The decisions are you just regret it in old age ... Errors that allow each.
Every day you have to make decisions. From small and large solutions and is our life. How not to make mistakes and do the right thing? Very scary to realize that by your actions life could change for the worse. But glad that you are responsible for what happens to you. Everything is in your hands, and it gives us hope. Young people often act rashly, we are not used to plan and calculate their actions in advance. In order to not have to bitterly regret what he had done in his old age, take care of that right now your decisions were more balanced. Fix everything is possible, but it is better not to allow offensive blunders.
1. Do not waste your life on the blank TV shows and serials. It's a lot of time, which will not return ever.
2. The virtual world should not be a real priority. Live this life! You've got one.
3. You will regret in old age how few have enjoyed the beauty of nature and the world. Watch, enjoy a nice, catchy bright moments.
4. Repentance, which will overtake you in old age is not correct that you neglected in his youth a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate good habits, take care of health.
5. Find out every day something new! Spend time on the knowledge of the infinite world, and you will become wise before strongly grow old.
6. Meet the dawn and see the sunset. These moments in old age you will be missed.
7. You'll be sorry about the mask that you wear every day. Be sincere, do not hide yourself from others. Do not lose yourself.
8. Stiffness and fear prevent you from living. Be bold, confident, avoid stereotyping. A vicious person is not able to taste life to the full, he's dead now.
9. Behave like a child, when you want it. Childhood - the best time in the life of any human being, even if he is already 40. admits childhood holiday in your life.
10. Do you regret that rarely saw friends. Learn to make friends, so you do not stay in their old age alone.
11. On the moments when you felt anger, envy and jealousy, you're going to regret very soon. Keep your soul light and clean, do not let the dark nature take precedence over your thoughts and actions.
12. You will regret how little expressed his love towards the closest people. Talk about their feelings and supports their actions!
13. More rejoice, laugh and be merry. Positive emotions prolong life.
14. Stop too seriously the opinions of others. Mistrust poisons your existence, refers to an event easier.
15. You will regret that so little traveled. Do not miss the opportunity to see the world!
16. Do not lose your childhood dream. Develop all their abilities and talents. Buries the talent in the ground - so prematurely bury themselves.
17. Do you regret that underestimate yourself. Treat yourself with respect, know his worth.
18. Do not give up, do not give up under any circumstances! Your efforts will not go in vain anyway.
19. Do you regret the fact that the material world was your significant spiritual. People are more important than things! In old age you desperately feel that wealth can not bring happiness. Cultivate your spirituality.
20. You will be in despair, he did not manage to say the most important to those who are not there. Do not put off until later.
Feel the transience of life. Moments go, they will not return. The only thing you can do - to give meaning to every moment of its existence. Live consciously think what to do, watch yourself. Then in old age you will not have to look back with regret - in your heart will reign harmony and true bliss. Believe me, the youth will take place rapidly ...
Remind your friends about how important it is to live your life responsibly. Wake up, be aware, live in the present!
via takprosto cc

1. Do not waste your life on the blank TV shows and serials. It's a lot of time, which will not return ever.
2. The virtual world should not be a real priority. Live this life! You've got one.
3. You will regret in old age how few have enjoyed the beauty of nature and the world. Watch, enjoy a nice, catchy bright moments.
4. Repentance, which will overtake you in old age is not correct that you neglected in his youth a healthy lifestyle. Cultivate good habits, take care of health.
5. Find out every day something new! Spend time on the knowledge of the infinite world, and you will become wise before strongly grow old.
6. Meet the dawn and see the sunset. These moments in old age you will be missed.
7. You'll be sorry about the mask that you wear every day. Be sincere, do not hide yourself from others. Do not lose yourself.
8. Stiffness and fear prevent you from living. Be bold, confident, avoid stereotyping. A vicious person is not able to taste life to the full, he's dead now.
9. Behave like a child, when you want it. Childhood - the best time in the life of any human being, even if he is already 40. admits childhood holiday in your life.
10. Do you regret that rarely saw friends. Learn to make friends, so you do not stay in their old age alone.
11. On the moments when you felt anger, envy and jealousy, you're going to regret very soon. Keep your soul light and clean, do not let the dark nature take precedence over your thoughts and actions.
12. You will regret how little expressed his love towards the closest people. Talk about their feelings and supports their actions!
13. More rejoice, laugh and be merry. Positive emotions prolong life.
14. Stop too seriously the opinions of others. Mistrust poisons your existence, refers to an event easier.

15. You will regret that so little traveled. Do not miss the opportunity to see the world!
16. Do not lose your childhood dream. Develop all their abilities and talents. Buries the talent in the ground - so prematurely bury themselves.
17. Do you regret that underestimate yourself. Treat yourself with respect, know his worth.
18. Do not give up, do not give up under any circumstances! Your efforts will not go in vain anyway.
19. Do you regret the fact that the material world was your significant spiritual. People are more important than things! In old age you desperately feel that wealth can not bring happiness. Cultivate your spirituality.
20. You will be in despair, he did not manage to say the most important to those who are not there. Do not put off until later.
Feel the transience of life. Moments go, they will not return. The only thing you can do - to give meaning to every moment of its existence. Live consciously think what to do, watch yourself. Then in old age you will not have to look back with regret - in your heart will reign harmony and true bliss. Believe me, the youth will take place rapidly ...
Remind your friends about how important it is to live your life responsibly. Wake up, be aware, live in the present!
via takprosto cc
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