevere in keeping the vision of the new timeline and a vibrating condition, regardless of what your senses tell you. In this passage, many fail.
The demonstration of a new timeline into three-dimensional reality requires energy storage. If you persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling) and gratitude for the fact that it already exists, you will accumulate energy.
The challenge here is to stay true to his vision, at the same time, paying attention to the fact that the current reality is showing you. This is not about pretense. The idea is to meet the reality of the way it appears in front of you while holding a higher vision. In other words, you work with the reality of your present life, while keeping the vision of the other. It is an art.
Using our example, if you want to create a life contain more loving kindness, you have to go in for greater vibrational state of loving kindness to others. If you are also able to feel gratitude for this vibrational state, it will accelerate the creation of the new timeline.
In reality, you will have a period when you will realize that not everyone is capable of loving kindness, as well as not everyone is able to make it so. Thus, your vision will be cleared realities of life, and this change of your consciousness will occur naturally as you work with the realities of the current timeline along with the emergence of the new.
Thus, you plant seeds for yourself the new timeline and new reality.
Let us now return to the collective timeline.
As we said earlier, the time unit - is the crossroads at which many timelines intersect, and where you can jump from one to another if you know how to do it. We just explained the basic principles with regard to the individual time lines.
Paradoxical as it sounds, it is possible to live a separate timeline, getting experience, different from the others.
Say it in a different way. Perhaps to live in heaven, when others are living in torment. At the deepest level of consciousness is only a matter of choice.
With the development of chaotic events, you will have plenty of opportunities to jump on other timelines. We encourage you to remember the steps we discussed earlier. You can experiment with this method by control experiments. Choose something that you would like to manifest in your life and using the steps we discussed, see what you can create.
The physical and spiritual survival
The main reason for the transmission of this message is to create something much more than the satisfaction of personal desires. This "something" literally connected with your survival both physical and spiritual.
As chaotic events escalate your intuition will become more important than ever before, whatever it was before.
Some call it a "premonition". It is unclear how, but you suddenly know what to do in any situation.
It is necessary to avoid any thought forms, in whatever clothes sacredness or political correctness they ryadilis that may limit your freedom of choice and the ability to feel. It is vital for those of you who want to survive spiritually in this whole passage.
Convergence timelines and probabilities change
Let's go back to the root cause of this message. All that we have said up to this point, has been the basis and guidelines for the training of your own consciousness to jump through the time line.
But now we turn your attention to two significant timelines that exist independently of your creation. They have different ways of being. They were not created by your personal choice. They exist in diametrically opposite positions relative to each other.
As we have said many times, you exist simultaneously on multiple timelines and probabilities. One such line, which you exist and humanity, fulfills the prophecy of doom and planetary destruction. This is a very real timeline. But it - only one possible. You are at the point of convergence, the temporary site, where it is possible to jump from the doomsday probabilities into a new type of Earth and a new way of existence.
This timeline, which we call the New Earth, is a totally different dimension of experience than your current reality. Land is deeply revered in this timeline and contains gratefully greater part of humanity, which understands and appreciates the truth of interconnectedness of all living things.
Here the earth is not depleted and are not operated for profit, to the detriment of its ecosystem. Technologies have changed as a result of raising human consciousness. Gone are endangering the life of the mind-destroying technology and installation of the life of your current era. Wars in the past. Control, which had a negative impact on your destiny, manipulating religion, economics and international affairs, gave way to his authority. Life, as such, is considered sacred, and a new understanding of the sacredness of matter made by mankind. In the new world there is no war between Heaven and Earth.
There are many things you can say about this timeline, but you feel, we hope, the difference between it and the other one that leads directly to the death and destruction.
Another we want to say about the New Earth timeline. This is her feature we particularly like. In this new time line of the veil between the worlds is thin and there is much more interaction between humans and intergalactic beings, such as we have and what you might call the spiritual world.
It is here that we have to say that our intention is not to persuade you to anything - whatsoever, because we believe in non-intervention. We will not interfere in the manifestation of your free will. But we are free to point you to what we see.
In ancient Egypt was the goddess Maat, holding scales. After the death of the heart Neophyte put on one pan, and the other was being put pen. If the heart is the same light as a feather, Neophytou allowed to enter the heavenly worlds - meant higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was filled with negativity, regret and grief, neophyte was forced to return to the lower worlds.
Author: Tom Kenyon