The first double ram.
The first double ram in aviation history
July 10th, 1941 the Soviet pilot Nikolay Terekhin made the first double ram.
Terekhin Nikolai
He was born in 1916. In the ranks of the Red Army in 1934. He graduated from the 4th Air Force Pilot School in the city of Engels in 1936.
Member of the conflict in Khalkhin Gol in 1939 and a hike in the Western Belarus in 1939.
On the Great Patriotic War from day one. In September 1941, he fought in the 161 IAP flew on I-16; from September 1941 to the end of December 1942 - in the 10th IAP, flew the "Hurricane" and "Kittyhawk».
December 30, 1942 the commander of the 10th Fighter Regiment, Major NV Terekhin died in a dogfight.
Total executed 250 combat sorties, shot down 17 enemy aircraft.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, World War 1-st degree.
On the day of heroism, July 10, 1941, he was a first lieutenant in command of a link in the 161 th Fighter Regiment (43th IAD, Western Front).
From the memoirs of George Nefёdovicha Zakharov, commander of the 43rd Fighter Aviation Division:
& quot; ... July 10 of Mogilev airfield there was a fight, the description of which will soon hit the pages of national newspapers. ... When the German bombers appeared, we were at the airport three links. Six fighters went at once and were immediately linked the fight. Link Nikolay Terekhin just returned from a mission, and has not had time to refuel. I finish refueling and taking off Terekhin already under bombardment. The day before he shot down a bomber (the second since the beginning of the war), and here again the link led to the attack on the "Junkers". We anxiously watched as flies link as Terekhin just brought slaves literally from under the bombs, then just as successfully maneuvered and quickly fell in to the "Junkers", but the fire for some reason did not open. I now can not say that he was with a gun, but remember, together with other employees staff of the division, watched the fight, was annoyed that Terekhin not open fire. And suddenly I-16 screw our eyes on the tail slashed fascist!
And then there is what the whole war I see is no longer necessary. Later, after the battle, we have qualified as a double ram, and like any rare case, this episode was transmitted in oral stories of the pilots, gathering all sorts of speculation. But, according to some witnesses, Nikolay Terekhin after the first plane hit the other ram, coming close "Junkers".
Now, after so many years, to restore this rare episode in detail is very difficult. The only person who could tell about him - he Nikolay Terekhin. But after a month and a half after the beginning of the war the 161st Regiment, which fought Terekhin, eliminated from the division to re-form, and about the future of this great pilot, I do not know anything. Yet the stories of some fellow soldiers Terekhina that I recalled this episode many years later, the situation was as follows. "Junkers" were in a very tight formation. Above them in a fierce battle clash between our fighters (two units) and the Me-109. And because the fight fighters proceeded in close proximity, the German bombers were kept at a minimum distance from one another. When the Terekhin rammed one, he began to be filled up on the wing and caught his master. Leading abruptly turned away to the left and collided with the left driven. So all the head unit S-88 and collapsed ...
It happened very quickly, and in the next minute in the sky hung six or seven canopy. Heap, group decreased surviving Nazis, and some distance away, but at a short distance from them, - Nikolay Terekhin. For Terekhina fight is not over, because the Germans opened fire on it from the gun. Our pilot shot back. The whole group had landed a few kilometers from the airport in a field. Story bombers, of course, broke down, "Junkers", randomly throwing bombs went west. Combat fighter pulled away to the side to follow the progress of the fight on the ground was impossible. At this time, there was returning from a mission another and throw our link after leaving "Junkers". And for Terehin I immediately sent a car with the men, but before we arrived there the farmers. They helped the pilot to disarm the fascists, all of them tied a long rope, the end of which was given in the hands of Nikolay Terekhin. So he came to the KP division - with a pistol and a hand and a rope that had been tied Germans in another. Senior among the Germans proved to be a lieutenant colonel with two Iron Crosses. Interrogation of prisoners we handed them over to the staff. For this fight fighter pilot Nikolay Terekhin was awarded the Order of Lenin ... & quot;
I-16 in flight
He remembers one of the eyewitnesses to the battle hero of Soviet Union Mikhail Devyatayev:
& quot; ... At the July early morning there was a memorable unequal battle of Mogilev, to which I was also.
When I was rolled a wave of bombers at the airport was only three managers. Six fighters rose immediately and engaged the enemy fighters cover. The last link, just returned from the battle finishes refueling and ammunition, and took off when the bombers were already above the airfield. Wing Commander Senior Lieutenant Terekhin led his slaves directly to the head unit bombers. The day before he was shot down, "Junkers". Now he had no luck: coming to him bombёr that Terekhin watered fire their machine guns, not burned. Embezzlement of ammunition, the pilot decided to ram the enemy, do not let him go. He walked over to the "Junkers" close and screw their I-16 slashed his tail feathers. German bombers moved to the uncontrolled fall.
Here - and then something happened that can be seen once in a lifetime. "Junkers" were in a very tight formation. Protaranenny Nikolay Terekhin bomber struck the wing of his master. He abruptly turned away to the left and collided with the left driven. So in my eyes all the head unit Ju-88 and crashed to the ground ...
Fight Nicholas Terekhina did not end there. He descended on a parachute, surrounded by German pilots downed them, which also landed by parachute. The crew of one of the "Junkers" shot our pilot pistols. Terekhin shot back. They landed on the field, a few kilometers from the airport. To the place of landing arrived farmers. They disarmed the Germans and all tied one rope end is given into the hands of Terekhin. So he came to the KP division - with a gun in one hand and a rope that had been tied German prisoners - in other & quot ;.
... Shortly after the air battle, which occurred on July 10 in the regiment visited Konstantin Simonov. As a result of discussions with the brave pilot in the notebook of the writer appeared the following entry:
"Lieutenant Terekhin. First he shot down one "Junkers". They went all the bullets. He rammed the second "Junkers" on the plane's tail. Only a broken arm. Third "Junkers" hit the motor to the tail. Do it when ejected with a parachute, a laceration on his leg badly broken face ... He was not allowed to fly. Seven days of rest, and on the first day after the illness, lie down on the airfield, shot down another German bomber ».
Not satisfied with this brief working notes (which, incidentally, does not match the description of the battle, the given MP Devyataeva), Simon expressed his admiration for the courage of the pilot in the ballad "The secret to winning," a kind of a poetic description of the air ram.
Said Simonov German bomber who knocked Terekhin, "lie down on the airfield," it was destroyed by the threat of an air ram. It was July 18, 1941 on the outskirts of Leningrad. Once on the outcome of the battle without ammunition, Nikolai bold maneuver drove into the ground the German Do-17 aircraft.
From August 1941 Terekhin already commanded the 10th Fighter Regiment, which fought in the Air Force Kalinin, Volkhov and the North - Western fronts. By June 1942, there were his personal account had personally shot down 15 enemy aircraft, in the beginning of December, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree. And soon ...
However, let us turn again to the documents. The report of the 10th Regiment of the fighting said that the December 30, 1942 7 aircraft P-40 "Kittyhawk" under the command of Major NV Terekhina found near the station Paul group of enemy fighters Me-109. In the ensuing battle, the commander of the aircraft was shot down and fell into a 4 - 5 km to the north - west of Lake Vershinskaya. In the book of account of irrecoverable losses 239 th Air Division noted that NV Terekhin buried in the cemetery of the village Dobyvalovo Valdai area.
By the time of death of the account of Major NV Terekhina were about 250 made sorties and shot down 17 enemy aircraft ...
In the dugout, the regimental commander found comrades photo pretty young woman - his wife Natalya and letters from her. And there was a message from the native village Chardym Lopatinskii district of the Penza region, from the father and the mother of Basil Pankratovich Irina Kireevny, sent back in July 1941 when newspapers reported on awarding pilot Terekhina 2 ram in one battle the Order of Lenin:
"Our dear son, Nicholas! It's hard to put into words the feelings that we experienced when we learned that the Homeland awarded you the highest award for valor and courage. We are proud of you and give you a mandate. In answer reward new exploits ruthlessly thunder fascist vultures! Farmers in your native village as proud of you, his fellow countryman. Harvest is expected to have a high, we remove it without loss to the front was more bread. I, your father, for 70 years, but I will not sit at home. We are waiting for you to complete victory! »
In the square of the city of Penza region have Lopatino Avenue of Heroes, which reveals a portrait of Nikolai Terekhina at the children's center - a small museum of military glory, there stand dedicated to the hero - pilot. A museum with Vera M. Kuz'micheva assistants.
After the war, the remains NV Terekhina was reburied in the city of Valdai in the Square of Heroes. On a gray stone slab engraved "Major NV Terekhin died heroically in a dogfight with a German - fascist invaders over the city of Valdai in 1942".
Posted in [mergetime] 1342084280 [/ mergetime]
Eternal memory to the heroes.
July 10th, 1941 the Soviet pilot Nikolay Terekhin made the first double ram.

Terekhin Nikolai
He was born in 1916. In the ranks of the Red Army in 1934. He graduated from the 4th Air Force Pilot School in the city of Engels in 1936.
Member of the conflict in Khalkhin Gol in 1939 and a hike in the Western Belarus in 1939.
On the Great Patriotic War from day one. In September 1941, he fought in the 161 IAP flew on I-16; from September 1941 to the end of December 1942 - in the 10th IAP, flew the "Hurricane" and "Kittyhawk».
December 30, 1942 the commander of the 10th Fighter Regiment, Major NV Terekhin died in a dogfight.
Total executed 250 combat sorties, shot down 17 enemy aircraft.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, World War 1-st degree.
On the day of heroism, July 10, 1941, he was a first lieutenant in command of a link in the 161 th Fighter Regiment (43th IAD, Western Front).

From the memoirs of George Nefёdovicha Zakharov, commander of the 43rd Fighter Aviation Division:
& quot; ... July 10 of Mogilev airfield there was a fight, the description of which will soon hit the pages of national newspapers. ... When the German bombers appeared, we were at the airport three links. Six fighters went at once and were immediately linked the fight. Link Nikolay Terekhin just returned from a mission, and has not had time to refuel. I finish refueling and taking off Terekhin already under bombardment. The day before he shot down a bomber (the second since the beginning of the war), and here again the link led to the attack on the "Junkers". We anxiously watched as flies link as Terekhin just brought slaves literally from under the bombs, then just as successfully maneuvered and quickly fell in to the "Junkers", but the fire for some reason did not open. I now can not say that he was with a gun, but remember, together with other employees staff of the division, watched the fight, was annoyed that Terekhin not open fire. And suddenly I-16 screw our eyes on the tail slashed fascist!
And then there is what the whole war I see is no longer necessary. Later, after the battle, we have qualified as a double ram, and like any rare case, this episode was transmitted in oral stories of the pilots, gathering all sorts of speculation. But, according to some witnesses, Nikolay Terekhin after the first plane hit the other ram, coming close "Junkers".
Now, after so many years, to restore this rare episode in detail is very difficult. The only person who could tell about him - he Nikolay Terekhin. But after a month and a half after the beginning of the war the 161st Regiment, which fought Terekhin, eliminated from the division to re-form, and about the future of this great pilot, I do not know anything. Yet the stories of some fellow soldiers Terekhina that I recalled this episode many years later, the situation was as follows. "Junkers" were in a very tight formation. Above them in a fierce battle clash between our fighters (two units) and the Me-109. And because the fight fighters proceeded in close proximity, the German bombers were kept at a minimum distance from one another. When the Terekhin rammed one, he began to be filled up on the wing and caught his master. Leading abruptly turned away to the left and collided with the left driven. So all the head unit S-88 and collapsed ...
It happened very quickly, and in the next minute in the sky hung six or seven canopy. Heap, group decreased surviving Nazis, and some distance away, but at a short distance from them, - Nikolay Terekhin. For Terekhina fight is not over, because the Germans opened fire on it from the gun. Our pilot shot back. The whole group had landed a few kilometers from the airport in a field. Story bombers, of course, broke down, "Junkers", randomly throwing bombs went west. Combat fighter pulled away to the side to follow the progress of the fight on the ground was impossible. At this time, there was returning from a mission another and throw our link after leaving "Junkers". And for Terehin I immediately sent a car with the men, but before we arrived there the farmers. They helped the pilot to disarm the fascists, all of them tied a long rope, the end of which was given in the hands of Nikolay Terekhin. So he came to the KP division - with a pistol and a hand and a rope that had been tied Germans in another. Senior among the Germans proved to be a lieutenant colonel with two Iron Crosses. Interrogation of prisoners we handed them over to the staff. For this fight fighter pilot Nikolay Terekhin was awarded the Order of Lenin ... & quot;

I-16 in flight

He remembers one of the eyewitnesses to the battle hero of Soviet Union Mikhail Devyatayev:
& quot; ... At the July early morning there was a memorable unequal battle of Mogilev, to which I was also.
When I was rolled a wave of bombers at the airport was only three managers. Six fighters rose immediately and engaged the enemy fighters cover. The last link, just returned from the battle finishes refueling and ammunition, and took off when the bombers were already above the airfield. Wing Commander Senior Lieutenant Terekhin led his slaves directly to the head unit bombers. The day before he was shot down, "Junkers". Now he had no luck: coming to him bombёr that Terekhin watered fire their machine guns, not burned. Embezzlement of ammunition, the pilot decided to ram the enemy, do not let him go. He walked over to the "Junkers" close and screw their I-16 slashed his tail feathers. German bombers moved to the uncontrolled fall.
Here - and then something happened that can be seen once in a lifetime. "Junkers" were in a very tight formation. Protaranenny Nikolay Terekhin bomber struck the wing of his master. He abruptly turned away to the left and collided with the left driven. So in my eyes all the head unit Ju-88 and crashed to the ground ...
Fight Nicholas Terekhina did not end there. He descended on a parachute, surrounded by German pilots downed them, which also landed by parachute. The crew of one of the "Junkers" shot our pilot pistols. Terekhin shot back. They landed on the field, a few kilometers from the airport. To the place of landing arrived farmers. They disarmed the Germans and all tied one rope end is given into the hands of Terekhin. So he came to the KP division - with a gun in one hand and a rope that had been tied German prisoners - in other & quot ;.

... Shortly after the air battle, which occurred on July 10 in the regiment visited Konstantin Simonov. As a result of discussions with the brave pilot in the notebook of the writer appeared the following entry:
"Lieutenant Terekhin. First he shot down one "Junkers". They went all the bullets. He rammed the second "Junkers" on the plane's tail. Only a broken arm. Third "Junkers" hit the motor to the tail. Do it when ejected with a parachute, a laceration on his leg badly broken face ... He was not allowed to fly. Seven days of rest, and on the first day after the illness, lie down on the airfield, shot down another German bomber ».
Not satisfied with this brief working notes (which, incidentally, does not match the description of the battle, the given MP Devyataeva), Simon expressed his admiration for the courage of the pilot in the ballad "The secret to winning," a kind of a poetic description of the air ram.

Said Simonov German bomber who knocked Terekhin, "lie down on the airfield," it was destroyed by the threat of an air ram. It was July 18, 1941 on the outskirts of Leningrad. Once on the outcome of the battle without ammunition, Nikolai bold maneuver drove into the ground the German Do-17 aircraft.

From August 1941 Terekhin already commanded the 10th Fighter Regiment, which fought in the Air Force Kalinin, Volkhov and the North - Western fronts. By June 1942, there were his personal account had personally shot down 15 enemy aircraft, in the beginning of December, he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree. And soon ...
However, let us turn again to the documents. The report of the 10th Regiment of the fighting said that the December 30, 1942 7 aircraft P-40 "Kittyhawk" under the command of Major NV Terekhina found near the station Paul group of enemy fighters Me-109. In the ensuing battle, the commander of the aircraft was shot down and fell into a 4 - 5 km to the north - west of Lake Vershinskaya. In the book of account of irrecoverable losses 239 th Air Division noted that NV Terekhin buried in the cemetery of the village Dobyvalovo Valdai area.

By the time of death of the account of Major NV Terekhina were about 250 made sorties and shot down 17 enemy aircraft ...
In the dugout, the regimental commander found comrades photo pretty young woman - his wife Natalya and letters from her. And there was a message from the native village Chardym Lopatinskii district of the Penza region, from the father and the mother of Basil Pankratovich Irina Kireevny, sent back in July 1941 when newspapers reported on awarding pilot Terekhina 2 ram in one battle the Order of Lenin:
"Our dear son, Nicholas! It's hard to put into words the feelings that we experienced when we learned that the Homeland awarded you the highest award for valor and courage. We are proud of you and give you a mandate. In answer reward new exploits ruthlessly thunder fascist vultures! Farmers in your native village as proud of you, his fellow countryman. Harvest is expected to have a high, we remove it without loss to the front was more bread. I, your father, for 70 years, but I will not sit at home. We are waiting for you to complete victory! »
In the square of the city of Penza region have Lopatino Avenue of Heroes, which reveals a portrait of Nikolai Terekhina at the children's center - a small museum of military glory, there stand dedicated to the hero - pilot. A museum with Vera M. Kuz'micheva assistants.
After the war, the remains NV Terekhina was reburied in the city of Valdai in the Square of Heroes. On a gray stone slab engraved "Major NV Terekhin died heroically in a dogfight with a German - fascist invaders over the city of Valdai in 1942".
Posted in [mergetime] 1342084280 [/ mergetime]
Eternal memory to the heroes.
