6 Impressive TED Talks on How to Save Our Planet
The best TED Talks where scientists, writers and activists talk about the global environmental problems of the Earth and how to save our planet.
Whatever happens to the earth will happen to the children of the earth.
Indian wisdom
We decided to remember some of the best TEDTalks where scientists, writers and activists talked about the global environmental problems of the Earth and what humanity as a whole and each of us can do to prevent catastrophe. So we watch TED talks about how to save our planet, and we take action.
Paul Gilding: 'The Earth is full'
In his lecture, the famous writer and activist Paul Gilding talks about the lack of resources that humanity has almost exhausted, about the devastating consequences of human actions and what can save us and our planet.
Let me begin with two words that will describe the context of this week, two words that will describe our century. Here they are: The Earth is full. It's full of us, it's full of stuff, it's full of waste, it's full of our requests. Yes, we are a remarkable and creative species, but we have created too many things, so much that our economy is bigger than its host, our planet. This is not a philosophical statement, it is simply knowledge based on physics, chemistry and biology. There's a lot of science-based research on this, but they all come to the same conclusion: we're living beyond our means. Prominent scientists from the Global Footprint Network have calculated that we need about 1.5 Earths to support such an economy. In other words, to stay at the same level, we need 50% more Earth than we have. In financial terms, we spend 50 percent more than we earn, and we go deeper into debt every year. But of course, we can't borrow natural resources, so we burn through our capital, or steal from the future.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Paul Stamets: 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
Mycologist Paul Stamets talks about the era of widespread extinction on the planet, our similarity to fungi and six ways to use fungal mycellium to help our world.
I love challenges, and saving planet Earth is probably one of them. We all know that the Earth is in danger. We have now entered the sixth, the sixth, massive extinction on this planet. I've often imagined that if there was a United Organization of Organisms, known as the O-O, and every organism had a say, would our presence on or off the planet be chosen? I think this vote is happening right now.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Jonathan Foley: "Another uncomfortable truth"
Jonathan Foley on the disproportionately high demand for food, the irreparable harm agriculture is doing to the planet's climate and why we desperately need a "culture of the Earth" and new agriculture. What an amazing lecture. What is the story of the Aral Sea, which we, the people, almost destroyed, thereby causing an ecological catastrophe?
We already use about 50 percent of the available fresh water on Earth, and agriculture alone uses 70 percent of that water. We spend a lot of water and land on agriculture. But we also use our atmosphere to do that. When we think about the atmosphere, we think about climate change and greenhouse gases, and mostly energy, but it turns out that agriculture is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gases. If you calculate how much carbon dioxide is released from burning rainforests, or methane from raising cows and growing rice, or nitrous oxide from huge amounts of fertilizer, it turns out that agriculture emits about 30% of the greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. That’s more than all of our transportation combined. More than all the electricity. More than any other industry. It is the world’s single largest source of greenhouse gases from human activity. And we still barely talk about it.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Brita Riley: "The garden in my apartment"
Brita Riley, who started the Window Farmers movement, believes that each of us can improve the environment on our own. There can be many ways, but for herself she chose home gardening, which is suitable for any apartment. With friends and associates from around the world, Brita has developed a unique system for growing plants in used plastic bottles.
A couple of years ago, I read an article by Michael Pollan in the New York Times in which he argued that even partially growing our food at home is one of the best ways to sustain the environment. But I was reading this in the middle of winter, and I didn't want to make any dirt in my New York apartment. So I decided to stop by the next issue of Wired to see how experts are going to solve these problems for us in the future. But that's exactly what Michael Pollan said in his article -- that the moment we shift responsibility for all of these things to professionals, we're causing the very mess that we see in the food system.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Tristram Stewart: "The outrageous statistics of food waste"
Activist, author of Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal and organizer of Feeding the 5000 Tristram Stewart talks about how most Western countries throw away almost half of their food just because it looks unattractive. The statistics and data on food discarded around the world, which Tristram says, are shocking and make you think about responsible food.
One morning, while I was feeding pigs, I noticed an appetizing loaf of tomato bread. Sometimes I've come across this. I took it, sat down and had breakfast with the pigs. (Laughter) This was the first manifestation of what is called freeganism, as I later learned. It's a denunciation of the irrational waste of food, and a suggestion to solve the problem of sitting down and eating food instead of throwing it away. This phenomenon began to counteract the large companies that make money by destroying food, and, more importantly, began to inform people that often discarded products are not spoiled or expired. We are talking about good and fresh food, thrown away in huge quantities.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Michael Pritchard and his filter that turns dirty water into drinking water
Among the pressing problems of the Earth is water pollution. And this is the problem that humanity has created, and this is the problem that humanity now needs to solve. Yes, not all, but a huge part of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. Fortunately, there are enthusiasts who do not close their eyes to this and try to make a possible contribution to changing the current situation. Engineer Michael Pritchard invented Lifesaver, a portable filter that turns the dirtiest water into drinking water in seconds. This is the first demonstration of his unique creation.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Video source: TED
20 things you don’t have to spend money on
14 TED Talks for Those Who Suffer from Fatigue and Creative Burnout
As you can see, we all have something to think about. Of course, there are problems that can only be solved at the government level, but these TEDTalks show that each of us, if we want to, can take care of our big home, planet Earth, and contribute to the preservation of the environment. Otherwise, we're waiting. It is worth recalling the words of the writer Sally Gardner:
If humanity is smart enough to destroy itself, at least rats and cockroaches will have front-row tickets to a play in which nature takes back the Earth.published
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Source: monocler.ru/ko-dnyu-zemli-6-udivitelnyih-lektsiy-ted-o-tom-kak-spasti-nashu-planetu/
Whatever happens to the earth will happen to the children of the earth.
Indian wisdom
We decided to remember some of the best TEDTalks where scientists, writers and activists talked about the global environmental problems of the Earth and what humanity as a whole and each of us can do to prevent catastrophe. So we watch TED talks about how to save our planet, and we take action.
Paul Gilding: 'The Earth is full'
In his lecture, the famous writer and activist Paul Gilding talks about the lack of resources that humanity has almost exhausted, about the devastating consequences of human actions and what can save us and our planet.
Let me begin with two words that will describe the context of this week, two words that will describe our century. Here they are: The Earth is full. It's full of us, it's full of stuff, it's full of waste, it's full of our requests. Yes, we are a remarkable and creative species, but we have created too many things, so much that our economy is bigger than its host, our planet. This is not a philosophical statement, it is simply knowledge based on physics, chemistry and biology. There's a lot of science-based research on this, but they all come to the same conclusion: we're living beyond our means. Prominent scientists from the Global Footprint Network have calculated that we need about 1.5 Earths to support such an economy. In other words, to stay at the same level, we need 50% more Earth than we have. In financial terms, we spend 50 percent more than we earn, and we go deeper into debt every year. But of course, we can't borrow natural resources, so we burn through our capital, or steal from the future.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Paul Stamets: 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
Mycologist Paul Stamets talks about the era of widespread extinction on the planet, our similarity to fungi and six ways to use fungal mycellium to help our world.
I love challenges, and saving planet Earth is probably one of them. We all know that the Earth is in danger. We have now entered the sixth, the sixth, massive extinction on this planet. I've often imagined that if there was a United Organization of Organisms, known as the O-O, and every organism had a say, would our presence on or off the planet be chosen? I think this vote is happening right now.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Jonathan Foley: "Another uncomfortable truth"
Jonathan Foley on the disproportionately high demand for food, the irreparable harm agriculture is doing to the planet's climate and why we desperately need a "culture of the Earth" and new agriculture. What an amazing lecture. What is the story of the Aral Sea, which we, the people, almost destroyed, thereby causing an ecological catastrophe?
We already use about 50 percent of the available fresh water on Earth, and agriculture alone uses 70 percent of that water. We spend a lot of water and land on agriculture. But we also use our atmosphere to do that. When we think about the atmosphere, we think about climate change and greenhouse gases, and mostly energy, but it turns out that agriculture is one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gases. If you calculate how much carbon dioxide is released from burning rainforests, or methane from raising cows and growing rice, or nitrous oxide from huge amounts of fertilizer, it turns out that agriculture emits about 30% of the greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere as a result of human activities. That’s more than all of our transportation combined. More than all the electricity. More than any other industry. It is the world’s single largest source of greenhouse gases from human activity. And we still barely talk about it.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Brita Riley: "The garden in my apartment"
Brita Riley, who started the Window Farmers movement, believes that each of us can improve the environment on our own. There can be many ways, but for herself she chose home gardening, which is suitable for any apartment. With friends and associates from around the world, Brita has developed a unique system for growing plants in used plastic bottles.
A couple of years ago, I read an article by Michael Pollan in the New York Times in which he argued that even partially growing our food at home is one of the best ways to sustain the environment. But I was reading this in the middle of winter, and I didn't want to make any dirt in my New York apartment. So I decided to stop by the next issue of Wired to see how experts are going to solve these problems for us in the future. But that's exactly what Michael Pollan said in his article -- that the moment we shift responsibility for all of these things to professionals, we're causing the very mess that we see in the food system.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Tristram Stewart: "The outrageous statistics of food waste"
Activist, author of Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal and organizer of Feeding the 5000 Tristram Stewart talks about how most Western countries throw away almost half of their food just because it looks unattractive. The statistics and data on food discarded around the world, which Tristram says, are shocking and make you think about responsible food.
One morning, while I was feeding pigs, I noticed an appetizing loaf of tomato bread. Sometimes I've come across this. I took it, sat down and had breakfast with the pigs. (Laughter) This was the first manifestation of what is called freeganism, as I later learned. It's a denunciation of the irrational waste of food, and a suggestion to solve the problem of sitting down and eating food instead of throwing it away. This phenomenon began to counteract the large companies that make money by destroying food, and, more importantly, began to inform people that often discarded products are not spoiled or expired. We are talking about good and fresh food, thrown away in huge quantities.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Michael Pritchard and his filter that turns dirty water into drinking water
Among the pressing problems of the Earth is water pollution. And this is the problem that humanity has created, and this is the problem that humanity now needs to solve. Yes, not all, but a huge part of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water. Fortunately, there are enthusiasts who do not close their eyes to this and try to make a possible contribution to changing the current situation. Engineer Michael Pritchard invented Lifesaver, a portable filter that turns the dirtiest water into drinking water in seconds. This is the first demonstration of his unique creation.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
Video source: TED
20 things you don’t have to spend money on
14 TED Talks for Those Who Suffer from Fatigue and Creative Burnout
As you can see, we all have something to think about. Of course, there are problems that can only be solved at the government level, but these TEDTalks show that each of us, if we want to, can take care of our big home, planet Earth, and contribute to the preservation of the environment. Otherwise, we're waiting. It is worth recalling the words of the writer Sally Gardner:
If humanity is smart enough to destroy itself, at least rats and cockroaches will have front-row tickets to a play in which nature takes back the Earth.published
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Source: monocler.ru/ko-dnyu-zemli-6-udivitelnyih-lektsiy-ted-o-tom-kak-spasti-nashu-planetu/