What will happen in the summer of 2024 and what astrologers warn
Making plans for the summer of 2024, it is charming to check the dates of activation of sinister stars. Ukrainian astrologer, numerologist and tarologist from Odessa Maria Kuzmenko warns: the holiday period will be really hot. What are these stars and how they are associated with the global cataclysm of the last century, read on.
Plans for the summer of 2024 You probably heard about the atypical for our latitudes of the Northern lights (or even could observe it). What does this celestial phenomenon say? In a recent video, the astrologer gave the answer to this question, and also spoke about three sinister stars that our ancestors feared. They will determine our destiny for the next 2 years.
First, let’s deal with the aurora. For the past 6 months, due to solar flares, we have observed it in many cities of Ukraine. The last time this happened was 165 years ago. At the same time, a rare astrological phenomenon took place. The sinister star Sheath, the beta constellation Pegasus, has joined with Neptune.
What happened in 1859? Earth was hit by the strongest solar superstorm in our history, known as the Carrington Event. A massive geomagnetic storm has knocked out telegraph systems across the United States and Western Europe. The energy of the ejection of charged particles and magnetized plasma on the Sun was equal to the explosion of 10 billion atomic bombs! Around the world, people have seen auroras – flashes of green and red.
We are now seeing similar solar activity, although the star Sheath and Neptune have not yet joined together. In 2024, this will happen between May 29 and August 6. Neptune is slow and at the same time will make a retrograde motion. This means that we are waiting for another 2 connections of stars on March 20 and November 11 in 2025 and one touch on January 9 – in 2026.
What would happen if the solar tsunami happened again? If the planet is hit again by the same powerful geomagnetic storm as it was 165 years ago, it could cause Internet disruption across the Earth.
The planet may be affected by power grid disruptions. Most likely, we will not be able to pay with cards in stores, because electronic payment systems will fail. ATMs that use satellite communications and the Internet will also stop working.
Due to satellite failures, GPS navigation systems will become useless. This could create serious problems for aircraft over the oceans. According to preliminary estimates of experts, a solar tsunami can cause damage in the amount of $ 2 billion. It will take 5-10 years to fully restore all systems. And you say, make plans for the summer of 2024.
The mysterious star Sheath is the messenger of change, but back to the mysterious star Sheath. Ancient peoples believed that the Northern Lights were its ominous radiation. In the summer of 2024, we will observe 2 more similar stars carrying dark energy. Her “colleagues” in pathologies – the star Aldebaran and Algol, known as the Head of the Gorgon Medusa – generate great catastrophes.
They are always present in the sky. But they are activated only when they connect to a slow planet that can be affected for a long time. All large-scale global cataclysms occurred at the time of activation of only one star from this trinity. But in the summer of 2024 we will face the strengthening of three stars at once. Neptune activates the star Sheath, Uranus Algol, and Jupiter Aldebaran.
Sheath will connect with Neptune in the last degree of the sign of Pisces, the symbol of the last drop in the cup of collective karma. Whether humanity will be able to rid itself of its sins or make them worse, time will tell.
Between 2024 and 2026, our collective consciousness will be targeted. People can believe in false ideas and crazy ideals. This is a time of triumph of man-made viruses and propaganda, storms, floods and large-scale soil pollution.
Algol and Aldebaran Algol are a dark star with demonic energy that generates global ills. We will feel its impact especially strongly from the last days of June to the middle of October 2024. From July 10 to July 17, 2024, the conjunction of Uranus with the star will strengthen Mars - a symbol of war. It carries an impulse of movement and growth, so we are waiting for a strong shake.
Aldebaran is the star of a great beginning, which triggers a series of disasters. Its impact will be felt from 4 to 10 July 2024.
Considering the set of dates of the exact conjunctions of planets with sinister stars, Maria Kuzmenko distinguishes a special period - from June 26 to August 20. At this time, the peak of the influence of celestial bodies on our planet.
Plans for the summer of 2024: the advice of an astrologer To protect yourself from shocks, at this time you should not start new projects. Especially when you need to register your start date. Otherwise, it will move along the vector of disasters. Take care of your safety and try to avoid ambiguous situations. Be prepared for anything, the astrologer insists. Because a shake-up is inevitable.
Since these celestial bodies will have a strong impact on the collective consciousness of humanity, it is important to be in close contact with your self. Don't panic! It will be useful to double-check information from several sources and maintain inner peace (meditation will help here).
Do you feel that global change is coming?

Plans for the summer of 2024 You probably heard about the atypical for our latitudes of the Northern lights (or even could observe it). What does this celestial phenomenon say? In a recent video, the astrologer gave the answer to this question, and also spoke about three sinister stars that our ancestors feared. They will determine our destiny for the next 2 years.
First, let’s deal with the aurora. For the past 6 months, due to solar flares, we have observed it in many cities of Ukraine. The last time this happened was 165 years ago. At the same time, a rare astrological phenomenon took place. The sinister star Sheath, the beta constellation Pegasus, has joined with Neptune.

What happened in 1859? Earth was hit by the strongest solar superstorm in our history, known as the Carrington Event. A massive geomagnetic storm has knocked out telegraph systems across the United States and Western Europe. The energy of the ejection of charged particles and magnetized plasma on the Sun was equal to the explosion of 10 billion atomic bombs! Around the world, people have seen auroras – flashes of green and red.
We are now seeing similar solar activity, although the star Sheath and Neptune have not yet joined together. In 2024, this will happen between May 29 and August 6. Neptune is slow and at the same time will make a retrograde motion. This means that we are waiting for another 2 connections of stars on March 20 and November 11 in 2025 and one touch on January 9 – in 2026.

What would happen if the solar tsunami happened again? If the planet is hit again by the same powerful geomagnetic storm as it was 165 years ago, it could cause Internet disruption across the Earth.
The planet may be affected by power grid disruptions. Most likely, we will not be able to pay with cards in stores, because electronic payment systems will fail. ATMs that use satellite communications and the Internet will also stop working.
Due to satellite failures, GPS navigation systems will become useless. This could create serious problems for aircraft over the oceans. According to preliminary estimates of experts, a solar tsunami can cause damage in the amount of $ 2 billion. It will take 5-10 years to fully restore all systems. And you say, make plans for the summer of 2024.

The mysterious star Sheath is the messenger of change, but back to the mysterious star Sheath. Ancient peoples believed that the Northern Lights were its ominous radiation. In the summer of 2024, we will observe 2 more similar stars carrying dark energy. Her “colleagues” in pathologies – the star Aldebaran and Algol, known as the Head of the Gorgon Medusa – generate great catastrophes.
They are always present in the sky. But they are activated only when they connect to a slow planet that can be affected for a long time. All large-scale global cataclysms occurred at the time of activation of only one star from this trinity. But in the summer of 2024 we will face the strengthening of three stars at once. Neptune activates the star Sheath, Uranus Algol, and Jupiter Aldebaran.

Sheath will connect with Neptune in the last degree of the sign of Pisces, the symbol of the last drop in the cup of collective karma. Whether humanity will be able to rid itself of its sins or make them worse, time will tell.
Between 2024 and 2026, our collective consciousness will be targeted. People can believe in false ideas and crazy ideals. This is a time of triumph of man-made viruses and propaganda, storms, floods and large-scale soil pollution.

Algol and Aldebaran Algol are a dark star with demonic energy that generates global ills. We will feel its impact especially strongly from the last days of June to the middle of October 2024. From July 10 to July 17, 2024, the conjunction of Uranus with the star will strengthen Mars - a symbol of war. It carries an impulse of movement and growth, so we are waiting for a strong shake.
Aldebaran is the star of a great beginning, which triggers a series of disasters. Its impact will be felt from 4 to 10 July 2024.
Considering the set of dates of the exact conjunctions of planets with sinister stars, Maria Kuzmenko distinguishes a special period - from June 26 to August 20. At this time, the peak of the influence of celestial bodies on our planet.

Plans for the summer of 2024: the advice of an astrologer To protect yourself from shocks, at this time you should not start new projects. Especially when you need to register your start date. Otherwise, it will move along the vector of disasters. Take care of your safety and try to avoid ambiguous situations. Be prepared for anything, the astrologer insists. Because a shake-up is inevitable.
Since these celestial bodies will have a strong impact on the collective consciousness of humanity, it is important to be in close contact with your self. Don't panic! It will be useful to double-check information from several sources and maintain inner peace (meditation will help here).
Do you feel that global change is coming?
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