Life in old age: why we are so afraid of the inevitable
Life under old age frightens many, although most of us are afraid not of old age itself, but even of thinking about it. Part of it is that we are frightened by the unknown. But how can we stop thinking about this period of life, which we all find gray, sad and very boring?
My usual tactic when something makes you very sad is to find something good in that aspect of life. What can be good in old age? A lot of things, really! For example, this is the period when you can finally not rush anywhere. And it is after 50 that people gain enough life experience to stop doing stupid things as often as they usually do in their youth.
Most of the bonuses of old age we get thanks to the accumulation of a huge amount of experience. Near the end of life, a person finds harmony with himself and already knows exactly what he wants. Values and priorities are changing. Mature people manage to worry much less about trifles and pay more attention to simple joys that are always nearby. A good sleep, for example, becomes worth its weight in gold.
When we are young, we often feel sad for no reason, but more often because of romantic nature. Maturity saves us from such sadness. Old people understand love differently. At this age, bodily joys fade into the background, and intimacy and friendship seem to be the most important. The ability to express your love in the right way gratitude, encouragement and timely praise They're very valuable. Mature personalities understand that the whole matter is not only and so much in bed pleasures. Simple touches can bring no less joy.
People in their 60s eventually have the opportunity to do everything they’ve always put off before. Read all the books you didn’t have time to read, or even travel actively. There is no work, which means that you do not need to take a vacation. Why not see the world?
Our thoughts about old age put much less pressure on us when we have some kind of plan. Of course, the main aspect of a quiet old age, full of opportunities, is the availability of money. As obvious and trivial as it may seem, saving money late in life is a great idea. People who have good amounts in savings accounts feel much more confident and calmer. They're not that scared of getting old.
Having money makes everything easier. For example, there’s a lot of anxiety about your health, because you know that you can cure almost anything right now, there would be finances. Women stop thinking too much about changes in appearance. Modern cosmetology is capable of real miracles with the availability of funds. By the way, over time, all these procedures become more accessible. If earlier correction of appearance could afford only stars, now these things have become very common among ordinary people.
I also often think about old age. I am really helped by active actions like earning and accumulating funds. But perhaps most of all it helps me to think right. I think that old age is inevitable. We all end up in the late stages of our lives in one way or another, so there’s no point in fighting or worrying about it. Yes, some aspects, such as changes in appearance and health, can not be avoided, but so what?
The moment I accepted the thoughts of inevitable old age, I became much easier to live. I stopped focusing on it and focused on something else. Like getting the most out of life right now. We need to live now, in this moment. Grief about the past and worry about the future only poison the joy of the present.
My usual tactic when something makes you very sad is to find something good in that aspect of life. What can be good in old age? A lot of things, really! For example, this is the period when you can finally not rush anywhere. And it is after 50 that people gain enough life experience to stop doing stupid things as often as they usually do in their youth.

Most of the bonuses of old age we get thanks to the accumulation of a huge amount of experience. Near the end of life, a person finds harmony with himself and already knows exactly what he wants. Values and priorities are changing. Mature people manage to worry much less about trifles and pay more attention to simple joys that are always nearby. A good sleep, for example, becomes worth its weight in gold.

When we are young, we often feel sad for no reason, but more often because of romantic nature. Maturity saves us from such sadness. Old people understand love differently. At this age, bodily joys fade into the background, and intimacy and friendship seem to be the most important. The ability to express your love in the right way gratitude, encouragement and timely praise They're very valuable. Mature personalities understand that the whole matter is not only and so much in bed pleasures. Simple touches can bring no less joy.

People in their 60s eventually have the opportunity to do everything they’ve always put off before. Read all the books you didn’t have time to read, or even travel actively. There is no work, which means that you do not need to take a vacation. Why not see the world?
Our thoughts about old age put much less pressure on us when we have some kind of plan. Of course, the main aspect of a quiet old age, full of opportunities, is the availability of money. As obvious and trivial as it may seem, saving money late in life is a great idea. People who have good amounts in savings accounts feel much more confident and calmer. They're not that scared of getting old.

Having money makes everything easier. For example, there’s a lot of anxiety about your health, because you know that you can cure almost anything right now, there would be finances. Women stop thinking too much about changes in appearance. Modern cosmetology is capable of real miracles with the availability of funds. By the way, over time, all these procedures become more accessible. If earlier correction of appearance could afford only stars, now these things have become very common among ordinary people.

I also often think about old age. I am really helped by active actions like earning and accumulating funds. But perhaps most of all it helps me to think right. I think that old age is inevitable. We all end up in the late stages of our lives in one way or another, so there’s no point in fighting or worrying about it. Yes, some aspects, such as changes in appearance and health, can not be avoided, but so what?

The moment I accepted the thoughts of inevitable old age, I became much easier to live. I stopped focusing on it and focused on something else. Like getting the most out of life right now. We need to live now, in this moment. Grief about the past and worry about the future only poison the joy of the present.
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